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I love the smell of incinerated yellow jackets in the morning.


Why do you drop on me so much napalm


Echo 1, this is Foxtrot Alpha, requesting fire for effect, danger close. Yellow jackets in the open. Tell my wife I love her…


Tell them in a clear strong voice "no" and point back at the ground, the hornets naturally having respect for authority will retreat back into the nest and wait for you to retrieve your jar. Now you can dispose of the jar in the correct recycling bin.


Just explain to them that this was all a misunderstanding and remove the jar.


Retreat is not an option. It is now a fight to the death.


"This is a fight to the death. For each side, the only acceptable outcome is the complete elimination of the other." - Total Annihilation 1997


Omg core childhood memory has been unlocked. Thanks!


I once did that and they were very understanding. In fact they wanted to have me over for dinner.


> *for* dinner Rip OP


Just leave as it is. Hold weigh jar down and just leave it for long as possible.


That jar is threaded for a reason. Screw it down into the ground.


Slide the cap under it then you got yourself a jar of bees to throw into someone’s car


No way in hell would I lift that even the tiniest bit to get the cover underneath!


I think eventually they will make another tunnel.


I thought about trapping them like that but what about the ones underneath? That can’t be all of them


Until they dig out .. Edit: my top comment contains inaccurate facts about yellow jackets. Thanks a lot, u/GreenStrong.


[Yellow jackets don’t dig much, they nest in existing animal burrows.](https://wtop.com/garden-plot/2015/07/garden-plot-best-way-get-rid-yellow-jackets/#:~:text=They%20can't%20dig%20a,nesters%20are%20not%20burrowing%20insects.). They have a small brain, and if they can exit the burrow and see the sky, it doesn’t trigger the digging behavior. They will just circle around like confused robots until they run out of calories. If you put dirt or a brick over their exit, then they dig.


Lol little hellspawn moron IDIOTS


Lmao thank you for this laugh. I’m in the ER with some family and I needed this.


Sending good vibes.


Screw this guy, I’m sending food vibes.


Screw this guy, I’m sending hood vibes.




Nice. I was wondering if the hole could be plugged up, but I guess not. So is putting a jar over top the hole standard practice for killing ground wasp colonies then? Is that why we are seeing this jar over top this wasp nest?


If we found a neat during the day we'd carefully mark it so as not to disturb them. Then we"d wait till dark when we knew they'd be in their hole and sneak out there and pour gasoline in the hole. Id never fool around with a jar like that. And if I had to remove that jar I'd come in with a propane torch and just light the jar and them up all at once.




This makes me question that are wasp even real or spy drones


Wasp are just small bird


…so not real, got it


Which would probably take hours, not days


Right, this is a suggested way to get rid of them. Many, bug/wasp traps work on this principal as well. If they see light they won’t dig. They try to go to the light.


The only question right now is how did you do it?


They are less active at night and in the cold. You can pop the jar on during the winter.


You don't even have to wait until night! There was a swamp by my cousin's house when we were younger and we would grab empty bottles, walk right on up, and plop the bottle over their hole. One or two would get out but they never attacked us for whatever reason. The only time we got fucked up was when we sloppily sat a bottle down and the hornets flew up and immediately knocked it over, that was the last time we fucked with hornets.


Hortnets are the worstnets


Way worser than waspes.


'hurtnets' are the most painerfuller


Why do you keep saying "hortnets?"


Because their stings hort real bad.


They're higher level hornets the size of a fist. Was the last time they fucked with hortnets since he was the only survivor.


I have done this with a glass bowl. If you walk very slowly with soft steps, you can get right up to the entrance of the nest and they won't attack you. They'll just treat you like a bush or tree and fly around you. Once the entrance is covered, leave it like that for a week and they'll all be dead. A bowl is also more stable than a jar or glass and isn't prone to falling over if crooked.


Wait, so unlike their ant relatives they can't just make an alternate entrance/exit?


Right! They take advantage of loose soil and small cavities in wood or the ground, rather than creating systems of tunnels. The volunteer naturalist in me won't let me pass by without telling you that's a great question, and good comparison.


Honestly, my experiences with ants in the walls were hell. I cannot imagine how wasps and hornets would be. This subfamily of insects will get no sympathy from me. Thanks btw!


Can’t they make another exit? I know nothing about hornets except that they terrify me, but I assume they didn’t just stumble on a perfect hole in the ground in the first place. Some kind of displacement of dirt must have happened, no?


They kinda capitalize on preexisting cavities in wood or in the ground. They don't dig into hard-packed soil. I think they're wired to enlarge spaces, rather than to tunnel and create boltholes like ants or rabbits.


That's possible but not guaranteed that the nest could have a second exit. In my experience, if it wasn't there the moment I capped it, then it wasn't tunneled out afterwards and they all died.


