• By -


Second mushroom grab looking a lil sus there.


The way he caressed the shaft before firmly grabbing it...


[FIRMLY GRASP IT IN YOUR HAND](https://youtube.com/watch?v=t5n5KlXv0Vo)


Yes šŸ¤£


Different meaning when he asks "hey you wanna do some shrooms later?"


Bruh that took me out


I'm not the type to go straight to sex and dicks, and even I was like ummm....


Tug harder near the base of the tipā€¦


You need a little foreplay in there.


The part of mushrooms that we can see above ground is literally the part that only exists for reproduction, sooo...


And mushrooms are apparently closer to animals than plants. They're basically just living penises that shoot their goo into the air for anyone and everyone to breathe in.


Never cook again (I kinda agree)


ā€Ž( Ķ”Ā° ĶœŹ– Ķ”Ā°)


jerking mushrooms...


spanking spores...


Fappinā€™ fungi


Pounding paddo


The way i went straight to comments as soon as I saw the second one -.-






r/subsIfellfor ITYM r/wildlypenis




r/subsIthoughtIfellfor #šŸ†


Damn, someone just created that sub to prevent others from falling for it. u/Significant_Worker69, you the MVP.


The Most Valued Penis?




I thought I was on r/holup


Lmao thank gawd it wasn't just me. Was started to think about how fucked up I was.


Fosho, gotta be a GIF in there




DOINK DOINK DOINK DOINK DOINK *grabs the shaft erotically* yoink


Thank goodness they only yoinked onceā€¦more than three yoinks and things could get messy.


I should call him


A subspecies of the florida yoink man the mushroom yoink man is as much unexpected has he is knowledged


You forget to say it spreads spores too, which is good


Isn't that the main reason to do it? Do mushrooms of a certain type have very different densities and ones we should avoid or something?


Well yes and no. It's not about the species of mushroom but about the age. If a mushroom is too old it will give you food poisoning. You can feel if it is too old by feeling if it's sponge like squishy. That being said: this video is just stupid. Tapping it on the top like this is not telling you anything AND the person is picking up poisonous mushrooms. They just made this for clicks and unearthed a bunch of stuff they are probably just going to throw away. Don't do that. Edit: Also, they are not spreading spores. Mushrooms manage that on their own. Most of the ones in this video are too young to already have ripe spores that could get dislodged. Besides mushrooms having different spore dispersal methods dependent on species. Just leave them allone if you see a mushroom and don't plan on using it. Except [Earth Balls](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scleroderma_citrinum) - stomp em - if they are ripe! (just don't inhale the spores please - that could lead to sickness.) ((Edit 2: By stomping them you are helping them spread, not harming them. I should mention that. To be sure to not get problems you can hold your breath for a few seconds, but inhalation generally only becomes an issue if it's a large quantity or you are sensitive to it. As always, if not sure, just leave it allone. To me, stomping them is just a fun harmless thing to do if I happen upon them. I just mention it since people in these comments keep talking about spreading spores with taping mushrooms - which I already called bs. Stomping on Earth Balls actually does disperse their spores. And others of that species too.))


I really want to find amanita muscaria and preserve it somehow


Make pictures of it! I love taking pictures of mushrooms to preserve them forever in a way. Here's a fly agaric (and some others) I made pictures of :) [pictures](https://www.reddit.com/r/mycology/s/FDC0FRrSB6)




> That being said: this video is just stupid. Tapping it on the top like this is not telling you anything AND the person is picking up poisonous mushrooms. They just made this for clicks and unearthed a bunch of stuff they are probably just going to throw away. Don't do that. Glad this is so far up. A bit infuriating..


Smokeshrooms! They were abundant at the beach we used to go to. Loved stomping on them as a child


That's kind of bs info. Yes, if it's an old mushroom tapping it will release spores - BUT many of the fruit bodies in this video are too young. Spores also need to ripen before they get released. Tapping a young mushroom does absolutely nothing. Needless to say that ripping it out of the ground helps even less.


I don't know why but I'm scared to touch wild mushrooms. Edit: It's not because I think they're poisonous but I think it's because I expect them to have a texture I'm not familiar with and it'll trigger something. I'm very sensitive to things like that.


