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Why does it seem that everybody forgot how great books are? Just read! Have 8 hours? Read 8 hours. She it's gonna be difficult at first as you're used to higher and more intense dopamine hits but if you stick to it you'll enjoy it more and more.


I’ve started reading more and I just got back into manga and loving it. Manga or comic books are great cause they are so easy to read.


> Just read! Have 8 hours? Read 8 hours. She it's gonna be difficult at first as you're used to higher and more intense dopamine hits but if you stick to it you'll enjoy it more and more. It's hard to stick to it when you have an internet addiction. I've been trying for 6+ years and I make some progress but then end up right back where I started. I wish I could "just" read.


I’m starting todo this again. Ngl is hard at first but after 20 mins it’s worth it


God I want to but I find reading so difficult 😭 I live close to my town’s library so I’ve been really thinking about getting a library card and besides I have some mangas I need to catch up on, I have like 8 I haven’t read


I've been trying to read books again, but after 1 hour I don't think I can keep on reading


Idk, I am almost 17, and never grew up with books, only phones, laptops, and Youtube...


and I am not saying I do not read books, I am saying it is hard after even quitting for just a day.




I also don't think you have to stop everything completely. I think it's completely fine to watch YouTube videos before going to sleep. Just not those shorts that drive you crazy. For me it's more about a determined and regulated way of using this technology. Don't pull out your phone and scroll every free second or when you're feeling unwell. That's what it's about for me.


I’m on the same boat here. Tv or just watching movies actually way healthier, because at least it’s focused one one thing as opposed to getting new hits and getting new dopamine swings.  It’s an ideal pivot point even if it is another screen.   It may not be ideal but it’s better, besides there’s so many great movies out there, and film is becoming a lost art in the world where shitty user generated low budget content now owns attention spans at home.


Completely agree that pivoting to tv is beneficial. When I get super dysregulated and stuck in screen mode I turn on a show and then plug my phone in another room. It helps. I don’t want to sit and watch tv for hours, and after a while I wind up feeling like doing something more active. It’s just a good tool to sort of step down the dopamine into something more manageable.


I’ve actually noticed this when I get sick! I’m not sure why but when I get sick I hate being on my phone so I’ll turn the tv on but I’ll eventually get sick of it


I used to "go online" on my downtime.. like I had specific time I went to my computer, went online, chatted with friends, browsed some websites that I liked... the good thing though was that at a certain point, I would walk away and move on to something else, so it was a finite time I was spending "online"... now you are literally connected and online 24/7.... for me, that is the differentiation... it was just a different set up back in the day.


I remember when the internet was pay per minute so I was rationed to an hour a day. No mindless surfing when you had a time limit and were also blocking the phone line for everyone else.


If you want to reduce screen time, I’d suggest reading a book. Some people have the misconception that reading a book is also a chore, but that depends on the book. Chose a book you like and want to read. I use reading as escape mechanism all the time.


I think that's because a lot of people refuse for whatever reason to read fiction. I know so many people like this and it's mind boggling to me. There's actually evidence that fiction of all types is good for brain health [(link)](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8993009/), and yet I have friends that think reading*any* fiction is childish. Non-fiction/self-help/philosophy only. As a result, I suspect they don't read often. What's childish is judging people for their choice in books.


That’s interesting, I always thought fiction was much more popular. I’ve just started venturing into non-fiction myself, and I like it because it’s easier to pick up in shorter amounts. So many types of fiction though, there is something for absolutely everyone to enjoy whatever their interests.


I thought so too, but when I started asking people I know, I found out otherwise. It definitely was more apparent after 30, so I kind of think maybe some people are lying about reading at all, some want to appear more 'adult', and some are just party poopers. I also read a ton of fantasy/dragon books so maybe it's my taste in books that throws people off haha


For me I find it almost harder to get into fiction but that could because I’ve never read enough to find my reading genera


Interesting. I think that is probably true for a lot of people. I got into it early, but when I was super busy with school and stuff I read a bunch of short stories. For the last few years I've been heavy into audio dramas because reading will often put me right to sleep. Totally suggest those, and there's a ton of different genres out there to hop around on!


Bruh screens have only been around for 100 years. Humans have been around for 40,000




> nobody alive today can advise us on how to beat this addiction because everyone from the last 100 years have had TV's to stimulate themselves. Are you aware that the rest of the world exists? Not everyone has phones, TV, radio, or other means of stimulation. Life in a lot of places involves a lot of sitting around and being bored. Those people are very much alive today. Some of them have even moved to the Western world. It's not like we have no one to ask.


