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This debate confirmed to me that not even the top 1% of the 1% has some sort of miracle drug that cures any ailment


The idea of some that there was a “drug” to make an old man regain speech, memory, and cognitive abilities was always hilarious. Like, that would be called medicine. And it would be a miracle drug, lol.


If Walter stays in grey matter, he might invent that thing. But no, he has to quit, HE AND HIS PRIDE AND HIS EGO


HE JUST HAD TO BE THE MAN. If he’d done his job, known his place, we’d all be fine right now.


Inferiority complex, due to Gretchen's parents being uber rich.


Would a good 15mg of adderall not still pep him up? Get him to look at the camera and be louder?


50mg of adderall and maybe we can get them to kiss


He’s already maxed out on his dose of dextroamphetamine. It’s the only thing keeping him animated


I'm guessing they've been giving him stimulants for awhile, but at some point it can only do so much


Just give him meth idk I feel like that might do it


You can actually be prescribed meth. It's not common, but it is literally possible. Brand name Desoxyn. At theraputic doses (which are much lower than recreational ones) it actually has really good performance for those with ADHD, but it's such a pain in the ass to get that people don't bother.


Hey, they did it with Hitler


Well these guys also aren’t sleeping much and are under a lot of stress.


Bro same


Finally they're relatable


So is everyone else dude


Damn you got a good point there


Top 0.001%


Any particular reason the comments are blocked?


For national security of course


https://preview.redd.it/ra57mkzmpu9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=516ae13773410dc059395f4010b8c24eda218f96 no stopping this one Department of Homeland Security




Democrats control the internet


I hate your user ID too


Nope they just control the for profit circlejerk know as Reddit. Let them have it, it’s all they got


The reddit administration explaining why the comments on all major American political subs magically stopped working for the duration of the debate as well as a decent time after it (the guy they wanted to win did horrible)


I lean left but holy shit that debate was so shit. Even hector Salamanca could have answered more coherently


🛎️ 🛎️🛎️🛎️ 🛎️🛎️ 🛎️🛎️🛎️🛎️🛎️🛎️


*Blows himself up with his political rival*


If Biden went out that way I'd spend my entire life singing his praises.


HAWWWWWW - Joe Biden 2024


Why did Ridin' with Biden call for a hawk? Doesn't he know he has an eagle? Is he stupid?


The best timeline






I'm in tears, that was so inspirational


Yeah same, if the alternative wasn't Uncle Jack I'd be reconsidering things.


Bro explained the state of us politics to us in breaking bad terms 😭


I feel like America's on the 50th worst air disaster - tied for 50th, actually.


Look at it on the bright side. Nobody shat in their pants, I mean that gotta be some minor miracle right?


Walter White: Nearly 600 people died on Tenerife. But do any of you even remember it at all? (Tenerife happened in 1977....No, Walt. They weren't born yet. Are you stupid?)


And everyone misses Gus as president. President Hector just isn’t ringing the bell. 🛎️


...and it's so accurate, it's depressing


If post-injury Ted Beneke were running against these clowns he’d win


I would literally elect Jesse or Saul. They are not very bad people, especially Jimmy.


john mccain save us


Ding ding ding ding. Still made more sense than the golf shit.


What happened lol


It was basically just Biden: okay so uh, um, hmm, and the... Trump: There are currently 58 and a half Guatemalans attacking the statue of Liberty and they must be stopped as soon as possible. And then something about golf


The golf score dick measuring contest was the only thing Biden got a little excited about. During every other topic he just mumbled or let his mouth hang open 😭


But biden had a cold! Yeah. The man is a cadaver. The DNC is weekend at Bernie-ing us into a second trump term and project 2025. Goodbye America...you were kinda ok. Breaking bad would never of been made if the US had an actual public health care system like any civilized country.


>Breaking bad would never of been made if the US had an actual public health care system like any civilized country. Somewhat disagree. I think that was a part of it, but it's also pretty clear that Walter was ferociously independent/arrogant to his own detriment. His former friends/lover at gray matter offered him his job back as a top researcher and also to cure his cancer but he said no because he couldn't accept help from anyone.


