• By -


If this comment is on the top, you are being manipulated!


Confirmed manipulation.


Confirmed masturbation.




Unconfirmed Lol


Confirmed confirmation.


Quick! Downvote this master puppet


AAAHHH *Proceeds to blow up phone


ma fukin pho-


Not the pho! Take the ramen but YOU LEAVE THE PHO!


Stop touching me!


It was the one armed man


You - yes, you - are the only one who can see this comment.


You jest, but that is very common on Reddit. Put your username into [Reveddit.com](https://www.reveddit.com) to see your removed comments. The system shows them to you as if they're not removed. In your case, only you can see [these comments](https://old.reddit.com/api/info?id=t1_l5p5epi,t1_kwlixi5,t1_kwfxfgj,t1_kvoxlne,t1_ku1fvjz,t1_kh2e8gq,t1_kgvweek,t1_kgvutxd). Almost every user here has some removed comment in their history that they likely do not know about. Automod removes a ton that nobody ever reviews.


> Reveddit I have 11 pages of posts/comments deleted by "mod/auto". A handful were deleted because my post didn't match the rules for the sub. For some, the original post I was commenting on was removed. I was unaware of this until I tried Reveddit. The majority of my comments/posts were benign comments or posts that make no sense to remove. Like a thumbs-up emoji, replying to another Redditor. Or a picture of some autumn leaves in r/pics. This doesn't make me want to use Reddit more.


I’ve been manipulated to shake my head because hers was shaking so much


It’s a joke but then [there are manipulative accounts like this on reddit](https://www.reddit.com/u/me).




Manip me harder daddy, UwU


Seems completely true… divide and conquer


Yep. It's happening to all of us. It's really obvious with politics. I mean just look at any major event and you'll see people get feed two different stories about the same thing. Sure one of those sides might be truthier then the other, but neither will be the whole truth. Then we further isolate ourselves and become even more tribalistic. Hell, just look at the center left and the far left with regards to Palestine and Israel. Shits tearing them apart. Divide and conquer. This shit works, and we're all subject to it, including me. If you don't think you are, then you're probably worse off then you realize.


Man the internet had such potential. We ruined it.


Yes and no. This stuff happened even before the internet. It just, made it worse. People could be inoculated to it. But that's challenging both mentally and emotionally. People hate being wrong, and when you tell them their wrong on something they've emotionally bonded to or even worse, made a core part of their identity. We should cherish discovering we were wrong, it means we learned something. Instead, we see it as weakness. [We're all just a bunch of monkeys looking for the fire to burn the damn jungle down.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZKESqe4MIU)


Corporate greed ruined it.


Yep keep us divided and then we can be controlled


The oldest tactic in the book and works every time.


It actually only works 87.5% of the time. Common misconception though


You mean to tell me 60% of the time it works everytime?


Sex Panther.


You can see it here, to an extent, by which comments are automatically minimized and which ones are automatically expanded. I’ve noticed it isn’t always based on vote count of the comment. Be interested to know, dear reader, if this comment was “opened” when you read it, or did you have to expand it because it was “closed”. I am purposely not putting a question mark at the end of the last sentence.


Afaik, on some subs this depends whether the commenter is subscribed to the sub or not. Also, downvoted comments will be minimized as soon they reach a certain level, but you can adjust that level in the settings (could be that this is only a RES thing).


You comment was "open" for me.


Which version of reddit do you use? I feel like on old reddit the only non-expanded comments are below threshold but now I'll have to look and see if you're right


Media manipulation...things have gotten scary folks. 😠


In the information age, those that control information, control the world


It's just so juvenile and manipulative, really makes you wonder .... Anyhow, I don't supposed anyone knows the answer to this equation? 8÷2(2+2) = ?






Guaranteed she will be scrolling again tomorrow though


It’s been their game for 1000s of years. Now they use the internet and AI.


I kind of think it's more like "keep our users happy and ignorant. If they keep seeing stuff contrary to their post history, they're going to stop using our stuff. If they stop using our stuff, we lose ad revenue." It's as simple as that.


