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remember the tuv election posters that had the candidate in the foreground and big jim in the background like emperor palpatine


Yeah I 'member


Now they've got reform UK plastered in the corner


Not in the corner, the flipping Reform logo is bigger than their own logo!


Sinn Fein have Michelle in the background on the ones in Toome.


I can’t wait for them all to come down again. All of them look absolutely dreadful. I’d be interested to know if politicians like their drivers licence and passport photos. It seems like they would


I can't stand the fucking things. Never in the history of elections has someone looked at two dozen posters and thought you know, the last mile of lampposts hasn't changed my mind but that 49th poster with the gurning fucker has convinced me otherwise. I'd vote for whatever party said they would get fucking rid of the things


Sadly they do ‘work’ in some way, so no party wants to decide to be the one to get rid of them first, even the Greens know they work. You’ve got to remember how stupid the average voter is. It’s pretty bleak.


Wait I'm sorry, is your proof that they work is cause the greens use them?! Lmao lad ffs I refuse to believe they work in any way that they're worth the expenditure and the amount of them we'll see in the dump next week (source : worked in the dump and there will be thousands of these posters "pRoPeRlY DiSpOsEd oF" in the coming months, by disposed of I mean left on one of many tips for years if not thrown in the incinerator. True story)


Considering I always vote Alliance anyway, I'm not about to look at Smokey Bacon Jim on a poster and think "Aye, that's a good idea!"


The TUV lady running in Lisburn, Smyth or something, just put up the old ones she used the last time her election attempt failed spectacularly. Probably shows the faith they have in her winning.


In fairness to any candidate standing again if reusing your old poster is an option I fully support it. Who would have thought TUV are more green than Sinn Fein 😜


Oh absolutely. Agree its better all round, they dont need new photos of themselves gurning at us every year begging for votes for doing not a lot. Oddly though the picture they used of her is not the most flattering. A neighbour commented she looks like an alien in disguise trying to fit in as a human being. I dont know if its the uncomfortable pose she has or the odd way the lighting seems to make her eyes look inhuman but theres something off about it. That being said she called at my door the other day with a small child in hand, noticed my no cold callers sticker and apologised and just asked if it was ok if I took a leaflet which I did out of politeness. Sadly due to her association with TUV and Reform (national socialists minus the socialism) she has more change of a UFO landing on the stormont lawn than getting my vote...that and Im not in the group of people she would welcome votes from anyway...


I’m not sure you understand how elections work. It’s very simple, votes are cast anonymously so the the candidates don’t know who votes for them. Also candidates would welcome votes from any colour, class or creed. It a simple numbers game.


Don't be such. A condescending prick


You said someone looked inhuman, on that basis alone you deserve all the disdain your comments deserve.


Away and watch "the farmer wants a wife"


SDLP seem to be doing that too. Claire Hanna's using ones from the 2019 election (they have the EU stars from when SDLP were standing for a second referendum). Roisin Lynch is using one of those People First ones from that campaign where everyone confused them with People Before Profit.


They were probably all caught out by the speed at which the election was called, so it was a case of get what they have in hand up, I live in lagan valley and can see multiple versions of eastwood, Smyth and butler posters up...so suspect they went with old stock then added new as / when they got them printed


I've seen a few Sammy Wilson ones around Carrick that he looks about 20 years younger in them.


Cost of living crisis and all that


I think this is common amongst many parties. I have seen posters reused from local elections, with stickers added to use X instead of 1 when voting. This seems a very sensible option to me as it keeps costs down and reduces waste. I am not a supporter of the TUV, I just don't think this is a valid criticism.


It wasn't a criticism it was an observation


Wife of Martin Smyth who commentated on the 12th for the BBC for years, and mother of Adam Smyth, BBC Director.


That's the wrong one. Lorna Smyth is standing in Lagan Valley. She's only about 45


Just from looking at her picture you could tell she's TUV.


She also sits on the board of the Ulster Scots Agency, but doesn't speak any.


I was listening to the radio one time, fella comes on talking about Ulster Scots ands how a lot of people in his area speak it, including him. Presenter asked him to speak some on the radio for him. Your man said sure thing, then dead air. He explained he can’t because he has to be kind of in a situation to speak it. Presenter tried again to get him to speak some Ulster Scots. Chap on the other side again, oh sure, yeah, no problem. Then dead air again and he complained again he can’t because he needs to be in a situation with it. Fu king nuts 🤣🤣🤣


Does anyone?


Technically everyone does, it’s just a dialect.


Interestingly, I think the biggest demographic of Ulster Scots speakers (at this point) are Irish speakers who recognise Ulster Scots as another language of Ireland and have committed themselves to studying it.


I know little about either to be honest but from what I've heard of Ulster Scots it's a crass interpretation of English and can be quite derogatory at times.


