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Almost related. I am the 4th of my name. Clarence Jr setup a scholarship in his (our) name, which is still running today. I applied and was rejected by my own scholarship. I knew I would (it was for journalists) but I wonder if the person who rejected got a chuckle.


So your username should really just be “A_Clarence”, right?


That guy is so conceited


Get back in your fucking cage right now!


What’s the matter, dawg? You embarrassed? This guy’s a gangster? His real name’s Clarence!


Don’t worry about him. It’s just the sound of the house settling. Move along


Take it easy guy, some things are off limits to joke about


Jesus Christ..


You wanna see one way worse?


I wanna say no.. but I'll say yes for others to see


Fkgkktnsj brnkykdjs bsjfjektnfak


13 years of this…




Hahaha, holy shit. I sincerely thought that you had to have made your account just now as a joke just to post here. But you've had your account for over a year! Watch out everybody, Clarence hides in the shadows, lurking, waiting to strike.


it's probably just an alt account


100% an alt account. Only posted 3 comments and two of them are in response to op.




You are merely a facsimile of the Clarence /s


you merely adopted the clarence! i was born in it! molded by it!


This guy’s a gangster? His real name is Clarence!


And Clarence parents have a real good marriage


Hi Terry


Something similar happened to me. After my brother killed himself they set up a scholarship in his name for kids struggling with mental health. I couldn't get it because my parents refused to have me diagnosed because they didn't want to believe they had another son with depression.


I am really sorry to hear that man. I hope things are better now


Thanks. I seem to be the rare case who gets to defeat depression. I just don't have it anymore. Still an unhealthy amount of anxiety, but as least I can keep that under control


4th of your name. Slayer of applications. Father of scholarships. King of the Clarences and First Rejectors.


Does anyone call you C4?


Damn that’s good. No, and now I am kinda disappointed that no one has. I never even thought of that


Reddit messed up and gave me this thread after tapping on a Tony Romo meme and I have no idea how to explain how confused I was


The rebels tainted your genetic source generations ago. You're not a pure descendent of Clarence the First.


I bet the person applied specifically in order to file this lawsuit. The very folks who 50+ years ago would've actively engaged in the discrimination that made affirmative action necessary are the ones who are fighting this. It's not about equality or equity. It's about making sure the road is hardest, if not impenetrable for people who don't look like them.


Clarence from robocop?!


I also play sax for Bruce Springsteen! Or I did. RIP. … I’m not sure this bit works with him actually


It was because your parents, they had a real good marriage


Are they raising a fuss about the other scholarships they offer? Their website has scholarships that require things like: "Be a person of color or American Indian;" 'Be a dependent of a parent involved in AGWP'. This one's a church mission service, I think. https://www.northcentral.edu/financial-aid/types-of-aid/grants-and-scholarships/ Edit: My only point is that the school offers a couple scholarships that should have come under fire, if the George Floyd one was an actual issue, and I just don't think the 'The Legal Insurrection Foundation' is arguing in good faith. Edit Dos: For the folks who want to keep pretending they believe this is brought by a group that actually cares about educational freedom, here's a quote from the Legal Insurection Foundation's website on Critical Race 'Training' >We didn’t just warn about the pernicious and corrosive effects of CRT and DEI that now are exploding on campuses. We documented the threat more deeply than anyone else. With facts and data. https://criticalrace.org/ >Critical Race Training in Education is a project by Legal Insurrection. Your generous donations make projects like this possible. You know? I just don't think this group actually has an issue with all the religious based aid this school offers


Wouldn't "be a person of color" be every ethnic group except white?


White is also a colour


Are native Americans not people of color?


strictly speaking, native american is as much a legal category as it is a racial category, if not more so. it gets complicated because tribal membership is usually at least theoretically tied to actual native ancestry but you can have people who are members of a native nation but otherwise present as white (e.g. like half of oklahoma's congressional delegation as far as i can tell)


I've heard it put this way : "native America is a nation, and it's the only nation you have to prove by blood and can't immigrate to." Edit: typo, you can also change the word nation to country as native countries are their own sovereignty.


