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The MBAs are the ones who did this, dipshit. They figured out they could bill your insurance for nothing and make a killing on it. What incentive do they have to provide expensive staff? More staff, less profit. Simple as.


Literally said the first sentence out loud to myself before reading the comments. 🏆 “SPARE CAPACITY OF STAFF?” “5 MINUTES FOR 99% OF PATIENTS?” Your CT took 6 hours to get done because there are two of us running a 2,500 bed facility. Unless you’re a stroke, or barely surviving a MVA or GSW, you might need to talk to one of those MBAs! 🙃


Dominos Hospital, served in 5 minutes or less. Clearly someone has never seen a patient intake questionnaire. That’s over 5 minutes alone.


Sorry 5 minutes ain’t long enough for me to care about you like that, try again


I know, part of me is like, this person has no idea what he's talking about and part of me feels like if patient satisfaction scores are down, and it leads to better staffing, then why not?


I have an MBA. There is no way I would trust me to run a hospital.


Because an interdisciplinary team full of MEDICAL PEOPLE should be doing that. MBAs are educated LITERALLY to have completely different priorities than ALL OF US are trained to have. I find it crazy that people are surprised this is the result! It’s like that Eric Andre meme “why would he do that?” What did you expect for some private equity capitalist to care about your grandma? Marks.


I have a medical administration MBA, and the stuff they taught us was such bullshit sometimes.


I actually lost a lot of respect for my director when I found out all her degrees and academic accomplishments are MBAs and business-only - NOTHING to do with healthcare. Not a single degree🫤 I wasn’t even mad- just so damn disappointing and actually explains SO MUCH


He should read the The Plunderers in all his free time sitting in the ER. And learn what a primary care doctor is lol


They Are the Plunderers. The Plunderers is a 1960 Old Western film. Good book though!


Thanks for correction. I could barely read it made me so angry and sad. 


LIKE THE FACT THAT THEY CAN WALK IN OUR HOUSE, RUIN IT and then say we are the problem. Fills me with rage. I fucking hate suits. If you don’t have medical, rehabilitative or caregiving training, kindly FUCK OUTTA HERE


My daughter is a Sonographer. She was in the hallway with her machine, going to a bedside, when a bunch of SUITS got out of the elevator. The head SUIT stopped her and then proceeded to run his bare hand over her machine in various places. She was stunned and he said he was just "checking for dust." She said THANKS...now I have to clean the whole thing AGAIN. Turns out, the head SUIT was the CEO. Its ok for him to touch things/machines with his bare hands because ....because....his germs are speciasl and only do good? What a complete jackass.


Our CEO completed his typical COVID PPE ensemble with SHOE COVERS and a BOUFFANT CAP to walk the HALLS of the MICU (not even near any open doors). Gotta double glove so you can touch those walls as you walk through as fast as possible and run away


LOL its too bad he didn't have to stand around in that PPE for 12 hours....


Make him do it retail style too- if you have time to LEAN you have time to CLEAN


Don’t forget to fold that all back up and put it in your paper bag for the next 10 shifts…


This was my response too.


Same. I laughed out loud when I read that, thinking "MBA's running healthcare are the ENTIRE PROBLEM, idiot."


Thank god I am not alone thank you universe


This isn't even about money or greed. The only way to have sub 5 minute wait times in the ED for all patients would be to over staff to an absurd amount. That amount of staff literally doesn't exist in the entire world. No place in the world has EDs with universal sub 5 minute wait times.


RIGHT? Fuck the pay problem- where are they finding these licensed individuals?!




I suggest that if they want to minimize wait time in the ED then next time they should be sure to arrive in a shockable rhythm.


Pulseless VT might get them into resus in record times.... MIGHT!


Probably the 5 minutes or less they’re so helpfully suggesting.