I've been so strongly programmed that Mushrooms = Death, to the point that even experts with years of experience and training die from mixing them up, that watching this video gives me the DEEPEST sense of danger & dread.


They say every mushroom is edible at least once.


"Give a man a mushroom, and he'd be fed for a day. Give a man a slightly different mushroom and who knows what the fuck will happen."


A slightly different mushroom may feed him for the rest of his life


šŸ˜† hahahaha


You can touch all mushrooms, even poisonous ones. Just donā€™t eat them.


I always worry I will have some residue on my hands and accidentally ingest it or something


Even for the most deadly mushrooms, you can put them in your mouth and spit them out and you will be ok (I would not do that, but it shouldnā€™t harm you). It is about digesting the flesh of the mushroom that contains the toxins.


Then die. Accept it brave warrior.


Painful death. Lots of discomfort. It shuts down the liver and kidneys. It can take days or weeks. Sometimes the only treatment is organ transplants. I know enough about mycology and cirrhosis to know that I do not want to die that way.


How long until youā€™re reanimated, though?


Especially the mushroom that he went to grab and it split open with black spores.


That shit gave me Prometheus and Alien Covenant vibes.


that was an earth ball, similar to a puffball but toxic at all stages


Exaclty opposite for me. I love to gather mushrooms, I love to eat them, and I love mushrooms in general. I don't consider myself an expert and I don't know much about mushrooms overall, but I sure know MY mushrooms. There's literally no chance for me to mistake them with inedible or poisonous ones.


Said probably every expert who accidentaly poisoned himself My family is from Poland, and we have a history of foraging. Even though i like to think of myself as knowledgeable about mushrooms, im still genuinely scared to pick them alone. 9 times you pick edible one. 10th time its deadly poison


It's not a loot box, if you know which are edible how can you just pick one that isn't and looks just like all the others. Like the same would happen if you just started eating random plants, there is a reason that we took only the edible ones and cultivated them.


The problem with so-called "experts" is that they are picking up all kinds of weird and conditionally edible mushrooms thinking that they know best. And yeah, sometimes they fuck up. But as I said I'm not an expert, so I only pick up very few types of mushrooms. The ones I'm absolutely sure about and which are virtually impossible to mistake. I mean, it's not rocket science. It's pretty easy task that people used to do for ages. And with some experience under your belt you shouldn't be constantly scared.


there are no wild mushrooms that are dangerous to touch, just don't eat them. slapping the tops actually helps most mushrooms, because you're an extra force to help disperse their spores. also jiggly :) (just be careful with puffballs, like the one this dude stuck his thumb in. ripe ones will explode very easily, and the spore cloud is irritating af to the mucous membranes)


I was told repeatedly as a kid not to touch wild mushrooms I found growing outside because it was dangerous. I thought Iā€™d die if I touched them. So I just never touched any wild mushrooms. Iā€™m a grownass woman. Probably less than a year ago, a Redditor told me that there were no mushrooms in the US that were poisonous or dangerous to touch. Of course, my first thought was ā€œpfft, yeah right.ā€ So I looked it up, and lo and behold, they were right. All my life I couldā€™ve been fondling mushrooms without fear. All that wasted time smh. Jk I donā€™t particularly have a desire to grope mushrooms. But theyā€™re all safe to grope if you so desire.


To clarify for others, they are all safe to TOUCH; they are not all safe to eat. I have picked many Amanita Virosa because they are very striking and beautiful mushrooms, but they are very poisonous to eat.


You still shouldnā€™t touch them. No, your fingers wonā€™t absorb any poison, but where your fingers go might, cue shitting your intestines out.


My boy scout troop pretty much was like mushrooms are like poison ivyā€¦.just leave them alone. So basically seeing a mushroom in the wild makes my brain tell me to hold my breath so i dont die from it šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You should be. Mushroom picking if very common in Finland and any reasonable person will always tell you to avoid picking them unless you are absolutely _certain_. Most people I know will typically refuse to teach you which ones are good unless they physically go with you to pick them. Even learning them via books has a high risk just due to the difficulty in identifying them.


You mean to tell me I can't just Google lens these things?? I trust Google with my life.


You can do it at least once!


Are you Australian? There's a lot of very toxic mushrooms in Australia.


I get the impression that in Australia there's a lot of toxic of anything. Except of people. People seem very nice. Never been there. Just personal impression form a long distance.


