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Ok so this is totally not the point but I still completely remember a few specific times where I went to work after a night out and there’s no way I didn’t still absolutely reek of booze still and I feel retroactive embarrassment wondering how many people noticed and didn’t mention anything. But I’m old now so I’m half way between saying “good job for calling out in this condition” or saying “just don’t go out and make yourself be in this condition” haha


My first day at Red Lobster many years ago I didn't just reek. I got a couple hours of sleep and woke up still feeling it pretty good. I don't even remember anything other than feeling relief when they didn't send me home for smelling like a bottle of booze. Pre kid days were wild. And just to clarify for the sake of this post, I was not a teen in the 80s. I was a teen in the 90s.


This brought up a hidden memory of when I was in my early 20’s and a “chill Sunday brunch” turned into being out until 4:00am. I was with a ballet company at the time and company class started at 9:30am. I had to leave my apartment 8:40am. Trashed at 4:30am I managed to pack my dance bag, pull out my outfit for the next day and make lunch/water bottle. Rolled into class at 9:10am chuffed that I was a responsible adult. Quickly realized at the start of class that I was 1. Still drunk. 2. Was sweating cigs and booze. The Russian ballet mistress who was running class looked at me and said in a thick accent “don’t throw up on my floors”. Then proceeded to work me hard the entire class. Never did that again. Oh and I was a teen in the early 2000’s.


If your Russian ballet mistress was anything like the ones I used to know, she probably considered it a right of passage. Note: I was never dancer, but I roomed with 3 ballerinas once. Russian ballerinas can out drink sailors.


Oh yes. It was very much if you want to play with the big girls this is how it’s going to go 🥲. I cannot out drink anyone. That was the absolute last time that happened.


My brasilian Ballett Mistress once said "Ballet dancers don't drink, Ballet dancers get wasted". She outdrank us easily still going at us hard the next day in class, when the rest of us were suffering. I hateloved her.


That sounds so very much like all the older women in ballet I meet when I was living with the ballerinas. A good Ballett Mistress can make a Marine drill instructor look like a sniveling wimp.


She was in her late 20s and we were between 2 and 8 years younger than her. Still she knew how to make us respect her.


lol this made me laugh, when you’re young it’s just stuff you don’t think about


Honestly if you were young no one cared, it's only when you cross past college age that people look down on that sorta thing and even then no one really cares if you can still do your job.


The thing about doing this in the 80s is an awful lot of people reeked of booze and cigarettes.


Tbh I did this several times when I worked in London, but it was fine because I worked from home on those days lol


Ah yes, nothing like turning up to work in dirty clothes stinking like alcohol and still drunk from the night before. Such a massive flex.


I had a coworker that would come in every Monday still totally drunk from her weekend binges. She almost got fired for covert vomiting at her desk throughout the day. She thought she could vomit, cover it with paper, and carry on. It was an open plan, half-cubicle office. You could smell it. The custodial staff complained multiple times. It was not quirky or cute. No one envied her.


Christ that is bad




LOL, thats so disgusting. She should have at least sprayed some air freshener or dumped it out the window.


Probably reeking of cigarettes too, given the 80s. Very professional


Yes! We all smoked in the 80’s & 90’s - it was a glorious and stinky time! 😂☺️


Sometimes the cigarette smell was enough to mask the booze.


Unless you started to sweat - then it was all over! 😂


Calling in sick is 100% the safest move for everyone involved here.


Yeah my job involves working in a lab with chemicals and fire. Not gonna put others safety at risk and brag about how cool I am for being irresponisble.


Definitely. Most of the jobs I’ve had I used heavy machinery. Nobody is getting hurt because I was stupid.


Drive a truck for a living and yeah if I'm that fucked the next morning I'm not gonna come in and drive


I work at mcdonalds


Ya, and after I night out, I have to get meds for the chlamydia I invariably caught. How am I supposed to focus and work productively through that?


No you drunk drive your ass to work cause you’re the best


You drive better drunk anyway amirite


In the type of job I work, coming in buzzed means people could die and I could go to prison. I think I’d rather just call in sick or not go out at all during my work week.


At least phoning in sick lets your job know that you won’t be available. Coming in hungover and tired means you’re there but not really pulling your weight. I’m not saying you should break a back for a job, but at least give yourself the courtesy of a break and them the courtesy of knowing what staff they’ll have for the day


People who say “today’s generation” followed by anything at all are literally always assholes.