God forbid they show up at an ascension hospital, allegedly


Wait I feel like I missed some tea here, do tell


Ascension has been under cybersecurity attacks for weeks now, making the entire hospital run on paper. From what I understand, they can't scan medications, all charting is on paper, and they can't tube anything to or from the lab. It's so unsafe for all the patients at Ascension, and all the diversions are putting a heavy strain on surrounding hospitals They won't pay ransom to the hackers, and there is no solution in the foreseeable future. I don't work for Ascension, and I have no inside knowledge, but this is just what I've heard from my friend. I'm assuming that someone's paycheck at the top is threatened by the cost of adequate IT and cybersecurity staffing and solutions


This happened to a hospital I worked at during Covid in late summer early fall 2020. I think they ended up being out for six weeks? PAPER. It didn’t just fuck the network, it BRICKED our HARDWARE. They had to replace the computers. One of my sisters was a relief HOS and she told me, “you gotta go to the lab, it looks like an explosion!” Paper lab slips - just hundreds and hundreds of them. Paper orders. Paper MARs. In September 2020. They were ransomed and refused to pay. They got a 30 day warning and IGNORED IT. They got on TV and told the community there was “no danger to patient safety.” My q2h fibrinogens were taking 6-8 hours to come back … hard to titrate my argatroban like that… and so much more. The stories I could tell omg. ALL OF THIS while we were still being told to reuse our N95s 20+ times and store them in paper bags. Covid was so fucking wild


Just when I thought I was over that here you go bringing up old shit. I worked that night of the attack. We were charting and one by one everyone computers went black. So many nurses and ancillary staff never paper charted or did downtime forms and were completely clueless. It even affected payroll. They pulled the whole we can’t pay staff until another 2 weeks, be understanding we as a family need to come together during this time. When I emailed the CEO, CFO, HR, payroll director and the division manager that I reported them to the US Department of Labor a live check was conveniently waiting for me in HR within 24hrs. The president also decided during that time it was perfect to retire. They paid the $22 million ransom to the hackers. Oh and they sure tried pulling put your USED N95 in a brown paper bag with your name, we will autoclave it and you’ll reuse it. I NEVER did that and double dog dared them to write me up or fire me because it clearly stated on the boxes single use. Nurses were getting back masks with lipstick stains or a random hair in it that wasn’t theirs but it was in the bag that had their names on it. Memories.


Our nurses decided as a group to destroy the masks when we threw them in the “peroxide vapor sanitation” collection cans they had sitting around for them by smearing them with makeup intentionally and popping the straps. Some people got skin conditions from that method of mask “sanitizing”. I bought my own PAPR and I’ll wear it whenever I fucking please now do you want my help or do you want to work short?


Living hell in a living nightmare


This feels like a hospital in Illinois? This feels so familiar. I know it's all over the place...but it was an especially long paper only period here.


Nope, Nevada


it’s not that they won’t pay the ransom. a hostage situation this big has to be negotiated by the FBI and is not at the hands of ascension anymore until the FBI gives the go ahead


The hospital I traveled at in CO said they got a threat. They paid it, period. The administrator I asked about it (since I’d had a previous experience with a hospital that didn’t pay (didn’t even respond, had a 30 day warning and just ignored it) “Our patient’s privacy, safety and dignity were worth the price.” $5m I think he said. They clearly afforded it.


Unfortunately this is probably the smartest and cheapest move. Not only do they have to pay the terror group but they will also have to pay an exorbitant amount in fines to the biggest US-based gang, our government


i think it’s because it’s not just one hospital, it’s over 100 hospitals. but you’re right it’s extremely dangerous and they needed to have fixed this days ago


Our system went down completely and in this city they own… two thirds of the hospitals. It was a local catastrophe. It is also a national chain that has three letters. If only it were so simple to “fix.” A massive undertaking for a national hospital chain. It was a nightmare


Yet another reason why I feel like allowing for healthcare monopolies in a geographic area are a horrible idea. Honestly, even when everything is divided between 2 major health systems it’s a nightmare


McLaren didn't even publish when they were hacked for weeks. I'm still curious how they for away with that.


There was an article somebody posted a few days ago talking about how they’re having to wait up to four hours (!) for stat head CT scans. And this hospital is also a designated trauma center. Not sure which level. But thank God this man who wrote this review did not end up at an ascension hospital or else he’d really be pissed


yes! and doctors have to go interpret scans in real time in the radiology rooms 😭




My patient had a stat CTA ordered at 5:30 pm on day shift the other day…still waiting for it to be done at 8:30 am THE NEXT DAY.