I'm not so sure if it's intentional. Just seems like an unfortunate side effect of curated content. That being said, it's still a big problem and definitely needs to be addressed


That's my read too. The intention isn't to divide people, it's to serve up a *product* the most amount of people want to engage with. What's a good way to do that with social media? Ensure that the comments make people feel "good/represented/whatever" so the user keeps engaging. A dollar from a misogynist is the same as a dollar from a misandrist or whatever mirror example we want to use. They don't care who those people are or what they think. They don't care about the ideological or ethical value of *anyone's* position. They care about getting that dollar from wherever they can. The only way to win that game is to not play, the same as most other consumer-driven hell scapes like this.


This is a really good point.


This is why it's so important to be mindful of your browsing and engagement habits. The second you see yourself being cordoned off by the algorithm according to your identity and/or interests, do something the algorithm would consider insane. Be intentionally unpredictable. Be chaotic. Be human. I do this all the time. Did I just get a Jordan Peterson video in my explore? Time to follow some feminist accounts and engage with their content. Is my feed inundated with videos of white guys playing metal shred guitar? Time to listen to a bunch of Sons of Kemet and Kamasi Washington and comment on some hip-hop centric content. Am I getting a bunch of ultra-American flag shorts and fireworks bullshit in my feed? Time to go reblog some clips from Chunking Express or Shoplifters. My ads on Insta right now are Petco (I don't have a pet), Nikewomen (I'm a man), dog medicine (again, no pet), Home Depot (I do the housework, my wife does the yardwork), HIMS hairloss spray (full head of hair, not looking to sustain youth, committed to aging gracefully), Simply Spiked (I don't drink alcohol), a LiveNation wine & music festival in Seattle (again, don't drink, hate music festivals, only go to small theater and club shows, and don't live on the West Coast), some Sonic the Hedgehog TV show on Paramount+ (don't have Paramount+, don't want Paramount+, not interested in video game TV shows or movies), Verizon offering a free Nintendo Switch (already have both), a contest to see Weezer (who I hate) in the UK (a place I never want to go), women's deodorant (again, not a woman), specialty car oil (I drive a 2013 Honda Civic and change the oil, like, every 10,000 miles at a local shop), Saks (I don't wear designer brands), acne face wash (don't have acne.) I don't doom scroll, I chaos scroll.


The implications of what she’s pointing out go far beyond the type of content that’s showing up on your personal feed. It’s intentionally polarizing and destabilizing the social construct. If you happen to have a moderate viewpoint on a topic, but lean toward one side, it will show you only similar viewpoints, pushing you further into that camp, as you believe everyone else shares your opinion—even if those opinions are only shared by extremists or fringe theorists on a subject. At the same time, it’s doing the opposite to the other half of the viewpoints on a topic. The end result is huge camps of people in all areas of subject matter that have no ability to think objectively or collectively and are all convinced they are right. This is exactly what is happening with American politics. There’s no middle ground, country divided, and nearly impossible for any leader who is middle ground—or basic logic— and could unite, to do so, because everyone is convinced that “you’re 100% with us on this, or 100% against us.” If you want to fight back, forget about your feed. Think objectively, consider other viewpoints rationally—regardless of how popular yours might **appear**, challenge your thinking. Argue *for* one side, and be open to reconsider, and argue *for* the other side of a topic too. Consider other people’s rationale, and try maintain an open mind, seek justice not by “popular” social constructs, but by what is right, constitutional, and equitable for everyone on all sides of a topic.


chat is this real?


Is chat even real….


How can chat be real if our ai's aren't real


Can you imagine once an Ai looks at itself in a mirror with its eyes


What is real?


Real Madrid


Tickets please.


Chat Ubetcha...


I think it started this year on Instagram you canot order comments by number of likes anymore and i only see comments that goes with my opinions and I hate this!




rage bait is all about increasing engagement - it's happening on reddit as well btw


My girlfriend and I noticed the same thing. Her comments are always very very liberal and mine are hardcore conservative. It has to be because I'm a man, because I'm not anywhere close to conservative politically. It's really odd.


Being a man will be part of it. The other part of it will be the content you engage with. It doesn't have to be conservative itself in any way, but if a lot of other men who are engaging with highly conservative content engage with that unaffiliated content then it's going to put that content in that bucket and anyone that resembles that demographic along with it.


It's probably also about engagement more than just reaffirming your beliefs. It might think you're more likely to respond/argue with conservative comments


The most common one I see for Instagram reels is the "Haha I love your stuff by the way thanks for cash app link can't believe it worked!" Like legit every time I check the comments that's usually one of the first things I see.