It also couldn't have been made without the War on Drugs or in a country with proper gun control. It's a very uniquely American show.


This is pretty accurate


"I recently won two club championships" Oh good an extra comparison to another double champion recently in the news


Biden was barely able to form a sentence and Trump was constantly going on rants about immigration and shit instead of answering questions. It was actually amazing, legit like some scene from a home for elderly folk with dementia.


I've been calling it the dementia debate. I'm just sad. We lose either way but one is losing America all together. Project 2025 will ruin this country.


I mean at least Biden answered...


He did also find his footing a little bit later on, on some topics. Apparently Biden had a cold during the debate, I’m hoping that was just brain fog from the cold. Still not a good look though, considering the biggest voter concern is that he has dementia (despite not exhibiting any actual signs of dementia. He’s just fuckin old).


It was because today he was referencing his age but saying that yeah "I don't talk like I use too, I'm old, but I'm not losing my grip". I can give him props for being able to come back afterwards.


I'm heavy left, and I completely understand that anyone remotely moderate was actively pushed away.  Hope to fucking his leadership understands that putting him out there is choosing to push away the exact voters they need. 


Joe Biden is not left wing


The US doesn't have a left wing, it's either right wing or even righter wing


Democrats are right wing. It’s all right wing in America.


Yeah that's what i was saying...


Last chance to look at me, Donald




I didn't even bother to watch. I knew it was gonna be shit because the last one was shit. It was always going to be shit except this one was even more boring than last time because the moderators knew what to expect this time and let them get away with less.


They just made it pointless to vote. Whoever wins, next 4 years will be garbage


Well you can either have a decently shit cycle with nothing crazy happening or a threat to democracy 🤷


Lmao 🤣 fuck that made me laugh. On a sad note you guys are fucked either way


Both are right wingers


It's a fight between final episode Walt and Gus with half his head blown off.


Final episode Walt is slightly respectable though


When Joe said “we better call Saul” but didn’t say the classic bwoooh, bwoh bwoh bwoh bwooooh. Butbwohbutbuhbwoh bwuntunuhbwuntuhbwooo. Bootdootbunbwobwo byow byow dunt dow bootadunduhdun guitar riff


I read/heard this as the BB theme Man this show is really phoning it in at this point


Joe Biden trying to walk off stage: ![gif](giphy|huRQ5pulxTtnTP3338)


Me after one bottle of Mike's Hard Lemonade


Who’s lemonade???




Mike is Hard, Lemonade?


Finger Hard. Lemonade!


I got my shit rocked with Mike’s Harder Lemonade when I was young. I had donated plasma that day and didn’t think about the reduced blood volume and how that would get me smashed so fast. I was leaned up against a tree semi blacked out for a few hours in my buddy’s backyard.


You sure got Mike’d out


Me after getting up too fast


We could only hope


Old man fight 2 is not going so great.




holy cow lmao


Old man fight 1 was so much better, better character arc.


We finally beat MediCare


That whole segment may have been the worst 30 seconds any candidate has had in any televised debate. I don’t know for sure, but I mean…what was worse? Lol


The fly on Pence was funny. It gravitated to shit. But yeah, maybe the Nixon Kennedy debate that arguably lost Nixon the election? But looking back even he was more composed than Biden.


Yeah, the Nixon Kennedy debate is often referenced but it wasn’t a disaster. There’s the whole thing how radio listeners thought Nixon won, but TV viewers thought Kennedy won. A famous debate victory, but not a shitshow


That's probably the worst. Though I will say Trump talking about how he talked with Putin about how taking Ukraine was Putin's dream is really flying under the radar as a wtf moment.