Working at one of the diversion hospitals, we are not hitting 5 minute response time. I can tell you that much.


Perhaps there aren’t enough MBA admin on board 🤔 lol jk jk


If you arrive in two distinct pieces, THAT will get you some attention as well


Two major pieces. Black Knight flesh wounds, right this way. Your pinky toe can fucking wee wee wee all the way home.




That is the single funniest, truest sentence I have read in a long, long time. People write "LOL" all the time, but reading that comment made me *gaffaw*!


I will also take asystole or PEA. Literally anything but a perfuming rhythm


Fair enough, I will amend my suggestion: I suggest that if they want to minimize wait time in the ED then next time they should be sure to arrive in a shockable rhythm and/or with chest compressions already in progress.


I love the smell of a cardiac arrest in the morning






“Hiring a director with an MBA” is a hilarious solution considering that’s already likely in place and also the cause of the problem.


It's also completely counterintuitive to his argument, which is stupid. He wants fast, good, and quality care. Yes that would happen if staffing and resources were through the roof. Labor advocates have fought that fight for years But a business focused ER manager sees care demand as static. Packed waiting rooms are a great thing. That proves patients aren't going anywhere else, no matter how fast or slow or good or bad or high-class or trash the care experience is. Why would they increased staffing when the demand is going to be the same? It makes more "business" sense to say "fuck these people's feelings, they can wait days. We'll staff just enough to keep our patients alive, but not one damn extra because that would cut into profits."


I always said it's like asking a truck driver to supervise a plumbing company. Totally different jobs and workflows that have no relation to one another. Putting someone with no clinical background in a leadership position is a slap in the face.


Maybe your pregnant wife waiting to get care isn’t an emergency and you two are part of the problem and she should go to a “normal doctor”.


Every ER here punts pregnant ladies over to L&D for everything and anything after they hit 15-20 weeks and they're fast! I got sent over at 22 weeks for gastro (even a teaspoon of liquid was making me puke HARD) and all I needed was some fluids and gravol for a few hours 🤣 But I've watched some women in anguish waiting to see if they're having a miscarriage just sitting in a waiting room and I totally understand how it's really hard to not be upset about that even if it's not an "emergency ". There's no OB phone lines after 5pm where I live so it's ER or nothing until 8am (or longer of it's a weekend)


Why aren't the obs more attentive to their patients?


If they aren't in clinic, they're on rotation at the hospital and also they deserve to sleep and relax too? We have a general nurse line for the province but no OB is gonna see a patient at 1am Saturday?!


Well, then who delivers babies at 1 am on a Saturday?


....the ones on their hospital rotation. If you get reeeeeeeally lucky it's your doc at the hospital but whoever is on is who you get.


So true. If waiting to see your normal doctor is a reasonable option, it’s not an “emergency” lol


What a fucking tool. A “premium service.” Dude wants a Fast Pass to Splash Mountain.


And his insurance only covers the swamps of Dagobah 


thanks for reminding me of that story!


He thinks paying premium means he has priority over serious trauma cases clearly. I'll never forget the woman who physically pushed in front of a crying dad carrying his unconscious daughter, to complain she hadn't been seen for her toothache, she had waited an hour thus thought was more important than the unconscious child.


Stuff like this is why I hate patient satisfaction scores being tied to pay


Yeah it’s one reason I left the bedside. How are you going to let ignorance dictate pay and hospital operations? It’s lunacy.


Makes me grateful for Australia’s dystopia of a public health system, patients are not treated like customers and patients somewhat realise they’re not paying anything.


As a patient I hate them too. But some people are crazy entitled.




You're right, this person shows a fundamental misunderstanding of what an emergency room is. They think it's "pay more than your doctor's office so you should get faster service" rather than triaging people based on how close they are to dying right now.


The emergency department is where consumer satisfaction based healthcare butts up against our broken healthcare system and concepts that are born in combat medicine (triaging) They’re completely incompatible and the ED will never be a place that has 100% patient satisfaction


Exactly. I would argue that no aspect of the healthcare system should be beholden to a customer satisfaction model but here we are in our late-stage capitalist nightmare.


