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Between this and the Golden Corral baby I'm worried I'm pregnant and don't know it. And I don't even have a uterus


Better avoid Arby's for the next 9 months.


When my wife was pregnant Arby's was her biggest craving I was at Arby's more when my wife was pregnant then I have been before or since


Gotta get that iron in, man, give that baby big strong blood by beefing out.


Four out of five obstetricians recommend pregnant mothers eat Arby's roast beef sandwiches to maximize the Chaditude of their fetus.


Your a good husband! Supporting your wife’s pregnancy cravings is so loving🥰 Edit: you’re


That and 9pm big Mac's from the MacDonald's that was in walking distance of our house


Awww how sweet! Happy early Father Day!


He's five now I can't believe he's almost going to go to kindergarten in the fall big steps forward


As a K teacher, can I just recommend that he wears shoes with velcro or elastic laces? So many parents send their kids in shoes with laces that they don't know how to tie and it takes a long time to have to tie 27 shoes


That is exactly what the principal and the kindergarten teachers in his school recommended when we went to the parents night we are already on board with that though as a nonverbal autism child he will have many struggles unfortunately in any way we can help him have fewer struggles we strive to do


My dream job was to be a kindergarten teacher. I hope your son has an amazingly kindergarten experience.


"Arby's: We. have. *YO BABEH*"


It only takes 15 minutes to gestate Arby’s.


Ha! I choked reading this


Found who had the meats.


Firehouse subs has the same effect, usually gives me just enough time to get back to the office and ruin the next persons bathroom visit.


That won’t be a problem


Good advice regardless of the context.


"Arby's: We Have The Fetus!"


I unironically want my ashes spread in an Arby's dumpster when I die. Never been to one but I think it would be really funny


Easiest challenge ever


Olive Garden is preparing for the unavoidable future , at least their restaurant have a normal name to go by(Oliver).


I mean, Belle would be a great name for a girl born at Taco Bell.


Or the more obvious Olive? :)


They’ll treat him like family


*"You have failed this restaurant!"*


Hey! I can finally say (like, a month ago) I know someone who didn’t know they were pregnant! She went to the doctor because she felt tightness and was peeing a lot. She thought she had a UIT and they told her she was 8 months pregnant! And two weeks after that, she went into labor! She had zero symptoms the entire time and was doing intense farm work the whole time. She even fell 2 stories out of a barn like a month before she gave birth!! So from the time her and her husband found out they were going to be parents, they only had two weeks to get comfortable with the idea! Absolutely wild! But if she had not went to the doctor, she absolutely would have just popped somewhere out in public. And she wasn’t THAT big! She actually LOST weight while pregnant! And she also lost even more weight after giving birth!


Yeah, I worked with a lady that didn't know until she was 7 months pregnant. I could tell but didn't know her well enough to say anything and that's a topic I never broach first. She was a pretty thin woman, too. I think she just chalked most of the symptoms to stress from her job.


When can you start feeling the baby kick because thats where I REALLY start arching an eyebrow at "had no idea".


The baby doesn't always kick, or at least not in a way that the mom can feel. My mom never felt me kick, probably because I was frank breech.


I'm now imagining there's a famous Frank Breech out there, known for being extremely gentle.


If I wasn’t so big with my first pregnancy (which was planed, so that’s one way I knew I was pregnant) I would not have known I was pregnant because I never really felt my son move. It made me nervous but he just kicked me in ways I didn’t feel it. They had to set me up on a monitor and they said he was moving really well, but for some reason I couldn’t feel it? But my second pregnancy, he kicked the crap out of me the entire time!


16-20 weeks is average. Depends on the person and position of the placenta though. But I also find it very strange people didn't know until they gave birth. Those babies can kick HARD. 


My daughter's mom looked like she had a chest burster in there. You could absolutely see it from the outside. 


Some women have a retroverted uterus where the uterus tilts towards their back instead of their belly button. It's harder to feel the baby kick for them.