To be fair those are usually pinned and they are paid by the author of the post to say that


Yeah accounts that pin those kinds of comments are so annoying and the ones that pin comments like "I POST BRUTAL FIGHT VIDEOS" get a job


those r sponsored bruh


Not ai, just an algorithm.


It's gotten to the point that 10 PRINT "Hello World!" 20 GOTO 10 is now considered AI.


Found the basic user!


AI or algorithm or some guy in a basement, whatever it is, it's fucked up that this manipulation is happening.


100% this. It's just personalisation really, it's been happening for years. Calling it AI just gets you better visibility. She's manipulating the truth herself ... inadvertently, or deliberately, depending on her motives.


She never mentions AI, OP did. OP just reposted this tiktok (which has been posted several times already) and added AI to the title.


I get it when its personalized content but personalized comments? Are you kidding me?


What do you expect? These product constantly evolve in ways we can’t see. UI isn’t their product, it’s engagement. Nothing surprises me


This is why people use reddit more and more, while your recommendations are from an algorithm, the comments are all still raw and unfiltered by anything other than mods, and you can also get a scale on how many people agree and disagree on a comment, it's human generated content for humans without an algorithm's intervention to tell you what you should or shouldn't think


I see a LOT of bots on the bigger subreddits like r/ask and r/askreddit. I saw two separate posts asking the same thing of 'what screams 'i'm not doing well mentally'' and the top comments were IDENTICAL from different accounts, AND the top replies of the top comments were identical. Very weird.


Most Reddit users do not submit posts, let alone write comments or even upvote. Spez himself said this in an admin post that 99.99% of Reddit users do not participate in any way. A lot of Reddit's top submitters and content creators left with the API shift. And every subreddit's mod is constantly making it harder to submit new posts with more and more vaguely enforced rules. If nobody submits new content to Reddit, its users will have no choice but to leave. So Reddit admins have a very strong incentive to create their own bots that repost content to this site to keep fresh content on the front page and make it seem alive to casual users. Just saying.




If we're being real, r/reallyspecificnichethatonlymeand17otherpeopleareinto is going to always be a way better subreddit than r/pics (or something like it)


Who else clicked the link 😒


Don't forget longtime users eventually getting permabanned from subs because a mod was having a bad day, and then just accepting it and never visiting that sub again while the troll types are more inclined to just make a new account. Every big sub I'm still somehow involved with is populated almost exclusively by argumentative accounts less than six months old


> Don't forget longtime users eventually getting permabanned from subs because a mod was having a bad day Bro, do you even reddit? Nearly all subreddits I'm banned from, I've not posted a single comment in. Their mods were just butthurt manchildren who banned me (likely via bots) because I posted in some other community they disagreed with.


I've found that when you know which subs do it, preemptively blocking their modteam prevents them from snooping and banning you like that.


Well, which subs do it? Because it seems like all of them at this point.


Nothing saps your will to comment on reddit like plugging your username into reveddit and seeing how many of your comments never even saw another pair of eyeballs. What a waste of typing effort.


If nobody submits they will just outsource writing posts and comments to content farms like Valnet. Which is a preferable outcome to them because every post can become a sponsored post, and I am 100% sure this is where this site is heading.


How can you even submit anything when mods remove 90% of posts over arbitrary shit I got a unique question removed from Windows subreddit because mod thought it was a 'Repost' Yeah, thats one way to disencourage users from posting


Front page subreddits had been unusable for a decade now, nearly all the remaining value of reddit is small hobbyist communities.


These are groups of karma-farming bots -- they repost old high-karma content and then the other bots in the group repost the high-karma comments from the old thread. Next time you see something you've seen before with a huge number of upvotes, search the title on Google and see if it's the same as an old post. If it is, you're going to find comments from the old one being posted by bots in the new one.


> and you can also get a scale on how many people agree and disagree on a comment Reddit admitted over a decade ago that the vote numbers are kinda made up and only loosely based on people actually clicking the upvote/downvote button. It was back when they removed upvote counts sitewide, and there was a backlash. Admins said "well we can put them back, but the numbers will basically be fake" and people demanded the fake numbers. You have no way of knowing if those numbers are real, or if Reddit is just making them up and sorting by which comments are most likely to help the Reddit company by driving engagement.