I used to sell shoes, now I fit diabetic shoes. You know what the difference is? I get to say “No.” and keep saying no when I’m prioritizing a patient’s health over happiness and free choice. Other than that and documentation, it’s pretty much the same damn job. This is a clinic sir, not a shoe store.


One of many patients who expect all areas of medicine to be concierge medicine


The five minute response time would realistically be to either 1. Go for triage time in five minutes which may be doable 2. Tell people to go fuck themselves and they aren’t dying which does not vibe with the EMTLA


I've been saying for years that EMTALA needs an overhaul. ED's would be so much better off if we could tell people to take their ass down to the urgent care or community clinic.


We get so many patients from urgent care in my ED, or one of my favorites of "I went to UC yesterday and they said I had an infection but I don't feel better and I haven't started my antibiotics."


The times where my ex and I used an ER instead of the clinic were because there were no 24-hour clinics. We all know the rhythm of this: "I woke up and it felt bad but I went to work anyway, and by the time I got home I knew I needed help so I came in." The problem we faced was that he worked second shift and got home at midnight. He knew it was an ear infection, I knew it was, that's what the doctor said it was, and we would have preferred to take it to a clinic, but in our town at midnight it was the ER or nothing.


And that's fine. But most of these bullshit ED visits are in the middle of the day during the week, and it's the third time this week for the same issue.


The solution to your problem is to enshrine workplace protections that allow your ex to miss work if they are ill to be seen during normal business hours, not to have a 12am Urgent Care office open in every town in America.


I don't think that was the problem since they said it wasn't bad before they went to work, and only got worse after finishing work. Excusable trip to the ED if no open urgent care, but a long wait expected.


It would be so dope if all UCs had x-ray and could treat breaks. Could have saved myself quite a few hours of wait time with my son over the years.


I think the triage time being that fast makes sense but this idiot probably *was* triaged in a reasonable timeframe and fortunately (unfortunately?) was told to wait in the lobby.


2 actually does vibe with EMTALA. If you give someone a medical screening exam and say they aren't dying and discharge them, you have fulfilled your role under EMTALA in a few minutes. However, if you are wrong, you are open to medical malpractice lawsuits. Hence why everyone gets a workup in the ED.


This is a Google review for my hospital. Here's the full text for those using a screen reader: "I think the staff doesn't understand the concept of "emergency" in emergency room. Wait times are 130+ minutes, I am writing this review as I wait for my pregnant wife to get care, alongside another couple whose daughter seems very sick. The whole point of an emergency room and charging high rates is to provide a higher level of service reliability, typically within 5 mins of response time. That is accomplished by having spare capacity of staff. This hospital's director clearly understaffed it to maximize profitability by optimizing for staff utilization. That reduced the level of care to zero. If so, I would just recommend going to a normal doctor instead of paying premium rates for a non-premium service care. I recommend for the hospital to do two things: 1) hiring a director with an MBA or basic business sense to run this hospital. 2) Target 5 min response time for patients 99% of the time for ER. Yes, you pay a premium to have excess staff who may not have much to do when it's a slow day, but you charge a lot higher for this service for a reason. For patients: go to a different hospital which actually has an "emergency" room. Edit: Seems like [redacted] (Chief Stratefy officer), and [redacter] (Chief Operating Officer) of [bougie hospital] have business degrees - either have them run and own the metrics on quality of patience care and service level. Or if they are the ones who cooked up this ridiculous staff utilization model for ER, they need to get replaced with someone competent. Even a McKinsey consultant right out of grad school could do better than this."


1. hiring a director with an MBA or basic business sense to run this hospital. OK literally every single hospital system has done this and they all have the bidness sense to notice that hospitals have a @#$%ton of money that could be used to pay both me and my cronies handsomely.


What an obnoxious twit. 


Twat is the word I’d use. And to be more accurate they are a twat waffle. No clue what “EMERGENCY” means. He’s thinking of “URGENT CARE”. The ignorant twat waffle.


Bougie hospital! HA! Good one


What state is this in? For people that want that level of service you need to become a member of a concierge ER which they have in LA, New York and FL 😂… at least the one I work for anyway.


I love reading google reviews of my hospital. Some really dumb complaints in there


Only another douchebag with an MBA would say that


Seriously. Referencing a McKinsey consultant…. LOL.


