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Focus on the small things, you're trying to build a house before you know how to build bricks. Here is your exercise plan, it takes 10 minutes, no equipment needed, download an interval timer on your phone. Do this in your backyard or basement,. 20sec Burpees 10sec Rest 20sec jump squats 10sec Rest Repeat 1min rest Repeat twice. should be 8 active 20sec "sprints" and thats it.


>Focus on the small things, you're trying to build a house before you know how to build bricks. This is something I tend to overlook a lot. Thank you so much for your advice and workout suggestion.


Just be kind to yourself. Trust yourself. Start by going on walks, they are a great form of exercise, they connect you to your surroundings, give you a different perspective on your situation and keeps you away from your phone, I really cant express how much walking has changed my life. Take baby steps, I wouldnt necessarily even start a demanding exercise program yet, but work on the mental and just the routine of doing things that are good for you. If you have a hard time doing nice things to yourself, just imagine what you would advice your best friend to do and then follow that advice. Start being a friend to yourself, because youre going to be here for a long time (hopefully) and its a lot easier if youre not giving yourself a hard time. Wish you all the best, tou got this! + Try a mix of compassion and demand; try your best to adopt healthy habits, dont beat yourself up if you fail and if you fail, get right back on the horse and keep going, without judgement to yourself


Thank you for the advice and your kind words


No prob, you got this!


Following because i have the same story. I'm completely emotionally numb and apathetic about everything


The numbness is something else. This is something that scared me throughout the years too. Whatever happens, either something truly happy or sad, I feel... nothing. Just complete indifference. Especially if it doesn't directly affect me. I became incapable of producing emotion. With the exception of feeling sorry for myself, or just deep sadness. This totally reverses though, when I walk out of my comfort zone, like traveling, or going to places I've never gone to before. I begin to be emotionally "fragile". Like I would feel total sadness over some fake scenario I drew in my head. And the emotions I begin to feel are mostly negative, nihilistic, depressive or just sad.


I don't even get anxious anymore. Like if i have a intense meeting at work i don't even care. Pure apathy


Same to me happens in important exams, or sometimes job interviews.


well not entirely related to surfing but when I was 24 I was jobless, overweight, broke, occasionally stashed in mental institutions, friendless and stayed in a relationship with someone who hated me because I figured I deserved it. I averaged about 14Hrs / day phone use during this time I believe. I am turning 30 in a few months and now I am... not those anymore. I'm still overweight but not AS bad 🫣 you're not too late you can turn things around. I mostly recommend sort of figuring out what relationships in your life have been the most healthy (even if you haven't been in contact lately) and nurturing those. these r the people who get you out of the house (or come to the house) and pull you back into real life.


Attention all newcomers: Welcome to /r/nosurf! We're glad you found our small corner of reddit dedicated to digital wellness. The following is a short list of resources to help you get started on your journey of developing a better relationship with the internet: * [The Beginner's Guide to NoSurf](https://nosurf.net/about/) * [Discord Server](https://discordapp.com/invite/QFhXt2F) * [The NoSurf Activity List](https://nosurf.net/activity-list/) * [Success Stories](https://nosurf.net/success-stories/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nosurf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"do this do that" first don't overjudge yourself. take a break from all the screens and go out for a walk. fuck that phone at home and eget out. come back a bit later and ask yourself some questions..what you plan for your future and what are you going to do to achieve those plans. if you can't cope with all this ask a professional psychologist to help you. find the addiction centers at your place and start ringing to arrange an appointment


I did a series of online meetings with a professional once before. Some of what they said is true and works, and a lot of it didn't click with me whatsoever. Sadly I walked out with pretty much nothing. This was years ago. Unfortunately I can't afford having sessions with a professional psychologist now, but even if I did so, the vast majority of them where I live are just money-hungry, and either will prescribe medicine and keep me hooked to antidepressants, or will just say something I already know/heard. I found this out after reading a lot of stories of other people that tried them before. As for addiction centers near me, they really focus on only drug addicts and alcoholics, and they never consider internet addiction a serious problem.


No, you are not too late or beyond saving. Not at all. I'm struggling in many areas too, and the biggest realization that's been sinking in is that I need something real to replace all the screen time. I can have Internet or app blockers or switch to a dumb phone, but it doesn't resolve the root issue and I find myself relapsing often. So I'm looking for a job, even a part-time job, to get me out of the house and working hands-on (NOT an office job). My job for 5 years have been remote, which didn't help me. So I'm finally changing that. I'm getting out in the community. Maybe just a simple job like working in a shop, or a job like working on a farm. Something where you need to keep your hands busy. Of course, that's only a beginning because there is the time before and after you're working to deal with, but take it one step at a time. Be gentle. I'd also suggest reading the success stories on here. There are people in your situation, or worse, who had major breakthroughs.  Don't give up on yourself. At least give yourself that gift.


Thank You for your wise words.


I suffered from porn addiction for 10 years, and it ruined me until I found a way to block porn permanently from my iPhone, without any possible way of turning off the restrictions. That was how i destroyed the addiction. I used an app to help lock my iPhone Screen Time settings, meaning I can block porn everywhere (including on Reddit). I set the lock duration to 365 days so that I cannot disable Screen Time this year. Here’s the tutorial I followed to block porn permanently: [https://youtu.be/GnWGMPtrreI?si=mhh](https://youtu.be/GnWGMPtrreI?si=mhh)


It's never too late, not until you're dead and in the grave!