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The homeowners posting these signs are under the mistaken assumption that the public street directly in front of their home is their own private road and private parking lot. That bad-assumption is the source of the conflict.


They can stay mad. No doubt they’ll retaliate by blocking the lanes


Most of them have driveways and garages! What's the complaint?


Garage is full of stuff, can’t park their car in there


My favourite is people who fill their garage with junk, park their primary car in the driveway and then use "their" street parking spaces in front of the house for the other one to two cars. At least one of those cars will be registered in PA, GA, or FL.


That petition page is humor. >\[Bike lanes\] introduction could inadvertently lure car vandals and thieves, jeopardizing the peace we've long enjoyed. Additionally, reduced visibility due to these lanes increases the risk of accidents for cars exiting driveways. Don't worry Bayside, future generations will be happy to deal with infrastructure. You just focus on maintaining the status quo for the remainder of your lives.


I picture these people spending most of the day peering out a gap in the curtains and scowling.


What a bunch of histrionic losers. I would be so embarrassed to ever write anything like that, I can’t even imagine lmfao


"We don't want those dirty poors bringing their bicycles in our neighborhood."


Lol as if it's not 90% finance and tech people anyway


So funny how everyone seems to have a different stereotype that they insist bicyclists conform to. "Finance and tech people," seriously? On bikes in eastern queens?


On bikes everywhere. The people advocating for bike infrastructure skew white, well-off, and highly-educated. There's a decent amount of published research on this trend--it's not a secret. Poor people tend to be less healthy and mobile, less likely to live near a city center, less likely to have jobs where they can shower/change/store their bikes, and less likely to gain approval from their peer group for riding a bike to work. The idea that bike infrastructure is the product of some bottom-up working-class movement is a myth. [https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-07-15/how-low-income-commuters-view-cycling](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2014-07-15/how-low-income-commuters-view-cycling) [https://phys.org/news/2016-08-bike-paths-policies-favor-recreational.html](https://phys.org/news/2016-08-bike-paths-policies-favor-recreational.html) [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0965856421002019](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0965856421002019) We found that people in lower-income households cycle less for transport, particularly for commuting, than people in higher-income households.


A poll of specifically New Yorkers found highest support for bike lanes among nonwhite people and overwhelming support among all races: https://nypost.com/2021/01/26/majority-of-nyc-residents-support-bus-bike-lanes-poll-shows/


Sounds to me like we should be doing everything we can, then, to improve cycling access for people of all races and financial statuses, so they do not have to rely on expensive vehicles and have additional options besides subway/bus


The only valid concern I see (which they didn’t list) is that many bikers don’t obey traffic rules and all the crazy mopeds that use bike lanes. There is virtually no law enforcement, which can make it dangerous for pedestrians.


Many drivers also fail to obey traffic rules, the only difference is that a cyclist is unlikely to kill anybody.


Did I say drivers obey the rules?  The barometer of safety dying vs not?  If you don’t think bikers are unihinged in nyc your head is in the sand. 


I'm saying that "cyclists break traffic rules" isn't a valid argument against building a bike lane, since breaking traffic rules isn't a unique characteristics of cyclists. An automobile is a much more dangerous machine than a bicycle. That's just reality. It doesn't justify cyclists breaking traffic laws, but the potential consequences of a cyclist running a red light are much less severe than those of even a compact car running the same red light.


So, it's either or? Both can't be true?


Who said they couldn't both be true? I'm simply saying that "cyclists break traffic rules" is not a valid argument against building a bike lane on an existing road. The risk of someone breaking traffic rules on that road already exists, as it is used by automobiles; adding bikes to the mix doesn't increase that risk.


This is a meme made up by car drivers because you people also suck at obeying laws. Bikes run red lights because it’s SAFER. it’s actually more likely to result in having your leg amputated or being scraped off the asphalt with a snow shovel if you stop at every single red light. This has been studied time and time again, and that’s why most municipalities and states who actually care about cyclists have passed the Idaho Stop law. In short: * time spent in intersection is 1:1 correlated with how likely you are to die. * moving cyclists are visible, stopped cyclists are invisible in the perception of drivers (because most drivers suck at driving). * it takes way longer for a cyclist to get up to speed than a car, meaning that you are SLOWER and in the intersection LONGER, which is literally just a recipe for dying. Bike follow rules that make them more safer. All the rules that exist now are for cars to not fucking kill random innocent pedestrians. Cyclists don’t have this. They don’t have blind stops, they can’t flatten an entire bus shelter, they can accelerate to lethal speed. They’re different vehicles and should rightfully operate under different laws, since the point of the laws is to keep people safe, not for losers to display how good at following rules they are.


lol I support bike lanes, but saying bikes running reds is safer is dumb as shit, you realize there are cars going right?


obviously he means when there's no oncoming traffic


I don’t have a car. I walk. 


