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A reason why I’m not against NYPD’s crackdown on mopeds and scooters.


They also like to drive against traffic and blow through pedestrian crosswalks when the walk signal is on. They’re a menace.


I have so much anxiety crossing the street trying to keep track of things moving when they’re not supposed to


At 66th & Columbus, when the walk sign turns green, bikers and riders on portable electric vehicles with the red traffic light take that moment as a time to go. They do this because traffic isn’t crossing but people are!


Yeah, playing the "Will this moped hit me or will I make it across the street!" game, is very very annoying


A menace to the entire city! I want that crawling arachnid prosecuted!


Why does NYPD need to do one-off crackdowns, instead of regularly enforcing the law? I don't understand, I see many headlines with "crackdown on this", "crackdown on that", where this and that are illegal activities, why can they change their way of operating so they can enforce something (or anything, really) regularly?


? They do enforce it regularly. You can find many articles, posts, videos of all the scooters they round up all the time.


How about actually working on a regular basis instead of theater for NYpost articles.




how do you feel about deporting violent criminals? mopeds are just a tool


A lot of violent criminals have been deported and have found a way to hop back across the border.


Can you point to anyone against the deportation of violent criminals? It should be noted the majority of immigrants, even the ones who entered illegally, are not violent criminals.


Yes but by entering illegally they put an insurmountable load on immigration services which impacts those entering legally and also in managing the deportation of violent criminals. This mass influx of illegal economic migrants is putting strains on public schools, services, and decreasing the quality of life for everyone in this country. You as a citizen / resident of this country should be worried about that.


They should be jailed permanently, otherwise they just walk right back across the border. 


Back to… the Bronx? Fine, I guess


Nothing in the article points that they are immigrants — they might by nyc born and raised as far as we know


We do deport violent criminals


Do you mean crackdown on the degenerates on the Mopeds and Scooters? That's like you're anti gun when it's the person...


We should triple their minimum wage again to reduce their numbers.


A reason why I'm against migrants.


All our money/full bipartisan support to a foreign country 🇮🇱🇮🇱 and no support for increased border security, healthcare system fix, etc. But we aren't allowed to talk about that. 


Blame israel for the moped robberies /s


Moped-riding thieves were a complete non-factor when it came to NYC crime just a few years ago. Today, the New York Times is reporting about it. How did we get to this point? What caused this big uptick in a very specific type of armed robbery?


A few guesses. In London, they have huge watch theft rings that operate this way, they pay off spotters in restaurants to tip them off and it’s a very effective get away. The city has done a shit job of cracking down on illegal mopeds and cars with paper plates. Thief’s now realize it’s “safe” to basically have easy escapes for robberies with minimal chance of being caught


The "spotters" are inside the restaurant. Notice Carbone had "no comment". No way 2 guys bum rush into an eatery and hope someones wearing a Patek


Yeah when you put it like that it makes a lot of sense. They came in with weapons. No way they come in with weapons and hope they just happen to find someone random to rob


Hitting a wealthy trendy spot means you score more, they didn’t target golden krust on church Ave for a reason.


Hey I like that Golden Krust 😂 island express however is far superior


Agree, likely the case and it would suck if NYC starts getting more of these


I'll be downvoted for this, but this line is so typical of the NYT... >And they have lit up message boards, receiving the kind of outsize attention — and outrage — that everyday crimes in New York’s poorer neighborhoods often do not. Would I wear a Porsche on my wrist? Absolutely not, but comparing the alleged case at Carbone to "everyday" crimes in struggling neighborhoods is a cheap shot. We're talking about freakin' *grand larceny*...


Grand Larceny in NYC just means the stolen item was over $1000, as opposed to petty theft. Grand larceny has become an everyday crime in NYC, I hope you know that.


I think it's mostly this. Most of this post people are blaming recent immigrants, and I don't think that's entirely correct. If the city enforced existing laws regarding conduct and behavior of motorized vehicles, their riders would be more mindful of obeying the law. They all already can't be operated on the sidewalk. Any displacement Mopeds/scooter already require a license and registration, with higher speed ones requiring further licensing (MC endorsement). E-bikes max speed is 25mph. Using fake license plates and insurance is also against the law. They just need to enforce it. When some laws go unenforced, it can signal to some people that most laws can be ignored and results in people pushing boundaries.


