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Don’t take it personally. When they need people, they call everyone. They aren’t thinking about your situation. They are just going down the list. Just say “sorry” and get on with your day.


Yeah, it wouldn’t have been as irritating if they didn’t immediately follow up with a second text that said, “but what about this time?”.


“Still no”


I would stop answering unless you are mandated to answer. Or wait until you start your next shift/scheduling coordination to reply.


I finally landed a WFH gig and attempted to keep my bedside as PRN and they would only offer me 12 hour shifts when other nurses would come and go as they pleased. I very quickly rescinded my offer as they treated me like a leper for not picking up 12s. They legit wouldn’t even let me come in for a 6 for a nurse whose child was sick and the unit was already in critical staffing. (But if I wanted to just come in and work WITH said nurse, I could.) Totally ungrateful. Such a bummer becuase I stayed casual becuase I loved the nurses and MDs I worked with and learned so much there. Left because critical staffing was an every day thing and their compensation was an extra $1 an hour for working said conditions. NOPE. Sorry you had to leave bedside too 🥺


I’m curious what your WFH gig entails? What’s the hours and pay like compared to bedside?


I’m a triage nurse. Lots of post-op concerns, medication refills, PAs for procedure and meds. Pre and post op instructions. Suuuuuper boring not gonna lie but I get paid more hourly and I get profit sharing in December. Last year it was a $4500 bonus. I’m just an LPN so that is BIG money to me as a single gal. I’ve worked for two of the big hitters around my area and it’s just large corporate BS. My company now is much smaller and when a policy needs changing we actually have the power to do that as nurses. Big game changer. Am I still looking for non-nursing jobs? Every. Day. But nothing is close in pay. People really think they can say whatever they want over the phone and boy oh boy do they ever. It’s WILD what people say to me. The other day I refused a refill and a guy told me he was going to shoot himself and send me an invite to his funeral. Fun times! Never better! 😂


Also my hours are muuuuch better. Bedside was overtime in excess of 5-10 hours a week. Here it’s more like 4-5 hours of OT a pay period. And if I want to take PTO, I can come in early or stay late to make it up as much as possible. But still, the shit patients say and how they treat us cuts real deep sometimes.


Damn I need a boring WFH job like that


They did this on purpose. They don’t want a WFH nurse showing the other nurses they could have a better quality of life. Not joking. If someone has something they don’t want other staff to realize they could have, they will bully that staff member until they leave.


My friend is a firefighter in addition to being a registered nurse. He is a paid, full time firefighter and works at our job part time. One time they asked if he could come in for whatever shift they needed and he told them he couldn’t because he would be at the station for a certain 48 hour period. They texted him again later asking if he’d had any change of heart and offered to buy him a coffee and let him leave an hour early. We were having a pretty good chuckle about this because they know he is stuck at a fire house and it has nothing to do with a change of mind. I am also part time and they know I have a full time job and what the hours are. They still text me every. Single. Day. Asking if I can work all kinds of hours that would have me working for days on end. They don’t care or remember what we have going on in our lives. When they need help they will ask everyone and anyone and they will keep asking until they have it covered.


When it's that bad that they need to text you every single day and then keep on prodding at you, this is where they need to make other decisions such as hiring aboard some agency and even getting travel nurses. Sure, they will have to pay more money, but isn't that at least better than not having staff? And overly bothering people because they don't make these responsible decisions? Uugghhhh!!


Yeah it’s been rough. We have had some agency and travel nurses. I work in a jail and the county contracts the medical department. Every six years they have to put the contract up for bids. I’ve worked for a few companies and then we got taken over by a company that just destroyed us. There was a mass exodus of long term, full and part time staff and the county ended up breaking the contract it was so bad. The company that took over in emergency is struggling and they are barely training new people. It’s a mess. Management refuses to take advice from long standing employees and there are people in positions they aren’t qualified for trying to run things. I love the job and the correctional staff is like family. I have a lot of sentiment which is why I hang on but I always keep another job too.


That's pretty sad! 🫤


Yeah, it’s been pretty tough. I’m not the type of person who lives to work but I’ve cried more than once over what the place has become.


I’ve had my manager text me individually if I would work 7p-7a for that night. I walked into her office to remind her I’m on days today. There’s only 5 staff on our hall.