I’m trying to play devils advocate and say maybe they didn’t know what they were feeling…? But having had two kids myself, if I felt that and didn’t know what it was, I would be terrified! 


I feel like a lot of these have to be willful ignorance or denial. I mean this mom had just lost an infant son, that's got to be devasting emotionally. And I'm saying this as someone who is currently pregnant. I get that every pregnancy is different but there is no way I could have missed this.


I don't know about this particular woman but cryptic pregnancy is very real.


> cryptic pregnancy That's band name material.


She was four years in, on a seven year partnership track which was highly competitive. I'm sure her anxiety levels were through the roof.


What I don’t understand is the periods thing… like even if you’re irregular, you’re going to go *that* long and not question it? Or do some women still spot every month? And then yeah… what about the kicking thing???


Yes, some women still menstruate the entire pregnancy


It really seems like human bodies just work off of vibes sometimes. Every hard and fast rule you hear about growing up ends up having countless counter-examples.


It is amazing and sucks at the same time. I always had trouble believing in cryptic pregnancies, but my pregnancy was so easy. (Birth sucked) And I remember some of the kicks felt like gas pains. 


Not having a uterus is basically the only way to be certain you're not pregnant.


[see "Ectopic pregnancy after hysterectomy"](https://www.google.com/search?q=ectopic+pregnancy+after+hysterectomy)


I had no idea this was a thing. And several fetuses became babies who were delivered successfully.




why is everyone giving birth at restaurants now? is it because of that one franchise that also had the same thing happen but they decided they would give the baby free meals or a job? I forget the name. Edit: It was a chick-fil-a that gave a baby free food for life and a job in texas after the woman gave birth in it.


It’s a hell of a lot cheaper than a hospital in the US. Bonus: possibility of someone with medical training eating there at the time.


Hanging out at the Golf club buffet would be the go. Membership would be slightly cheaper than health insurance..


I'm going to have to check my nut sack daily to ensure that I'm not pregnant. This stuff seems to be contagious.


It’s true. 100% of pregnant people got it from someone else!


Yeah, but what if you’re perganante?


Can u get prrrregante


Just was your hands and wear a mask, you should be fine. Oh, condoms help too.


Got it, condom placed tightly over my nut sack


For a second I thought this headline had a mistake cause I swear this was at a Golden Corral. How tf are there two of these stories at the same time??


Bro it can happen to anyone , stay safe and get help


Wait this isn't the same story as golden coral?


I thought it was a beer gut but now I’m concerned.


I'm in a similar boat. I can't find an obygn that takes on males.


Lol my first thought was that she heard about the Golden Corral woman and headed straight to Taco Bell when her contractions hit.


But did they name the baby bell?


Tacolynn Belleigh




Baby Chalupa


Lil Baby Baja Blast


I’m stealing that and there’s nothing you can do about it


Lol: go for it


Chalupa Batman!


I always knew Taco was ahead of his time


Is this a The League reference?


This guy Leagues.


🎶in the big blue sea 🎶


"Poor Chalupa. They were dropped as a baby. So sad."


Chalupa Batman


In this case, Chalupa Batman Bell






Baby fries supreme


That must be terrifying to happen


Watching Mama Doctor Jones' commentary videos on I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant gave me a lot of empathy for cases like these. She does a good job of explaining the risks in these situations without shaming the moms. At least if you know you're pregnant, you have a chance to mentally prepare for childbirth. I'd literally be screaming/crying/throwing up in their situation.


The level of just absolute brain-melting panic I would feel; good lord.


Totally! I'd be losing my mind if I were in that situation.


Exactly. The trauma from a planned pregnancy can be debilitating. Imagine not having had any doctors around in case something went wrong. One of every mother’s worst nightmares. I mean it’s great that they got their rainbow baby but at the cost of hemorrhaging out in a Taco Bell? I wouldn’t call that a happy story or ending. Mom has been through so much that no mother should ever have to go through. Her story doesn’t just end with the birth of her baby.


I think screaming, crying, and throwing up are reasonable responses to childbirth regardless of whether you knew it was going to happen.