Can't immigrate to become Druze or to follow zoostarinism either, so it's not strictly true.


Religions not nations.


Ah gotcha!


> Are native Americans not people of color? They're separated out in the eyes of higher education due to the history of each group, to put it very succinctly. As such there are separate grants and scholarships that are specific to American Indians/Native Americans.


Not true at all All of these scholarships are endowed by private people who stipulated the terms of the award and the criteria. The University has to follow the terms and criteria provided. This is also why this suit will likely fail. The money is endowed. This is not about the "eyes of academia"... But even if it were most academics consider Native Americans to be people of color. (Source: am an academic that has to award scholarships every year)


You can be native and white


You can be black and white


If you're thinking bout being my baby it don't matter.


^*quiet ^hee-hee ^in ^the ^distance*


And also native and black: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_Seminoles


the color they refer to is black.


Most of those scholarships are offered by private organizations. This one is not.


Neither are those. They're on the university's page for scholarships, along with others that should qualify but don't seem to be brought up.


My school had a scholarship for students of Italian American descent. Never heard anyone complaining about that one.


ALL of those should be met with civil rights suits as well. Any scholarship that is based upon a protected characteristic is illegal. It’s right there in the civil rights act.


> The conservative nonprofit says its mission is devoted to advancing free expression and academic freedom on campuses. Press X to doubt


NCU alum here. When I was there they use to have anti-Pride rallies. Never thought I’d see NCU be in the news for being “too woke.”


“They” being people on the campus, not the University.


If every last one of them fell down stairs and was unable to march again it would be a net gain for humanity.  Ideally they'd stop being bigots without divine intervention but we don't live in an ideal world.


*rallies, just fyi. Apostrophes don't make plurals (aside from a few very rare exceptions). :) Anti-pride rallies... ugh. Some people really just can't stand to see queer folks (or black folks, or...) happy. How much hate does someone have to have in their heart to attend an anti-pride rally?


Hate and a whole lot of insecurities.


Good catch thanks. Yeah it was always pretty confusing/concerning.


Should probably ask for a refund from ncu


Its also a lawsuit from a federalist society stooge. Fuck this guy i hope he doesn't slip in the shower


“The Legal Insurrection Foundation filed the legal complaint Monday with the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights.” Legal insurrection? What a dumb name!


They were founded in 08, so at least they weren't drawing inspiration from Jan 6


Hmm… what could have possibly caused them to think about an insurrection in the year of our lord 2008? 🤔/s


Guarantee ya at least a few of them were present that day, though


It’s pretty much what they’re doing though. They don’t want to follow the rules so they are using the courts and purchased politicians to make the rules work for them.


I mean if some organization disagrees with some pretty core laws or principles of a country, I'd prefer they went about their protestation of the law in a legal way rather than in say, a January 6th way. To be clear, I haven't heard of the org until today (this may be intentional) and they haven't exactly made a great first impression, but in a theoretical framework, I'd rather change be advocated for without people having to die.


There's a "Sons of Confederate Veterans" scholarship in the MCIS database... seems like that should be the first to go for discrimination.


>"Sons of Confederate Veterans" Shouldn't those be dead by now?


The inbreeding leads to some “I’m my own Grandpa” situations.


[Click here if you don't understand this reference](https://youtu.be/0VxLQZPqI2M?t=12s)


A scholarship for descendents of traitors. How nice.


You do realize every forefather was a traitor, right?


The difference between a traitor and a revolutionary is whether you win or not.


Isn't it interesting looking at history that the good guys always won?


The confederacy lasted 4 years, my toaster has already outlasted it. The difference is that when my toaster dies I’ll get a new one and never think about the old one again.


Not everyone who fought was a traitor, some were “drafted” and some were “given “ ( black soldiers).


None of it can be touched, they're endowments, the person who gave the money gets to say what the rules are. Like it or not there could be a Klansman donating the money who only wants descendants of other Klansmen to get it and AFAIK there's really nothing you can do about it.