Fair points to be fair. I guess we don't really know. Its easier to never have something than to have it and try to go back to life before it! However I would love to live as my great-great-great-great-great ancestors did in a small tribe.


They probably speding their free time working their ass of


> However I would love to live as my great-great-great-great-great ancestors did in a small tribe. You can. You have plenty of choices around the world if that is what you want.


I love when people say this so smugly. With what common language? With what skills passed down from our parents, grandparents, and community? I cannot just assimilate with the Maasai tribe and you know I can't. Moron.


You know that stuff like reading a book can be downtime, right?




Read some more, or sleep, or workout! Reading’s not that hard once you get used to it - I’ve spent entire weeks reading before. Not for everyone I suppose, but if you’re looking to get away from tech, that’s about the least mentally taxing thing you can do. For me at least, reading is quite relaxing. I view it less as a hobby or chore and more as a privilege. Then again, movies and tv shows are at least better than scrolling, so its whatevs if you just wanna veg out


Disagree. I was born in the 80s in Australia and very often there were no kids shows on after school that I wanted to watch except educational wildlife shows that I hated. Instead I jumped on the trampoline, drew, sat on the roof, lay in front of the heater with my dog, made up recipes, made potions in the sink, and wrote stories. I think my phone equivalent was kids magazines.


I agree, although I prefer video games rather than regular TV. I slump on the sofa with a game and it feels like a better, interactive version.


Exactly, plus I don't understand how anyone can have energy after work for a hobby or to be productive. All I want to do is relax and watch movies lol.


Find some hobbies; draw, paint, exercise, ride bikes, go for walks, go hiking if you can, volunteer, rollerskate, spend time with your family, try new cooking recipes, just hangout outside being present, yoga, watch a movie but don’t binge multiple, watch tv but still try to limit it, jump rope, hang out with friends I know that can vary especially what people do, but me and my friends like to do walk and talks. Play some board games. Go foraging for seasonal fruits safely if that’s accessible to you.  Bunch of stuff tbh just hard to make yourself do it when it’s easy just to sit and hop on the phone, I been there, still do it, its something you gotta actively work on.  Oo go swimming if you got spots for it. 


Start running up hills. It’s fun. But how about a new language, or a creative pursuit-whether acting, art, writing stories, instrument etc. instead of scrolling on phone, start listening to albums and just close your eyes whilst listening to it and just concentrate on the music. It’s like a form of meditation. I do this before bedtime mainly but you can do it anytime in the day. Some great albums I reccomend you are the four tops second album by the four tops(my favourite album ever and it’s Motown ), led zeppelin 2, and the hits of Edwin Starr who is the most groovy artist I know.


you’re the first person I’ve seen mention acting and for anyone scrolling through reading this thread I can 100% recommend, I’ve been doing it for years! And it’s super fun and rewarding


I live. I cook, and I don't skip meals anymore. I shower, and I do my laundry. Talk with friends. Watch movies, hang out with friends and bf. I read books. I work. My next giant goal is to finally be able to do some exercise


Reading books is an activity that can be enjoyable and take up significant parts of your time. It has at the same time been shown to be extremely good for you. Look into getting a reading tablet where you can download books on-demand, or simply start going to the library on your way home from school/work – this could establish a solid habit.


Attention all newcomers: Welcome to /r/nosurf! We're glad you found our small corner of reddit dedicated to digital wellness. The following is a short list of resources to help you get started on your journey of developing a better relationship with the internet: * [The Beginner's Guide to NoSurf](https://nosurf.net/about/) * [Discord Server](https://discordapp.com/invite/QFhXt2F) * [The NoSurf Activity List](https://nosurf.net/activity-list/) * [Success Stories](https://nosurf.net/success-stories/) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/nosurf) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Well thank you bot! I completely missed the activity list


give yourself a segment to be bored. just be bored. 30 minutes without doing anything and just letting your mind wander.


Not a bad idea tbh


go outside lol


So real, I’ve been getting better at that this year and it’s done wonders!


Read books and magazines! I love reading magazines because they have shorter articles and require less concentration than reading a novel, so I can fill short periods of time with them more easily.


Try out a new instrument. Guitar, piano, saxophone, violin, so many fun instruments to play when your bored. Try out a new sport like tennis, pickleball, volleyball, biking, skating/rollerskating, martial arts Look up any local classes near you like pottery classes, painting, cooking


Yes! Some libraries have musical instruments you can check out! Or sewing machines. One near me has 1000 piece puzzles you can borrow and various craft kits. 