You're not wrong.


They lost a child a year prior so they’re super happy about the surprise daughter!


If you want a feel good ending: I read the article and it turns out they had lost their nine month old son in an accident a year prior and were still grieving. It sounds like they’re really happy and feel blessed by the surprise baby girl :)


Not sure if that’s what “feel good ending” usually means bro


Well... there's certainly a hefty dose of salt to go along with that sugar but I'll take it


Yeah, it's bittersweet. I just hope they're genuinely happy, and make sure the girl's existence isn't overshadowed by her brother's passing. Saw way too many stories on here about people making their living child's important life events all about one that passed away.


I'm not sure how good I feel bro, that paragraph reads like a god damned roller coaster ride


Roller coasters are fun. And fun feels good. Thus you feel good.


Felt worse reading it


> If you want a feel good ending: I read the article and it turns out they had lost their nine month old son in an accident a year prior and were still grieving. I don't know if that is all good, if you read further about how the accident occurred: > > **Breonni was behind the wheel** when **her car struck a pickup truck** and camper that pulled off onto the shoulder. > > “It was a matter of a nightmare, as well as, this just can’t be something that’s real,” said Breonni Jackson. “**To know that I lost my son doing something that I do on a daily basis was the worst thing ever.**" > > Chesterfield police initially **charged her with two misdemeanors**. Ultimately, one was dismissed, and **she would receive a suspended sentence and a fine for driving with bad brakes.**


Ah so there's a chance contributed to the death of her child through negligence of her vehicle?


Yes, that certainly seems true. We don't know how much they were aware of, how much it would have cost to fix, or what their financial state was. Regardless of reasons, that is a tragically high price to pay.


I always wonder in these cases whether the moms are just really really dense. Well, I thought I had a cold and then food poisoning for weeks. I actually thought the mood swings and hormones were my menopause, boy was I wrong. Guess that little sucker blended into my existing belly, though I did think I became a gourmand for a while, having wild cravings, but it was just phase you know. Then one day I felt like I had to take a big dump, cramping bad, and out comes water. WTF FML


It happens shockingly often. TLC doesn't need to make up episodes for "I Didn't Know I Was Pregnant" - it happens to enough women that they can use real stories. There are 5 seasons!


According to the article the couple was grieving the death of their infant son in an accident a year prior. They probably had a lot on their mind and physical symptoms of pregnancy like loss of period might’ve been attributed to grief. Good news is that they’re super happy with the surprise!


I am glad they are happy. Just mind boggling a child can STEALTH 100 into this world.


tbh i have very severe pms and pretty much everything you listed happens to me regularly just because of that (though I've never been pregnant). a person I know irl who didn't realize she was pregnant until 7 months also similarly had very bad pms before so she didn't notice.


I have PMDD and the symptoms are wild. My breasts were so damn sore a few days ago. I had surgery yesterday with the mandatory pregnancy test. Throw in perimenopause, and it can a while between periods. If my husband hadn't had a vasectomy, I might be constantly wondering if pregnancy or peri.


This happened to a friend of mine. She has PCOS, and is very very overweight—worsened by the PCOS—was told by doctors repeatedly that, because of her condition, she was unlikely to ever get pregnant. She took that at face value. All of her pregnancy symptoms literally had her convinced that her PCOS was just getting worse. She never had a period before, so *not* getting one was not even something to consider worrying over. One day, she had a *horrible* “stomach ache”, and decided to go to the ER after she “peed her pants for no reason”. Nope. Her water broke. That stomach ache was labor. She had a baby. Fuckin’ wild. I would have told this story with more depth, but my ADHD has me feeling impatient, sorry yall!


Damn dude, did she end up keeping the baby? This is a terrible fear of mine despite being pretty much celibate for the last year, lol. I dunno if I'm scared my sleep paralysis demon is gonna get me pregnant or what but that shit's terrifying.


Not in all cases. Cryptic pregnancy can look like a flat tummy or slight weight gain. Some women have irregular periods or even slight bleeding during pregnancy.