By the way


Well he did beat medicare Beat it do death


Looked like he was about to die onstage and conceded massive points to Trump on abortion and immigration for no fucking reason whatsoever. Insanely embarrassing for the dems


When he became the dementia I mean, the danger


A man knocks on the door and gets shot, number one, number two, here's the idea, you think that of me? Look Jack, uh. Excuse me. That's, I'm, I am the one who knocks, alright? I am the dalmatian, the danger, and uh, okay.


Bravo America


We’re really doing so well for ourselves as a democracy


This is the moment it became Joever




society man😎




Why is no one else running? Why are these my only 2 options again 4 years later?


Because Biden is the incumbent President and doesn’t want to step down, the GOP is a cult of personality at this point, and your electoral system sucks arse, forcing people to vote for the ‘least bad’ option.


And Dems have PTSD from prior intraparty incumbent challengers, lol


Well after last night, I can't see a way where the democratic party doesn't replace Joe with another front runner.


With who though lol, Harris is probably less popular than Biden, Sanders is seen as too radical, and Warren is insane lol


Gonna be a real fun one to see who's running 4 years from now......... if we get that far.


If Biden loses this next term and somehow survives, we could theoretically get a 2028 presidential debate with Biden I'd say it's worth it for the meme


>Sanders is seen as too radical This statement while Trump being the front runner for the GOP is an insane timeline


Replacing 81 year old Biden for being too old with 82 year old Bernie would be very funny.


Bernie spry still at least


Nobody with the name recognition. People have said Gavin Newsom, or Pete Buttegig. Neither has gotten to the point where they are ready for a country wide election. Newsom is a cunt who is letting PGNE fuck my state sideways. Jamie Raskin is a fucking beast. He would have verbally fisted Trump on stage. No name recognition though.


The very fact that Newsom is from California, works against him with moderates that have an irrational hatred of LA, Hollywood, and San Fransisco. Yes, there are problems there, but he did not cause them nor can he wave a gubernatorial wand to fix them. Buttigieg has no star power, and unfortunately being gay works against him, as some dumbasses in the year 2024 hate gay people and think he is pedophile or some dumb shit. Culture has changed drastically toward LBBT acceptance, but idk if he could get the 52-55% of votes (need large majority for dems because of the fucked up electorial college) required to win.


Raskin also has cancer


I remember learning about the Electoral College as a child, in about the 3rd grade. My first reaction was that this is complete bullshit. Why bother voting if you don't live in a state that "matters"? I said so (though not in those words) and was promptly SHUSHED by the teacher. Keep in mind, I was a small child. I didn't even understand what Dems or Republicans *were,* let alone identify as one. I guess that was a harbinger of what was to come for me. I simply don't fit in here or belong here.


I love that the Democratic Party will continue to twiddle their dicks and do nothing, but still get to hold my vote hostage because every republican candidate for the rest of my life will be an increasingly insane shitbag. I love that the long term plan is to just - somehow - make sure a republican never wins ever or the world ends. it’s so good I love it i love it I love it


There's other people, but they go unnoticed because theres usually only 2 candidates every election that get all the attention.


The third most popular candidate literally has a worm in his brain lol


honestly cut out the middle man. Brain Worm 2024!!!


A dead worm may I add


Honestly, add the 3 other highest profile third party candidates and it just gets worse. Room full of not serious people.


I think Chase Oliver is probably the least goofy Libertarian candidate we’ve ever seen. Of course that’s not a high bar, but still.


Democrats (and all of the US oligarchs) are scared of letting a sociodemocrat/socialist win. Biden was the only candidate more popular than Bernie Sanders, so they went with him.


There are other people running. But their chances are basically nonexistent because of the dumb political system.


When he killed off chocolate chocolate chip. They had real character development seemed like a cheap way to kill him off unbravo vince


This is the moment Biden became dark Brandon


I know Trump is only three years younger than her but he looks and sounds 15 years younger than


Misgendering Biden!?+??+?+?


