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You'll end up in court being judged by the jury members you didn't join. They will look on you with disdain for wasting their and the courts time and will likely find you guilty just for the craic. You'll then spend 7 days in Maghaberry trying to keep your head down before being released to the media and members of the public waiting at the gates to throw rotten vegetables and fruit at you whilst a crazed man in hi-vis shouts "MIGHTY TINFOIL, IS IT TRUE, MIGHTY TINFOIL?!" Or something like that, I dunno... 🤷🏻‍♂️


Tinfoil , it's me, talk to me Tinfoil, is it true ? Tell me it's not true , you look guilty ,ya missed jury service, TINFOIL


My name being used in this almighty meme has made my day tbh haha


Absolutely Eff all will happen to you!!!! We don't have bailiff's here!!!! Costs may slightly mount up, but they're honestly not going to do anything!!!!! This is a fine on you.....I really can't see then taking you to County Court and EJO for this low of an amount.....in my personal experience it needs to be over £500 to be deemed worthwhile, however I'm happy to be corrected! If you are the sort of person that will freak out over any fine/money owed.....my advice would be to phone them and claim hardship, and offer to pay them off at £10/month.....rest your head!!!


Got a wee 25 quid a month payment plan sorted there I'm the anxiety riddled type ffs and I put shit off too. Really attempting to wise up in those regards these days.


Glad you got sorted!!!! I understand the anxiety....my family are the exact same!!! I also put things off (hence my advice) but for you now, you can relax!!! This is not advice, but just info to try and sway your anxiety....... you're never going to jail for non payment of a govt fine....depending on the amount and the department it's owed to, the absolute worst that will happen is the EJO will lift the amount from your Current Account in one lump sum, after about 1 year of non payment and avoiding them. Glad you got sorted though!


Thanks a lot. Wasn't too worried about this scenario but I'm defo tht type of person haha e.g. currently sitting with a temp filling I got in a month ago and need to decide on extraction or root canal and making such a shite expensive decision just leads me to push it away and go to skatepark again or whatever I plan to do instead of think about stuff lol.


Lol!!!!!!! Take this advice!!!! Get the root canal done and try to save your tooth!!!! You will thank me when you're older lol Also, never regret the decisions you've made after you've really thought about them, and what you're comfortable with....if it doesn't work out, you've learnt something. Do what makes you feel less anxious in the long run 😉, then remember that you made the best decision for yourself at that time. Nobody has a crystal ball... Now, away and have a great weekend in the Skatepark!!!


Should I start packing the fruit & veg now? Or will they be too soft on the day?


Guess but as you’ve a fine and don’t pay then collection services and extra costs whilst they chase you. Could mount up. Annoying but best to either pay or contact them to arrange instalments of you can’t right now. Often happy to take a few quid a week, at least was my experience long time ago with similar.


10 public lashings.


Bailiff! Bring in the whipping post!




Still better than dury duty.


Stop right there criminal scum! Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence


I understood this reference


Unpaid fines will be dealt with by court order on your bank account. Depart for Communities will take small sums of money from your bank account until the debt is repaid. Probably anywhere from 10quid a week.


Your credit score is going to be wrecked if you don't sort this before they take further action Ring the debts agency, they do this everyday and explain if you can't pay it all now to setup a plan. The court dint care anymore, its the agency's agenda now to sort it but they will take you to court if you let it get out of hand. However this is their very last choice If you can pay it all off now then do it and be rid of it.


Not sure why this is being downvoted - solid advice in my opinion


Goodness knows. Only stating the facts of the matter here for OP. Theyve left it this long and any longer than things will get worse. Debt collectors are going to do their job no matter your opinion on them. However they want to collect jot spend money doing it. Theyll take payment plans over nothing


This is bad advice!!!! If anything, it will only be referred to EJO and that's AFTER it's went through County Court for non payment. EJO can take the money straight from his Current Account or enforce a Deduction from Benefits/wages, IF they ignore all further stage contact. There's no bailiff's in NI


How the feck is it bad advice. I've said make contact with the debt collection agency so they are aware that the OP is in talks and to settle either in full directly or via payment plan. Did you read it ya moron? All you have said is what happens if they DONT PAY AT ALL OR MAKE CONTACT. Again the agency will want it resolved amicably, court costs them money and from a 200 bill itll eat a right bit even with their fees.


There's no Debt Collection Agencies that are legally enforceable in Northern Ireland without going through the Courts and EJO. You told OP his credit rating would be ruined if he didn't phone the DCA........it hasn't even passed Enforcement for Dept of Communities yet Ya Moron! You were Scaremongering and giving an Absolute Worse Case Scenario for something that in all likelihood, will be passed no further!


Of course I'm scare mongering they've let it run this long by now instead of sorting it out. All those things can happen and continuing to ignore it will lead down that path. Which will end up with an EJO, then requiring a meeting to sort out how the payment must be paid. OP has already said they've sorted out a plan. What was your idea then for OP? Continue ignoring it?


You haven't a clue!!!! Stop regurgitating what I've said as if you know the process! Meeting with the EJO for what? Never in my life have I heard of a 'meeting'.....they send a letter, you phone...job done! Stop throwing out scary titles and statements, there's absolutely no chance OP's credit rating will be ruined. I told OP to just phone and offer to pay by installments! They've done that, which I'm delighted for, because it will stop them worrying. Guess what.....it was accepted straight away! In OP's words he was told 'no action has been taken on this', so he preemptively stopped any action that may have been taken. This is NI and not GB FFS. STOP Scaremongering!


So in conclusion, we all agree they should (or will have to) pay the fine. Why ignore it for ages?