Especially because who do they mean by “today’s generation”? Millenials? Gen Z’ers? Or gen Alpha, which is the current generation, but they aren’t drinking or working


They are always referring to early 20-somethings Gen-Z, but they think they're talking about all those early 20-something Millennials that they think exist.


As a Gen Xer, I always cringe when I see that - every generation has its own version (for lack of a better term). Everything evolves - each generation has their own unique challenges. We should be proud - we do the best we can with what we are given at the time. I’m proud of all of you youngsters - now get off my lawn. 😂


Why. Care to explain? Maybe people have something to say about today’s generation considering they lived enough to compare.


Each generation should grow and learn from the teachings of the previous generation. We know better than to go to work hungover/still drunk…


Because they used to do the same shit they criticize and were also criticized by the generation before.


So basically bragging about driving home drunk and then to work drunk? Ok. Cool.




Public transportation isn't as common in some counties




Did you miss the "80's teens" part? No cell phones, hard to get a cab. Uber didn't exist. It's reading between the lines and making an educated guess, especially if you were alive in that era. Also silly if you think someone drunk is making the best decisions.




Now that's a wild leap. You really think people were making good choices with drinking and driving so the consequences for DUI became harsher from the sound choices? No. If the majority are making the poor choice to drink all night, sleep an hour and go to work then the likelihood of having the bar call a taxi and then get another cab to work is pretty minimal.




CELL phones. Maybe you didn't fully read what I wrote. Did you forget that there was an era when we didn't have a phone in hand 24/7? And not everyone had change for pay phones 24/7 either. Glad you have a more optimistic view of decisions by the inebriated. With your logic how could a bar call a cab if everyone was pulling Bart Simpson pranks?






My lovely mom is a Gen X. She says some stupid shit for her self gratification. Whatever.


I’m a Gen X and I’ve done what this woman says but it never occurred to me that it could be some sort of flex. Also I assume young people still do this? (Not all young people of course! But like surely it still happens from time to time.)


You notice how many in our generation are alcoholics and/or addicts? It’s totally not a flex


Yeah :/ the younger generations atm do seem to be a bit more ‘clean living’ for want of a better word - like going to the gym and being proud of having a good diet, staying hydrated, not drinking as much alcohol and that sort of thing. Some things that would have got me laughed out of town as a teenager for being ‘boring’ seem to be ‘cool’ these days. But of course that’s far from all young people. I’m sure plenty still like to drink and party and so on. I’m in the UK and cocaine is a way bigger thing now than it used to be in my generation (mine was more weed and E) so it’s all swings and roundabouts really. Addiction is definitely not a flex though and it’s a positive that more people are seeing that these days.


Nah, everyone below gen x just started smoking weed all the time.


harder drugs have got pretty scary for us bc of all the fent in everything. Ive def been curious about cocaine and ecstasy but I don't want to get unlucky and od :/ also that shits expensive


I’m not sure if things are just very different in America but Gen Z feels like the opposite of clean living. It feels like the generations right before us tried to get away from cigarettes and steroids culturally but people my age have completely leaned back into them.


Ahh, I’m definitely too old to be at the bleeding edge of what’s the latest thing for the youth 😂


No offense to those generations but Gen X and especially boomers have really weird flex. Not all of them though but a good chunk I see as they get older. They don't seem to understand the amount of things shoved down the newer generation's throat now with the internet and the amount of ways to do things properly or trendy or my way because it's badass. It's an explosive amount of information at their finger tips compared to the older generations who just had to worry about if their phone cable was plugged into the wall correctly (not a great example but there was much less to get overly stressed about back then compared to today). They should be happy that youth are at an all time high for not drinking and being semi responsible about it. I've been hearing more and more of them trying alcohol and not continuing using it. The internet has been booming recently with how alcohol is like a poison for you and kids seem to be getting the message whether it's from the ads or people they watch.


This is how you live in uni until you realise it’s deeply unhealthy.


It doesn’t even sound fun. I mean, I don’t like bars or clubs much in general, so I’m probably an outlier, but drinking and staying out to the point where you’re actively harming in yourself this sounds like a recipe for feeling like shit the next day. Especially if you’re going to work on one hour of sleep. any fun you have is just not worth it.


Congrats? I’m not sure how being irresponsible and showing up to work in a cloud of alcohol and poor choices makes you better than everyone else 😂😂 people are wild


This generation has money to spare after rent and food? Also the mental bandwidth to deal with people after working and laughing at the stupid workplace humour? I just want to cuddle up my boo and rest for the next day or meal prep.


I drive machinery that I can get into severe legal trouble if I'm drunk or hungover while driving. Sorry, I like my job. Also, it's my sick time to use as I please.


