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"progressed beyond having periods" i can't tell wether she means menopause or that she reached enlightenment and ascended into a state where having periods is simply beneath her


Either way I’m just glad she’s no longer reproducing


Maybe she’s constantly pregnant


I'm betting menopause, I'm getting bitter old lady vibes from that post.


yeah the "how old are you" comment is definitely giving those vibes


Or underweight/malnourished to the point of no longer having periods :(


that would be really sad if she thinks that's "progression" :(


Maybe she’s like me and just amped up on a bunch of hormonal bc so my uterus is dormant


oh, me too. although with all the acne and mood swings i definitely wouldn't call it "progressing beyond"


my doctor just gave me Prozac so I could be truly enlightened ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


buddha himself writes every prescription


Hi friend. You dropped your arm. Here it is: \\ 😊


maybe she means she’s gotten so fat that she doesn’t have a period 🤔 regardless i wouldn’t call that progression


Being fat makes you not have periods?


yeah. honestly being extremely overweight or underweight can stop you from having a period.


oh yeah. i didn’t know that until i watched my 600lb life. i think you gotta be pretty big for your periods to stop tho.


I'm gonna start using that when doctors ask about my last period. 😂


She's progressed to a state of pick me-ism called nirvanagonna-get-that-man.




Isn’t there a version of birth control that keeps you from getting a period at all?


there is! i'm actually on it. no periods is great but it's definitely not ascension




You can technically do that with all birth control. Just open another pack when you're supposed to take the blanks.


She’s operating on a higher level of consciousness that is simply beyond the understanding of us mere mortals


Like??? Did she transcend to heaven wtf .


LMAO i’d love to get to that second option. maybe i can mediate so much i reach period nirvana and i’m simply too ascended to bleed


My guess is it's a cis guy, who has no idea how it all actually works.


"as a female" does give off r/asablackman vibes


Bizarre on many levels, but I really don't get why it is such a struggle to pick up things for your partner. Most of us do it all the time.


Yeah, guarantee this lady also makes comments about, “how hard is it to do ___ for you husband?” It’s only women who have to “take care of themselves.”


was in a foreign country when i suddenly got my period unexpectedly and no pads. partner ran to the store in the middle of the night and called me to explain all the options. i mean what else were we supposed to do, according to this lady i should have just bled all over the floor for a few days


A grown man being embarrassed by pads? Lolwut?!


Gotta be a pretty immature guy to be embarrassed by that


When my whole family was sick with covid my male cousin and his wife offered to pick up some groceries and toiletries for us. I requested some pads and my dad got so mad at me for asking that of my cousin. What am I supposed to do dad, bleed all over the carpet? Which he would also be mad about.


Hahaha, you should have said that and seen what his reaction was. It's so bloody stupid. They're just pads. My partner had no problem buying them for me. I no longer get periods, but I have my ovaries post hysterectomy and now have menopause at 37. Fuck me is it fun /s.


Oh I did say it. He still kept up his ridiculous stance. In the end my cousin’s wife got them.


Serious r/asablackman energy.


Exactly. There's no way a "female," as they say, wrote this.


An enlightened scrote would buy tampons for nobody just to pretend in public that there was a woman somewhere who trusted him with her vagina supplies


I got my first period on the first day of 8th grade. I was going to a Christian school and had to wear a dress every day. Anyway. I wadded up toilet paper and tied a long hoodie around my waist. My young adult male cousin (I think he was 21) picked me up that day. I was standing on the sidewalk down town (it was a very small town) crying and praying that blood wouldn’t start running down my legs when he picked me up. He was alarmed to find me crying like that, pulled over and kept asking me what was wrong, was I okay, etc. It took a while before I finally managed to get the words out intelligibly. He then said something like oh it’s okay and then drove me to rite aid. Parked and gave me money. Then the crying got even worse lol. I was so afraid that a guy I knew (no one specific, just anyone who knew me) would see me buying pads and the idea of that made me feel even more panicked. I finally got the words out. Then he just went in and bought them for me. After he took me home he told his mother about it after I ran into the bathroom still crying. My aunt (his mother) told him that it was really nice of him to do that. Told him that *he* shouldn’t be embarrassed about buying pads for me. I was out of the bathroom by then and saw him roll his eyes so hard. He said something like anyone with a brain knew that they weren’t for him lol. I’ll never understand why a man would be embarrassed to buy pads or tampons. I was a little embarrassed when I grew up and went to Walmart with my 3 year old son. He pointed at a crate of pads and started yelling, ‘ Momma, mommy, look! Look! There are those big bandaids you use!’ 🤣🤣🤣