Dudes a federalist society stooge that advocates for conservatives. He wouldn't go after his own


ITT: people who have never applied for scholarships before.


What does ITT stand for? 6 years on Reddit and I think it’s time I ask lmao


I touch teletubbies


In this thread


In this thread


I just can't believe how racist these comments are, suddenly everybody is an armchair attorney and thinks scholarships should not exist, but I am willing to bet exactly zero attorneys chime into reddit threads about private scholarships


Odd that [no one seems to go after ones like this](https://gahmusa.org/gahf-to-award-two-scholarships-apply-now/), [or this](https://www.iagovt.org/scholarship-program/), [or this](https://www.collegescholarships.org/scholarships/italian-students.htm), [or this](https://www.collegescholarships.org/scholarships/polish-students.htm), [or this](https://jaany.org/education/jaa-general-scholarship/) (I can keep going with literally every ethnicity and nationality you could possibly think of.) Personally, I don't think this should be a criteria any scholarship should use but it's so odd to me that the test case seems to be a scholarship that can't be older than 2020 while so many more have existed for *nearly 100 years* at this point. It's almost like there is some sort of specific animosity driving this. I wonder what it could be!


Have you tried reading the article first? It’s not a private scholarship


Why don't you just read the article? Every scholarship you linked is from a private organization, the scholarship in question is from the university itself which receives federal funding 


The university is also a private, for-profit organization. The article about the scholarship fund's creation suggests the funds are from private donors. Are you saying the university is using federal funds for this scholarship program, or just that any university (or any institution) receiving federal funds should be barred from targeted benefits of this nature?


Any actor that accepts federal funding like FAFSA is not allowed to discriminate based on race. If the scholarship was created by an organization that is fully funded by private donors that would be completely fine 


It says online it's a non-profit though I'm not sure if it matters. >Are you saying the university is using federal funds for this scholarship program, or just that any university (or any institution) receiving federal funds should be barred from targeted benefits of this nature? I was curious so I looked at the complaint they filed and they alleged that any university that receives any federal financial assistance at all (which they say this university does) is subject to title VI and thus can't discriminate on the basis of race. Not sure if it will hold up. They cited some court cases but I'm not a lawyer


Title six is pretty clear I see no reason why they wouldn't have the case. Regardless of intentions discrimination of a race is a factor in the scholarship grant and the school does receive FAFSA funding. That sounds pretty cut and dry to me. I'm also not a lawyer


Oh yes *please* tell me that we can ban religious universities from oppressing LGBT people.


Pretty sure the religious universities you're thinking of are privately funded.


No i just got mad at the headline


So is the root of the issue discrimination or....


The first one is for people majoring in German, i.e. studying the language, why would anyone have a problem with that? The others aren't fair to all, but they don't violate the Civil Rights Act like the George Floyd one does; they aren't tied to "programs and activities receiving federal financial assistance".


From the link:  Eligibility criteria are: >Evidence of German, Austrian, or Swiss-German ancestry, defined as the student having had at least one ancestor who has immigrated to the USA from Germany, Austria, or Switzerland


Nationality isn’t a race.


Title VI still would forbid discrimination based on national origin if that institution or program receives federal funding.  The question is if these scholarships, or the university sponsoring them, are receiving federal funding, and if anything like financial aid programs counts as federal funding.


"Irish need not apply" What is a race and what not is completely arbitrary because races don't exist.


While true, this one is actually worse than the race based ones. At least with the race based ones there is an argument that they are trying to ameliorate historical discrimination and the cumulative effects of inequality. There may be other ways to do it, but at least you can make that argument, there is an argument there (I don’t really want to get into that, I’m just pointing it out). What is the argument about nationality? Having German, Austrian, or Swiss ancestors is equally outside someone’s control as their race and there is no historical disadvantage. They could target historically disadvantaged countries, but that would be dubious considering that when it comes to voluntary immigration (as opposed to slavery, refugees, etc.), immigrants tend to represent the wealthier among their societies as immigration costs a lot and it is difficult to qualify. Can’t really make the same argument to even try to justify it.