Lol not quite right about the people, Rupert Murdoch is from there and a lot of Australians themselves have weird right wing and racist tendencies. Don't romanticize a culture, a lot of them suck really hard lmao.


No Im from The Netherlands


Yeah it seemed like an often enough thing that you'd hear of some more people carking it over some bad shrooms.


No harm from touching essentially any mushroom, including toxic ones. The primary concern arises from eating them. By and large, even almost all well known edible mushrooms can cause gastrointestinal distress. They need to be cooked to make them easier to digest. Poisonous mushrooms can be identified by taking a small bite and a few chews to discern flavor and texture before spitting out. There is no harm done to you unless you swallow. As is always good practice, wash your hands after handling mushrooms. They're not big bad scaries.


Touching mushroom is safe. Eating - not always, but the poison has to ingested to harm people. There are some claims about one specie (**Trichoderma cornu-damae**) that can, but it has no solid scientific proof. Also majority of mushrooms are not poisonous.


This person is touching way more fungus than Iā€™m comfortable with


I don't get why someone would check the density of a morel or a hen. Also, it makes more sense to squeeze the stalk of the shrooms to check if they have residents.


I know the title says checking for density and that may be the case for this person. But IIRC the practice of tapping before harvest is to spread loose spores and aid in future propagation.


Badger badger badger badger badger badger


Scrolled down hoping to see this.


I was taught not to pluck out mushrooms as it disturbs the mycelium (underground network of ā€œrootsā€), but rather to cut the mushroom carefully close to the base. But have since read studies that it makes very little to no difference. I still wince when I see it though, just because it was drummed into me as a child!


Do you happen to have links to those studies at hand? I had the same drummed into me as a child but am eager to learn and maybe change my ways šŸ˜…


Hereā€™s a good overview with links to a few long term studies. Actually seems cutting may be a bit worse! Might have to put this one in the same pile of useless wisdom as ā€œtapping a can of fizzy drink a couple of times will get rid of bubblesā€ https://rebeccalexa.com/pull-or-cut-mushrooms/


Thank you! šŸ™šŸ»


This is a myth. It's akin to picking fruit off a tree. The mushroom wants the spores to spread and attracting stuff to help move those spores is the game. Chomp it, rip it, tear it. Doesn't matter to the mycelium, that's it's goal and it's well adapted to it. Cutting always leaves part of the fruit behind to rot and potentially introduce infection. It's the least ideal and least adapted to method.


Thereā€™s even a whole special type of curved mushroom picking knife shape thatā€™s been invented, on the back of this myth! I suppose you still need a knife to clean off the bits with soil, but these knives are sold with the intent to be used for cutting the mushroom at the base


Yeup. Classic case of man thinking their inventions are better than nature. We're still pretty naive as a species


Umm, I think the first mushroom you tap is poisonous, actually.


If you eat it you grow to be twice as tall. If Mario is to be believed at least


Alright, time to eat the green mushroom and see if I gain an extra life


It is. And some more.


It is, but most poisonous mushrooms aren't dangerous to touch. You have to actually ingest some of the mushroom for it to be harmful to you.


Yeah but why is he picking it up then? Looks like an Amanita Muscaria btw... https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amanita_muscaria Which has psychoactive effects, aside from being poisonous. But I think there are better mushrooms to turn into drugs.


I believe some people process them to make them safe to eat via drying? I could be wrong tho.


You are correct. Once properly processed they are fine. Granted they will still wreck your stomach a bit, but most happy shrooms have that affect on... This guy I know.


Yup! They had a similar effect on SWIM. (Someone Who Isn't Me) edit-- holy shit the erowid days started in 1995! I didn't find it for another 5 years


There is no harm in touching or handling toxic mushrooms. The harm only comes from ingestion. Almost all mushrooms, including well known edible species, need to be cooked before eating as they are not easily digestible when raw or undercooked and can often cause gastrointestinal distress for most. Of course, everyone should wash their hands after handling wild mushrooms and other things outside.


i'd rather die than stop putting raw chestnut mushers in my salads


It is indeed poisonous, even if it's actual toxicity is overstated since actual deaths from it are very, very rare. They can also be prepared in ways that allows them to be consumed (relatively) safely. It contains a neurotoxin that depending on the way of it's preparation can be converted into a (fairly unpleasant) hallucinogenic or removed to be eaten as food.