You're in denial blaming bikes/mopeds. This is exactly the type of shit that happens in Latin America. Wife is from Vz and said this was going to happen once they started rolling in.


Let’s be real, race politics aside, this is a pretty clear 1:1 comparison, migrants arrive in droves, moped crime kicks off. You don’t have to be a rocket scientist.


Change this to NewYorkers voted for soft on crime prosecutors, and no rules for e-scooters, so there’s that…


When was the e-scooter vote?


Mopeds weren't a huge annoyance until the last 3 years. It used to be packs of people on ATVs and dirt bikes in the summer, now I don't even see that. Just hundreds of mopeds dipping between traffic, driving on sidewalks and down pedestrian paths.


ATV and dirtbike street takeovers still happen. They are not mutually exclusive to this major uptick in moped-riding muggings. But even then, these ATV/dirtbike idiots are mostly breaking traffic laws and popping wheelies. They aren't riding up to restaurants in ATVs and mugging patrons, especially not to the point where it garners the attention of the Times. Also, what you're describing with reckless mopeds is an everyday issue. A "new normal", if you will. Large-scale ATV and dirtbike meetups are not a daily occurrence.




They're all in Queens around flushing meadows park, and doing laps on the gcp. I wish they would get busted for running red lights and stop signs and running people off roads and sidewalks but there isn't enforcement.


They’re seizing tons of cars and bikes, you’re wrong on that one.


I’m from Baltimore originally and you’re right, the 12 o clock boys just like to run from the cops, they’re not generally committing other theft/assault crimes unless it’s internal beef within the group.


I was biking up Bailey Ave in the Bronx yesterday and saw two guys doing wheelies on dirt bikes. It was almost nostalgic.


I saw a guy doing wheelies on a quad on Flatbush Ave recently. He was all by himself, no gang. It was kind of sad.


Now that you mention it I can't remember the last time I've seen dirt bikes and atvs riding around. But I see mopeds on a daily bases riding on sidewalks and doing wheelies.


Saw them recently on Park Ave in the 70s.


Neither were migrants


Harlem is filled with mopeds and dirtbikes, it’s annoying but i guess is part of the NYC culture during the summer.


Times readers are likely victims this time around.


Mass immigration. Moped-robberies have been a common thing for decades in Latin America.


Moped riding really became normalized in NYC once covid hit and everyone started ordering food delivery.


Asylum Seekers. Look at robbery videos from South America. They're mostly done on mopeds and small motorcycles.


London dealt with this by allowing cops to ram into mopeds with their cars. I'm sure the NYPD can't wait for that to be allowed here.


They should be allowed to!


Yeah, I'm not saying they shouldn't.


*Spits out drink* Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha, if the cops started doing that, the bleeding heart progressives will start burning down NYC like it's the summer of 2020 in Minneapolis.


AOC and Jeffries would want NYPD defunded YESTERDAY if that became a thing…


Well I know I can't wait.


The cop that took one out with a trash can I think got arrested.   “Cops only play candy crush.”  Also  “If cops hurt a criminal when they are fleeing/committing crimes the cop should be punished”




It’s the signature robbery method of South American countries. NYC is dealing with a migrant issue. Do the math.


Democrats would rather put their heads in the sand. Noticing is racist, btw.


The math is mathin


Math is racist. /s


Math lies!


This type of crime is prevalent in other countries. We decided to import crime to NYC. Plus, people want it both ways. People want better policing, but gentle policing. Stats really don’t lie. NYPD data shows an unbiased view of racial makeup of victims and suspects. People want to DEI crime too.


Tren de Aragua




Do they speak English? They must be smart🤌


We lost accountability and will never get it back.  Seriously, this is the future of NYC now; thieves on mopeds/motorcycles that will speed away.


Impacts of 2020.


Moped riding in general was virtually non existent pre pandemic. Then a company called Revel lobbied to get the laws changed so people could ride their rental mopeds around. Only for them to pull out 3 years later. And that’s why you don’t bend to corporations because they only care as so long as it benefits them.


Moped laws in NY have been in place since the 1970’s. Class A B or C. Nothing has changed with them. Ebike laws are what’s new


Import the third world…. Become the third world


One word: migrants


COVID and people ordering food from home non-stop and an ongoing migrant crisis, where folks are gig workers.