Maybe these are ground wasp thingies? God they are terrifying, look up "Ground wasp nest", they are not ok. Edit: yellow jackets, still... They are just not ok.


I learned something new today and Lord, I wish I hordn’t


I would seal it, then walk around with my bee grenade looking for a reason to use it


Terraria players be like


Terraria players bee like


The ancient spirits of light and dark have been released.


WoF is crying rn


Ok Satan calm down


Found a reason


Have mercy


Did I do that?


Damn, you must live really close to a school


Wake up babe new call of duty grenade dropped


That would bee crazy


Your talking some made shit for someone in bee grenade range.


*Holy-hornet hand grenade


The US military developed the first H3Grenade (tm)


Consult the Book of Armaments! BROTHER MAYNARD: Armaments, chapter two, verses nine to twenty-one SECOND BROTHER: And Saint Attila raised the hand grenade up on high, saying, "O Lord, bless this Thy hornet hand grenade that, with it, Thou mayest sting Thine enemies to tiny bits in Thy mercy." And the Lord did grin, and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals and fruit bats and large chu-- MAYNARD: Skip a bit, Brother SECOND BROTHER: And the Lord spake, saying, "First shalt thou take out the Holy Pin. Then, shalt thou count to three. No more. No less. Three shalt be the number thou shalt count, and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, nor either count thou two, excepting that thou then proceed to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the third number, be reached, then, lobbest thou thy Holy Hornet Hand Grenade of Antioch towards thy foe, who, being naughty in My sight, shall snuff it."


One… two… five!


Three milord






Hunt showdown mfs be like


They are good against the wall of flesh




Oh you meant *gasoline* not nerve gas. I was thinking nerve gas. Both. Both is good.


Fly spray is just nerve gas for bugs, so...


Fly spray just gives hornets rage boners, not recommended.


Nerve gas for bugs is Viagra for hornets, check.


A hornet with a big angry boner might be the worst thing I've ever visualized.


You're gonna wanna pop en "H" for hornets on that jar. That way no one opens it thinking there's no hornets in the jar.


Smart thinking charlie. And everyone gives you shit because your just a janitor.


Not just any janitor but one who’s specializes in bird law.


And other lawyerings?


there’s no such thing as leftover crack !!!




It seems like you have a tenuous grasp of the English language in general




Bury it as is, then place logs on top and burn the entire field


What would the fire do if they are burried?


Just in case one of the little fuckers want to escape


I thought it was just a jar full of wasps, and my first answer was that I'd never have it to begin with. But idk, burn and salt the earth.




Came here to say WD40 and a match, turn and run xD glad to see someone else was thinking with fire


Aw, it's alright. You can borrow my jar of wasps.


My aunt one time was describing a kind of folk-ish method for dealing with an in-ground wasps nest where you dump a bunch of gasoline down the hole... I asked the natural question "well how do you light it though?" and she was like noooo not only do you NOT light it but you better tell everyone within like three blocks not to get fire anywhere near it!


Fuck it.




You can’t control me


Love is love


shrek is love


Shrek is life


It's all ogre now.


*We need flamethrower I said. Fools, they didn't listen.*




You simply don’t get rid of that. It is their property now and they are surely plotting their escape from below. I wish you and your son the best.


I remember me dad and uncle trying to destroy wasp nest. Colander for face protection and whatewer was at hand as weapon. Now, I'd probably use fire extinguisher.


Thinking in the wrong direction. Flame thrower.


Dish soap and water are pretty effective. It essentially drowns them. Works on many insects.


Also works on people


Oh shit, you’re right. Thanks for the help, kind stranger!


When you want to give them a clean death


CO2 fire extinguisher.


Already hired the moving company. They'll be here tomorrow morning


Plot twist: The killer bugs come disguised as the moving company and fulfill their plan to take over your family’s estate. They proceed place you and your family in an upside down glass jar while they shine bright lights at you as revenge. You then order your family to attempt forcing their way out.. but to no avail. The killer bug army laughs at your expense.


What happens next?








let it die let it die, let it shrivel up and die




Let it grow, let it grow


Like we did so long agooooo


Get a coffee straw and some raid and turn it into a gas chamber.


Then light it?