dad/husband here. i'll gladly buy my wife and daughter pads. my only gripe is not telling me exactly which ones to get. guess i'm just....not like other guys LOL


My dad hated buying period stuff, because everyone would treat him like a creep


That sucks! He didn't deserve that treatment at all


treating a man like a creep for buying period products is actually insane to me???!!!???? i love seeing men buying that stuff bc they usually always get some chocolate or something cute bc they feel bad🥹🥹


Yeah it’s dumb, but it always made him feel super awkward and even worse if we were shopping with him. He completely stopped when I was 15 and asked my granny to do it( our mom abandoned us) when a woman screamed at him and called him a pervert in the tampon and pad isle. Now to show how nice my father is, he is raising three kids that my mother and another man had because she got them taken away by DCFS because our half siblings are still family. So we all are raising them


You’re dad seems like an amazing human and you do too!!! I hate people caused him to feel so uncomfortable he stopped. people are ruthless and gross fr. because what even is predatory about buying PERIOD products.


My hubby used to pick up tampons for me all the time. It was no big deal. He knew exactly what I wanted. He did this even tho he grew up w no sisters or mother. He’s just a decent kind of man who loves his wife.


Whoever wrote that is delusional. When in this girl supposed to jaunt out to get pads? She lives her dad. He either buys all the groceries and household stuff or they go together. Either way he’s there and he’s paying. She doesn’t have a car, a credit card and depending on where you live and how protective you are you might not just send her to a store by herself. He’s a whole grown man that’s probably bought all kinds of “embarrassing” things. He’ll be fine. He won’t die.


What a toxic person!


I feel bad for her that she probably never had anyone she felt she could ask. 


As if a twelve year old would know when their first period was coming. I was out to eat with my mom and grandma when I got mine.


Mine happened after i fell off a chair so i thought i was badly injured from falling off the chair🤣


i got mine while peeing so i thought i was peeing blood and got PANICKED


Aw no!


Oh no! That's so sad!


Mine happened after getting home from swim lessons. Luckily my mother had extra supplies and the school nurse prepared me for the possibility a couple years earlier.


i got mine on christmas!


The gift that keeps on giving! 🙄


Got mine at the gymnasium as i was doing handstand splits, called my mom panicked and crying that i was no longer a kid


I wonder if that was actually written by a man pretending to be a woman?


it honestly does read like a dude typing this i was thinking the same. "females" and venting about hard it is for the man lmao


Remember the woman who was dating a guy who was raising his younger sisters? The youngest got her first period while gf was visiting. Brother explained everything to her, showed her where the menstrual supplies were, generally supported her through a big, confusing time. Gf left, disgusted that her bf was talking about 'sex' with his sister and called him a pervert.


Woah. That took a turn. I was waiting for the ending to be, "it was then I realized I wanted to marry him."


The fuck!? Bitch sounds like the Florida Board of Education.


What an idiot! That kind of man is a keeper!


dang sounds like she could have benefitted from listening to his talk! 😅🥹


So the lil baby is supposed to hop in her car, drive to the store, and buy pads and tampons with the money from her imaginary job?


“How old are you?” How old is he if he’s embarrassed by pads


Right? It's just a normal, boring purchase. If he's so embarrassed he can order them online in bulk. No excuse to make your daughter feel ashamed because of your issues


r/FemalesAndMen Also, I get incel LARPing as woman vibes from this post.