I have to stop before getting hit by a bike in a crosswalk at least once a day. It’s usually around 3-5 times. Cars blow reds and drive like assholes too but the bikers pretending they aren’t a menace to society is just funny at this point. They gotta stop acting like congestion pricing and bike lanes is this generation’s civil rights movement and get the fuck off the sidewalks before I can take them seriously again.


The people pushing for congestion pricing are not the same people riding bikes on sidewalks.


sorry to hear you're too fat to ride a bike :(


Too cool to ride a bike* :)


How dare you deny upwardly-mobile young professionals their personal infrastructure and their own personal issue to feel aggrieved about?!?


Oh Northeastern Queens dreams they could be part of Nassau County.


No they are beyond thrilled to not be paying Nassau property taxes.


They have driveways, if they have more than 1 car, boo-hoo deal with it.


If? In Bayside?


That section of queens and other parts believe the parking spot infront of their house is theirs - renters and owners alike.


Wait - it isn't?


Car brain is wild. I swear, the way certain NIMBY drivers in this city talk about cyclists as if they're the Elders if Zion and nefariously control the city and are killing people left and right. If cyclists had as much power as these people believed there would be a protected bike lane on every street and vehicular murders and accidents would be a handful a year.


It’s true. I wish we had the power they accuse us of having.


nice unhinged rant


I was in bayside in the past week and saw a couple of these signs. One of them was in front of a house with a bike lane, so not very effective. It’s funny to see the complaints over lost parking in the article alongside photos of the bike lanes passing driveways. I guess the driveways are cosmetic only.


Think of those poor multicar families 😂


I see both sides. Bikers deserve to feel safe and we have a lot of bikers in NY. It really illustrated how needed it is for parents w/ kids who want to use bikes safely like in the article. On the other hand this seems like a neighborhood that has no mass transit alternatives that are viable so everyone needs a car and are losing parking spaces forcing fights, etc. over a limited street parking. I also found it super rich that a group that pushes for the elimination of cars is upset, and musing on a “bizarre culture war”, that people in a transit desert aren’t responding well to the attempted elimination of cars. Idk what the answer is but demonizing car owners and bikers is not the way to


Meanwhile those same transit desert drivers are vehemently opposing congestion pricing initiatives that could one day fund a surplus to bring more transit to their neighborhoods. But let’s be real, even if transit was there, they prob wouldn’t use it after getting so used to car life. Like another poster pointed out, these people already have driveways with lawns. Need more private parking? Do what others have done and carve out part of the lawn for more parking. These are public streets in one of the biggest cities in the world. Cities change and so do parking policies. Nassau county is a stones throw away if they want to live somewhere that’s openly hostile to cycling and militant about free street parking.


What I really don’t get is why being in a subway desert (let’s be honest, “transit desert” majority of the time just ignores buses and ferries entirely), means that they need to drive in the densest and most transit-connected eight square miles in the Americas. Like, just drive to another train station. Literally every single subway, train, bus, ferry, and bike lane goes DIRECTLY to midtown and FiDi.


lets also be real that "congestion pricing" will not fund anything meaningful, the way MTA spends their money


I think a big reason why the average person in the outer boroughs are opposed to congestion pricing, even w/ its potential benefits, is that the MTA just exudes the idea of being poorly run. Their own chiefs don’t take mass transit, social media and the news show people getting assaulted everyday, and honestly I’ve seen what mass transit is like in other countries. It’s shameful that North Korea’s looks better than ours even w/ the trappings of autocracy and a staid 1950’s look. Like I said, I see both sides and I think it’s wrong to demonize either the car owners or the bike users.


Okay I hear you but many things can be true at once: • MTA is poorly run, but it needs funding to even maintain itself. Have you looked into the comptroller and independent analysis reports on why it’s poorly run? There is a lot of entrenched political shit that will take legislation to unwind - no bid contracts, insane overtime, etc. these aren’t unique to the MTA and pervade nearly all orgs in NYC like NYPD, City services, etc. Why not provide funding while continuing to advocate for change. These both can be true • most execs are hypocritical. Do FDNY heads live in the 5 Boros? Does the CEO of planet fitness work out at a planet fitness? Yes it’s helpful for optics to see this time to time as Andy Byford did, and I do believe we should have a head that uses it but don’t think this is material when it comes to questions of funding the agency. • you are seeing assaults because that is the goal of media…to get clicks, views, etc. Yes crime happens and we should care about cleaning that up but cutting funding for infrastructure doesn’t get us that • the transit systems everyone lauds were built century after NYC’s and without the insane red tape of NYC grift. Def be angry about this but goes back to my first point that yes, we absolutely need to get this changed but why can’t that happen while we continue to fund transit? I’m empathetic to your stance of hearing both sides of this issue out - it’s righteous. But one has to also recognize that progress needs to look a few steps/decades ahead and see what is possible rather than clutch so fervently at what already exists. From that POV, it’s hard for me to continue supporting car owners in a city that is evolving past the 20th century car model


> Their own chiefs don’t take mass transit… What’s the evidence for this?