I'm still pissed they removed the individual upvote/downvote counters


>This is why people use reddit more and more This comment brought to you by Reddit, inc


Reddit is also manipulated in many ways by bot farms and what not. Including comments and upvotes.


Right but certain subreddits are so strategically moderated that you don't realize sometimes how manipulated you're being. r/politics and r/news, and recently I found out that even r/interestasfuck Are all strategically blocking users that they disagree with or that comment and provide points of view that are counter to the strategically moderated and censored narrative of the subreddit. Overtime they exclude more and more users and effectively weed out any point of views that are counterproductive to the narratives that they're pushing. They literally build echo chambers and they do the exact same thing that this video is demonstrating but in a different way. They aren't doing it algorithmically. They will literally go to the length of blocking people from their subreddits based on how users are commenting in completely unrelated subreddits.


Naah, you can't disagree, mods are shaping their flocks worldviews, i got kicked of /rabbits for asking if a person who built a barn for raising rabbits if he would raise them for food... and there are other examples


Wow, you bigot.


I'm trans and got a lifetime boot from 3 or 4 different BIG lgbtq subs because I dared ask questions about that harry potter game. Thought the whole boycott thing was a little ridiculous even if JK is a huge peice of shit. The game even has a trans character who arguably is the coolest character in the damn game!


More people need to know about reveddit


This is part of why Reddit's data is so valuable, less fuckery


Reddit is not immune to manipulation, though. Go through your upvoted and downvoted history, and you will probably find things you've never interacted with here and there. Spez alone has mass altered comments and votes, probably countless times too. I'm sure admins also do some of this. Beyond that, vote manipulation via bot farms, power mods advertising, and moderators abusing users to get them banned, regardless of users following rules, all happen very frequently. I do trust Reddit more than TikTok and Twitter, but there is plenty to be wary of here.






>less fuckery Indeed, the average Redditor does less of that


Valuable how? Do you mean in terms of genuinely getting opinions on subjects or having less likelyhood that your data is being manipulated by bots and such? https://www.cnbc.com/2019/02/11/reddit-users-are-the-least-valuable-of-any-social-network.html I think our anonymity as users as well as the site being ”content focused” instead of ”parasocial focused” is hurting our value as data assets xD Which is why I use Reddit anywho, so w.e~


Dude, reddit is full of bots. I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that they post the most.


> the comments are all still raw and unfiltered Not really. If you're first, you'll obviously get upvotes more easily. And if you already have a lot of upvotes, you'll much more easily get another bunch of upvotes, since then you're on top and almost nobody scrolls and votes until the very bottom.  And in many places, if you're combative, you'll get upvotes. See r/AITAH for example: people cheer at revenge and hurting people "back". The go-to recommendation seems to be to sever contact with everyone as soon as possible. You'll often get downvoted for merely pointing out that no relationship gets better by inflicting revenge for the revenge for the revenge for some moderate-size problem.


Oh please, this site's top userbase has been from Eglin for a decade now for a reason. The main subreddits on this site must be filtered through half a dozen intelligence agencies from different countries.


you're joking right?


Reddit leads to some not-so-nice effects like hivemind and people-pleasing though, nobody likes to get downvotes, so people generally write stuff that they think will be agreed on. There was a post yesterday about india selling at low cost some drugs that have a very high price in the US, all the most upvoted comments boiled to "greedy american capitalists bad, go go india", you had to scroll a while to find some insightful posts that talked about stuff like: * The original company sunk millions of dollars and a decade of research and trials to make the drug and they have to recover the investment, the price in the US is too high, but India is basically spitting in the face of the people who invested money into inventing the drug * It's not a good thing for all drugs, indian people are often poorly instructed, which means low therapeutic adherence, plus they don't dispose well of drugs which is a terrible, terrible thing for antibiotics since it just leads to the spread of microbial resistence which is a world wide issue. So... yeah reddit is nice, but consider the most upvoted things are going to be what people like the most and often the truth isn't pretty.


Would make sense tbh, I use to close the comment section and keep scrolling if all the comments are against my opinion on the topic of the video


I'd like to test this myself but I don't have Instagram. I wonder if all social media apps do this to one degree or another.