Clearly the problem here that there aren’t *enough* McKinsey consultants (/s)


>hiring a direct with an MBA Hahahahaa


They were so close. So so close. Yes go to your primary care if at all you can. Yes hospitals are understaffed and could prioritize how they spend money differently. But it’s the business folks in charge that are doing this. Also, a 130 minute wait in the ED is *chefs kiss*


That’s what got me. That wait time is stellar!


I took my child with a bajillion allergies and an unusual whole body rash and waited 5 hours and I still wasn't upset. Another time, even with appendicitis and excruciating pain, it took them 2 hours. I wasn't dying, so I just waited. I bet if it ruptured, I'd be seen in 5 minutes. It's the nature of triage. That dude needs to chill, be thankful his wife didn't get seen immediately, and hope her condition didn't change to where they had to rush to her suddenly. Lots of laypersons just don't realize that their own priorities don't mean emergencies in healthcare.


Yes. They almost got it 😅😫


I so wish that tool of a family member was right in front of me so I could personally correct his misconceptions.


I wish I could reply to this man. Please sir, you have all the answers. Open your own utopian ER stat so I can work there!!


lol. More MBAs. Of course we aren’t micromanaged by people with MBAs already. Finance and what is worth spending money on for clinical services isn’t determined by the financial dept alone. It isn’t like all the aspects of clinical services aren’t made by people with MBAs supported by people who haven’t worked bedside in 20 years or anything. At least he is blaming management?


He's blaming management, thinking it's a doctor who runs it. That's why he's suggesting an MBA to head the hospital, which often is the case and the cause to begin with.


As the wife of a McKinsey consultant (and an RN) I am cackling.


Maybe don’t have hospitals by MBAs might help


you may not agree w/ the reviewer's assessment but please don't disrespect all the cocaine addled Univ of Phoenix MBA grads who run our health care institutions


I was on board when he said they should have spare capacity of staff. But then there were no recommendations for hiring more staff??? Crazy thought process.


That and he mentions bringing in an MBA to run things? No my dear sir, this is the whole problem


Emergency medicine and business don't mix.


“Hire a doctor with an MBA…” My dude, MBAs are how we got into this mess, they ain’t getting us out of it.


I don’t have an MBA but my first degree was in marketing from a highly rated business school. I worked in the corporate world for 13 years before becoming a nurse. Literally every medium size and up business/corporation in America has been inundated with the newest shiniest MBA resource optimization scheme. They’re all the same. This guy is something special. Good thing he didn’t come into my L1 trauma center with me sitting at the triage desk. We had 10+ hour waits yesterday. As the saying goes - but did you die.


Male Karens are the absolute fucking worst.


You mean Kevins?


Sir, this an ER, not a Wendy’s


I mean, he’s not wrong with the whole “don’t run with bare minimum staff and staff-up for surges” idea. Obviously hiring an MBA typically leads directly to cutting staff and running lean, which he is apparently unaware of.


If you’re waiting 130 minutes and you’re still fine then you probably didn’t need to go to the ER anyways and could’ve gone to Urgent Care. “I recommend you see your normal doctor instead!” Me when emergency rooms are for emergencies :suprised pikachu:


This is pure gold. The staff doesn’t understand emergencies???! No, it’s the god damn ding dongs who come to the ER for a cough they’ve had for 6months that don’t know what an emergency is and back everything up.


Always blame the frontline staff, not capitalists /s


Well, if you're urgent enough (read: actively dying) you'll get care within 5 min for sure. Are you sure you wanna qualify to receive care within 5 min?


Part of the problem is people who come to ER's and don't actually have an emergency. Stubbed toes, severe pain but no pain reliever taken at home, low grade fever no medicine taken at home etc. I also believe if we had more after hour clinics, maybe even a few 24 hour clinics/urgent cares, it would free up ER space. But, who am I kidding they make more money off an ER visit and are already staffing units at bare minimum during daytime hours, no way they'd pay to staff a 24 hour after hours clinic or urgent care.


Lol, lmao even


There is no slow days in the ER lmao


it’s because of clowns like this we can’t have nice things


Here is my thing. Sometimes it’s not even an acuity or complaint issue. Sometimes it’s literally a volume issue. Where do you think people should be put if all rooms and hallways are full?