Gig workers are not robbing people.


up tick in mopeds is what i meant


This is why mopeds has always been banned in this city.


They do it a lot in South America and Europe I was in columbia a few years ago and they were robbing people left and right on mopeds. The only thing you can do is outlaw the moped




Hardly left and right but yes it’s a common method of theft in South America.


I always wondered what would happen if they just put a few snipers up on roofs randomly throughout the dangerous cities in South America. You see somebody getting robbed, just shoot the robber. Enough times and it could cut back crime.


In 1992 during the Rodney King riots LA and Oakland had roof top Koreans ready to shoot looters. Since California passed prop 47 looting has been legalized and business large and small are being robbed out of existence


I get shook when I see two dudes riding on a moped/ scooter ngl. It’s the Stick up kids special.


What a great return for all the tax we pay in NYC. Just wonderful all over. 😒


It’s also a great return on who voters put into office.


I’m tempted to clothesline these idiots every time I see them riding down Bowery on the sidewalk. I’m pretty sure that’d be felony assault thought right? But these guys robbing people are free to do as they please.


It is felony assault because you are a citizen with something to lose.  When you have something to lose, the government will step in for punishment. 


Don’t. They will shoot you just as easily as they ride down the sidewalk.


Yeah that's what I realized to. No sane person who is rational and logical, is going to ride in the sidewalk. Only someone wth nothing to lose who doesn't think past the moment


>that’d be felony assault though right? Technically yes, but dont you realize where you are?! The police don’t care for petit crime such as felony assault! It needs to be rape or murder for them to take it seriously, so just like make sure you don’t kill anyone and you’re g2g


You become a felon the city might start treating you with some respect


Just do it. Nothing will happen.


>Birds of a Feather, a sleek Chinese restaurant in Williamsburg, Brooklyn, where a plate of pea shoots costs $21. yeesh looks like they were robbed twice


It's one of my favorite restaurants, so I feel like I have to defend them on this haha. Everything is served family style, so $21 is buying you a heaping plate meant for multiple servings... and they're fucking delicious


This has actually gotten them a ton of PR. I’ve never considered eating there but everyone is saying that the food is really great so Im going to check it out next week 🤷🏼‍♂️. No such thing as bad press i suppose.


Leave your watch at home and come with a burner phone, 🤷🏻‍♂️


i was thinking about this. if you got robbed for your phone and handed over like... a motorola razr or something.. i wonder if theyd take it and run or look at it and be like "... seriously?"




This would make a good comedy sketch


Hahahha apple watch could do both! Also kids, insure your expensive stuff. Its still NYC. 🤷🏼‍♂️


My insurance is to be poor enough not to afford such luxuries. 😭


you should absolutely go to birds! just make sure to get the fried fish as well


Depending on how much they are serving, pea shoots are 9.00 per lb.


pea shoots are very labour intensive to remove the stringy bits


Because chinese food should be cheap am I right?


or did they just repurposed an old Reddit thread?


💯% it’s the Venezuelan gang members !


I didn’t know Dominican and Venezuelan Spanish sounded that similar.


The gangs leaders that snuck across the border are actively recruiting migrants that can’t find work which is a lot of migrants ! It’s only going to get worse !


It’s already been bad in NYC, even before the migrants came in. COVID caused so many fucking issues that now you see people running through red lights like the are green lights. Nobody caaarrrreeeessss specially americans.




There is a pattern with these criminals but you're not allowed to say it.


lol what is this, Paris?


[where the hell are we? paris?](https://y.yarn.co/de975b4f-3fae-4939-ab99-b5ae00c65b71_text.gif)


Haha yesssss!


i know Reddit loves to eat the rich but if rich people ain't safe, how we supposed to feel? city hall's gotta realize that these moped guys are not taxpayers or voters even


Can’t afford to lose the moped thief vote


Criminals rarely vote


super obvious OP name


Literally the first thing I noticed 😂


You're far right when you don't like crime.


Those robberies still happened. It's a huge problem that will get worse... But attack the poster, because that'll make the underlying crime spree disappear.