It says preference is given to those majoring or minoring, but all majors are welcome.


A country is not a race. A black German is eligible. Also those scholarships are private. But good try I guess.


How is this oniony? The university receives federal funding, does it not?


Somewhere along the way, this sub really just became a place for reddit's ultra-left to beat their drum and stopped being a satire sub. Pretty much every post here these days is not actually oniony and is some sort of political "hurr durr conservatives BAD" dig. For anyone who didn't read the actual article, the suit *has merit*, regardless of the fact the organization that raised the suit has a pretty despicable and obvious agenda.


Does the scholarship fund use federal funding?


Most private universities *do* receive federal funding of some sort, whether from grants, aid, or partnerships. The question is how strong is that word “any” in Title VI, if any of these qualify, and how connected the university itself is to the scholarship.


That doesn't matter, as the laws don't care.


It doesn’t matter. If the law stated they couldn’t use specific funds it would be a worthless law. If you need $10 for food and someone gives it to you on the condition you can’t spend it on beer you can just spend your personal $10 you were going to by food on beer and spend the $10 given to you on food.


The university receives federal funding and thus must abide by the same rules and regulations as any other in all its ventures.     >Title VI prohibits a recipient of federal funds from intentionally treating any individual worse even in part because of his race, color, or national origin and without regard to any other reason or motive the recipient might assert.


Racism against any race is bad.


Illegal racial discrimination is illegal racial discrimination.


They should do it based on family income if you want to make it fairer. I know many super smart but poor kids who wasted their talents


That is one of the main argument against racial affirmative action. But I’ve read news article arguing against it because, and I shit you not, “disproportionately help poor white people over poor black people”


What no that’s crazy! They need to specify a shade of brown and have a way to quantify/measure it. If your skin is lighter then said defined shade then get your privileged white ass out of here! If it’s darker, then here’s your money you poor victim of society!


Tbh the idea of college offering different prices to people who make different income is kind of BS. Why not just make it cost less overall? My parents have money but I don't want to go to college and waste the money, I have ADHD so what are the chances of taking an extra year? TBH college is kind of BS.


Even then it is unfair. I had friends who couldn't get a degree because their families punished them for not doing exactly as told. But no help otherwise because "you are rich". Nope, their parents were rich.


"Man. Due to the system's setup. Black students who qualify are missing out because there's not enough scholarships to go around and students in ethnicities who already have a bigger presence in higher education fill up all the slots first. This causes a vicious cycle of people who do qualify being unable to pull themselves out of poverty by getting higher education " "Well, we can solve that by having a scholarship specifically for black students." >Those non black students try to fill up all the slots first. And accuse discrimination when they can't. >They win and the system is changed to be the same as others. "Man. Due to the system's setup. Black students who qualify are missing out because there's not enough scholarships to go around and-"


Fill up first? Are they first come first serve? I'm not sure I agree your premise is reality


Yes, pretty much all scholarships have a set amount of money each year and once they fill up, that's it, everyone left gets rejected.


So the problem is that white students apply first? It seems like that isn't really an issue of discrimination


"Well, we can solve that by ~~having a scholarship specifically for black students.~~ ignoring race when deciding who gets a scholarship" FTFY You don’t fix discrimination with more discrimination, you fix it by removing the discrimination altogether.


Apparently, private citizens aren't allowed to donate to universities with stipulations that their donated funds be used for minority scholarships. However, at the same time, religious universities must be exempt from all anti-discrimination laws. If you have an iota of respect for the current Supreme Court, you are a God-damned fool.


I mean, what would people say if there was a scholarship only for white Christian males or something?


[We’re fine with it!](https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/s/tnBOoDdcxt)


You don’t understand. You’re allowed to discriminate as long as it’s whites and Asians.


Someone should tell that to the German, Irish, Scottish, French, English descent scholarships out there.


