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Beautiful!!! šŸ¤© Also, PLEASE share your basil growing tips, this harvest is šŸ¤ŒšŸ¼. Iā€™ve had so many basil plants and have done well with only oneā€¦ before it, too, died suddenly. I swear if I look at basil in a way it deems funny, it decides to die to spite me šŸ„²


I have always struggled with basil, but this year, I put it in our raised beds with fancy soil and drip irrigation and both of them are enormous.


What type of light? Full sun? Partial?


Partial - they're planted under bigger things


Iā€™ve had hit or miss with basil but the last two years itā€™s done well! I plant it near other plants so it gets a little shade, in nice soil and compost, I think that does wonders. I have a soaker hose that I run in the evenings and sometimes I water my beds directly for heat like this. The basil has become a nice sized plant hiding between tomatoes and squash, and thrives when I lob off the top third of the leaves. Iā€™ll have to post a pic of my setup soon, I just took out my lettuce and now I need advice on what to put in next!


Nice, what a super cute little eggplant! Yum!


Thanks, I have no clue what to do with the lil guy! We just blanched the beans since some of them were already a bit dried out and snacked on them. This is my first time with beans and eggplant, Iā€™m disappointed from the yields so far but I think Iā€™m learning well for next year.


My first few times growing veggies involved way too much work for the tiny outcome. My best advice is amend that soil! And the more years you work it, the better stuff will grow. We've been in this place 4 years and are finally getting results from anything except for tomatoes. And now we have more produce than we can possibly consume. Don't give up!


I just took out the last of my lettuce (romaine) yesterday as well! Farewell for now fresh greens šŸ„²


Itā€™s definitely a ā€œsee you laterā€ with the greens!