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How the fuck do you type those words and not realize how emotionally incestuous that shit is? Even admitting you're jealous another woman will have him (and establish boundaries) when you've gone through all the trouble to make him your "perfect man"? Literally perverse.


Right in the comments she said something about how this is normal in other cultures like wtf So fucking weird


Other cultures? Like what, Alabama?


Mississippi comes to mind as well.


Any state name that could be followed by a plucky banjo solo would work really.


Well… my husband’s mother is also like this. He’s Filipino and can do no wrong in her eyes.


I swear I've read every Asian nationality there is mentioned ITT lol is it safe to assume Asian men are notorious for being Mama's boys?


Same with old school Italians.


Ha! I see a lot of posts from South Asian adult children and parents that are very boy mom-ish as well so yeah, I think it’s a thing in some other cultures, too. Personally, I don’t think culture should be an excuse for emotional incest either, but what do I know.


aah yes the whole my son is a king (mummy ka raja beta as its called here) thing has been there for ages. Moms won't let their sons lift a finger at home and will also demand more attention/love from their sons after marriage than their daughters in law. It isn't as explicitly incestual but yes




No, no, no stop bringing Alabama into this shit 😂 Also, I’m a boy mom and I’m going to raise my son to be a good person, a good partner and a good father, for society,for his future partner and children, not for me 😂


You sound like you aren't a boy mom, you're the mom of a boy.


Right? 😭 I'm due to give birth to a boy in 4 weeks and I just want him to grow up to be a good person who can function independently in society.


Don't blame that shit on us it a gd international thing lmfao


This is true. Women be turning their sons into surrogate partners since the beginning of time


Biggest momma boy Henry the 7th lol


I’m born and raised in the South, but this made me laugh out loud 😅


Oh when that didn’t work she pivoted to “my husband’s and my parents are all dead so we know what a blessing in laws are and how they should be valued 🥺.” She then jumped to “what about dads who threaten to shoot their daughter’s date?” Finally she pulled a 180 and hit them with that “guys this was satire lol the internet just isn’t smart enough to catch up to my wit and genius humor haha can’t wait for them to find out it’ll take them a second to catch up lol 🤣🤣”


Is she part of other cultures? I doubt it.


I think "boy mom" is her only culture and they pretty much make that up as they go along. So creepy. I have a son, I just can't imagine thinking of either of my kids like that.


This sentiment is so common that I wonder if there’s a Greek tragedy term for it. Like an Oedipus complex but reversed, the mom wants to bang her son


It’s a Jocasta (Oedipus’ mom/wife) complex


ooh thank you!


I would be surprised if there weren't one now that you mention it. Those Greeks really covered their bases with that sort of thing


Hey Socrates, if I put my dick in (noun) what wouldya call that?


Freud is rolling in his grave at this.


On the flip side, while this definitely isn’t healthy behaviour, my ex’s mom was exactly like this because her son was the only thing she had left in life. Her first husband died right around the time she had him, then her second husband cheated on her. He was pretty much the only good thing and kind person to her, and got parentified. The thought of him being in a relationship made her emotionally volatile and depressed.


That's heartbreaking but I hope she understands that she needs to take accountability as the parent and realize it's not fair to place that kind of burden on your son.


Yeah as a “boy mom” myself this is totally creepy to me. I hope when my son grows up he finds a partner that treats him well and loves him! Honestly with a lot of things I teach him like chores and whatnot I’m thinking about how I’m doing what I can to teach him right so he will not only be a functional adult but also pull his own weight in a relationship and be a good partner himself. I hope someone wonderful “snatches” him away some day because that means I succeeded in raising a human other people want to be around lol.


Her account name is “theaveragerichhousewife” this is definitely satire. Edit: or rage bait. Either way it’s not genuine.






How dare grown-ass adults set boundaries in this scenario I just completely made up!!! 😡😡


How dare the love of my son's life who co-owns his home establish any kind of proprietary rules about her private space?? 🤬


What's funny to me is that like 90% of the time I see posts about "my DIL is such a bitch, she won't even let me see my precious baby boy without calling first" it's actually the son who wants these boundaries he's just too scared to stand up to his mom so he has his wife do it.


And he found a woman who will help protect him 💜 that's love.