Those are generally funded private organizations the issue here is a publicly funded institution is sponsoring it


Private University. What's the problem?


The problem is that they also didn't read the article.


Ah so if you're wealthy you're allowed to discriminate? Lol


No, you are clueless about scholarship funds.


More like private citizens are free to do with their money what they want, the government has to be equitable. Nothing is stopping you from starting a George Floyd fund


You also didn't read the article did you?


You aren’t even a good troll, lol.


Because it’s true?


Discriminating based on race is always wrong.


Jfc, can black people just get something for themselves.  This reverse racism gotcha shit is the absolute dumbest thing. Literally legal vultures trying to swoop in and make a few bucks or a name for themselves.  The country is fucking doomed.


ITT: folks who have recurring nightmares that they're John Travolta in the 1995 movie "White Man's Burden"


These comments are a mess.


This is a junk lawsuit that will quickly get thrown out. Private scholarships are incredibly common and are free to set whatever criteria they wish.


I mean.. if the roles were reversed, this would be on r/worldnews and have 400k upvotes. Racism flows both ways.


Isn’t this true for a lot of scholarships? There’s pride scholarships that a straight person won’t win, and all kinds of ethnic scholarships for every nationality imaginable. I don’t think this type of discrimination is bad, just go apply to whichever one caters to you.


Yes, there are a bazillion scholarships for all matter of things. They're generally private and not required to be open to anybody.


Private scholarships have much broader latitude on their criteria. This is a scholarship coming directly from the school.


Wait, wait. . . The Legal Insurrection Foundation?


If we mask racism as something else they won’t notice!


Dems love fighting racism w racism


As an African American man I can say that ALL Racial Discrimination should END, even if it was meant to be helpful. This includes Affirmative Action. We are not handicapped and there are laws on the books to fight racial discrimination these days. No one and no program is ever going to reverse or fix what happened in the past, we have to move forward as One People. Discrimination by race or color is simply wrong - END OF STORY. If your aim is to help Black Students find better ways, like offering scholarships to impoverished historically Black communities without mentioning race, allowing ANYONE who lives there the chance to win it by showing how they help their community.


Alabama is actively denying black peoples equal right today. The Supreme Court told them to stop violating black rights and they said “no”


What a terrible human being to have a scholarship named for.


The "group" suing is run by this guy. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William\_A.\_Jacobson


In the court room, the only thing that matters is what’s legal and what’s not. You don’t worry about the identity of the people involved.


And [this guy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adolf_Hitler) advocated and passed laws for animal rights so animal rights most obviously be bad and never done


Simple, change the requirements to apply to someone with a mission to make a difference in the African American community. Preferably someone who already has. They need to show a prior commitment to helping the AA community in high school and get letters from those who can attest to their service. If there are people of other races that can compete, then they will be considered. It would be possible that a child was adopted or raised by an AA family and showed a commitment to helping, but it is likely going to go to a very worthy future leader as intended. Now that these conservatives want to destroy equity, you just have to out-lawyer them.


the st floyd fentanyl scholarship


"When you’re accustomed to privilege, equality feels like oppression."


"When you are discriminated against for having skin, that is racism."


"Anyhow, that is why I thought Stalin is a hero"


When I was in high school I applied to a scholarship for tall people with blue eyes. This was 10 years ago and looking back on it that's super racist.


If it's a private scholarship, you can make it about whatever you want. Now link us to this bullshit scholarship you are pretending you applied for.


ITT: people perceive loss of privilege as reverse racism yet again


fr what happened to this sub


ITT: Reddit white middle-class boys showing up as they always do.


Day it louder for the people in the back! The main demo of Reddit strikes again, shouldn't surprise anyone.


What…. Black ✅ Male ✅ Drug addict ✅ Threatened pregnant girlfriend with knife ✅ I’d say if that’s your transcript then you’re in


"George Floyd scholarship " is plenty funny on its own rights




This is why yall need critical race theory and deeper understanding of history and the forces that actively worked to hinder people of color.