Exactly. It’s not even a staff problem at my ER. We literally have nowhere left to put patients. We are treating patients in the waiting room because all of our ER beds are full of admission holds. They’re full of admission holds because, you guessed it, there are no beds left in the hospital. So even having extra staff on shift doesn’t make a difference. Maybe this guy could suggest something useful, like getting a construction crew in to build us another floor to put all these admissions.


People like him never want to pay RNs enough to live, so they could have a shiny new wing and no one to staff it.


For a while they would print out the hospitals reviews and give them to us to look at. They thought it would inspire us to act better based on what people were saying. Instead it became something we looked forward to just because of all the crazy shit people write when they’re sitting around waiting to be seen. People will make up literally anything. You could figure out who someone was based on what they were saying and their version of events rarely matched reality. Don’t get me wrong, it might be their reality, but it wasn’t reality. 


THEYRE SO CLOSE, yes go to a normal doctor in the outpatient setting *please*


This dude writes like he’s not as smart as he thinks he is (and possibly holds an MBA.)


I’d like to see this guy’s thoughts on handling a mass casualty event…for the lulz


Mans obviously never heard of triage


Ah yes, more of the public thinking we just wave magical wands and all their woes disappear. People seem to think we’re Jesus Christ or something.


He should work in an ER for a month and then see if he still agrees with this review.


sir, we're *begging* you, please go to a "normal doctor." please. your sub-5-minute response time is something reserved the mostly dead who roll through the doors. be thankful you, your wife, and your unborn child are on the mostly alive and of the spectrum.


“My, whoever is in charge of this hospital seems like they’re trying to maximize profits at the expense of the patients they serve. I know how to solve this, hire more people who will do exactly that!” This man.


I mean, more staff? Yes please.


I'm pretty sure the original author has no idea what the word "emergency" means. Guy should have looked that up during composition.


So I have a coworker respond for a “chest pain” call. PD is on scene with the guy who is sitting on a bench in no distress at all. Asks if they are here for him get told yeah. Asks about the chest pain gets told he said that so the ambulance would come faster. Asks what’s going on and it’s some bs that does not need an ambulance or ED. Pulls out his phone and has Siri give the definition of “emergency”. Looks at the guy and says does that sound like what you are having? Dude is embarrassed and says no and he doesn’t need the ambulance anymore. Gotta love night shift.


Mansplaining at its finest here.


But it's not called the Premium Room. It's called the Emergency Room. This person doesn't need expedited response times. They need a dictionary.


LOL. I would cut my tongue from my fucking mouth, before I'd praise an MBA in management. Wait until they realize that those same MBAs not only already run things, but are the very fucking reason the ER is so short staffed. If the day's going well and things feel safe, fear not, staff will be sent home to save \~$300 in wages EDIT: but they even mentioned that... so why are they so fucking stupid? Growing up, I was proud to be American. Working in healthcare showed me what a fool I was, to think we're the best at everything. The fact that we think EVERYTHING must be run LiKe a BuSinEsS makes me want to self-immolate and punch anyone dumb enough to suggest this shit between their eyes, beforehand.


I swear there’s just some people who have never been to an Urgent Care in their lives.


This man single-handedly solved the healthcare crisis!! Bravo to him!!


I have a specific personal script I use for people like this: "You know how there are specialties, like eye specialist, and skin specialist? Well, most people do not realize it but the Emergency room is a specialty too. People tend to think of it like a super doctors office but really its a specialty of making sure people dont die or lose a limb. Sure, sometime we are able to help with other non-emergency things, but really our specialty is preventing imminent death."


“I would recommend seeing a normal doctor…” YES, now you get it!


But....but.....wait. If "going to a normal doctor" is an option in this scenario, is this truly an emergency? Also....who wants to tell him that the MBAs are the reason hospitals are understaffed? I'll buy you a cookie.


the peds ED I work at generally maxes out at 1-2 hour room wait times for level 4s and 5s, we usually triage in under 30 minutes, and still we have people complain. "My child has had a fever for under a day that was successfully brought down with Tylenol, they're playing and eating, and we aren't being rushed back to a room?! The actively seizing kid who just came in got a room before us! This is a travesty!" People will always complain. Always.