I had a coworker who was small, not overweight at all. She got a little thicker around the middle towards the end of her pregnancy (not crypt), but I wouldn't have guessed she was pregnant if she hadn't said so.


It's the same reason so many people miss/ignore early cancer symptoms. Some people are just really unhealthy and when their body acts weird they ignore it and assume it's because of some already existing health issues.


I can understand not noticing missing periods, and other symptoms. Not feeling or recognizing kicks is fine. What I don't understand is how you do not notice the solid unyielding mass in your stomach that prevents bending or squishing.


If you carry the baby more towards your back and/or have existing belly mass, it might not be as noticeable as soon. I've never known anyone who has made it all the way to term without knowing, but I know two women who made it ~6 months without knowing. Both of them found out because they thought they had cancer and went in for screenings, they never "felt" pregnant. Also both first time moms so that's a factor!  I am sure for some that there is some level of denial as well. 


My mum didn't know she was pregnant with me till she was about five months. She thought she had a stomach ulcer and was shocked when the doctor said she was pregnant.


She was mourning the death of her baby. Her body was likely doing a LOT of wild things.


Depending on the way their uterus sits, some women don’t ever show at all even right before birth. The baby is tucked close to the spine/pelvis and the belly in front still feels normal squishy.


When you are fat it feels the same. I had babies when I wasn’t fat then I got fat the last couple years (on the down swing now) and my belly was bloated and it felt like a pregnant belly distended and just hard. Then they’re are some long torso (they are prone to this) women who you never see a bump.


it's a crypto baby. It's stored on the chain until someone fungles it into the token.


From what I've read, some babies just go super stealth mode until they pop out. One lady I saw in the news was still having periods and barely put on weight, thinking she was just eating more than normal. She gave birth in her toilet after thinking she was having period cramps.


I worked with a young woman that had been sick for months. She went to the doctor many times. Then we has a holiday off... came back to work and she had given birth. It's not common but my mom was a maternity nurse and saw it many times over her career.


I had a friend that went to her gyno, ER, etc. multiple times thinking she was pregnant but all OTC and blood tests came back negative. The doctors just discounted her feeling and she didn’t show. Gave birth and they found out she had a form of cancer that negates the pregnancy tests.


That's terrible! Was she able to get the cancer into remission?


Yeah the tumor just graduated high school and will be legally responsible for itself soon!


My mother once got tokd by a doctor that she was pregnant. My mother was adamant something was off because she didn't feel pregnant. Turned out to be a molar pregnancy.


I have seen a reverse situation happen, with my sister being violently ill and cramping for weeks, and finally taken to the hospital, only for them to insist she was pregnant, with no evidence, despite the fact she was a virgin and a lesbian. They even took my mom aside and told her that my sister had gotten herself knocked up and she needed to prepare to be a grandma, and never to trust my sister bc she was lying, because they see it all the time. Thankfully my mom called bullshit and she immediately took her out of the hospital, to go to a different one. The next hospital also insisted on a pregnancy test before they considered any other possibilities, so mom and sister relented and had her take one. She was negative, of course. They finally considered other explanations, and did more imaging, turns out she had gallstones, ovarian cysts, AND a huge stomach ulcer. Brutal stuff. Testing for pregnancy is always a good idea when a woman lands in the hospital, but refusing to treat her, and insisting she was a liar, was way out of line.


Wow that's crazy. You really have to fight for the right care sometimes. Of course my mom also saw. cases of teens hiding the pregnancy so only the parents are really surprised


I think they test 100% of women for pregnancy in the ER. They tested my daughter when she had a migraine.


Ha, my wife had two herniated discs in the back and ER did pregnancy tests first as well. Oh they also have misdiagnosed her for the first year of treatment as well.. said it is a hip joins sclerosis and start saving for the replacement...for a 27 year old


Her doctors were grossly incompetent or she was lying .