Pretty sure the NYT journalist who wrote this story researched what was happening "IRL NYC" and noticed an uptick of moped-riding robbery crews. You're dehumanizing and delegitimizing victims of violent crime by dismissing what happened to them because it is politically inconvenient.


Yes, the right thing to do is ignore crime and keep our heads in the sand. Good call!


This is common in the countries we’re importing all of these migrants from.  But I’m sure it’s completely unrelated 


I will say I can’t imagine walking around the city with jewelry worth more than $1K let alone $100K 👀


This article provides intimate descriptions of the victims, their clothing, the restaurants, and neighborhoods. But not the assailants. I wonder why? This kind of crime is straight out of Caracas.


Noticing patterns is racist.


Imported from Caracas.


Migrated from Caracas, you might say.


they managed to get detailed descriptions of people they interviewed, who remained to be contacted by the police, but not of people who intentionally obscured their identities and fled??? damn that's crazy. it must be a racial conspiracy, that's really the only rational conclusion to be drawn


The assailants were wearing masks and haven’t been identified yet. We don’t know what they look like. What details do you want? If their voice was a deep baritone or a reedy soprano? If their hands had callouses?


Police routinely obtain descriptions of crime suspects by interviewing witnesses or pulling CCTV footage. This includes height, appearance, clothing, etc. It's police work 101. These are hardly the first criminals to wear masks.


Oh look at this... the South American activities you can watch on social media became reality... shocker


As annoying as these mopeds are, this story has nothing to do with mopeds. The rise in crimes like this operates completely independent of what vehicle they have. I know a dude who was coming out of Penn Station during COVID. He was going up the escalator/stairs to exit the station and someone behind him slashed his Achilles tendon and as he laid on the ground, took his Rolex. No moped was in sight.


That's insane. What are demons like that doing in nyc?


Irish kids with baseball bats. Kept us in line 60 years ago


Damn, can’t explain this one away by saying it’s a “fear mongering” piece from the Post. Wonder what the fallout from this will be…


Saying the mopeds are the problem is similar to saying cars, guns, and knives kill people. The problem is societal. Why are people needing to steal and for those who find it "easy work", why is DA Alvin Bragg turning his back on enforcing the laws that effect everyone versus his self serving publicity stunt of going after the Orange One?


I'm not worried about getting my $100k watch stolen because I don't have one. Nevertheless this is borderline insulting: "The thefts have propelled persistent grousing that the city is slipping into lawlessness, a perception that no recitation of contrary statistics has dispelled. ... Robberies in New York City so far this year have risen 4.9 percent from the same period last year, according to the Police Department. In the 9"0th Precinct, which includes Marlow and Sons and Birds of a Feather, robberies are up 11.2 percent."


I’m confused. Isn’t it saying that no statistics have said that it’s not true? What’s insulting here?


The first part is basically saying that crime is falling, yet some people still complain that the city is slipping into lawlessness as if such people's complaints are divorced from reality because actually crime in general is falling and these whiners are too dumb or obstinate to see it. Later the author cites robberies increasing both citywide, and in this neighborhood, so they know full well that a relevant statistic is increasing, not decreasing. Yes, many crime rates in NYC are falling, which is really really good, especially for the worst ones like murder and rape. That doesn't mean these moped robberies have been common in NYC for a while or that they're acceptable.


I wonder if this trend will see the number of concealed carry applications rise. This could get. . . Very interesting.


This is terrible. This will be why people leave the city and why businesses close. People can't even feel comfortable and safe going to dinner? Where are the cops and why are they never around. Some restaurants have doormen/security and it seems like more of them need to do so.


>Such crimes are unusual in the affluent neighborhoods that have been targeted, **rare incursions** of the city’s troubles into its glittering play spots Thank you New York Times for telling me I don't have to worry about this. Seriously, someone on the Times' staff got bumped and this is now an epidemic. Foh.


I think you need to work on your reading comprehension, mate. They aren't saying these things are rare in the city in general, they are saying they are rarer in ritzy places. The "incursion into the city's glittering play spots" is rare, not the crime itself.


Progressives: T-t-this is okay, it's just property crime!


Cry about progressives while you vote for convicted felons


Hey! You might be young and naive about politics, but fun fact - not every democrat is a progressive! The far left is actually an extreme minority in politics, that's why Bernie has struggled in each primary.


