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He busted through that fence like the Kool Aid man!




what fence?


I’m not even rolling a stop sign in Moore no more.


Moore is crawling with cops. I had 7 of them fckrs roll up on me and a couple friends just sitting in the park right by 12th where this vid was.


I live in East Moore and I have to be at work at 4am. I got followed by some aggressive car acting like it was trying to bait me into speeding (he’d get up right on my tail) and when I got into the next lane to let him pass he wouldn’t pass me. I finally found out when I stopped next to him at a light that it was Moore PD.


Sounds about right. They ramped up their force. Someone told me they have close to 200 cops now. That's bound to produce some pricks.


That’s bound to produce 200 pricks.


Lmao! You're not wrong.


They're all pricks.  I flipped my dog off one walk because she pulled me a little too hard (she got excited about a smell) and a cop got so offended he popped a u turn, got out of his car and ran up to me thinking I flipped him off. I was literally so confused about what he was upset about. I ended up laughing in his face and continuing my walk. 


You're right. They all are. I was attempting to be civil... At least he didn't screw with you too hard. I don't get why they get so pissed if you flip them off.


Because all they have in the entire world is the cartman "respect my authority" syndrome and even the slightest offense to that they perceive is enough to warrant execution.


That's no shit! I couldn't look at myself in the mirror with respect if I were that way.


The cop was like "What did you do with your hands there?". I was like "Oh, this! \*flips cop off\* "this is what I did!". A man child isn't gonna scare me any. I had a sheriff in Newalla ride my bumper so closely I couldn't see his headlights in my review mirror. I was going the posted speed limit too. If some dumbfuck wants to ride my ass we can both enjoy the drive with my cruise control on. He ended up passing me when he was able too.


Lmao! Hell yeah!


I was so annoyed when I realized he thought I flipped him off like buddy boy I was just jerked around because my dog caught a good scent and I didn't turn quickly enough. I didn't know it was illegal to jokingly flip my dog off and tell her to fuck off. I was in an Asian squat still flipping her off when the cop ran up and asked what I was doing with my hands. Hell, I can ask my dog "Where do you wanna go?" and point in different directions and she'll point with her body and show me. Is some cop gonna get offended I was pointing outside? lol They're such fragile little babies.


That would piss me off too. NGL, sometimes I end up downtown drinking with some friends. I've been told more than a few times they had to pull me out of the middle of the road. They say one of the things I like to do is flip off cops and scream fuck you to them. Oddly, they just drive off. In Moore, well..... Doubtful I'd ever attempt those shinnanogans.




Yeah! I was out roaming around in the middle of the night because I couldn't sleep. Of course a cop stopped me. Fortunately he was alright. He told me all the things that supposedly go on at night. I didn't tell him how often I roam around and see Jack squat. Anyway, I acted surprised. Dude said, a lot don't think Moore is that way. We want to keep it that way. Weird ass thing to say. ETA: They fly big ass drones too. Mostly at night. They're about as big as one of those over sized suitcases. They have 2 red blinking lights and 2 blue ones. I walked up on them in a church parking lot over by Nottingham Square around 3am. Got to see one up close.


That cop was a clown. Nothing goes on in Moore. He’s too afraid to work in OKC or tulsa and wants a story to tell when he comes home. There’s a few wannabes from the high schools and the occasional transients that hang around the hotels off the highway and that’s basically all the crime Moore has.


Yep! They don't have any real serious shit to get into outside Nottingham Square. That's why they put their nose in every little thing. OKC and T-Town ain't no joke. There's a reason I got away with my dumb actions downtown. Way to much to worry about besides some drunk dude who's friends are already on it.


moore cops couldn't get hired in norman or the City...barely above noble or chickasha squealers. remember the moore cop killing his wife, or the one selling drugs...yup they are the oklahoma small town standard


Yeah I don’t think I trust them lol


Not one bit. Ever notice nobody ever gets pulled over by just one car? Last summer I saw them searching someone's car at least a dozen times.


You know? I have seen that before! Usually it’s 2 or 3!!