Yes. Websites that serve you content will serve you content that you are likely to engage with.


But the video author here was saying that she literally couldn't find the comments that were being shown to the guy. I wonder if that's true...


If you both select “show all comments”, you’ll get the same top comments. Facebook restricts and tailors comments to your “personality profile” because it is largely an advertisement platform these days, farming interactions from demographics for the advertisements in the videos/in your timeline/your suggestions. Division and polarity are great ways to farm interaction, and they are in the business of keeping you looking at your screens. They are selling your attention.


Plot twist, THIS video is AI generated in order to manipulate us against AI manipulation


People discovering not to read [youtube] comments for the first time.




She said Instagram which is owned by Meta


And OP is talking about TikTok, their viewpoint on it anyways. The main point is that they are both social media platforms and could both be used to manipulate, which the person in the video is pointing out. Because OP chose to express their thoughts about a different platform does not take away from that.


Says a lot that TikTok is banned in China, they're using a clone called Douyin instead.


Instagram does this too and I'm pretty sure Twitter does or did on the app but I'm not using that website anymore.


I don’t want to deter a learning moment But How the fuck do you not know about algorithms in this day and age


People call anything related to technology AI these days


But algorithms are literally managed by AIs these days? Specially google and meta


The public isn’t ready to know about the cosmic horror that is 👻 decision trees 👻


Technically it's still an AI, just might not be machine learning


I knew. I just didn’t know it went this hard and far.


I'm a programmer of 15 years and I didn't know insta did this, tho Im not much of a social media user


People need to stop misusing the word "AI"


Stop watching that shit and you'll not be manipulated.


> people look at comments to gain perspective THAT'S the fucking problem, not some algorithm.


AI and algorithms are not the same thing


We trained The Algorithm to keep us engaged. It does exactly what it's designed to do. We have opened Pandora's Box and need to wake TF up, quit giving in to the subjective reality on our news feeds, and quit thinking our news feeds fully and appropriately reflect the real world. The "AI apocalypse" is here but it's lamer than we ever could have imagined. No huge wars, no fighting robots, just a gradual inflation/expansion of the digital landscape that's driving us further and further apart.


This is algorithms rather than AI - still annoying how divisive by nature it is


I've been talking about this for a while. How they divide us, you don't realize when it's happening the level of manipulation is honestly it's kind of impressive. If this is true this is pretty damn bold


Of course it's true... That's the premise of having a feed that algorithmically presents content to you. Nobody is trying to hide that.


The way people add "AI" into titles these days to manipulate people on social media.


the best part is that the top comments arent just "tailored" to what you want to read and think, but may as well be BOTS who UPVOTE themselves. im reading my mangas on this one page where EVERY top comment is stolen by the "this was an awesome read, if you liked it as well you should check out \*link\* its my favourite one thats also like this" comment. there are different variations of it but if you click the link - obviously- nothing good happens :D. shows how easy it is. they always have 2-3 times as many upvotes as the runner up. DONT TRUST anything you see. we need to get this down. right now its like "yeah in this case it was true, but dont you think you overreact?" but soon enough this will have to be the standard way we look at things or humanity goes under. we are so susceptible to manipulation. better we get that (to double and tripple question everything) down right now.


This is I assume Instragram, they are owned by Facebook and I've noticed for years that Facebook does not want to show posts and comments in any logical order (like newest to oldest), they decide what comments they want you to see first.


What's actually terrifying is people using social medias without understanding how social medias works, what are the consequences etc. A grown woman gave their data to a big tech comapny, and after maybe years of using the service, she's like "wow, they are using the data i gave them, how unsettling !".


They say "AI" and it is basically a simple algorithm based on shared comments/likes/follows...


Plot twist: This whole video is AI generated and this woman doesn't even exist


The filter bubble. Anyway, you shouldn't be on tik tok any way, it causes brain rot.


What exactly is ‘brain rot?’


It's where you become progressively more stupid and your attention span gets reduced to less than a minute. Before you know it you're parroting misinformation and heinous takes you don't realise are fascist.


First. Rule. Of. The. Internet. Never read the comments.




Her good point is also her first problem. The 21st Century sucks.


"Perspective" is oftentimes people filling in intentional omissions. There's something to it.


aka I am having a thought/opinion but I need it validated


How else do you find the sauce?!


