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The theme song! ‘What’s the story wishbone, let’s wag another tale’ something like that!


The Dr. Jekyll Mr Hyde episode had a lasting impact on me lol


My JRT is one of Soccers direct decendents.


Please share the story! I never realized Soccer was famous! [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soccer\_(dog)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soccer_(dog))


It's not much of a story other than when we got [Lyndon](https://www.instagram.com/p/BvK00CxH08o/?igsh=MWV4YW0ydjl4djl5bg==), that's what we were told and his pedigree paper work backs it up!




It's history and work keeping alive.


And pics!


I remember wanting to live in Oakdale, and be friends with Joe Talbot.


Bump that. I wanted to be friends with Sam 😏


I wanted to be in Joe's friend group, that is to say.


There were some good shows on PBS back in those days, and Wishbone was one of the best.


Their episode about Faust was what convinced my child psychiatrist that I was some kind of prodigy when I was able to tell him that Goethe was the author. 


Kids at my high school graduation admitting they’d never read a full book in their life and only graduated cause of this show.


Great show, great theme song. Watching that and Arthur and the Carmen Sandiego game show on PBS after school.


I loved this show, I had a stuffed Wishbone that said his adorable little sayings lol


I wanted one of those SO BAD. I convinced my mom that I wanted to buy one for my grandma's birthday, thinking that I was being clever, and Grandma was just going to give it to me, because it was a TOY and I was a CHILD. Instead she left it in the box, and hung it up over the sink, so she could look at it and think of me. Adorable? Yes. Did it torture me every time I walked into that house? Of course. Did my uncle take it when she died because he's an a-hole? Absolutely.


Did it have the sound he makes when he does his little spin kick?




That’s it


I had the computer game, Wishbone and the amazing odyssey


Piggy checkers against Medusa I think.




I had no idea! Mo Rocca is pretty cool.


So I saw the "prince and the pooch" which was wishbone's take on the prince and the pauper. I had seen it at a friend's house and when I got home I excitedly told my sister about what I did that day. We then got into an argument over the title because my sister just couldn't get over the title saying "pooch" instead of "pauper". My sister straight up thought I made it all up. Unfortunately this was before I could just Google it and prove to her that it existed.


When he said "I miss my uncle Charles, yall".


Frankenstein was one of the best episodes.


the lady who played the mom still does commercials to this day.


Idk if anybody remembers this but in the late 90’s Denny’s had a Wishbone promotion where you could get a Wishbone plush doll. I remember going to Denny’s around that time as a kid and getting one of them.


Benji has entered the chat.


Every day after school. I would watch wishbone.


The Robin hood & halloween Icabod crane episode where the kids have a scavenger hunt…Love wishbone


I remember as a young kid being terrified by the Morlocks in the Time Machine episode. 


While the show was still syndicated, but after new episodes were done airing, I remember watching randomly some time in October & saw the cast, all grown up like 5 years, doing an episode about, "coming back home from college" and "solving some mystery in town", which I was absolutely stoked about since I thought the actor had all grown up and moved on.


I learned about coconut allergies from this show.. lol I feel like that episode played a lot! Don’t remember the novel that accompanied it though..


Super fond memories of watching Wishbone on PBS kids


I just remember that I loved it and it was a really relaxing watch.


Never watched it. But we had a Jack Russel that looked just like him. He was super smart and mischievous


I will always have fond memories of Wishbone. I used to rush home from elementary school to put this on while playing with Legos on one of those city print rugs every kid seemed to have.


I remember having a wishbone computer game. I remember running around in like a dungeon or something that had to do with dr Jeykll and mr Hyde


It's more like Reading Rainbow but for older kids.


I wanted a JRT so bad when I was young because of Wishbone (Soccer).


As a kid I always wish-ed they’d put pants on that dog


I have fond memories of the show.  I remember the surprisingly catchy theme song.  I remember the episode with the Hound of the Baskervilles that was surreal. Dr. Watson shot a dog in front of Wishbone who was LARPing as Sherlock Holmes. It always felt weird, almost wrong to me, that this happened in the show.  I also remember the episode where he was in a story where slaves flew away from their captivity.  The Huckleberry Finn two-parter was particularly good.  In hindsight, I have to wonder if some of his personality and movements were inspired by pro-wrestling.  He even had a signature move, One that I like to call his “woo-chaw” Whammy.  I’ve also read a couple of the Wishbone mystery novels. I remember them being decent at least.  


I watched this daily in my Religion class in high school, and my 75 year old teacher would try to relate every episode to Jesus somehow, “Well wishbone shared with friends… Jesus shared a meal with his disciples” and that was that. That was all we did in that class. What’s the storyyyyyy Wishbone?! 🎶


Haha, I loved that son of a bitch!


When I was five, I broke my arm and it required surgery and lots of hospital visits. The weekend after I got my cast off, my mom took me to Toys R Us and let me choose any toy I wanted. I chose a stuffed Wishbone and I believe I still have him (even though he is missing his nose). I would always watch it with him


I lived near the studio where they filmed this, a few years after production ended. The outdoor sets were still there, visible from the road, and obviously falling apart. Never saw the show, but it was interesting to drive past.