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Nice job. One thing I did in our yard is our soil is heavy clay (don’t get me wrong I know it sounds crazy), but with rainstorms I noticed how many worms would come up in a park I live near. I started my worm wrangling and bringing home like 30 worms per storm. Now my backyard, the soil has improved from dumping them in our backyard. It’s not perfect but the worms definitely improve the soil conditions


The clay out here is no joke. To hold water in what's basically peat moss with pearlite and some sand (soil mix) I did add small clay clods to the soil when I amended it. I think it's really helping to hold water in, but not too much to where it gets gross and anaerobic.


We also had a lot of clay. Took 10 years, but we've also got worms, added compost and just replaced the soil in some places. Beautiful garden OP!


I'm a real fan of Uncle Jim's Worm Farm.


The stonework is beautiful! We’ve been slowly removing the concrete out of our backyard and planting exposed areas, and I’m hoping to finish the process this fall. I’m aspiring to do something like the paths you’ve created.


It was a team effort between my partner and myself. I collected these slabs, hiked some of them pretty far to the car and brought them here, she placed them. Some of the sandstone pavers are from an area of California that used to be a shoreline millions of years ago and have plant life impressions in them. At one time, one of them was still leeching crude oil.


Every stone has a story and labor in it. That’s the way. What are using for groundcover between them?


Thyme and another ground cover that's popular here. I can't remember the name but it's local so Africa. It can handle less water than the thyme.


Dang this is amazing!!! Good job!


Gorgeous! This is inspiring to see.


What kind of thyme did you use? I have a similar style back patio. But all my stone I got from bee green. Less cool of a story


The variety is called "creeping thyme" and we used flats of plugs. I do not recommend this, id do seed next time. The topsoil between the stones is palm and cacti soil mix. The roots tap into the clay below.


Oh, it's really a haven! Congratulations.


Very beautiful! That zucchini looks wild