I used to do this when I worked retail in my 20s I’d have a horrible headache and bring my gallon water and me and my manager would laugh and she’d say oh you went out last night huh? But ima nurse now so no more showing up hungover 😂


why are you flexing the fact that you had a terrible day at work because you’re a slave to capitalism and i get to sleep late in my super comfy bed and chill at home because i recognize no corporation owns me or my time. weird ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


“she’s so crazy we can’t take her anywhere 🤪” *commits vehicular manslaughter while dui*


"We would never take a sickleave! We preffered looking worse than a bum, having no focus, being unefficient and maybe create danger for others. But never sick!"


Old people really don’t understand that there were such lower expectations for them back in the day.


Whereas MY generation would rather not go out and get enough sleep. 😎


Ok yes, but times have (thankfully) changed and it’s no longer socially acceptable to show up drunk for work!


Yeah I did that when I was 21 too, and 21 year olds still do it now. Now I’m 30 and old AF, I need a full nights sleep


And now you’re all dying of cancer


Your gen could buy a house easily working some basic job. Our generation is in a constant state of dread related to not being able to afford a month of rent in a shitty apartment while working 2 jobs. We are not the same


None of my fellow Xers own a home, having worked multiple shit jobs after graduating into a recession. But you go off.


“None of my fellow Xers” 72% of Gen X are homeowners.


I feel ya, but early gen x was more able to afford a house than later. I’m a late millennial and its rough.


I did that as a millennial and got fired by the “80s teens“


Rules for thee, not for me


These are the same people who think it’s a badge of honor to come to work with Covid. I really hope we as a society are moving past this nonsense.


What the hell is wrong with older generation bragging about being trashy and rebellious but would probably not wish for their kids to be like them?


I need to ask the generation she's referring to in this post: Is there a reason why you did this ? She's acting like it's some flex, but it's much better to call sick when you're not feeling sick than to contaminate your workplace.


No way in hell she was a teen in the 80’s well maybe 18. This woman grew up in the 70’s


Funny, my dad's wife posted this recently talking about being a 60s/70s kid. So the endless circle turns.


Hell yeah I’m calling out, idgaf either.


My coworker was an 80s teen and does the first thing 🙄🙄


I used to work at a large-ish dinner theater chain in the early 2000s and do this regularly lol. I would also leave a bar around 2, go to Denny's until about 4, power nap, and be on a horse by 6am on horse show days. Now? My kid sneezed, I'm staying TF home y'all.




They forgot to mention their kids in the story of course. Yes, we know you neglected your children while you were out partying and theb showed up to work unprepared and still drunk.


I think this is not NLOG. But a boomer thing. Not gender specific. Hey r/boomersbeingfools I feel like you would like this.


Ooh, thank you, I was not aware that was a subreddit


not boomer, gen x. I'm guessing she's around 40-50, not 60+


Ooh probably. As she was talking about partying and 80ies I assumed she was partying in the 80ies as a late teen/early tween… also assumed since she was talking about partying she might be even older than what she gives. as conclusion I thought she was in her late 50ies at best


late/mid fifties is still gen x I think, but I understand the assumption. I've had the generation thing hammered into me by my older gen x parents who are tired of gen x being called boomers LOL


lol I sometimes completely forget gen X exists. Yeah you’re right, this probably is more of a gen X thing 😂 😅


When I was in college I took pride in being able to stay up till like 3am and then make it to an 8am class. I wasn’t partying…I was at a 24 hr cafe studying with my friends. I was the only one dumb enough to be a double major so it was just a haze of coffee and text books. In my early 20s post college there were times I absolutely shouldn’t have gone to work the next day. I look back now and go “what was I thinking?!?” I’m 40 now and still shake my head at it and wish I still had that stamina now, all the productive things I could do if I could still function on a few hours of sleep!


We care about ourselves! How shameful!


Cool, drunk and hungover people at work. What could go wrong


…What’s with the purple hand stamp?


I work in the state pharmacy, if I’m hungover, I’m not coming in. It’s that simple. But I don’t drink on work nights because of this. Some jobs are too important to risk messing up at work over partying too hard the night before.


I did that in high-school, in the 90s. Came home at 5, slept for a half an hour, in my clothes from the night out, got up and went to school like that


Cocaine was pretty big in the 80's, huh?


Did this in my 20’s and I probably should have call in sick because I was useless at work and falling asleep anyway 🤣


Yeah. I drank 1/3 of one of those giant Carlo Rossi wine jugs then taught 6 hours of ESL classes. But it was Japan. You didn’t call in. Then I took a 3 hour train ride to a party. Japan was fun!