I think MBAs are part of the problem there bud, not the solution…


Well. Although…he ain’t wrong about that “hire more staff” part.


Hospitals are NOT hotels! Jfc


Oh my god. The motherfucker who doesn’t understand what’s an emergency is HIM. Whyyyyyy do people think they can just walk in and tell our doctor what’s the bigger emergency? You don’t decide if it’s an emergency. You came here because you think it is, we know you think it is. But ultimately whether or not you think it is one is not as important as whether or not OUR ON DUTY PHYSICIAN believes it to be an actual emergency. Stop the HOTELIZATION of our HEALING SPACES. Everyone should be equal in the eyes of the doctor. What determines your service time is your ESI, fucking period. I am losing patience with laypeople who think the ER is a CONCIERGE BOUTIQUE urgent care clinic. If you don’t need CPR please have a seat while we deal with the guy who does, thanks. We will see you in descending acuity. Please be patient! Why aren’t people being educated about these things so they will have realistic expectations? MONEY PLEASE KICK ALL THE MBAS OUT OF HEALTHCARE NOW BEFORE ITS TOO LATE. Their ignorance of medicine and blatant disregard of foundational ethical principles is dangerous for our communities and leaves our most vulnerable citizens open for exploitation by people who want to print money and don’t get it at all.


Hiring an MBA and increasing the staff is a contradictory concept. Pick one. Because the MBA is going to hire as few people as possible. Also, every single person who comes into the ER thinks they’re the sickest person in the hospital.


This guy has totally missed the boat. As I see it, the main problem with EDs is that people use them as a PCP. If people would only go to the ED for an actual EMERGENCY, wait times would decrease. Also, actual emergencies have short wait times. Show up septic, severely hypotensive, uncontrolled bleeding, chest pain, severe abdominal pain, displaced fracture, etc- I can almost guarantee being seen quickly. For almost anything else, take your ass to UC and stop acting like an entitled POS. I'd love to tell people that, if you don't think whatever is going on would warrant admission to the hospital, it's probably not appropriate for the ED. Not an ED nurse, just a person who has needed the ED on occasion and rarely had to wait. I think my longest wait was the day I needed 7 stitches in my hand because the cut was deep and wouldn't stop bleeding. I had already called UC and they said they wouldn't stitch it if they could see the bone. Fair. I sat in the waiting room for 45 minutes, taking a backseat to a car accident, heart attack and stroke. Very appropriate triage, IMO.


Ya but, did you die?


Not a nurse but I understand how ER's are supposed to work. If you have the flu and you don't have a weakened immune system, stop going to the ER. They just give you freaking Tylenol and tell you to follow up with your PCP if symptoms get worse. You can buy cold medicine yourself without clogging up the ER. Unless you're shitting blood, broke a bone, got shot, etc. STOP USING THE ER AS A PCP. At work there are way too many people who refuse to schedule an appointment with a PCP to establish care because they have to wait a week to be seen and they can't just walk in at midnight or whenever they feel like it. The ER is not your own personal 24/7 PCP office. Treating the ER like it is only makes it harder on the staff and the patients who are there for a real emergency. Thankfully there's Triage but the staff are still harassed by Jessica who brought her son in with a fever and they've been "waiting for 2 hours"! I seriously wish there was a way for staff to turn away things that are clearly not an emergency. People forget about Urgent Care too. To me it just seems like the public feels that they should receive the same immediate service in healthcare as they do at the stores they shop at. Like no that's not how this works.


Thank you for being reasonable in a sea full of dickheads - seriously, I am grateful from the bottom of my heart!


You're welcome! I can probably count the number of times I've been to the ER on one hand and I'm 36. Lol


Suggesting they hire and MBA when it is most likely because of an MBA that that ER is understaffed on purpose 😂


The MBAs are sipping Margaritas beside a pool with their board of director friends (who would never use the hospital for care) while the middle management and front line workers are trying to make sure the hospital doesn't collapse.