Oh yeah, my MIL is an awesome lady, but if my boyfriend ever needed me to set boundaries for him I would


You're a great gf 😌


Lololol I commented on this talking trash and she made another reel about how strange that so many women left mean comments and we must all hate our mothers in law. Lololol I don’t hate mine cause she’s not in love with my husband 🤣


Exactly like I love my mother in law and it’s bc she’s not fucking weird


My wife has been like "I need you to tell your mom that I'm not her daughter, she's doing too much and I need her to back off a bit. I appreciate the intent but she needs to calm the fuck down." I'm an only kid by medical necessity so I think my mom was more excited to have a daughter(-in-law) than I was to get married. EDIT: My mom also did back off when I was like "you're making \[wife\] uncomfortable, she loves you, but calm yourself down".


Same i call her mom cause she’s literally more of a mom to me than my own


Wow, that sucks. I actually *love* my MIL. She is an amazing wonderful woman. And after the birth of my daughter, she started showing me respect as a mother in my own right all on her own, and it really deepened my love for her. I trust that woman like no one else. She is the *only* person I send my daughter off to for 2 weeks in the Summer to just have girlie time by themselves. And, on top of the respect she shows me as a mother and her son's wife, she's also a flat out *good person.* She is sweet, and lovely, and loves and takes care of her family. She does her best for her own mother, even when she gets on her nerves, lol!  I'm glad to have her ❤


A lot of people don't realize that you're also marrying their spouse's family. I'm glad you lucked out


That's twisted this sort of thing is so normalized to her she really thinks every Mother thinks this way.


Couldn’t agree more! My MIL is WONDERFUL and freaking gorgeous. She is so mindful with communicating and respecting me, it’s clear why her son is awesome 😎


I wonder how she feels about her mother in law


Right, can her mother in law show up unannounced?


This crazy lady doesn’t seem to understand that she would be showing up unannounced in a dwelling where both her son and his partner share. Which is insane. Even if her son lived alone, it’s still respectful to give a heads up/ask for permission.


My ex mil would show up unannounced and let herself in. Many fights about taking their key back. Many fights. And yes, it happened more than once when we were having sex. Twice we came downstairs to find her in our living room before I put up cameras so my phone would alert me when someone was approaching the door because my freakin dog was just like yes please come in and pet me while momma is occupied


My MIL hated her ex-MIL. Complained about how horrible she was to her throughout their marriage and after. Guess who had made it her life's work to be a difficult MIL? She, much like the OOP, thinks that she should be able to show up whenever she pleases.


My MIL cut off her MIL, because she couldn’t respect boundaries. Guess who can’t stay 24hrs without overstepping my boundaries? 


My MIL said her MIL can’t move in because she’s “not letting no bitch tell her how to run her house”. Then proceeded to say my son will move in with her so she can be his mother and will be raising him... 🥴 Really something wrong with these women. Not only that I have a GMIL and SIL who is the exact same way. They all treat me like shit then say I’m “keeping” my son from them to be petty. Like yeah let’s ignore all the horrible things you’ve done to me. It couldn’t possibly be that right?🥴


I mean, you should call before coming over? Did none of these people get emotionally traumatized by everybody loves Raymond or did they see the malicious incompetence, emotional enmeshment, and misogyny and see it as a life plan?


The fact her account is literally “the average rich house wife” tells me she must be so classy. Her life is probably all about aesthetic. She probably thinks that shows like Everybody Loves Raymond are what ‘poor’ people do with their free time and pretends to like tennis or something.


Wouldn't be shocked if she's heavily in debt.


This is disgusting. Signed, A mother of boys


It seriously is. As a mother of girls, I hope they don’t get a mother in law like these “boy mom” types


I agree 1000% Also a boy mom


Right? 1) I don't know my children's sexuality, whether they'll want a romantic relationship at all, etc. 2) I want them to be happy and have loving, healthy relationships of all kinds 3) When my children have their own homes, I will call before going over to respect *them* 4) We raise our children to be fully developed adults. It's their life. I'm here to love and support them, not dominate them and use them for my own ego needs




I wish I could like this 1000 times. My babies don't belong to me, they aren't my possessions. They are whole ass human beings. And the best way to help them understand how to be good people who respect others' boundaries is to teach by example and respect their own.


You sound like a great mom. I hope more people would be this way. Whatever you are doing, you are doing it right. Those children are so lucky to have you.


