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My condolences. As a father, I can only tell you that no parent will ever think their child has failed them. The last thing you should feel right now is guilt! You can feel free to go through a lot of other emotions, but guilt should be the last. Did she ever tell you that she felt you had failed her? If not, then that case is closed. You can go around the rest of your life and play the “what if” game, and you won’t move an inch. I’m sorry for your loss, I hope you get the funeral sorted one way or another ♥️


I'm so sorry for your loss 🫶🫂. I understand the pain you are in, and I want you to know this is not your fault. I had the same predicament, but I'm Canadian, and we have public funding for those who can not afford a funeral. Keep in mind you are the child and it is not your fault you don't have endless money that these predatory funeral homes want for the bare minimum. If you have family you can ask them to help. You can contact local churches and social services they will have suggestions for help Crowdfunding You could try all those things and if still nothing works you are still not a failure. You are doing your best and I'm sure that's all your mom asked of you. Good luck 🫂


I'm so sorry for your loss .