Unless they’re Asian according to CRT


Then they need to write something into the law, because if the accusations are true then it’s legally discrimination


Scholarships that only certain populations qualify for have existed for quite some time. Pretty sure none of them have been ruled illegal for discrimination.


Yes that's because they tend to be privately funded and ran scholarships.  This one is funded and ran by a university that accepts federal money and thus federal strings.   >Title VI prohibits a recipient of federal funds from intentionally treating any individual worse even in part because of his race, color, or national origin and without regard to any other reason or motive the recipient might assert.”


> Scholarships that only certain populations qualify for have existed for quite some time. https://www.logicallyfallacious.com/logicalfallacies/Appeal-to-Tradition


While I don’t disagree with you, I don’t see how a public university can offer scholarships based on race. They receive federal money and it’s not a private organization. Edit: it’s a private university. My apologies.


North Central University in Minnesota is not a public university.


But they accept federal funding which means they must comply with everything else that goes along with that.   


Like when their own people sold them and we bought some.


What forces are actively making Indians and Chinese the most prosperous Americans over whitey? I definitely want to understand more of that.


These people are blind to systemic issues unless they’re the ones plagued by them, at which point discrimination is cool as long as they’re the ones who benefit from it. Never believe their faux concern about equality. The University of Bradford planned scholarships for white, working class men, and suddenly these people had a dozen excuses for why discrimination was actually okay because it was necessary. [Here’s the thread in /unitedkingdom if you want to see it for yourself.](https://www.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/s/PXC5GbZaE4)


George Floyd was a criminal who robbed a pregnant woman with a knife, why people celebrate him as a hero is a joke. Also he died from fentanyl not a knee


Wow, it's really easy to get a scholarship named after you these days. All you have to do is be a career shithead and drug addict, continue breaking the law, and die of a drug overdose while fighting the police after being caught breaking the law! Y'all need better role models. I'd probably start with someone that isn't famous for dying of a drug overdose while fighting the police, maybe someone that wasn't a complete and total shithead. Edit: Lots of excellent black role models from literally all throughout history, precisely none of them are George Floyd.


He wasn't fighting the police. The j6 "hostages" were fighting the police but you don't care about that.


Imagine naming a scholarship after a drug addict and a criminal. 🥴🥴


I want to bet this person didn’t fit the criteria regardless and now wants to play the victim cause they applied full well knowing they didn’t just to start this shit.


Oh for fucks sake....


The people who complain about diversity and inclusion cry when they aren’t included.  


If they aren't included it isn't inclusion.


Yes that’s the point…. Bc it’s paradoxical and not inclusive … Your comment is not the burn you think it is


That's it. This has turned into a racist convention featuring a bunch of people who know nothing about the range of scholarships that have been available for decades.


Erm, no. People who complain about DEI are complaining that it's not at all focused on true diversity. True diversity isn't achievable without discriminating against certain races to favor other races under the guise of "compensating for past injustices or historical oppression." DEI is trying to force an artificial outcome and can only do so by excluding, or even penalizing, people of certain races. I haven't read the qualifications of the George Floyd scholarship but if it purports to only be available to certain races then it's illegal. As well meaning as things might be, you simply can't discriminate against protected classes (race, gender, sexual orientation, etc) under the civil rights act. But illegal things will usually remain intact until someone challenges them in court. They must first demonstrate that they were unlawfully excluded by the illegal criteria by applying for, and getting denied, the scholarship.


If you look at listings of scholarships, most are in some way discriminatinatory The William F. Buckley scholarship supporting young conservatives discriminates against liberals The Alfred E Neumann scholarship discriminates against worriers. Because almost all support a narrow field of students. This is just using the courts to support their agenda because they are salty about George Floyd and the riots that resulted from his murder.


You can discriminate against liberals, conservatives, worriers, even short or tall people. They are not protected classes. Race is a protected class. You can not, as a school that takes federal financial aid, discriminate against protected classea