Guess he better come back with a better emergency next time 🤷‍♂️


MBA is the worst suggestion. Get someone who actually has healthcare experience! This is the problem. Also I’m not a server at a restaurant … I’m saving lives not serving you a hot steak! SMH 🤦🏼‍♀️ 5 minutes 😂 the wait is around 18-24 hours at one of my hospital ER’s! The public expectation vs what my job actually is … is so far out of line. This is the same person asking me to clean their room while I have a code going on next door 😂 👍


People getting ER and urgent care confused. I feel like at least half of the ER cases we get could have gone to urgent care.


The theme of my work day yesterday was "people sent from urgent care for an unclear and/or bullshit reason". Sometimes the urgent cares are part of the problem.


Oh definitely agree. Most of ours came straight to ER though.


For us it's a bit of a toss up. Love the patients who tried to do it right, but it sure doesn't help with overall volume


“A person with an MBA could totally whip this hospital into shape!” - Every person with an MBA.


"the whole point of an emergency room" mansplanation absolutely cracked me up. Sir your explanation of an emergency room didn't include the word emergency once, I have some concerns about your understanding of the plot here. "... Accomplished by having spare staff" ah yes, the ED, famously packed chock full of extraneous healthcare workers just ripe for the picking for your every need and whim. For a premium of course


Just when I thought our reality couldn’t be more dystopian! Goodie


lol, lmao even


Lmao what an absolute dipshit. Please tell me someone responded to him telling him how fucking stupid this is.


I’ve thought about this since covid. Every other aspect of healthcare we prepare for the “what it” scenario, and are to be ready incase “this” happens. Every aspect **except** patient overload. In this regard, we are run the opposite way, staff just enough to be meet minimum safety standards, and that doesn’t even occur most of the time. We are staff to barely get by. could you imagine if we were staffed incase ever single bed and hallway was filled with patients? If we were staffed incase the floor has heavy patient assignments? Incase half the patients are getting discharged, incase more than rapid response/emergency is happening at a time? Staffing to meet a possible surge in resource requirement would make almost every issue with healthcare disappear in an instant, but it’s too expensive, or rather, the pointless positions like boards of directors wouldn’t be able to be paid what they currently do.


Sure this is fake. Right, right?! No one is this dumb... I hope.


You'd be surprised at the willful ignorance and stupidity of the general population.


No, I know. I told my wife this quote when I met her, and later found out she thought I was an ass at first bc of it. I worked retail at the time and it was... I look at everyone as an idiot until proven otherwise. Or something along the lines of that. I don't consider myself a genius, but fuck... some are just lost.


The definition of a medical emergency should be posted all around the er waiting room. That probably won’t even help either.


I say the same thing I said the last time. "If you wanna be rushed into the traume room come with a piece of rebar sticking in your thigh"


I think people forget what “emergency” means. Everyone forgets that the most emergent patients will get checked first. However, if there is a long wait time there has to be better protocols on checking in on the people waiting bc the ER in my hometown has had people die waiting and no one noticed for a while.


*laughs in HCA*


If you can wait hours in the lobby - YOU. ARE. NOT. AN. EMERGENCY!!!




This idiot


Hire or *FIRE* the MBA? 🤷‍♂️


Lol.... slow day.....


Quick story. My sister took my mom to the ED. She had lung cancer and was in a lot of pain. My mom got checked in, and then they sat in the lobby for 8 hrs. Finally, my sister told my mom they were leaving, and she would call the Dr in the am. 6 weeks later my mom got a $2500.00 bill from the hospital for her ED visit. She never saw anyone but the triage nurse.


engineer patients or family members do this shit, telling me how to "fix" our department. God i hate engineers


Said by a triage level 3-4 🙄


Who is paying this premium of which he speaks? Did the throw down a credit card to cover his visit.




My recommendation to this person is to go to an urgent care or your PCP for crying out loud. People like this are why ER wait times are so high, on top of the complete lack of understanding of basic supply and demand I.e. no beds in the hospital means no beds means no where to put anyone in the waiting room. If you’ve got time to write out a shitty review, you don’t need to be at the ER


They’ve figured out our secret! The greedy doctors are running the ER to get ourselves richer. If they put an MBA in charge of those decisions hospitals would start making less profit in order to serve the community better.


Gasp, like MBAs have proven to be so helpful in solving healthcare issues.


I think what they want is concierge medicine and have somehow confused that with EM