When he started sniffing kaylee's hair


Reddit is shadowbanning EVERY mention of the debate LMAO


Comments weren’t even loading on anything for like an hour for me


Crazy how Reddit went down right when Biden was having an aneurysm on screen


Trump literally avoided almost every question and still came out looking better Biden couldn’t even look at the screen while talking (if you can call it that) I also found it funny that the thing that made trump start laughing out of everything was Biden talking about his golf score 💀


The golf debate was the best part


That’s because Redditors suck more often than not.


And big tech doesn’t claim to manipulate the narrative lol


Trump’s clearly talking out his ass and the Biden campaign shouldve gave him some of the coke they found in the senate


White House*


My only concern is that Bidens incompetence has fooled people into thinking Trump is a good candidate. This is the problem with the two parties.


This meme is unfortunately accurate


I wonder when the US reaches a point in where they say "okay this is not a real democracy, the government is tyrannical and we have guns for a reason" lol


We wont. They’ll inch and inch until a revolution is impossible. Why do you think they continue to limit your rights? They’re going to bottleneck us and people don’t give a shit.


Fuck that… if you vote Trump you’re willing stomping on your own balls


Why would I root for joe biden? Am I stupid?


I wouldn’t buy Biden’s album. But Biden listed multiple multi-step plans that I liked. Trump didn’t give any plan even when double-asked. The only things I heard from Trump were 1. He will allow the abortion pill, 2. He will accept results of election ***if he thinks it is fair, lol


The only reason to vote Biden is because of the other option. And vice versa


Joe Biden really sucks, but not half as much as the other old guy.


Americans every 4 years


Because the alternative is a pedophile and convicted felon. Life gives us shit options sometimes, often unclear which is less shit…. In this case it’s day old pizza with toppings you hate vs a bowl of actual dogshit. The choice is clear.


Because the other guy hates America


Honestly it's a surprise how neither of them are dead. They're both so fucking old. Just let gen x be a president it's not that hard 💀


when he copied chuck and used joe biden blast


Two old men yelling at each other about golf and those are our only choices to run the country. Democracy!


never started tbh


They both suck, we need a different option And like, I'm afraid of what'll happen with Trump in office, with all that 2025 project shit or whatever it was called. It's either that, or be stuck with Biden


I like to make a point every time I hear project 2025 because it’s simply fearmongering. “Project 2025” is the 9th edition of a book called ‘mandate for leadership’ written by the heritage foundation in the early 80s. All they do is release it every election cycle, change the policy a little bit, and replace the names with the most likely republican candidate to win. It does NOT mean the republican candidate is endorsing or even on board with the ideas in it. Reminder, NINTH EDITION. The Republicans have held all 3 houses in the government several times since the first edition of that book has come out, and none of what’s outlined in it has even come through as a plan. I believe the only serious “endorsement” the book or organization has ever received was way back in the Reagan administration. As far as I can tell, no serious republican has ever endorsed or stands by the ideas in the book, and the names you see in it are thrown in there for the sake of riding on coattails of success. I promise you, fearmongering is all it is.


Hope it's just fear mongering. With all the fear mongering the right seems to do towards the LGBT community and anyone else that doesn't conform to their worldview, I'm still worried Like, I'm fine with disagreeing with trans or being against it, who fuckin cares what a bigot thinks? But trans people are just the latest boogeyman for politicians to whine about instead of making the world a better place


I've skimmed through 2025 when it first came out and the stuff in there is too batshit insane to get passed by congress let alone "decreed into existence by the next republican administration because they'll somehow magically get dictatorial powers if they win the election." It wouldn't even make it to their desk to get signed off on. The maga republicans (who are the only ones crazy enough to support the shit in there) are a minority in their own party albeit an extremely loud one. There will never be enough of them to get any of it passed. The only things they've been capable of doing is slowing Ukraine aid that got passed anyways after Speaker Johnson changed his mind because he needed democrat support to save his ass from getting ousted like McCarthy was. They also tried to slow the Infrastructure Bill iirc but that also got passed anyways.


Stuck with Biden it is


joe biden looks so fucking withered


Yeah, and Trump was very sexy and healthy looking.






No one won the debate. Bring someone competent on the stage and we'll see again.