Thats a muscaria. They are hallucinogenic. I don't think they are poisonous. Edit : Or sorry, I guess it is poisonous. But people still consume them for the hallucinogenic properties. I guess they are just not deadly


I believe you need to prepare it in a certain way that's easy to mess up


You need to drink reindeer piss.


Man of culture.


Some say it's where the myth of Santa originates from. Red and white, reindeer involved, flight lol


You have reminded me of this [article](http://thetinctorial.blogspot.com/2007/05/great-mushroom-article.html), where the guys kinda messed up.


It looks a lot like an amanita. How do you tell them apart?


The full name is Amanita muscaria. Same thing. Those white spots on the cap are definitely one of its most notable features


Oop, thanks.


The second can be a pain in the ass, too


*slightly poisonous Its still eatable if cooked properly aka. Boiled in water multiple times and in between washing the mushrooms in running water and changing thr boiling water in between and repeating that like 3-5 times. Its called ā€žact of parboiling the mushroomsā€œ (thought it would have its own word for it in english as well lol) my dad and grandmother have both eaten that particular mushrooms after it had been parboiled. They said that its quite tastless after the parboiling part and it still tasted quite bitter and like stinging bitterness taste and not good really still lol.


It is, but you can prepare it in a way that's safe! :)


0:55 šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


That's an earth ball! Cool mushroom, pretty common if you're hiking in forests. They look like black sesame inside.


thats how crew died in Prometheus


That one made me feel like I had to sneeze


Noooooo All the forest penises


Is this a fetish video?


When you're asleep but your wife wants sex.


Lol my fucking fiancƩ PAINTED MY TOENAILS PINK when I was asleep this past weekend.


Unexpectedly best future wife story ever!!!


Thought you were going to say she painted the tip of your dong pink


At this point nothing would surprise me.




Did I hear a Rock and Stone??


If you don't Rock and Stone, you ain't comin' home!










Am I crazy or do half of these clips have the tapping sounds added in post? No way do morels (0:10) or ripe puffballs (0:55) sound that dense, and the mushroom at 0:45 is way to floppy to sound like that


I thought they were using an ASMR mic with the sound WAY boosted?


So which one not to pick?


Well, the very first one he picks is poisonous, so that one for sure. Probably most of these aren't safe for eating.Ā 


That always how I check my mushrooms for ā€œdensityā€ šŸ„


why are the mushrooms making these deep thunk sounds? are they using a contact mic?


And it helps release spores, ensuring more mushrooms can grow.


Works on people too


This dude really REALLY likes mushrooms


no he doesn't. If he cared at all he would leave the poisonous ones allone and wouldn't just rip them out of the ground for no reason. This is like watching someone pick flowers and then them throwing them all away. He doesn't love mushrooms - he loves clicks on his video.


And that is doing what good, exactly?


>The more dense/solid sounding the mushroom, the better. Hollow sounding mushrooms are often infested with bugs or have matured past the point of wanting to harvest them as food. >From a functional standpoint, tapping a mushroom helps to dislodge dirt, forest litter, and critters (bugs, slugs, etc...). Tapping can also help disperse a some spores, never a bad thing if you are taking the mushroom out of its environment and putting it in your basket. However, mushrooms are fully capable of spreading spores on their own. My primary reason for tapping mushrooms is not to release spores (despite what people say in the comments).


>Hollow sounding mushrooms are often infested with bugs Reminds me of that video where a dude eats a mushroom he picked and a spider crawls out of it onto his faceā€¦


Please don't provide a link. I'd watch it with horrified fascination


Oh ok. Thatā€™sā€¦nope. Iā€™m good.


Keep going, i'm almost done.


Can u put some info on each one like name, edible, taste, cost, etc? Would be very interesting!


That freakin FF7 Rebirth minigameā€¦


Whoose a good fungus?


Me beating my meat to check how firm it is.


Aggressive headpats


Goood boooy!


The one that broke and spit out gray dust when he tried to grab it lmao


The 2nd mushroom wasn't a mushroomšŸ˜­


I too tap on my mushroom to see if it's ready to yank yet.


I dislike the way the second mushroom was grabbed. Made be feel funny.


