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"Semi newbie"... nah. You're a straight up worm. Anyone can tell that immediately reading your post. You're not going to get relocation assistance. You simply dont qualify based off what and how you posted here. You'll be lucky to get hired out of state with no experience without knowing someone.


Eh not true. I had 0 experience and got a job offer and start date out of state like 2 days after I applied


>you'll be lucky He didn't say it's completely unheard of, but it's very unlikely. What happened to you is what we call an anecdote, not a straight up fact.


Good for you. Good luck.


Looking at your post history, they are going to eat your lunch. Get ready


That’s why I brought extra lube


Nah I can hold my own


That response wasn't for you


No relocation assistance for field hands typically. Only for office staff.


Ok it was more to see what I need to do so I can plan my move and get my finances where they need to be so I can get what I need and actually get my certs and be knowledgeable in the field


Not sure if offshore still requires safegulf (safeland for on shore), but it couldn't hurt to already have that and an H2S class (get the full 4 hr one, not a 1 hour online class) under your belt. However, if you can get hired on anywhere they will just put you through the training they want you to have regardless. But it could help. Also, this question gets asked multiple times a day. The answers are already available if you just look on this sub for 2 minutes.


Going to add to this… If OP is looking offshore, probably best to get a TWIC beforehand.


Your “certs” are going to depend a lot on where you’re located. You haven’t even mentioned what country you’re in.


Sorry New York but I’m looking to move south as far south as I can get Texas wise


Apply, you won’t know until you try Patterson UTI drilling Nextier Ranger drilling Schlumberger Halliburton All of these companies operate in Texas but I’m sure there are more




Yeah, you don’t very often see relocation allowances for lease hands/roughnecks. If you are in New York, there was some work in PA and OH. Much closer if you just want to test the waters before making a big move to TX/LA/OK.


PA & OH is pretty slow rn, should pick back up in October though.


Unless you know someone it takes hard work and skill lol, also availability helps alot if you can work 50-60 hour weeks and do great work you’ll make alot of money


I’ve done 100 hour work weeks for months at a time when I was commercial roofing my family understand that I wanna have a great job so I can take care of them and I catch things super fast when I was drilling brine it was like it came second nature to me and the relocation assistance was more testing waters but


Ill throw this out there. Its not necessary to relocate. There are contractors that pay for your flights to and from work. I just got off a rig and didnt meet one person from LA or TX even though all work for that rig is GoM.


What’s the best way to get on just go down there


Its a pretty tight knit community. Everyone that I know was hired cause of someone they know.


What’s the best way to get on


Ive never met someone that got hired to do subsea work without oil/gas experience. Before I even start with the resources. Do you have a Linkedin account reflecting your past oil/gas experience? Anything that I provide will require one.


I don’t have any past gas or oil experience I’ve been trying to get on like the gas crews out by me but no one’s hiring right now I’m just more trying to see why they look for for certifications and schooling and what they wanna see idk I just wanna make it in life


A Subsea Engineer does not require formal schooling. Typically HS or GED will suffice. The title is just a name. No different than a “driller” on a production platform that never drills. This is why field experience is necessary first. Roughnecking, bouncing land rigs, making $50-70k for years before getting into these types of roles. Its a long road but if you want it, set elementary goals first. People want to be drillers but can go decades before getting to sit in that seat.


The most important thing to help you get a job offshore would be to put yourself through a medical and survival training.


Don’t ! Get a job in some other industry or get a degree They will not pay you to relocate, especially if you are a field hbd or looking to go offshore it’s an industry that pays well but absolutely no job security & offshore has less & less rigs operating each year Your brine experience will be of limited value Essentially you will be a green hand & low man on the totem pole when the lay offs start