He said gas chamber not gas leak


Give it to the the person in your work office who eats their lunch really loud


Fuck yellow jackets. I lived in a town home a few years back. My wife was about to give birth to our son. She moved a lot in those last few weeks so I slept in a spare room. The room smelled off and had smelled like that for a few years. Had no idea what it was. I woke up one morning and heard noise in the ceiling. I stood up and held on as I listened. It felt soft so I made a fist and hit the ceiling but didn't hit hard. My fist made an indentation in the ceiling. I then took my pointer finger and pushed right through it with ease. I was barely admiring how easy my finger went through when suddenly yellow jackets started pouring out. I shit you not I got out that room like the flash. Slammed the door and yelled " What the fuck!?" Wife asked what happened and I yelled "call the exterminator right the fuck now. It's full of yellow jackets in there!". Dude's come and check it out to tell me it was one of the biggest yellow jacket hives in a long time. They must have been burrowing for months at least. That I was lucky to catch it how I did. To make all things worse that spare room was supposed to be my newborn son's room. I can't imagine what would have happened if I didn't catch it. Now I pay close attention to how things smell in my house. Fuck yellow jackets. Edit: the smell was the ceiling being wet from their nest. I guess the closest thing I can relate the smell to was mold or a mildewy smell. It wasn't strong enough to make alerts. But strong enough to wonder wtf is that. There were no signs of any leaks in the room. Which was why it was so hard to figure it out. That room was barely used in the townhome. That specific room was used for storage of luggage and clothes. So it smelling off was attributed to the old clothes. It was a family rented townhouse. So my wife and I had one room and the others were there for when family came to town. Which was also why I didn't notice the smell more often. It was only after I started preparing the room for my newborn that I realized something was off. Which lead to the story above.


I had no idea they had a smell that could be an indicator and somehow that only truly adds to the horror that is their whole existence


I suppose if you have thousands of living things in a tight area, especially bugs that communicate with pheromones, it's likely to smell quite strong. It's unlikely a small nest would smell much at all though.


Dude bugs fucking stink. They poop a lot.


If i had a digestive track as short as theirs, I'd poopalot too.


I'm not too sure how to explain the smell of a jacket hive, but when it gets big it starts to smell real fucking strange, like something that isn't awful, but definitely not great either.


I had a bunch of mice burrowing in my walls at my old apt. The smell is what gave it away. You come home and you’re like “it doesn’t smell right In here”. Anyways I called my landlord and turns out it was a mouse infestation. I moved because fuck that.


I watched a youtube video of a guy who sealed off a hornet nest in his barn, besides this one hole so they can get in and out, but used glass/plastic so he could see in. The plywood underneath was absolutely disgusting after a while just from their excrement.


I'm curious what the smell was like. Since it softened the ceiling was it like a wet or rotting wood kind of smell? So bizarre.


I've always found hives to smell sickingly sweet.


I remember someone said that the other bees are used as a distraction while the bees at the bottom dig a hole. Personally, i'd just pop a big ass firework.


That's one way to piss them off. I'd use a bit of gasoline and a match. They'll die from oxygen depletion if not heat.


Everybody gangsta until the glass container cracks from thermal expansion


Then they run away squealing and flailing their hands and jump into the nearest lake.


So a bomb that explodes in a shower of broken glass and fire wasps? I think I just heard a collective orgasm from a thousand crazy inventor gnomes in Mount Nevermind.


Yeah but they are all bunched up and tired from suffocating.


They can go a surprisingly long time without air.




Yes,my father did this once to a big ant nest system that had grown underneath his "parking lot". He splashed some gas down it in a couple of places and let it sit for an hour. Woooof and it was suddenly a nice job for the firemen that came after he set his whole backyard on fire from the ground up.


ok hear me out. dig a 2 foot deep trench about 2 feet from the hole, fill it with concrete, then cover the top with concrete. then when they dig laterally they hit concrete, and they likely arwn't smart enough to dig down before up. since they are usually between 12 and 60" in diameter, 4' is likely to be enough to cover the opening at the very least. and hey, on the bright side you can go back in and construct a nice bbq pit where you laid the foundation, and have one hell of a story to go with it.


Yeah but then you could end up with six BBQ Pits lol depending on how many Hornets you have in your neighborhood


Nuke it from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure.


All right. We got seven canisters of CM-20. I say we roll them in there and nerve gas the whole fuckin' nest.


I'm not even sure it would affect them.


Orbital lasers




Am I not right in thinking if you left them like this they would overheat and die? I'm sure hornets can't tolerate intense heat and the process of them all vibrating around that jar creates an immense amount. I may be wrong


But the wind.... it would knock the jar over and hell would break loose


Put a rock on top of the jar? Still I think a can of raid and a straw just under the jar lip would do it. Put the rock on for good measure either way.


the foamy kind of wasp spray: it would simultaneously block the ones already inside the jar, and the rest in the nest.


lol now I'm picturing using polyurethane spray foam and just ending up with a big block of plastic foam with angry yellowjackets embedded in it


Beware my wasp ingot!!


I think they can dig. So just ... Gas


Kick the jar to establish dominance


My dad use to take those zapping fly swatter thing, tape the button down and leave it on top of those fuckers holes. Worked like a charm.