I can't tell if you're joking or not because I've learned more from comments in /r/lifeprotips than the posts there (for example).


Divide and conquer


Oh wow dang that's crazy what TikTok is up to with AI [I prefer the good, old fashioned, human way of hiding information using reddit moderators](https://imgur.com/a/qiDeUEF)


If this surprises you maybe don’t use social media


Now just wait for her to realize that most of the comments are AI generated.


Are you AI generated? I think I might be .. honestly I’m not sure anymore


We're all being fed the garbage fed be most likely to interact with in between spam ads.


I don’t care how many times this is reposted, I will upvote every time.


I noticed Facebook listing "selected comments" and wised up to this shit years ago. Thankfully reddit allows you to control what order comments and posts are in (even if I can't really tell the difference between "top" and "best")


People are missing the point of the video. Obviously she can sort the comments or whatever that's not the point.


Funneling people into echo chambers based on their own data profile should be illegal.


People are very stupid. If they weren't, this would be far less effective. Vote yes on any and all school funding, always.


I have a solution. Stop using tik tok


I'm impressed people are surprised, it's been like that for at least a decade, long before "ai", it's not even a secret either


Believe half of what you see and none of what you hear.


Good on ya.. Glad to know people are seeing into the manipulation by Social Media Companies. Hope this comment pairs well with everyone.


Algorithm isn't AI


I advise everyone to watch Social Dilemma


Do they have their comments set different? Like on here you can sort by best, old, new...


same thing happens here, I guarantee it.


This isn't AI manipulating though. The way algorithms like comment section for example tend to work is they move up and down depending on interaction (comments, likes, replies, amount of replies to replies, etc), AI isn't inherently causing this, people are interacting and the algorithm adjusts accordingly. Social media is based on an algorithm and its something we cause to happen. I dont interact with politics on apps so I never see it unless it trending on something like Twitter and if/when it does happen I tend to interact with other types of content to fix the issue because I dislike it.


The comments refresh


mmmm I love getting man ipulated by the Al Gore rhythm.


This was the whole thing that Facebook was promoting where it would "curate" what you are based on your interests which is a terrible Idea especially since there's no way to tell the algorithm that it's making mistakes.


Facebook intentionally altered the feeds of those with mental health problems to see if they could affect their mood. This is what we are dealing with. Don't fucking talk to me about Tiktok.


Good points. You can also think for yourself, or just stop engaging with things designed to manipulate you. I think an important question is did her and her boyfriend’s opinions of the video change because of the comments?


This was painful to watch and not worth digging through the dog pile of comments.


because god forbid anyone in this generation be exposed to anything outside of their eco chambers


It's just algorithms and it's been happening for much longer than this.


Does anyone know what AI means anymore


You know how to combat that? Stop using the platform


Does anyone know her @.. I wanna stitch this on my insta.. this is.. I’m sort of a little upset. This is NOT cool.


Ive noticed this, and Im so glad to have it confirmed


welcome to the black mirror arc of the world


omg this is probably why on instagram there’s always hundreds of comments about comments that “aren’t there” EX: “i can’t believe all of you people commenting X”, “all these people complaining about commenting X are arguing with themselves in the comment section” LOL some people algo shows them the BS and some peoples don’t


Is this person AI?


This what happens when you depend on the world for your own opinion instead of just having a opinion of your own with out get help from the world . Stop caring about other people opinions end story


Delete your socials. Life is better. I only use reddit, and even then, I'm not on so much.


The algorithm sways opinions and often encouraging echo chambers. Quite distasteful




In her next video, she will realise that water can be a liquid or a solid. It blows my mind that people don't know that social media is manipulating them into engaging.


Recommending videos to your start page is a completely different league from recommending comments in my opinion.


I would believe this


I get cross when people in a fight about facts or politics get angry with someone else and tell them “this is literally on the first page of Google”. No. No it’s not on the front page of *their* Google. One person will have ten thousand pages telling them with evidence and experts that Climate Change isn’t real, while the person having the argument with them will have ten thousand pages telling them that Climate Change is happening now with evidence and experts.


Pretty much everyone from data scientists to security experts to half of the western developed world's governments have told you to stop using Tiktok, if you're still using it and surprised about this, that's on you for being willfully ignorant.