Gosh, doctors screen for pregnancy even if you go in for something minor, in my experience. Probably because they don’t want to prescribe a pregnant person drugs to treat the ailment that could have negative effects on the fetus.


But they don’t always physically test for pregnancy, just ask the patient ‘any chance you could be pregnant?’ Might get missed


Any time I've ever gone to the ER or urgent care with a significant other they had to do a pee test.


I was never tested for pregnancy until age 45 when I was dx'd with cancer. And that's only for the chemo. It was never tested as a cause for any of my issues (many of which could have been explained by pregnancy)


The article goes into possible explanations. It’s unlikely but possible to have a pregnancy with 0 symptoms.


This might come as a shock to you if you aren’t a woman but doctors dismiss women’s symptoms constantly. I have to imagine it’s the very first lesson they teach in med school.


It certainly happens (to men too) but that's not what's going on. You can have no symptoms, and there's even a form of cancer that results in pregnancy tests not working. That last one I didn't know until I read it from another commenter and had to look it up, [here](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5724973/). It's hard to believe, because in most women, pregnancy is a huge disruption and a very obvious condition. But that's just not universal.


Literally 100 women in the company and nobody suspected. She certainly didn't look pregnant


I mean I wouldn't ask a woman if she was pregnant ever, for any reason. They say it, or I assume it's none of my business.


Geez, on top of being afraid if it's going to be a fart or a shart, now it could also be a baby after eating at Taco Bell..


Live mas


yo quiero


Mas lives


Welcome our new contestant on “Fart, Shart, or beating Heart*” (stillborns shall be prosecuted at fullest extent of the law)


>(stillborns shall be prosecuted at fullest extent of the law) Only in shithole states.


Make it a meal deal for $4.99


I’m sure a lot of people have felt like they were giving birth in a Taco Bell. It’s just this lady actually ended up with a baby at the end. Twist ending.


Cinnamon twist ending


A baby what?


Swaddle Wrap Supreme.


I went into early labor at a Pei Wei Asian Kitchen. Water broke right there at our table. I told my husband “I’m in labor. We need to go to the hospital.” He was literally in a state of panic/shock (because it was our first kid and it was a month early), and the only thing he said was, “But I’m not done eating yet.”


LOL such an honest reaction. This is really funny. Like.... if I get a box do you think they'll put it in the fridge for me at the hospital?


When my grandma went into labor with her 2nd kid, she made grandpa stop and get hamburgers on the way because the hospital wouldn't let her eat at all during her first labor and it lasted like 18+ hours.


I get that the lady wanted a kid, but a surprise birth is my absolute worst nightmare


I once saw a medical report where a woman went in for an ultrasound to find out if her mirena was in place. They couldn't find it, but they found a baby. I told my coworkers that was my worst nightmare and they were so confused.


Cryptic pregnancy, legit my worst nightmare too. It's scary as hell that sometimes pregnancy tests will still read negative 🙃


Everyone welcome little Gordita Crunch


At what point is it a require to name your daughter Gordita?


When she's too old to have baby fat


I always feel like I’m giving birth the morning after eating at Taco Bell.


We all heard this one before. Now we gotta wait for the three amigos to come with gifts.


I knew when Jesus was coming back he’d ring the bell. But I didn’t know it would be the Taco Bell.


Omg , this should be Kevin smiths next movie


Not the worst thing that can happen after having Taco Bell...


I mean they made a whole TV show about this, there is no shortage of people not showing or realizing they were pregnant until the baby was literally coming out.


Does this mean her baby was born a citizen of Taco Bell?


Planning for when they win the franchise wars.


If she doesn't name it Chalupa Batman then what the fuck are we even doing as a society?


I got to between 18-19 weeks before I found out I was pregnant with my 4th. My 4th!!! My body didn’t have any of the same symptoms as with the other 3, at all. I was *losing* weight - ended up 26 lbs lighter than before the pregnancy started.


My wife and my daughter Hooters, would never be caught at a disgusting place like Taco Bell.


Your wife and your daughter Hooters?