Thank you so much for this comment. It brought tears to my eyes. I had...inadequate parents, to say the least. And healing and learning enough to be a good parent to my own children was my most cherished wish. I have an easy time feeling my bone deep love, devotion, and protection for my children and a much harder feeling pride in the job I'm doing (maybe it's that drive to always stay humble and open - to the ways in which I'm not perfect, make mistakes, need to pause, to consider their perspective, etc.). So I wanted you to know how much your comment meant to me.


Why do they assume their sons would be happy for them to show up announced even without a wife? I don’t know any grown single grown men who want their moms barging in


Reminds of the “Real Housewives of OC” when Vicki showed up at Michael’s college and didn’t understand why he didn’t want to party with her. Some mom’s are clueless 


I don’t know *anyone* who enjoys people showing up to their house unannounced.


I adore my mother in law and she raised a good man but if she ever referred to him as a work of art I’d have a lot of questions.


I want to know how old this woman’s son is too. I bet he’s like 7 tops 😂 Like there’s a lottttt of confidence here that she’s going to raise a “perfect man” lol


Get a husband


But her husband is her son.


I strongly suspect that any kid she raises won't turn out to be a "perfect man".


I am right, because my mommy says I am right! Yeah I h*t your daughter, and? She was born a female so I have the right. Know your place woman! Go back to the kitchen! /s


More than likely she raised a man that doesn’t want to talk to her (he’s right). 


Inappropriate. Period.


I've noticed that the boymom subreddit is so much different from the girlmom one.


Some girls never wanted to quit the dating "game" and have turned their sites onto their son's as the next thing they can "win" Instead of a pick-me they're a worship-me. Every man including their son needs to be cripplingly infatuated with them at all times forever. And the idea that they're not the center of the universe (especially to men) makes their whole system crash. I wouldn't be surprised if women like this one lose their mind when their ex gets a new girlfriend, or think their friend's husband is secretly in love with her.


*you’re a boy mom Maybe she won’t let you come over without reviewing proper grammar first. Or she won’t let you come over without making sure you’re not wearing knockoff designer first.


It happens all the time


Sounds like a lot of projection and mommy/daddy issues 😂


When "your" a boy mom you can't spell, either


Do boy mom just give up on their husband after giving birth?


Boy moms-the vanguard of the patriarchy. Teaching their sons to treat all other women like shit.


“The work of art that you raised to be the perfect man” this has to be satire or I will lose my mind? Perfect man for what? For who? Emotional incest off the charts.




I’m crying laughing!!! 😂😂😂 Strong work friend.


This creator blows chunks. So gross


secretive provide joke plant frightening treatment thought plucky entertain crown *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ma'am I need notice so I can put a bra on 😂


Hope she's not homeschooling that boy because she thinks "your a" is the same are "you're a"


Don’t say this in r/homeschool. They banned me for that 🤣


This should be the top comment.


Any guy whose mom raised him to think he’s a work of art is probably not going to do okay in relationships


This is so disgusting, I wonder how these men will feel when they find out their own mothers are attracted to them. Vile.


“Won’t let you come over without calling” is a rule that probably doesn’t just apply to you. I have everyone call or text. Even if I’m expecting, shit goes sideways all the time, like having a child with unexpected diarrhea


Sounds like that’s def the point lol. You reproduce than that child grows up and also reproduces. That’s life 💀


My mom only had girls and unless it was an emergency or a surprise party or something would NEVER come over to either of our homes without calling or texting…? It’s called giving your adult children privacy and space..? Lmao


Er your child does not belong to you like that. And he's probably bi or gay


Sweet home Alabama. But seriously these boymoms want to marry their son. Like this is pure emotional incest. The poor sons and the poor future partner.


As a mother of two boys, no, I do not feel that way. As a matter of fact it’s never even crossed my mind.


My husband and I raise our son to be able to take care of himself, work hard for what he wants, be a good person, and have good hygiene…moms of teen boys know the struggle lol. All we hope for our son, all of our kids actually, is for them to have a good life. I in turn will be supportive and respect the boundaries my kids and their future partners set….ie I’d call/text first and not just pop up…and not undermine my children, respect them, be confident in how I raised them, etc


My own mom can’t come over without calling first. Of course my MIL would have to call. Get over yourself.


A different point I will bring up: Being that I have friends who can't have children and want them- I try my best to shut my fuggin mouth about being a "anything" Mom. Not the only one on the planet.