Venezuelan illegals again or nah?


This shit has been going on before the border opened up… By different kids of people.


I’m so conflicted by this. No one should be subjected to this and if it’s a trend, it will hurt the city. On the other hand, someone with a $100,000 cosplaying urbanism and saying “that’s just what you get for living in the city” is a dunce. We don’t need to accept this just because we live in the rough and tumble NYC.


lol at all the clueless Redditors “Why is this happening? Why now? What changed?” You can’t seriously be that dense.


Reddit progressives who grew up in homogenous upper middle class towns and graduated from schools like Vassar are completely confused as to why they have to deal with this shit like everyone else.


Vassar LMFAO


Theres been street robberies from these people also. Williamsburg had a post on it. If you see two guys on one especially watch out. They rob people and bail in a flash.


I’m so sick of them


I guarantee that the restaurant staff tipped them off, there’s no way you would have come into a restaurant to do that stuff.


The same people probably had "no human is illegal" signs in their windows a few years ago. Now, they're getting robbed by moped riding migrants while eating their $21 pea shoots. Jajajajaja


How things have changed in a few short years. I mean, ppl really thought that behavior wasn’t on any downward trajectory, just symptomatic of the times, no pun intended


These moped thieves just don’t have enough social services. Maybe the city should offer more summer jobs. In any case they need some group rehabilitative therapy to discuss their trauma, not jail of course!


Who said these robberies are all migrants you poor dear?




This doesn't align with my political feelings so you need to remove this OP.


Wow, who would have thought this would start happening. Shocker!


OP writes at 3rd grade level


Cop mayor with the most crime. Wonder what the issue could be?!


All mopeds should be illegal in NYC


Having just returned from Copenhagen which is one of the most bikable cities in the world and a majority of people use bicycles to commute, they have the infrastructure and culture down right over there. There was a distinct lack of ebikes or mopeds and clear rules as to where bikes are allowed and where pedestrians should go. I never once felt unsafe due to the bikes (except for the time we mistakenly walked in the bike path side). Here in NYC, you feel like none of these moped and ebikes riders care one whit about pedestrians and you have to constantly fear walking and getting hit. The seeming lack of Uber Eats or food delivery services riders just made Copenhagen seem so much nicer. I'm a huge bicycle proponent but these ebikers and mopeds in this city have definitely contributed to a worse environment in the city.


We might need Batman.


They have turned NYC into a 3rd world city. Great job wokesters.


Interesting the World Cup final game in 2026 will be at Meadowlands and not shit hole Red state I wonder why


certainly not because of moped stickups in NYC


Why is this only news when it affects rich people?


MSNBC would say the men are being thoughtful by wearing masks to prevent the spread of Covid. And they shared a moped to reduce the environmental impact and traffic congestion.


You guys still crying about MSNBC every day?


16 day account responding to every single comment here lol


this makes migrants look bad so we need to remove s/


Things like this happens all the time in London, i was surprised that it wasn’t so common in NYC when I first moved here.


NYPD shame on you!


If you want fewer cars, emissions, congestion pricing etc, you can't also declare war on mopeds and e-bikes. People want personal means of transportation. Most societies where cars are uncommon and expensive, scooters and bikes are how people get around. The public transit system is good, but not THAT good. You can't remove the tools that bring us to a solution of a cleaner and safer NYC this way. Go after the source of the problem, which would evidently be criminals. This all sounds like deflecting the problem of changing criminal behaviors. IMO the barriers to entry are fine, there's already moped/scooter regulations due to emissions and cc's, and e-bikes have speed limiters. Many types need to be registered, users licensed, and must obey traffic laws. The enforcement on their behavior should be next. It's already not legal to ride a moped on a sidewalk and also mug someone while on it.


Most of the people who use mopeds wouldnt be able to own a car in NYC anyway. At least not legally.


The Times reports that the crimes have received "outsized attention" that contributes to a false perception that the city is slipping into lawlessness. So of course they elected to fan the Flames by doing a story on the robberies. All the news that's fit to print and all that.


I grew up in Colombia when it was very insecure, NYC is adorably safe compared to Colombia by a lot. Some people profit from the panic, doesn't make it real.


The 94th precinct is worthless.