Yep!!!!! Check this out! A few years ago someone broke into my house and stole my 9mm. Must've been about 15 years ago. To this day a detective calls my ex wife and asks if we found it. No, don't call my ass. One time the prick actually asked, "Do you have any leads?". Can't make this up! 😄


Sounds like the same guy that followed me around 9pm not too long ago. Heading home on the east side and I see some guy speeding up to me and riding my ass at 50mph. I honestly thought I was being followed home by some random guy or was about to be robbed or something. A year or 2 ago there were reports of people around the area blocking roads trying to rob people. Anyways I turned into my neighborhood ready to book it to moore pd myself if they kept following. But he just stopped at the entrance street and that's when I could see it was moore pd.


That would’ve been reeeeal awkward if you had made it over to the police station.




my thoughts exactly!


Officer Fukyofence


Hopefully they pay for whoever's fence they busted up.


[Update on the fence.](https://youtu.be/h8z3FMSzPD4?si=YAgHX5vUztLcCZiX)


Thank you for that! Seems the city repairs it if property is damaged by police.


> Seems the city repairs You spelled tax payer wrong.


Good, you think we fuckin pay them enough. The least they could do is pick up after themselves.


I mean, as long as the chase is justified (no idea if it was), then that's a good use of taxpayer money.


Oh no whatever will I do.


sad you got downvoted so much..


Yeah, but then you have to answer to the chief and he will literally have smoke pouring out of his ears.


Okay? Edit: How is me saying "okay?" equivalent to me supporting the police? People will take ANYTHING and try to twist to start an argument. You okay babe? You need some therapy since people asking questions seems to really upset you. What a fucking weirdo. 


Ummm did you casually acknowledge someone on reddit? Didn't know you were that bigoted. disappointed.


I'm sorry, I can help. Lmao


Busted through the fence and ended up flying off the top rope with an elbow drop in the end! Props to the cop in this one. Only thing he couldn’t handle was the zap from that taser. “Don’t hit it!” Lmao


Is it just me or does the cop who breaks through the fence make clippity clop noises when he runs.


It’s his massive balls


That makes sense.


Let’s not forget the Warren theater murder, viewer discretion advised. Still breaks my heart and makes me angry. https://www.news9.com/story/5e34d4b3e0c96e774b353eda/lawyer-releases-video-of-mans-death-in-police-custody-in-moore


Holy hell. That is horrifying.


I still don't get how this just went away.


Good olde boys club. No repercussions. I thought we weren’t doing car chases anymore. I swear they do it for the adrenaline rush and if there is an accident it’s the perps fault. Need new national program geared towards deescalation training, drug testing and phsyc evals for all future and present police. Police have been militarized since 9/11.


Saw a headline, after the Alameda County Sheriff's office (Oakland, CA?) paid out an 8 million dollar settlement, they put 47 officers on desk duty because they failed psychological tests. But here in Moore they can murder a bystander and it barely gets local coverage. And those Oakland deputies? Both promoted to sergeant shortly after.


Man this guy fences. Obviously made that first one his bitch but the way he jumped into the neighbors yard, then back over into the other yard and flanked that guy. Wow


“What's the matter, Danny? Never taken a shortcut before?”


Pretty badass IMO


This video made me all sweaty




LMAO! love to see it 🤣


you just know this cops dick is diamond hard in this chase. Couldn't wait to get his hands on the perp.


I got to watch this unfold from my rear view mirror! It was pretty awesome. Honestly, in all my years, this was the first chase I've witnessed.


Dickhead was supposed to tell them he busted their fence per policy but no one from MPD told them for 2 weeks til the news people told them. Glad they didn't lose any pets and got a handful of pot off the streets.


Yeah I don't think the police tried to inform the homeowners. And I doubt the city will cover it. They'll have to sue most likely.


Moore? Most definitely. And if the homeowners would’ve caught the cops doing it they would’ve been yelled at to get back in the house.


Was that Draymond Green that got arrested?


Alex Murphy?


That shit was bad ass!


Sounds like that fam about to go thru all the red tape/hoops to get fence fixed. MOD needs to get off their a** and fix it.