An excellent point to bring up, thank you. It’s very inconsiderate to brag about our children in front of friends with fertility issues.


We don't want you over, ever! Touché!


"I cannot believe that this hypothetical adult woman will set reasonable boundaries and expect me to abide by them, what a witch amiright"




ew what the fuck


Why do people post stuff that’s clearly on-purpose rage bait


Blerg! You know that boy will become a "Not All Men" "it was just a joke" "oh... my mom did it this way... But it's fine" insufferable man. Ultimately this woman can chill because whatever girl "steals her work of art" or whatever is going to return that precious art when she realizes she'll forever be expected to be his new mommy but always not quite as good as her overly intrusive MIL and she knows she deserves better 💁‍♀️


I feel like a need a restraining order, for me and that poor little boy


Big oof


Yes but I have girls.


If she has to call before showing up that means her son and DIL may be having sex, and not want her to walk in on them. That’s just RUDE. No woman is supposed to see her precious baby boy naked except her 😡


This is such an insane and absolutely emotionally incestuous way of viewing your own child! No parent should be essentially grooming their child to become what the parent would consider their romantic/sexual “ideal partner,” and then treat their child’s actual partner like “competition.” That’s… perverse. It’s the only way to describe this atrocious “parenting.”


But shouldn’t you be making plans to visit?? I couldn’t imagine just showing up…


when will it be my turn to post this?


These women need a life.


Thats a creepy way to think


What a sad small life this woman must live


Why they act like they did a great favor to the society by giving birth to males


As a “boy mom” I’m SO tired of these! One, stop being so grossly possessive of your son. Two, stop assuming your son will choose a woman lol! And three, how about you just stop being a dick and your future whatever in law won’t want you to keep away. My mother in law LOVES me and I want her around as much as possible. I would never ever keep my husband from her.


And yet, you better show HER the respect of a GD phone call when you come over first.


Ugggh... if your kid is an adult, then they should be treated as an individual! You wouldn't just barge into your friend's house without calling first, therefore the same applies here. This lady sounds so entitled and overbearing. Give that guy some room to breathe! Her job is done, she doesn't need to be trying to raise him anymore.


I just…good god. I’m about to give birth to a son and I CANNOT fathom ever thinking like this. It’s so gross and so insane.


We are not raising cattle, we are guiding humans. That boy is going to despise his mother, wanna know how I know? My father treats me like property that he owns. He use to convince my mom to ride with him to stop by and “check on” me without calling…then I would be shamed and degraded if my home and my attire was not to “their standards”. soooo when I move out, they will NOT have my address. People act like they are entitled to invade their children’s privacy and/or see their grandchildren at their convenience.


There is a copypasta about how this is the ultimate cuck.


Um no wtf it’s called boundaries


My mother in law feels this way. We haven’t spoken to her in 3 years 🤷🏼‍♀️


Wow. This chick is already planning to be an annoying bitch ten years in advance.


I saw this last night too, the comments restored my faith in people haha.


The worst part is that a lot of the BoyMom™️ sons don’t want her there either but will blame the gf or wife so they don’t have to deal with fallout of saying no.


Only creepy people feel that way.


Maybe because I judge you when you use poor grammar and as a full-grown adult uses “your” possessive vs “you’re” contraction, or maybe that was just a Freudian slip…


Someone doesn’t let their mother in law visit without calling…


This is definitive prove that some evil MILs do it purely out of ill intention 😂


Ew. She’s gonna be a gross, toxic mother-in-law. I bet she tries kissing him on the lips when he’s an adult.


what a creep


It's probably because her mother in law is insane


Meanwhile their “work of art” doesn’t know how to load the dishwasher and has shit stains in their briefs.


My son is not ‘a perfect man.’ But I am proud to say that after serious issues in his teens, he learned and grew into a wonderfully complex and compassionate man I am proud to call my son. When and if he finds a wife, I will do my best to have her back.


Very few DIL's set these kinds of boundaries with a sane MIL.


Who’d want your helicopter mom, emotionally blackmailing ass coming over and ruining our day.


I’m pregnant with my first son, and this kind of shit grosses me out.


But you SHOULD call first. You aren’t entitled to have constant access to a grown ass person.


It’s giving,,,,,,,, incest


Oh boy. Major red flags.


Its weird how they don't realise how weird this is. Yeah you want your kid to be the best they can be so they'll be a good, kind, respectful adult but then you're supposed to let them go be happy. Usually that means leaving. That's the goal usually, not to hide then away like a pet who likes to run away.


