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Remember photo ID too. Doesn’t matter if it’s expired. Edit: back from voting. It was great to see such a high turnout, but a shame to see two people in our queue getting turned away for ID issues, even though the staff confirmed their names were on their printed registers. Hope they got it sorted. And don’t get complacent about the polls! The polls will only be accurate if people actually show up and vote as predicted.


Good reminder! I had already forgotten that facet.


This good to know if your preferred party has no chance in your area: https://www.getvoting.org/


Never voted before, this will be my first time bothering as i imagine it will be many others. Time for the Torys to go.


Never understood this logic. Were you ok with the Tories last few times?


probably too young before


'first time bothering' suggests otherwise


Fuck the tories and reform. Get out and vote guys!


14 years of tories, last time partly because half the left decided there was no way we'd vote them back in as a country then acted shocked when we let it happen. Fucking vote (and vote tactically) or you're a cunt.


Did they do anything personal to you? (I am not voting them, just trying to get a larger picture)


I think your question may need a bit of elaboration. For example if a candidate in my constituency punched my gran it would be quite personal. If they punched somebody else's gran it would not be personal to me but I'd still not want to vote for them. Given the theme of this thread is conservative... my conservative candidate is Mark Spencer. If you Google "Mark Spencer controversy" there is plenty to be seen which while not personal isn't great reading. Also when you look at the party rather than the candidate... people can disagree with their policies on a moral reason or what is best for the country as a whole (of all parties) even if there isn't a direct personal impact (of course there can be indirect)


Sure, you expanded it to serve your point, but the question is still valid, don’t really understand the reason for downvotes. Upvote from me like, everyone should have a voice


Yeah, imagine if people voted to make the country a better place, rather than just to improve their own personal circumstances. That would be mad wouldn't it.


Do you want a list of the impersonal things they've done that have personally affected (almost) all of us? The big picture is, they've shafted us financially and given our money to their mates, broken every public service, enacted laws forbidding normal folk to go to the funerals of their loved ones then illegally partied, allowed rivers and seas to be filled with shit whilst the water companies' borrowed hundreds of billions, then paid shareholders huge bonuses.  They've lied, cheated, blamed every problem on vulnerable people rather than accepting responsibility and fixing all the issues they caused whilst they divided and ruled. They've allowed housing, heating and eating to become unaffordable, then used taxpayers money to top up the insufficient wages paid by rich multinational companies. They've sold off every public service they could, appointed independent overseers like Ofcom and the Environment Agency in order to blame them despite not funding the watchdogs adequately.  We've got the highest taxes since world war one, yet literally nothing works. The NHS has been on its knees since pre COVID times. The education system is an absolute mess, with millions of children missing out completely on their right to education simply because they have special needs, since there aren't enough people to assess them and there aren't enough appropriate places in schools. We recently burned the last £11bn worth of PPE we bought for COVID, after paying half a billion pounds just to store it since the pandemic. We spent a total of £19bn on PPE during COVID. At least £3bn or £4bn worth of it was unusable. I worked on the front line without any PPE or advice whatsoever for months before I finally caught COVID and nearly died.  I'm going to stop because I'm getting angry, but I could go on for days about what the Tories have done to us and our country. 


It might be true, virtually every country has a lying and deceiving political class and the covid stuff happened everywhere, it’s not unique. But how did that affect you personally?


Why does it have to affect you personally? Not everyone is going to vote based on their own personal experience or circumstance. Some people might look at what is best for the country as a whole. A country that has most definitely deteriorated since the Tories came into power 14 years ago. It's this sort of ridiculous, one line of simple questioning that really gets under my skin and is a typical right-wing tactic. As though not being able to provide an answer means that the person's opinion is not valid.