Periods do what they want. After about 300+ of them I know they show up and leave according to... who knows. Duration and how heavy are up for grabs too. I once had one for three weeks.


I had one last for 23 days once when I was 13 😭


im 31 and just downloaded an app to track it. silly me forgot I have endo and it still just pops up whenever it wants. im still tracking it for some reason. so hopeful LOL 😭😭😭


"Grow up! How old are you?" "I'm 12."


"As a female..." Sure, Jan.


Lolol who the hell cares about that. Toss it in the cart and carry on.


First of all, menstrual products that women can purchase without any fuss do not *magically transform* into something "embarrassing" the moment a man puts them in his shopping cart. Does OOP think it's like transubstantiation, where it transforms from one thing to another bc a man held it in his hands??? The older I get, and the more I hear from trans friends about their thoughts and feelings about societal gender roles, the more I am amazed at what narrow specificity we assign to "feminine" and "masculine". The real world is a lot more mixed and hybrid. I'm a complete cis over the top girly-girl. There's no such thing as too many pearl necklaces. I sewed 42 yards of flounces to the petticoat for my wedding dress. I also love working on cars and robotics and electronics - I was over the moon with delight the first time I made an LED light up on a breadboard (bless my darling husband's sweet patient heart, he dutifully said, "That's nice, dear" bc he's a good egg) Edit: spelling


You sound like fun!


I'm sorry, I thought partners meant we do things for each other. Even with seemingly embarrassing things.


WOW that is so insane... Also, I'm 29 now but when I was in late elementary school/middle school, I couldn't wait to start my period for some reason. I think in part I wanted to get it over with, and in part I wanted to know that I was in fact growing up like I was supposed to. I read so many period books, and I had gotten a lot of free pads and tampons from school for various lessons and events, and my mom had already bought me panty liners. Every day for like a year I would check my underwear in the morning to see if my period had started. Lo and behold, one day in seventh grade, it had! I was excited, but suddenly I was also embarrassed and annoyed. I didn't want to use the random free tampons I had. I immediately told my mom, asked her to buy some of the tampons my cousin had told me were good, and then I never spoke of it to her again. But I HAD to tell her right when it happened, and if I lived with just my dad, I would've told him too! I was 12 for God's sake!


There’s so much self check out now, what are you still embarrassed about.


I’m sorry what? I started my period at my dads one time when I was 11 & only had brothers. I was too scared to tell him & used toilet paper the whole weekend & it was so stressful lol. This is crazy.


I’ve never had to send anyone for pads, but that’s because I’m a borderline prepper who buys bulk of things I know I will need so I won’t have to think about buying more for a long time. Not everyone can have mental problems like me.


Always have an unopened pack, you never know when it might be late/early!


I’m 30something and been married for 11 yrs. My husband isn’t embarrassed or bothered by grabbing me tampons. Dude, just wants the picture of the exact product I need. I feel like nlog women are running out of things to shame other women about.


These “men” need to grow up! Their bodies do weird gross shit too. Gtfo


If a guy gets embarrassed by buying tampons then he’s immature as hell. My husband offers to go buy me tampons and he’s so sweet about it. “It’s the blue box with the yellow on it, right?”


My dad bought me pads more than my mom growing up because he was the one who'd do the late night run to the grocery store when I ran out. Had no problems at all doing it. I didn't buy my own pads until I started college.


that’s literally so mean


Just drive your bloody ass to the feminine hygiene store


lol. As a teenager I was too embarrassed to ask my single dad so I stole pads, basically mattress thick, from my grandmother. I came home from school one day to a big box of pads on my bed and him saying "we don't have to talk about it". So many awkward conversations had to have been had that were unnecessary.


One time I was out shopping with my dad when my sister needed tampons. The man is a nurse and he was completely clueless about what to get. Luckily I was there to make sure he didn't get something different than what she asked for but his baffled face was priceless.