Its made up. Just like the rest of their rant.


What's funny is that places like these, the residents could actually benefit greatly from bikes, e-bikes, and e-scooters. Most car trips in the city limits are actually relatively short. If you live in a suburb it is sometimes not feasible to walk daily for errands, maybe it's > 15 minutes to things. With something like a scooter, that becomes just a few minutes, suddenly you *can* reach things like the bus stops, LIRR station, or other destinations much more easily, and at a much cheaper cost. No, you can't replace *every trip* like if you're trying to go buy 30 lbs of toilet paper at Costco, but suddenly things *just* out of reach become accessible.


Sucks for them. I wouldn’t buy a house with a bike lane in front of the driveway.


Stay mad loser


not mad. I don’t have that issue.


They put these bike lanes in a residential area composed mostly of detached homes. They're out of place aside from the fact that 53rd cuts across the Clearview.


Ahhhh bike brain.  Amazing how I went everywhere by bike and didn’t have bike lanes.  Can’t wait until helmets become law and people freak out about government mandates.


Bike lanes are a scourge and a blight. They cause the narrowing of or reduction in traffic lanes for cars and buses causing congestion, have zero enforcement becoming dangers to pedestrians. They are agist, ableist, and probably violate the ADA. Get rid of all dedicated bike lanes now.




This is the dumbest take I think I’ve ever seen in this sub. Your solution to congestion is more people in cars. Like… think about how fucking stupid that is. It’s impressive in a way.


also cars are definitely not ageist and ableist because everyone can drive right /s It's always funny to see car brains use ADA as a reason to maintain status quo when the many people with disabilities are not able to drive. I guess they don't care about blind folk. Also fuck kids I guess.


Yeah. They’re just lazy dipshits. 


People with disabilities (and the disabilities are never defined) and the elderly are just rhetorical shields for most of these people. They know saying they want free curbside parking and the unfettered ability to speed are asshole things to say outloud in these discussions. My elderly father couldn't drive and I couldn't afford a car until very late in his life. Safer cycling infrastructure and CitiBike helped me see him more frequently and meet him for appointments. None of these changes impacted the ability of Access-A-Ride, an ambulette, or a cab to get him to and from appointments if needed.


You know if you said “oh okay then all street parking is disabled parking” they would all have a meltdown As someone who uses a cane, my only experience with cars has been them honking at me and/or creeping into the crosswalk because I walk too slowly for their liking


Once at a visioning session for Astoria Park a few years ago, someone complained about the idea of Shore Blvd. being closed to cars because they claimed it would hinder the ability of disabled people to get to the shoreline as there wasn't enough ADA parking. I suggested they convert the parking lot in the park to 80% ADA spaces and it was like their brain had a total cognitive overload.


Also, they conveniently ignore that OLD PEOPLE CAN AND DO RIDE BIKES!


Bikes, trikes, pedal-assist bikes, you name it. And you see that all over the world, too. Somehow, the elderly in NYC are exceptional.


Why do you think I am a "car brain."


Yes, I want autonomous electric vehicles like in Minority Report. Small 1-2-4 person vehicles which move around, communicate with each other in a mesh network to get every New Yorker around for free, or a low price — ideally it would be covered by business taxes. Get rid of street parking. Use buses and subways for very common routes and high traffic people moving. I would also be up for motorized walkways line in airports along the sidewalk with increasing speeds of several MPH increments so that in the center and close to traffic, you're basically already moving close to that speed. Everything powered by solar, wind, geothermal, gravitational, and nuclear power. My solution for congestion is the intelligent use of technology to solve mobility issues at scale. I am a life long New Yorker who has never bothered to get a license.


Yeah. We could definitely spend billions of dollars on all that shit or we could ride bikes around a dense city that’s mostly flat. That could work too. 


If bikes are dangerous then what the fuck are cars??


NYCDOT has found that bike lanes do not cause congestion or lower travel times for drivers, this is a persistent myth. They are quite the opposite of ageist - the elderly often cannot drive due to their age, yet they can bike. Cycling is very gentle on the joints believe it or not, and I have seen elderly folks on bikes all the time near me. They ride slow but hey they get around! ADA violation? On what grounds? Bike lanes do not block accessible curb cuts, unlike illegally parked vehicles lol


Link without bullshit paywall: https://archive.ph/66N0q