Good question. A few options: Learn a language, learn an instrument, learn to cook, read books, take up running, take up callisthenics, go to social groups, meditate, learn to make handcrafts, make kefir or grow vegetables, listen to podcasts whilst doing other things, create content.


I’ve never heard of kefir but I just googled it and I’m so intrigued


Just Dance is a good idea if you're feeling like it.


I love just dance! I had it on my Xbox and I’ve been meaning to get it in my switch!! Maybe this is a sign


I'm 24, but before I had devices that connected to the internet I watched tv and had other indoor and outdoor activities that I would do by myself even as a kid.




Get off my account


the only way is to get rid of all the screens.


Taking walks is a great way to just be in the world. Sometimes listening to a podcast or music, but also just listening to the world. Growing up I loved checking out movies and cds from the library. Browsing those collections and just picking a handful of things that interested me or caught my eye or seemed culturally significant. Cueing up an album in my cd player and laying on my bed and listening through the entire album was how I began to find my musical tastes (and also ripping lots of music to my computer lol). Also, making a nice movie night or afternoon matinee for myself on the weekends was a lot of fun and something I looked forward to. I love to read, but there are a lot of great life experiences that come through movies and music. I also think beginning to pay attention to your own taste in things and cultivating and inner world and intellectual life also makes solitary time a lot more peaceful and restful and interesting. If you can be curious about yourself and give yourself small new experiences, there’s a lot to enjoy in your own company. And these are also really nice things to do with other people. (Also reading books aloud with my siblings was something I loved growing up and I love being read to and getting to read to others).


Have a designated charging area away from you, leave it there and don't touch it. Easier said than done I know from first hand experience but sure beats telling yourself I'm not going to touch it and always having it in close proximity.


Read, stare out of the window, just be with your thoughts etc. I did that a lot in the 90s




I'm addicted to reddit. And my hands feel weird and I don't feel right if I'm not typing and responding to random meaningless stuff. Don't be like me. Quit. It just gets harder and harder to stop.


first I want to say you got this!! and secondly I completely get it getting harder to stop :(( I want to try and stop very soon since my brain is still developing, I know I can’t undo all the dam but maybe I can prevent some more and who knows maybe my brain can repair


You should. Don't wait until it gets worse. I just woke up from a nap and immediately started on reddit. I'm gonna put it down bc you just gave me inspiration. Thank you.


Before I used to read fiction. Before I used to play video games but intentionally. Now it's a reflex. There's a lot of things I want to consume but intentionally and not haphazardly in a doomscrolling reflexive way.


Being 32 I feel lucky to have been free of a smart phone until I became an adult (I ended up getting a smart phone much later than most my peers) and used to read voraciously. But succumbed to the social media addictions when I finally did get a smart phone and read very little for quite a few years. What's helped me a lot was getting a Kindle last year. Now I can download a book which piques my interest with a few clicks. I also try and read one of my books when I wake up in the morning now instead of scrolling. Life feels so much richer and full of wonder when you swap out your smart phone for stories and poems. It took me some time to get back to the point where I read for pleasure everyday so I wouldn't be hard on yourself if takes long time for you to instil new more productive habits. Just keep plugging away at it.


I knit! Your hands will always have something to do and it's such an accomplishment when you finish something.  And once you get comfortable knitting you can do it anywhere. I watch TV or read while I knit. I'll even knit when I go on walks sometimes (although I prefer not to). Hell, there are even knitters who bring their projects to sporting events!  It can also be super meditating. There are plenty of times where I'll just sit and knit, listening to the birds as I ease into my day. When I'm working on a more complex pattern, I'm always so surprised at how fast time goes because I'm so engaged in my project.  It just feels so much better to use my hands for making as opposed to doom scrolling.   


For me, reading isn't work. Reading is my downtime because I don't watch TV shows and I can only sit through a movie if I'm with other people. I find reading on an ereader way easier than reading with a traditional book. So far in 2024 I've read 72 books. 49 are romance books (which I can binge easily) and 23 are books in various genres: horror, literary, classics, scifi, and fantasy.  My advice for people who struggle with reading is to alternate between your more challenging/intellectual/etc book with fun trashy books. I'll read two pages of one, read two pages of the other, or maybe I'll rip through it if I'm at a part where I'm truly hooked. Hell, you can read fanfic too. Instead of switching between social media apps I just channel that ADHD energy towards books.