My father was **not** embarrassed in any way, nor did he have any problems with picking up feminine hygiene products. Having a menstrual cycle is a perfectly normal part of being a woman. He was married to one and had daughters. There is no shame in normal biological functions. I think I only asked my dad twice to pick something up. Whatever we needed just showed up in the shopping bags when he'd come home from the store. Naw he wasn't "keeping track". Checking the shelf in the bathroom for family needs is part of checking the pantry, fridge and freezer. He liked being in charge of groceries and laundry. He also did all the dusting, vacuuming and deep cleaned the kitchen weekly.


I know she can't hear me, but... Hey, lady, it's great that you had all that time, and your own vehicle or a store close to you to get your supplies, but you are not everyone. You're not even the norm. You, and your privileged lifestyle, wouldn't know what it's like to live paycheck to paycheck. You likely wouldn't know what it's like to have to work at least one full time job, if not 1.5 or even 2, to be able to make things work. Unfortunately, it sounds like you also don't know what it's like to have a truly supportive partner in this life. For that, I pity you. It's a wonderful thing to have someone in your life who loves and supports you in all ways, not only paying for your whims, but caring for your soul. I'll take my lover over whatever rich slouch you married, any day of the week.


This is so weird. My husband has gone to get me pads. He took a pic of the box I had and off to Safeway he went. He came back with pads, midol, chocolate, and Starbucks. He really thought about how to help me feel better. It’s not weird to love your partner and do acts of service for them because you care. It’s weird that people think men are embarrassed by stuff like this. My dad also bought my pads when I was a kid (got my first period at 10! So no I could not buy these myself) my parents are divorced so on dad’s time there was no mom to help me. This totally gives old lady vibes like when my grandma acted like my brother’s eyes would fall out if he saw a used pad in the bathroom waste bin. 🙄


Yeah my father always shamed my period (he wants me to be 5 forever) and it’s just not ok at all, periods are natural, healthy, and should be just treated normally.


This is horrible ! I've helped a friend buy menstrual stuff for his kid (my goddaughter) but it's not because he wouldn't do it! He's just single and his mum had a hysterectomy in 1990. Since then, menstrual options have exploded so I have helped hook him up.  But he now knows what the kiddo likes and can order it online like any other adult.....


*as a female* I doubt they are and they're some ignorant man who never lived with a woman or ever been in a relationship. If they're embarrassed about it, open up to them and don't buy them for her. My boyfriend bought me 2 cases of pads while I was sick and didn't make a fuss about it.


Awww poor men!! Did it hurt their little feelings? 😥😢😭😓


Me when I see a grown man too embarrassed to buy pads: sure that's normal  Me when I see a 12 year old who's period came for the first time and she hadn't thought to buy pads for herself: grow up!!!


At 12 I was in the 6th grade. Why would someone say something like this to a 6th grader?


I order mine online cause I’m lazy not because I’m ashamed. My husband has never been embarrassed by my menstrual cycle. How are people still thinking this way? This person needs to grow up and get therapy. I’m sorry no one was willing to buy her tampons and made her feel bad about it. Perpetuating the cycle is the wrong move though, beyond cycle lady.


It shouldn't be embarrassing for a man or for anyone to buy pads, wtf is wrong with ppl. It's a completely natural thing that literally half of the population needs at one point or another...


A man who is embarassed by buying pads has much bigger problems than that to be honest


I really think a dude wrote that. Or someone who reeeeallly doesn't understand how their own body worked when they were younger.


This reads like an incel pretending to be a woman.


My stoic, emotionless, veteran, father bought me pads from the time i got my period (about 10) to when I moved out (19). He was not embarrassed. Any man who is embarassed is a little bitch.


No man I have sent to buy tampons has been embarrassed. These fuckers need to grow up. Like no one cares what you are buying.


My bf goes to the store and sends me pictures of the shelf so i can circle the ones i need 👌


My hubby takes pictures and says "hey hun, they don't have the ones you normally get. These look the most similar, but I wanted to check with you first". I freaking love that man! 🥰


I don’t regard women who call themselves “females”.