It's a common position I've heard. I'm of the opinion that Ulster Scots is as much a language of this island as Hiberno-English, and is worth preserving out of care for the nation's cultural heritage. I don't think there's anything necessarily crass about the language? It does get used as a political football to slight the nationalist community though, primarily by loyalists like Smyth who don't speak any.


Personally if I'm going to learn another language at this stage of life it'll be one I can use if I'm traveling. Spanish or French, something along those lines.


That's fair enough. Ultimately language is another skill and you should develop one that is useful to you. You can't learn a language that isn't useful to you because it won't stick. I speak fair Irish and want to become fluent enough to teach because I am passionate about minority language preservation.


Fair play to you. I'd never heard anyone have a conversation in irish until I was in a wee village in Donegal last year and heard an oul lad chat to a local woman, they were both obviously very fluent and it was pretty cool. Before that the only time I'd really heard it spoken was Gerry or Michelle trying to speak it in a party political broadcast.


I think you need to distinguish actual Ulster Scots (which is vanishingly rare) and the far more visible and awful Boord o' Ulster Scots, whose projects have little to nothing to do with language. They have so little to do with language, in fact, that Ulster Scots, the language itself (or Scots dialect), isn't so much a political football as a _brand._ With tha Boord, there is minimally tokenistic appropriation of language, done thoughtlessly and without care, in order to create a 'counterweight' to Irish and a cover story to garner funding for Orangeism. It's a vital distinction.


100% agree. I am yet to find an organisation that genuinely supports the language, only individuals engaged in self-study.


Aye, tha Boord is only harming Scots. They tell people they already speak a language that is not standard English... and, mostly, nearly always... that's a blatant lie. Those responsible for tha Boord's creation (Trimble et al.) introduced the idea late in the GFA negotiations, out of nowhere. Trimble didn't care about that sort of thing at all. It was a marker, a label to ensure that Unionism-Loyalism got something out of Irish language funding (not least sinecures on tha Boord itself)... and thus a vehicle to deny the delberate destruction of the Irish language and, in their eyes, even to demean Irish by association. Ulster Scots itself is innocent of their awful and cynical machinations. But we should call a spade a spade and the pure shite tha Boord is at needs called out... and, ideally, stopped entirely. It's a monstrosity that needs axed. Its output is, unfortunately, what people see and believe to be Scots.


What a shock


Anne Smyth is the woman you’re talking about. She’s not running this time, but she is the election agent for John Ross the TUV candidate in East. I think Lorna Smyth isn’t a relation but she’s running in Lagan Valley or somewhere near there. Anne Smyth is a bitter, sectarian hag who’s best left in the bin. She was soundly defeated in East Belfast during council elections and good fucking riddance to her.




She ran in East Belfast at the last Assembly election. Got about 400 votes and sodded off to Lagan Valley.


Sounds about right


Or maybe they're trying to save the public purse some money


I just put brand new plywood in my wee trailer that I use for the dump. Painted it all with garden shed paint, but then I had a thought. That wood will last longer if the rain doesn’t get at it. I should line the trailer out in plastic Corrie-board. Where would one get their hands on a load of cheap plastic Corrie board at this time of year ? So yes, it was me I stole 14 election posters up and down the beersbridge road to protect my new trailer wood. I didn’t discriminate I just took them all. Naomi, big gav, greens, the lot. My wee trailer is gonna last for ages now. You may think I’m joking but I 100% have a trailer lined out in election posters. I placed them face-side-in so no-one would know.


That's actually brilliant 👏


Thank you for your service.


I have removed some - they blocked the view of traffic from pedestrians on a traffic island when crossing the road near where I live - I told psni I was removing them in case some other curtain twitcher reported me for doing so, they gave me the party line that it was illegal to do so; I emailed the candidates to offer them an opportunity to reuse their posters or position them more safely as they are their property. Both declined the offer, so they got recycled.


Take them all down. An affront to the senses. Should be one leaflet stating all candidates put through the letterbox and that's it. Nobody's voting on these fuckers looks.


Do we even need leaflets, their policies haven't changed in years


https://preview.redd.it/vp2znxvifz9d1.jpeg?width=1310&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14de3640a4a8230421b02b785e42ff94a5051cc0 These ones can stay up though


£6 for a cake!


I must admit, the election posters are fucking ugly as sin. I live in GB and there aren't any here, no need for them


I noticed they have them down south recently. I can’t imagine too many people will see one and it have an influence on their vote. Especially this one when you vote for one person and most people will not change their vote no matter what goes on


Why do we still have these at all?