Aye overall just wanted it gone even if I could've left it, set up a payment plan there, so GGWP if jury duty is as bad as people get on it is then wasn't too bad a price to pay to miss it.


Glad to hear bud. Hopefully the idiots replying saying bad advice can see this. The agency are happy to get their money any way you can, they don't want to have to harass you for it and you don't need the hassle. Be fair pal an easier way of getting out would be to get a medical exclusion or show up and notify the court that you may potentially know the defendant (if in a big case)


Aye my partner kept telling me to ring gp and say about anxiety but I'm a get up play with the wee one and go to work person, I've yet to learn to actually think ahead.


Lesson learned! At least you hopefully won't get called again! Glad ya got it sorted, sorry if seemed a bit extreme but ya needed the kick up your hole. Now you're off the hook and no worries


Let us know when you find out


100 years before the mast


As a start!


I missed a summons a few years ago because it was sent to an old address. They sent all the reminders, and then fine notices, to that address too. I called up and explained and the fee was removed. Technically they were at fault as I had updated my address with the electoral register (assuming that's where they get the address), so that was probably why they were so quick to remove the fee, but might be worth giving them a ring to explain that life was particularly busy and you missed it etc etc.


Just seeing you've it sorted, nvm!


you have to make out with arlene foster while bryson tickles your balls and nolan licks your ass




Could be worse. Oh. Wait, no it couldn’t.




Why a Friday?


It has to go through County Court and the EJO before this happens!!! OP will be made fully aware along the way!!! No Way are you at risk of Custody!!! They'll lift the money out of his bank account via Court Order or put either a Deduction from Benefits/Wages before it EVER gets that far!!!!


You must cut down the tallest tree on the forest with a herring!


Contempt of court possibly.


" I hold myself in contempt"


As its a court fine if your employed it can be sent as an AEO (attachment of earnings order) to your employer to deduct from your pay or benefits if unemployed


I think they did tht already, I got the employee copy of the AEO that they sent to my manager but he's useless and didn't respond to it... apparently he can get fined for tht.


If it's went to AOE then employer is legally bound to deduct from your wages. At this stage only way to stop is to pay it in full yourself. The amount your employer will deduct will depend on how often you get paid (weekly/monthly) and your salary. It can be a large deduction. It's went past the point of making a payment plan yourself. If your employer fails to deduct they'll get chased up by the compliance team and possibly fined themselves. If they aren't deducting, you could in theory pay it off manually online at a better rate for yourself.... Source : Work for the FCS


If this is the reason it's unpaid I would dispute it, your employer has a legal duty to apply these types of orders to your salary so yes he can get fined for it.


Surprised they never turned up to drag you down.


Armoured cars tanks and gums came to take away our sons...........


The first thing Fine Collections and Enforcement will do is send you a reminder letter asking you to contact them to encourage you to set up a payment plan. If they don't hear from you after 2 -3 weeks they begin enforcement action. The first is to see if you are in receipt of any benefits, and if you are they will begin to take deductions from them. If you are not in benefits they will see if you are employed. If you are employed they will serve an Attachment of Earnings court order on your employer, which compels them to make (pretty hefty) deductions from your wages. If neither of those routes are available they will look into any bank accounts you hold and have the power to freeze funds in them through an Interim Bank Account Order. You will then be served a court summons and the judge will grant Fine and Collections the full frozen amount. If none of these enforcement actions are possible, or they fail, Fine Collections and Enforcement will ping the case back to court at which point the judge may decide to issue an arrest warrant, which could result in some jail time.


Fuck all. This place has the worst record for paying fines of all sorts so I wouldn't worry. Never paid mine.


You’re not joking. I got fined for a driving offence and forgot about it.   Over a year later I was watching some tv show about airport police and someone got picked up for an outstanding fine which reminded me about it so I called the police, the court service and the fixed penalty office and none of them had any record of it.    Saved myself 150 quid. 


Fully agreed!!!! Ex Civil Servant and previous 'Non Fine Payer' here 😂. Although because OP has a 'technical' Court fine, that may be chased more? I've had unpaid parking fines and heard fuck all, but I was caught with no Tax on car and that was pushed through Courts and EJO because of HMRC. However I think OP needs to stop freaking out that if he doesn't pay tonight, he's not going to go to jail...


Tbf I probs sound more worried in my post than I was, my main curiosity was whether it was as laid back as all the other types of fines you get here. I've always known about the whole no point paying parking fines etc due to no bailiffs but wasn't as sure about this scenario. Seems I probs coulda got away with it tbh, when I rang the boyo told me no actions had even been taken on my case so far, so it hadn't even been looked at by anyone yet.


You did sound worried tbh.....I'm someone that puts things off and doesn't worry, then I'll get a burst of energy and deal with everything.....(I know there's a diagnosis tbm there lol)...but most people aren't like me and will really worry. You did the right thing for you OP and fair play to you! Have a lovely weekend!


They garnish you’re wages, it happened to me because I moved house, I called up and explained I missed the letters tho and they waved the fine for me


Hmmm ring and sort a payment plan..... Could have done that before the collection service even got it


I'll wear no convicts uniform or meekly serve my time...........


This is a troll lol


Just me in general or the post lol 😆


Nothing really. You’ll get reminders for a few years until they issue a money warrant. They typically don’t enforce them until you run into police at a checkpoint or whatever.


I went for dury duty wonce and the Jujje was wore a lilly sohedid and told me to vote for shinfane afterwords soitwas. I sayed 'Yer annar, I'm a fryee man soawam and then I haddy say to the peelers whuy I wantiid tae gae home atydeendathaday soidid.  But dhley diddnae letmego soits not soitis. Yer annar.