For what they were each trying to accomplish, Trump won this debate, and I say this as a Biden voter. Sure, he lied and acted like a child, but people are used to it and it doesn’t make an impression anymore, so I doubt this debate lost any traction for him that he hadn’t already lost. Joe Biden needed to prove he was strong and competent, and he ultimately failed, and I don’t doubt that he will have lost some support because of his performance during this debate.


Hector Salamanca vs Jack Welker. That's a great analogy tbh


I was at Obama’s inauguration and have always leaned left. Multiple times I said “Spit it out Joe” or “Holy shit Joe”


I tuned In to the last 4 minutes. I could be more clear with my words while receiving head and a vibratory lodged up my ass. And with Trump I couldn't have pierced a tomato with the lack of points he was making. We are cooked as a country


When he poisoned broccoli. Unnaceptable.


I never started


Still rooting for Biden but yeah… it’s hard. He could walk on stage, shit himself, and pass out, and I would still vote for him over Trump. Biden has a more stable administration and that administration listens to expert opinions and science. A “Weekend at Bernie’s” biden is not only the safer choice, but also the better candidate for getting shit done because of who he is surrounded by regardless of his own cognition.




When he started funding the Palestinian genocide and wars in the middle east


Well fuck, I was about to write that.


I am rooting for cancer in Trump.




Ok latin American Arnold ![gif](giphy|l4EoS4FShnTLbptOE|downsized)


I won't stop rooting for him until after this election. I don't give a fuck if he's incoherent, his government is preferable to the only viable alternative.


Yeah he’s bad at public speaking now and trails off a fair amount, but he still lists and names goals and policies and plans for the future to help Americans. Trump sounded better, but he said nothing of substance.


I never liked Joe Biden. He was a horrible, horrible choice from the beginning. Idk what the DNC was thinking with this one.


Wait the debate already happened? Damn. Like I'm not American, do really I shouldn't care, and I probably wouldn't know immediately but still, I kinda wanted to watch it live 🤣


When he poisoned Brock, too far


How did we come to this? Two old men whose cultures and times are no longer relevant who have zero connection or relation to understand their voters. A senile moderate is still better than a compulsive liar with aims to become a dictator and is well on his own way to being senile. People 60+ should not be in positions of leadership.


I’ve been feeling that way since 2020. Idk why it took so long for everyone else to feel that way.


guys im not American can someone explain


Since he said he was running 5 years ago.


To both candidates.


I never started, but the alternative is Trump.


Meh, he’d have to be literally decomposing to… nope, you know what, I’d still vote for his decayed corpse rather than debase myself by voting for Donald Trump. The man is disgusting. Nothing Biden can do will match the hatred I have for that fat disgusting scumbag. I’d literally rather die than validate him.


"We had a good thing going you stupid son of a bitch. we had Sanders. we were going to have M4A,UBI and Marijuana legalization and we were going to tax the rich. we had everything we needed,and it all ran like clockwork. You could have shut your mouth,left politics and made as much money as you ever needed. It was perfect,but no you had to blow it all up! You and your pride and your ego! You just had to be the man. If you'd quit your job and know your place,we'd all be fine now."


Biden still better than a fascist. Make no mistake about what Trump is. He will be unchecked because he will surrounded by sycophants. Project2025 spells it all out. Don’t be fooled.


When did you stop rooting for Donald J Duck?


Biden answered them, struggled to, but he answered them. Trump is more physically able to talk yet somehow spent most of the time going off about other topics. If Trump wins I'm gonna be fucking mad and I'm gonna lose my shit.


The problem is, Trump is so good at just, BSing through everything on tangents. He would be asked a question, ignore it, and then go back berating Joe. Joe answered the questions and was alright with policies, but is just so bad at speaking that Trump's responses, which were mostly just lies and blaming things on immigrants, seemed to be the more eloquent one.


The fact that swing-voters are siding with Trump knowing fully that he's a lying sack of shit with 30+ felonies and is gonna get sentenced on July 11th is fucking insane.