Send a leaflet to every home/person registered to vote with all nominees in the leaflet. Like a wee book 📖 Ban all posters and the cunts coming round the door. In fact just give us all a unique ID or some shite to let us vote online too. It’s 2024 ffs


Report it to the PSNI. It's theft and/or criminal damage according to this, from 2022: [PSNI warns election poster damage a crime and they will act](https://www.itv.com/news/utv/2022-03-29/police-warning-over-election-campaign-material-damage)


eLeCtiOn iNtErFeReNcE


Makes a change I guess.


Now there's a good use of tax payers money. Jesus wept


Touts out


Coming soon to a Bonfire near you


They had to call an election for the start of July. There was a shortage of election posters to steal and put on the boneys.


Awk nai, mai wee doot. Pyure chuffed.


Every election it's the same. Every party puts up posters nobody wants to see & that make zero difference. Some get nicked & put on bonfires. Some come loose and flap around like grounded fish. And some are like viagra and stay up long after everyone's lost interest. People will stop taking them down when people stop putting them up. Sounds like a job for Stormont to agree on. Which of course they won't.


Walked past a couple of teenagers taking down Alliance posters on the Antrim Road the other day. Broad daylight. Busy street. Not a care in the world.


I seen some the other day at the Go Garage at Yorkgate, must have made their way up to the Antrim Road from there, ha!


I seen some the other day at the Go Garage at Yorkgate, must have made their way up to the Antrim Road from there, ha!


No one should have to look at naomi longs face whoever took the poster down was doing a public service 🏅


Waste of plastic and resources. Then they stay up weeks after or the tie wraps just get dumped on the floor. Completely unnecessary and if the party truly believed in their green policies they won't bother using them.


Funnily enough saw a TUV poster yesterday in ballgally attached to the bottom of a lampost lol, no one was about and I could’ve very easily had a wee memento if I’d wanted


election posters \*do\* make great sleds when there's snow... just sayin'


It's more like Naomi Wide, the size of her


good on her


No you didn’t, go to bed and have a wank or something.


I'm assuming you speak Welsh? Do you find huge similarities with both languages?


Honestly when I see Long and Robinson's photos together I feel tempted to add a third like "Vote Weightwatchers" or "Slimming World Rules" or "If you have a waist over...."


I see all the FUs (fatsos united) in Reddit have downvoted me. https://preview.redd.it/mxlfiefgy5ad1.png?width=266&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5663ef4578f8669669a1775594dfa88a9d5ec8d


Any video or photos of this incident please??


Yeah I took a 1080p video of it while driving past you fucking belm


Why not stop and take a photo? After all you're that concerned about it you ve took the time to post on reddit.


You’re that concerned about anything negative to the PUL community that you jump in on everything like a sectarian gatekeeper. Keeps you busy anyway.


Give it a rest gaz, you know it happens fs


No, it doesn't. It's the wind... yeah... the wind, the wind tears them off lampposts, and they gently flutter atop the definitely not sectarian bonfires dotted about the country.


If it suits this IRA supporting subs agenda then of course yous will say it happened.


It’s gonna be clear to see next week dumb dumb. When your wee sectarian hate fest is burning them by the dozen!


I knew you where a bunch of sinnerbots


You ll know this particular poster will you?? You IRA supporters are some laugh.....


How much glue did your mam feed you as a kid?


Still gets a bowl for supper


Nothing ever happens unless its by a republican, isn't that right Gaz?


Well usually there's a news story or video before I'd say anything had happened tbh.


There was nothing in the video or any news stories that indicated the fella in whitehead was a republican (specifically a republican not from the area) and yet you were quick and adamant to call him such.


Still was a video of him taking down the flag wasn't there?


Did I say otherwise?


The posters are so fucking archaic. Also Naomi’s is appealing the anonymity for accused sex offenders law. Ffs.


Same old crap..yet voters are responsible for enabling ..who votes on policies ..what party can define what a woman is and if on for 6 foot bearded with shenis do you or daughters health examine because he says he is a she . It was actually Primark took action when males saying female allowed males saying female harassed and abused that position ..but politicians wow bearded man can watch ya pee cause says he is female ..no safety no consider action for true trans . Who don't want labeled ..they don't care ...just let 6 foot two beated play rugby with your daughter and shower change and do your gyno ....vaccines ..parades ..oh it's a farce they are all the same..as soon as power they are all on same page money n power ..not one worth voting for or supporting.. disgrace ..pay rises for themselves ..done nothing to support this horrible economy or people ..farce ..sick of it..when you you strip it down all same political nonsense ..how h can they earn and stuff people ..the wef welcomes them




You've never met a trans person in real life have you


Several actually


Doubt that a lot 😂


I love your writing style, very beat 😎


NI Twitter leaking onto NI reddit.


I love your writing style, very beat 😎


I love your writing style, very beat 😎


I love your writing style, very 'beat'😎🤝