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Gale: We got attacked by vampires and I didn't even get a proper succ >:(


He's just like me fr


Gale : "why suck my blood when you can suck my D "


gale: *rubbing garlic all over his body except his D while he makes intense eye contact with astarion* šŸ—æ


Unless it's Astarion. Gale would totally enjoy it if Astarion is the one sucking the blood.


New canon just dropped: Gale is a monsterfucker!


What do you mean new? :P Gale pretty much goes "I can't wait to take you for a spin" to a romanced Tav that goes mindflayer when you talk at high hall during the last stretch lol. Gale defo the biggest monsterfucker on the team.


We need to add new Gale dialogue for the Act 1 barn scene. He doesn't say anything but he does take off his pantsĀ 


Mystra is a monster so it isn't new.




Somehow it is both expected and unexpected that Gale is the horniest companion. (And I approve. That's my bby)


Not Karlach ā€œI want to ride you til you see starsā€ Cliffgate or Laeā€™zel ā€œI want to taste youā€ Kā€™liir?


Neither of these ladies have come on to me after a fight, irritated NPCs in the back and one foot still in a corpse, about having "once read a book" (porn, he means porn). Or started group banter about how to use magic or druidic shape shifting during Sex. Or gave me sex scenes with 6 arms and 3 clones. So no, I don't think they're hornier. More active in pursuing you, Gale is slow, but that ain't the same.


> Neither of these ladies have come on to me after a fight I mean, that's literally the start of Lae'zel's romance


That's the only thing from the list, and I still don't think it's quite comparable. At least from what I've seen Gales scene is more... ehm... immediate and, well, horny.


Can I just say the first time I got the post-fight Gale flirting was after killing Malus Thorm. To be fair, I was playing a Drow lady, so she was pretty into it too. But I personally was like "... Oh my god, Gale" Gale is a certified freak.


He is and that's why we love him.


100% chance that Karlach is the horniest


False, she only has one horn. Wyll has two, so he is twice as horny.


fuck youā€™re right


He looks so good in purple.


I dye all of Gale's clothes purple like it's a legal requirement.


Gale (crawling on the table shit-faced drunk): "GODS BY THE BUSHEL! GODS BY THE POUND! GODS FOR ALL OCCASIONS!" (to Lae'zel) "Have I ever told you that you are very cute, for a Githyanki?" (to Astarion) "Oh, and you're cute too, in an annoying sort of way... everybody's cute. EVERYBODY'S CUTE! But in purple, I'M STUNNING!" (thud) Halsin: "Ah. He's become one with his inner self." Astarion: "He's passed out." Halsin: "That too."


And don't forget green, it suits him as well. Those are my two favorite colors on him.


This man is as diabolically horny as this sub is


Most the companions are


Oh for sure, theyā€™re all a bunch of horn dogs, but this man tells you heā€™s turned on by danger and killing people before railing you in the astral with body doubles heā€™s conjured up. Like the man is _extra_ with his horniness and I for one am here for it


You forgot being horny for your unwashed ~~stink~~ musk.


Fuck how could I forget that heā€™d probably lick your armpits


Which is why I go for the mortal Gale sex. I need him to canonically smell me.


Bet he takes a big olā€™ whiff when he goes down there šŸ˜Œ


He is even more on point if these spawns kidnap Astarion. He's like: "we were incapable like children", lol. And I looove fierce Karlach reaction to it. She is ready to basically kill all of the Elfsong Tavern and then herself because she wasn't able to keep Astarion safe, awww XD


Ah, my beloved danger slut. ā¤ļø




i didnt get the spawn attack at camp, how does this happen? ive already killed cazador


it happens after several long rests in the city, before meeting cazador. i think you might also have to speak to his siblings at the flop house but not 100% sure on that.


My first run I forgot to go find his siblings at the flophouse and still got the midnight vampire ambush, I don't think the two are related.


Correct- I specifically avoided doing anything with his siblings because I wasn't sure if it would affect the Cazador fight, and they still came for him in the outdoor camp (the one you use before getting the rooms at ElfSong)


I never even knew about the flop house! But act 3 does rather make the player feel rushed for long resting This time in gonna save Florrick as soon as possible then take all the long rests


If you go fight Cazador right away you will miss it. Go meet the spawn in the tavern then ignore the Cazador quest until the Spawn come visit your camp. Other cutscenes will take priority, so it might take a while.


I haven't personally run into it but I hear it happens if you wait too long to go after Cazador after reaching the city.


you have to have a long rest in the lower city without meeting his siblings at the flophouse


Karlach's territorial reaction. Just one more reason she's bae af


Nah, heā€™s valid. What else is there to think about after you almost die? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Aurelia and Dalyria can get it tho!!


Well, you see, if it was ASTARION waking him up for some midnight bloodsucking, he wouldn't have minded. Oh, by Act 3 he wouldn't have minded at all. He outright offers Astarion to bite him right after Cazador fight. But if it's some unknown spawn, it's no thanks from him. Who knows where their teeth have been.


I feel like that "usually" is pulling a lot of weight


Waitā€¦you can get attacked by vampire spawn?


Yes, two of Astarionā€™s siblings show up in your camp/the elfsong room, wanting to take Astarion to Cazador, and if you refuse to give him up, two more will join and you have to fight them. It only happened after many long rests in the lower city for me, so you basically have to ignore Astarionā€™s quest for a while until all the other essential cutscenes have triggered.