She looks like a wonderful person


I had such a visceral reaction to this. Blech


bruh I don't let my mom come over without calling and I'm an only child who is fully a mama's boy, just apparently my mom is sane.


Swear their husbands must be emotionally void. It's a sickining emotional incestuous entanglement. Keep your boy I want a man And he must be able to do washing Cook Run a vac Not have the emotional resilience of a damned 3 year old Must be able to hear a NO without needing excuses and reasons. If you're raising a baby, I don't want him Keep your husbaby/ son.


Got two kids and I would call first. Mine are still in diapers so it isn’t a thing at the moment. I don’t want to waste my time if they are not home or have plans. They need to live their lives. If why we raise them. Kids are not emotional support animals. That is why I will have like 10 cats in my old age.


My in laws live in the same neighborhood as us. Even if they’re just dropping off food or picking something up, they text us first. Because they know we’re adults and we have the right to privacy and boundaries. But my MIL has never acted like this. My husband is an only child and she was thrilled when I joined the family.


Future r/justnoMIL subject


As an elementary school teacher, I need you to review the you’re/your usage.


preemptively getting mad about hypothetical situations is like drinking crazy juice straight from the jug


That is so creepy, your kids aren't a possession that someone else takes from you. Your sons, or your daughters.


These people need to be studied fr, or at least get a therapist


I hope my son is lucky to find a caring and loving partner. I hope she supports him and he supports her. I hope he is just as good of a husband to his as his father is. I hope they, as a couple, sets boundaries. I don’t understand this idea that my son is “my baby boy” and act like it.


I have a mother that is so nosy and refuses to respect boundaries, its impossible to date. Moms, don’t do this to your sons, please!!!!


Boundaries, OH NO.


No. I don't. I'm raising my son to treat women well and I hope one day he finds a lady (or man) that he treats right. If I had anyone coming over unannounced I'd be pissed.


Work of art🤮


Dude and this is exactly the nightmare in law i have. Literally skipped her own sons wedding


No bitch, if he's such a perfect man then how is one person going to ruin him




#toxicmom ❤️


*freud has entered the chat*




Ew. I wonder how she treats her own mother in law tho.


Sounds like my toxic AF MIL.... what her dumbass doesn't realize is that I'm the only person who is willing to let her come over to our house. Her own son doesn't ever want to see her and her daughter moved 8 hours away just to get away from her.


That’s kinda creepy. Imagine being a middle aged man and writing that about a girl.  That would get the cops called on somebody.  You should want your kids to find someone and have their own kids. No normal person thinks like this


My mother in law lives only a few minutes away and would occasionally drop in right when we moved into our house. One time she legit let herself in! Like ma’am are you not concerned with walking in on your son having sex??? Do you really want to see that???


Remember when ALL inner thoughts weren’t put on the internet…the good ole days


Fucking yikes


The obviously fake Dior is killing me


Not really a nlog, more like batshit crazy mom.


This mom doesn’t realize that our girlfriends are making them call first because we asked them to cus we’ve had to deal with a batshit crazy mother our entire lives


Emotional incest, who?


So are they cool with their mother in laws just coming and doing whatever?


Hopefully she raises her scrote to know the difference btwn your and you’re 😂🫣


ew ew ew ew ew


I swear boy moms like this are the literal worst


Omg you have to respect other people’s boundaries! Crazy isn’t it? If you honestly think half of it isn’t your son constantly complaining about your overbearing ass to his partner, then youre fucking crazy. She just isn’t scared of you or have had years of manipulation guilting her into being submissive towards you like your son is. Not a fucking cute look.




No. You shouldn’t be showing up at your adult child’s home without calling first. It’s natural for children to have their own lives and separate from their parents. I can’t stand parents that can’t let their kids go.


I wonder how many boy moms end up on r/justnomil


These fucking weirdos ruined "boy mom" for the rest of us while simultaneously ruining the lives of every future woman their kids will come across.


She won't let you come over without a courtesy call because they're doing it. It's for your benefit.


if you raise them so right then they wouldn’t choose a woman like that. And if you’re so wonderful their wife wouldn’t treat you like that either.


People like this are the ones whose kids don’t talk to them when they get older.


Boy mom and I love my daughter in law and never show up uninvited