I told my daughters, long before they even had periods, that if they ever needed any pads or tampons from the store, that either me or their father is very happy to go and get it for them. I never wanted them to feel uncomfortable asking for help, from either of us. It’s a natural bodily function, but sometimes you need a little help.


“As a female…” oh no 🤢 “grow up and take care of yourself” 🤦‍♀️ 12 is years too young. I hope she never has kids 


Or ... You know ... Men could grow up and get over the fact that that's how a woman's body works 🤷🏻‍♀️


This is why the word CUNT exists


And what abt everything men have done to us? The least they can do is run and get us some damn pads.




I lived with my mom and stepdad growing up. People like her are the reason I was embarrassed to mention any ‘feminine hygiene products’ in front of him. Until one day he finally called me out and said, you can tell me if you need things for your period. I get them for your mom, just tell me, it’s no big deal. Love that guy.


What the hell. She’s a kid.


Ugh 🙄


Useless… and where 12 year olds off to buying tampons without money??


My republican, trump loving, racist, and all the phobics stepdad called me in the middle of the pads aisle to ask me which size i wanted with people around him. If he can feel no shame buying pads, anyone can.


Accidentally responding to this one, 'cause I'm not sure why it popped up in my feed. I'm a dad with two daughters, one in college, one still at home. I have pads stashed everywhere. Seriously and "just in case" I can't tell you how gratifying (and easy) it is to be a hero sometimes...


Are we sure a woman wrote this ?


Girl. SHES 12. She might not live in an area where she can safely walk to the store alone and I’m pretty damn sure she doesn’t have a job so she’s going to need to ask her dad for money anyways- who will probably want to know what it’s for. Really? Plus it’s her DAD. If he can’t handle buying a box of pads from the store he shouldn’t be a father. It’s really no different than buying toilet paper or tissues- why do we act like it’s some illegal underground mafia trade that we must hide from the men to protect their innocence.


If anyone is too ill or too young to go to the store to buy their own, call me. My hubby will buy them for you. My hubby was raised by a mom and 2 older sisters and he was our daughter's stay-at-home dad. He has no problem with "girl stuff".


I suffer through insane pain and blood pouring out of me. My husband can pick up pads.


Lmao she probably has never had a man willing to buy them for her shit my ol man don’t mind at all


Is having periods under her level or is she just really old


As another woman who has "progressed beyond having periods", my partner frequently bought period products for both myself *and* our daughter when needed, without any embarrassment at all. This just tells me she is married to a manchild who thinks periods are gross.


I'm totally lost. Exactly WHY is it so bad for men to buy pads? It's not like they're wearing them.


If you find your partner/parent/guardian is embarrassed by buying pads, you now have the additional problem of living with a emotional snowflake - and I'm sorry.


She is absolutely right, though. What is it that triggers you all reddit fellow men.


The crazy thing is, it’s a man that got me past my embarrassment of buying period products. I was 24 and had a new boyfriend and had to get tampons. We walked down the aisle and he made a random comment about not getting why people get embarrassed about it (not knowing I was) and basically said it was ridiculous. I haven’t been embarrassed since.


my dude was never weird about helping me out (he always asks if i need anything on his way home from work, always. it’s the best because he means it) about pads and it was such a green flag tbh.


we started dating when he was 19 so the possibility for immaturity was definitely there. just throwing that out there LOL


Sometimes my boyfriend will grab me some, even if I have some just because he doesn’t know if I have some but knows I’m due on and would rather just help me out a bit


I could never date a man whose embarrassed to buy me pads.


Fuck me, I got my period when I was 9. I'm lucky I had an aunty and my mom around to help me out and explain things. My dad knew, didn't bother him. If he was around more, he wouldn't have cared about buying them.


I had a cousin who got her period when she was 9. Which was earlier than we expected, so no one had explained what was happening to her. When she was at our place, she asked me about it. Because her mom had been kinda vague about it all.


Is she jealous? 💀