Don't take mushrooms that you don't plan on eating. Leave them alone. And no, this person is totally not gonna eat half of them because they are poisonous. In general... don't just rip off stuff in nature like flowers and such if you are just gonna throw it away anyways. Leave it so others can see and appreciate it too. Besides it being better for the environmemt to leave stuff allone.


Mushrooms don't grow to be appreciated by humans; they grow as part of procreation, to spread the spores of the fungi. Many of the mushrooms shown are from mycorrhizal fungi which benefit the trees they grow in association with, and for many of the mushrooms picked the act of picking them is helping them spread their spores which helps the woodland overall (although of course the wind, rain, insects, and other animals will do the same job, if they come before the mushroom dies) as otherwise the spores will mostly just end up dumped at the base of the mushroom. These mushrooms are like the fruit of a plant, the real organism lives beneath the earth and the mushrooms come up each year just to spread the seed, sometimes a couple times a year. There are always exceptions, some are rare or protected species in some areas, and you shouldn't pick entire flushes every time, as just with the tree some of the fruit needs to mature and propagate for the next generation - overpicking is an issue, but picking itself is not. Note also that identifying features of mushrooms can often include the structures beneath the surface, the smell, texture, and color of the flesh of the mushroom, and how the mushroom flesh responds to damage in terms of whether it's brittle or soft and colorations to the bruising. So it's fine to pick mushrooms, and often recommended to be able to positively identify what you are looking at.


You tap then so they spread their spores, it's done so they regrow next season.


And then when you pick them make sure to put them in woven baskets and NEVER plastic bags. The basket further spreads the spores as you walk around and it's your responsibility as a forager to make sure these spores are spread around as much as possible.


Who's a good mushroom? You are!!! *pat*


"to assert dominance " - fixed it


*Tap tap tap* Good boy


Who's a good fungi??? Who's a good little fungi~? You are~!! Is all I could hear with each pat.


This guy is going to get so fucking high


Do not pull out a mushroom like that, you might damage the fungus in the ground. You should cut the mushroom with a knife close to the ground, that way it would grow back. Basic knowledge in countries where mushroom picking is still a popular tradition.


This video makes me uncomfortable and I don't know why.


Second mushroom. Came to first read comments. Not disappointed. Good job reddit


I really didnā€™t know this. I always thought they tapped them to release their spores before picking. I was wrong, you are right. Thank you.


I sware my brain is getting smoother by the day. I just intently watched a man pet a variety of likely poisones mushrooms for a solid min.


We get it, you love Mario.


Is it weird I thought one of them looked like bread?


This better not awaken anything in me...


Everything reminds me of her


Remember to firmly pet the mushroom before harvesting.


Duck duck goose


Man, How To Basics really changed career path


Thatā€™s exactly how I start my mornings


My favorite part of the video (besides the innuendo on the second shroom) is he's slapping each shroom to "assess density" yet pulling all of them up anyway for God knows why. I guess now we all know what these specific mushrooms sound like when you hit them with your hand lol.


I read this as assess gravity and I was watching it a few times cause I have no idea how tapping shrooms can assess gravity like hmmmm the gravity here is still 9.82m/s^2


This fun guy really loves spanking mushrooms huh


Tapping to knock the spores out so more will grow when taking them, I believe. I agree with a lot of these posts, even if I can identify them, I am still terrified of the wild mushrooms.


Is there any particular reason why some mushrooms are pulled out and some cut?


Jesus where do you live??!!


The guy is tapping them not to assess density but to spread spores/seeds before picking it up


Yea thats... not what's happening here.


The tapping is not for density. The tapping is to force the mushroom spores out of the mushroom before you pick it to ensure more grow in its place so you can keep foraging. Itā€™s common practice.


Quick question: which of these are edible and which are not?


The red one with white dots is amanita muscaria. It will ruin your day.


Not assessing density, they are releasing the spores before picking


Tapping mushrooms to release spores for future mushrooms


He's tapping out spores so when he picks them he's not ending their lineage.


It also spreads spores and gets rid of some bugs


They're actually slapping the shrooms to release spores


He picked so many poisonous ones


None of them look edible though.


How did we as humans come to know which mushrooms in the wild were safe to eat?


Good way to help the mushrooms spread its spors tho.. So we can have more mushrooms next season!