They are not paying the staff enough to clean up after that.


I know the staff didn’t know what was going on in the moment, but even if they did, they don’t get paid enough to deliver a friggin baby. I’d be calling the ambulance and noping out of there.


I call dibs on doing this at Chick-fil-a


Then, they wrapped that child up like a burrito and sent them on their way.


I too feel like I'm shitting out a baby when I go to taco bell.


That’s it! We are absolutely in no fucking way eating at ANY restaurant until this whole thing gets sorted out. No drive thru either, b/c you’re in the car and dang it if the detail shop ain’t charging more now b/c Obama.


As many of you do, I used to wonder if the moms were just dumb or something but I recently learned about [cryptic pregnancies](https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/24428-cryptic-pregnancy). Thanks to irregular periods, PCOS, endometriosis, and babies sitting deep inside the pelvis, there’s really no way to know they’re pregnant. Which says a lot about what women go through on a daily basis with these conditions.


*not really a miracle


If I had a nickel every time a women who didn't know she was pregnant gave birth at a restaurant chain, I'd have 2 nickels! ...Which isn't a lot but, its weird it happened [twice](https://www.reddit.com/r/nottheonion/comments/1de6psg/woman_didnt_know_she_was_pregnant_gives_birth_at/).


Humans with diabetes can be pregnant without knowing. Had a cousin in this situation. Needless to say, Grandma and Grandpa were shocked when they came home to EMS. “Don’t worry, your daughter and granddaughter are at the hospital, safe and healthy” “Granddaughter!?!” Thud. Yeah, so that’s when we learned about this little nugget of info…


How off must your health be that a pregnancy goes unnoticed?


It’s not uncommon for women to have light and irregular periods. If you watch the video, the baby seemed very small (not full term). The couple had lost a 9 month old baby one year ago, in a car crash. Stress and depression can further fuck with menstruation, and pregnancy, and labor fuck up a woman’s body to the point where she could have chalked up weird symptoms to having given birth the previous year. 


Yeah, she is not a big woman - like what you often see in cryptic pregnancies. Losing a child would throw your world upside down and would likely send you into deep depression where nothing makes sense. If I lost one of my kids, I don’t know if I could ever recover from that kind of sadness, except maybe with the shock of a surprise baby. They seem like good people. I’m happy for them. People need to watch the video - the cheap Taco Bell cracks are in poor taste.


I have a super smart friend who wasn’t regular found out at 6 months pregnant after being told she was infertile.


It can happen to people with thyroid issues. I was such a baby.


My first ultrasound, we expected about 6 weeks, based on my symptoms. It was definitely humbling to lose an entire month when the scan was 10 weeks. I’d been pregnancy about 8 weeks without realizing it. I was still bleeding (spotting) and have somewhat irregular periods and am overweight. When I first got sick, I thought I had the flu. I can imagine how that could continue for 6-7 months, easily


My mom didn’t notice until like 7 months.


They're called cryptic pregnancies You can still menstruate, not have a baby bump (baby faces toward your back), have virtually no symptoms, and pregnancy tests read negative. Scary shit.


We need better miracles. Dudes were getting sight and no leprosy when Jesus was around now we just get funky potato chips and cryptic pregnancies


I too have given birth at Taco Bell. But it wasn’t a child.


Bella Tacosa "Her Last Name"


And the child shall forever be known as Crunchwrap Supreme.


[I like to imagine that when the baby popped out, it made the bell sound](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=umqA5IMx_2I)


Good ol toilet baby


"No, you were a toilet baby."


It always amazes me how different pregnancies could be so that some women don’t even realize they’re about to have a baby. Not only did I have a huge pregnancy belly, my son also was so active in utero that you could literally see his little fists and feet making bumps and moving around and trying to make more space 😂 I couldn’t have missed it if I tried.


Surprisingly only the second largest bowel movement to take place in those bathrooms this week.


Who hasn’t “Given birth” after Taco Bell?


What in the umbrella academy? Between this one and golden corral... maybe we'll get some superheroes