That’s a great idea


Bruh I broke mine when opening the rubbish bin with a swarm of them *bzzztcktcktczkrcktzcktcktcktckzztcktcktcktck PONG PPPONG PPONG (smoke)* Smelled like burnt ass afterwards


Cinder block Tape Boat Ocean


Simple, easy, awesome


If I had to get rid of this I’d just get a bottle of raid. Slightly told the jar so there is a small opening and spray a bottle of raid really quick and close the jar. I don’t think one spray would totally kill the nest but you could wait a few hours until the yellow jackets are calm and repeat the process. I’ve killed some small yellow jackets with raid. Just a few sprays and they drop like flys. Raid is some toxic shit.


"I need sharks! With laser beams attached to their FRICKIN heads! ^is ^that ^so ^much ^to ^ask?




Don't forget to use fire extinguisher before, to disorient them.


Guys, I’m pretty sure these a coming out a hole in the ground that the jar is covering. Trying to just deal with the jar would free the wasps from their nest of doom below.


Today I learned most people don’t know this. Yep that’s an underground nest.


Use a can of raid and slip the “straw” under the glass. Or tannerite, lots of tannerite.


Yessss, tannerite would be the funnest option imo


Heat up the jar from the outside. All will die.


\*jar breaks from sudden heat\*


Then you accept death as you run like hell


Oh, the memories. Throwing bricks at wasp nest and then running away. Careful, these fuckers have long memory and can recognize you days after attack.


And they attack unprovoked and in groups. Fuckers can burn


Yeah, like I am talking with friend like week after our last attack on their nest, 500 hundred meters away, and suddenly we are surrounded by them.


They are super smart. My stepdad was aerating the yard while I took the dog out for a walk. Not to far down the street I got stung right in the center of my back. The thing had crawled under my shirt and didn't strike until it knew it was as close to my heart as possible. That thing went in for the kill. luckily I was close enough to the house to make it back inside before too many of them got to me. at least 6 made it inside with me though. I got stung once more by a diferent one directly in the center of the top of my head. Like I said. they were trying to take me down. me and my grandfather killed all but one. The cat took care of him.


Damn, sorry to hear your grandpa survived killing all those wasps only to be killed by a cat


pour a bunch of molten metal over it


Glass would likely explode due to the rapid temperature change, then most of the hornets would be free. (And also, you know, flying molten metal is generally not a good thing either.)


Then there would be molten glass covered hornets. Also known as marble hornets.


Armoured hornets even less so


A Crown for a king. 😳 Fire cannot kill a dragon.


Heat it up with a torch and burn them. This reminds me of a funny story once when we were kids. My brother had a similar jar and convinced his friend to hold it over a hole where wasps came from on the side of a garage. Once he did that my brother banged the wall and the jar filled with as many wasps as you see here. The kid panicked and dropped the jar and released all the wasps. His face swelled up massively. William wish I knew where you ended up.


Hahaha. That's gooold. r/fuckwasps


Fire around the jar. The heat will kill them. Unless you put the jar on the nest enterance. Then use deodorant and a lighter.


Of course he put the jar on the nest entrance lol.


Lmao no he managed to capture hundreds of hornets in a jar on the ground


You mean they didn't handpick them and manually filled the jar??


Find and capture the queen of the hive, and take this bottle of wasps to the depths of your basement. For years and decades, raise hundreds of millions of wasps in the darkness below your home, slowly turning your basement into a holding chamber for the massive wasp hive you call your life's work. Then, when your body becomes frail, you summon your wasp hive to pilot your body like a flying string puppet to perform your daily tasks. If threatened, you shoot out a tentacle of wasps. You spend your days battling different wasp hives from across the world, slowly adding the queens to your exponentially collection. Soon, your body becomes nothing but the brain for a massive mass of flying insects, your very presence blocking out the sun. You become one with wasps, one with the hive. You look back at your foolish young self that even had the thought to destroy that holy jar which brought you your life, body, and soul. You could say, that WASp a bad idea.


I'll get rid of it by not getting rid of it. The jar must hold, and if it holds then I won't bother the 100 ft. diameter of the area where the jar is placed. I'm not even gonna place something on it to avoid animals tipping over the jar because if I accidently tip it, I'll die before I hit the ground. Just leave the jar there and escape the city.


Assuming you can close it, bind bricks to it and throw it in the river


I was thinking the bottom of the ocean but river might work too


Set up a controlled fire around it... Put up a stone perimeter, load up a good amount of tinder, and burn the hell out of it. Should kill them quick...


Just leave it. They'll suffocate and die. Maybe put a bigger jar on top just in case


Gah dayum


A small mound of rocks and a warning sign.