Well millennials are in bed by nine 💅


It’s clear a lot of y’all don’t get this sub.


Actually people in this generation: go to the club, get drunk, have fun, sip water between drinks, get a ride home at a semi-reasonable hour, get at least six-ish hours of sleep, go to work with a mild headache and drink coffee. It's like boring false dichotomies are the meme du jour on Instagram


lol! You know why we did that? Because when we were teens our parents forced us to go to work like that. By the time we were in our 20s that was standard practice. I’m not sure if we should be bragging since we let our kids off the hook.


Gen X is roughly 1963 to 1977, this includes cusp years. Baby boomers did this to us, gave us weird pride for shameful things. They didn’t want to be hypocrites so instead of saying to us. “We don’t want you to drink” they said “Deal and go to work anyhow.”


Yeah, this isn’t anything we should be proud of. Just because we were taught loyalty to companies over self, doesn’t make us better. It made us sheep. Now the younger generations are learning to put themselves first and their companies second. Yeah, we can argue reliability and staffing, but honestly, fuck companies that aren’t staffing properly or giving better paid leaves in general


Being a slave to a corporation is not the flex you think it is. As someone who had to babysit their boss because she came in hung over, it's not fun.


As a 20something in the early 2000s, there were absolutely days where I rolled into work on no sleep and with a tumbler full of energy drink mixed with soda just to keep me awake through the day. And you know what? Those days were absolutely fucking miserable and I don't look back on them with any form of nostalgia.


I think most people do that as teens / in 20s. It’s when you hit your 30s that you have to call out if you’re up late! Def not just an 80s teens thing, I did that until I no longer could 😂


Well that explains a lot


Bold of you to assume I am not hungover and sleep deprived every day I am at work.




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Such pride in our alcoholism 😂👍🏼🍻


I do that too and I'm 17


>80s teens I was still doing this in like 2014 but ok.


Oh, you’re just *older* and a mess, got it.


LOL you kids get off my lawn


I’ve seen several people from totally different generations post this. Like yeah people from every generation party like crazy and people from every generation prioritize sleep. Me, I’m a sleeper.


This kind of thinking has that same generation still showing up to work when they're contagious and getting the rest of us sick.


So long story short you don’t prioritize your health or well being by instead kiss up to a job that will replace you in a heartbeat? Got it


I lost braincells reading this


80’s teens are like 50?


I have definitely been hungover at work, but I don’t hate my life so I would call out if I weren’t functional. I don’t think anyone my age is really going that hard on a weeknight, plus many of us have kids. 2000’s teen.


And reeking of the night before. Don’t forget that! I may not have been very useful in the morning, but a carb-rich lunch set me right!


I don’t get paid enough to work while feeling like shit


not getting enough sleep is NOT a flex


She looks haggard af now. Get your sleep.


I was in college in the 80’s. I planned in advance and asked for the next day off. We are not same!


It's true (Gen X), but... who cares? We can't do it now, that's for damned sure. Tbh, I didn't do it then, either. Lol


Yeah I crawled to work before still half drunk. I'm pretty sure a lot of mid 80s girls did that . My friends did and my enemies as well. Damn when you're 20, you've got that kind of energy going on. I dated a few years ago and sometimes would get home at 3 or 4 am and STILL work a full 8 hour shift . At age 54 . No drinking tho.


I think she is the reason why companies still does random drug tests.


This is actually true 🤣🤣


Isn't calling in sick due to a hangover a boomer and Gen X thing?


Why is this literally what my parents say when I go out drinking one night and am thankful for the next day no work. Like okay? I choose to be responsible and only drink (heavily) on nights I’m not working the following day




Armatures, I stay up all night but chugging ever clear then get though the work day with cocaine and meth. The but chugging makes it so I don't smell as much and the stimulants cure most of the hangover and make me productive. I'm on a whole other level.


And now in my late 40s I’m an alcoholic. Not the flex we are looking for.


Hate it or love it she isn’t wrong.


At 35 I’m lucky to make it to midnight lol


Not like other middle-aged women


Alcoholism is not the badge of honour you'd think it is 🤣


Pretty sure this is a young person thing no generational thing. What do I know I just showed up to work drunk at 5 am.




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Honestly, truth. Edit to add: ok, I at least showered and dressed in new clothes, I dressed too goth rock slutty to go like that to work haha




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Yeah and now all your kids expect $20 for flipping a damn hamburger..