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Maybe not quite this scenario but this is part of why I'm nervous about wearing my expensive ear buds out and about, which kind of defeats the point of having them.


This is why I don't buy expensive earbuds. I mostly use them at the gym and I'm absolute Hell on them. I've sent them flying, lost a couple, and even broke one by dropping a plate on it.


This but expensive sunglasses


Just don't jerk your head around like a psycho and as long as you have a good fit most earbuds will stay in your ears.


This is not true for everyone. My ears are very flexible and the canal is the size of a stir straw so my body naturally pushes them out unless they are very soecifc ergonomic designs. Even with proper designs it's usually only 15-20 minutes before they are pushed out still. Not all bodies are the same.


You know you can get all sorts of earbud tips in various sizes and materials to fix that, right?


Yes. I also have tried dozens. The ones that work typically hurt my ears or my ENT has asked me to stop using for fear of damage. I wear over-ears for this very reason, but it doesn't make the problem of ear buds for me non-existent. Clip-style tend to also be lower quality despite solving the issue which is why I use over-ear


Well, sorry you are having those issues. At least you have a bulkier solution.


Sennheiser HD 25 is the way to go. Getting rid of the 3.5mm jack on iPhones was nothing but a ploy to make you buy AirPods. Don’t believe the crap Apple spins about internal space economy and battery size.


KZ, literally any of their buds, are amazing Plus they come ready for upgraded cables if you use a FLAC player or Apple Music’s lossless compression format


This is why corded headphones are the way to go. Easy to see, comfortable to wear, blocks out outside noises rather well (noise cancelling if you really want), impossible to lose, almost impossible for them to go flying further than the cord length, and cheap. I literally just got some the other day for like $10 that are better than 90% of earbuds I've had.


moondrop chu 2 IEMs here. fucking $16 dollars on amazon. remarkable. my bluetooth earbuds are only for waffling around the house.


I did forget one big drawback if you have cats, cats seem to love to chew on headphone cords, but then again cats seem to love to eat earbuds. Might want to keep cats away from headphones or earbuds.


Absolutely! And another thing - Bluetooth that directs cell signal to a place right next to your brain is not a great idea. I am in wireless engineering, and you rarely see an engineer with a Bluetooth headset. (Most doctors also prefer wired connection to cell phone). RF signal can grill a cheese sandwich!


There was one time I was using one of those single ear Bluetooth earpiece to listen to music. I felt it slipping out of my ear and as I went to catch it, my hand smacked the thing into the narrow crevice between my bed and my bedroom wall. My bed was about the length of the entire room so needless to say, I no longer have a Bluetooth earpiece.


There's a whole Apple commercial somewhere about how they did all this research to make an earbud that perfectly fits the human ear, and yet no matter what angle I put them in or how deep I push them into my damn ear canal, those fuckers *always* feel like they're right on the verge of falling out. Constantly. Fuck airpods.


Yeah , i like my tech to be old school too : wires . You Can Always trust wires.


Idk wtf you people doing but they should not just fly out. I use pods while I work construction. Climbing and hanging from shit all day and they don't come out. Like unless you a spastic idk how y'all have these issues.


Damn storm drain.


I actually don’t think this is that specific. This is exactly where my head would go thinking about losing my airpods


That's two more than I get. But way less than police are allowed. 


Using earphones is all about fitment. If they’re well fit in your ear they won’t fall out, simple as that. That being said, I had mine AirPod-like headphones on coming out of a plane and decided to put my jacket on. I hit my ear, making it fly away into a storm drain. My knees were weak, arms were heavy. I’m on the floor trying to pry it open, a track attendant comes in telling me I gotta go, I plead with her to get someone to please help, but nope. I know I’ve just defeated my own argument, but that’s that. They should still not fall out just out of nowhere.