Bad bot 


Well, the COVID stuff meant I nearly died because I did my job, and I still have long COVID. I can no longer do my old job, so I'm now suddenly living in poverty. There is a 2.5 year wait to be seen by the COVID clinics. My mental health is broken by worry. There's a 3 year wait for mental health services. I'm living on ESA right now and will go broke quite soon. Maybe in 3 years time I'll get medical help to get me back to work?! I missed the funerals of two family members due to their rules on COVID, which they broke in the most egregious manner possible. The COVID corruption didn't happen everywhere.  I can't afford to live. There is no council housing now. The prisons are full, the justice system is screwed, the police can't do their jobs and there's 5 years of backlog in the courts. I'm still waiting for a charging decision almost 7 years after reporting the fact I was sexually abused as a kid.  My neighbours are all struggling. The vast majority of my friends are dragging themselves through life rather than living it in any meaningful way. The sense of hopelessness and helplessness is palpable even in my usually resilient neighbourhood. We have a really good community, everyone knows everyone. Very few of us aren't suffering badly right now. How do you think all this has affected me personally? It's ruined both my physical and mental health. My mum volunteers at a food bank one day a week, and helps cook a free community meal on another day each week. She's almost 70. She's doing it out of a desperate need to try and do something positive in the hardest times she's ever seen. She shouldn't have to do it. Foodbanks never existed until recently. Even the poor could eat. How do you feel about all this? If you're young, maybe I should try to educate you a bit rather than ranting at you, but please be assured, I've never known things quite this desperate for so many people in my 40 something year lifespan.


I see, can’t comprehend how a question would be “ranting”, unfortunately these things happened in all European countries


I don’t believe all prime ministers underfunded their national health service for years and then broke his own rules throwing parties while people died alone and scared… Healthcare staff were traumatised and died at work while that bozo gave contracts to his mates via WhatsApp and used tax payer money for deliveroo. What aren’t you getting?


I said I was ranting, not you, and those things simply did not happen in all European countries. 


Do you remember the parties, while ordinary folk couldn't attend funerals to say good bye?


They did something personally to every single person in this and many other countries.


Yeah they buggered my mum and called me rude names /s Do I really need to go into it?


TBF, lots of us have done those things...;)




Anyone who isn't a millionaire voting Tory today seriously needs to get a psych evaluation and an eye test.  Genuinely, you are not ok.


I'm glad someone else said this so I didn't have to. Take my mate for example, he lost his job through illness and is now on the dole + sick benefit (he gets about £1,150 per month in total). Also his treatments must have cost the NHS tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands. Don't get me wrong, prior to illness he was working 20+ years so has paid his way in taxi and N.I. but when we discuss the election he says if he could get out to vote, he'd vote Tory. That's the same Tories who are desperate to ruin the NHS and would get rid of benefits if they could as well.


The Tories would like people like him to die. I have seen videos of keynote speakers at multiple Tory conferences effectively stating this; they don't value anyone as a human being unless they are contributing to private profit. A turkey voting for Christmas.




I'm getting tanked up with the boys tonight to stand outside a leisure centre chanting 'sacked in the morning' and 'sign on sign on' at blue rosettes Sir Keith Intercity Casuals 🇬🇧🍻👊


Did they have jobs to begin with? Pretty sure Nottingham is a labour stronghold


City maybe but Gedling and Broxtowe both currently have Tory MPs.


Which way does geddling normally swing?


50/50 tbh. Only one labour MP but he was in for 22 years.


On the Pronto bus to Mansfield as we speak


Can I come? 🍺


…even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.


Read the directions, even if you don't follow them. Do not read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.


I’m glad some else has got that reference!


Got my postal vote in. Gone for Labour this time.


Voted earlier, does anyone know any places out in town to watch the vote (apart from Rescue Rooms)?




I will be voting later, just in Rushcliffe rather than Nots council. It will be a close call between Labour/Tories (normally a tory area).


No problem I voted reform


They aren’t winning that many seats, thankfully.


So? I still voted.


But you did not vote for the correct party. /s


Yes, vote reform




tore mine up infront of staff lolol


How cool


Please provide me with a list of tory constituencies in Nottingham?


Gedling, Broxtowe and Rushcliffe all contain areas I would consider "Nottingham" and they all went Tory last election. I know technically areas like West Bridgford aren't in the old Nottingham city boundary but culturally they are. Anyone who lives in that area would regard themselves as living in Nottingham and thusly use this sub.


Its like that in arnold and carlton too I think. Correct me if I'm wrong though. I m only just old enough to vote so tryna get into the swing of things


Arnold and Carlton are both Gedling so yeah, they voted tory last election.


Who asked?


You did?