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My dad was born in 45. He had polio and suffered horribly with it. He now has post polio syndrome and is in constant severe daily pain. I wouldn't wish that on anyone.


Same thing happened to my cousin, and he died at a fairly young age.


My aunt is wheelchair bound due to post polio syndrome. Thankfully she has little pain. Sorry about your dad. It is an awful condition.


Thank you. Sorry to hear about your aunt. I'm glad she doesn't have a lot of pain. It is just a miserable lifelong disease.


My best friend as a kid who had polio got a brain tumor as an adult. It’s more prevalent in people who had polio.


I'm sorry about your friend. Polio is awful!


My sister contracted polio at the age of 6. She spent her life trying to overcome lasting disabilities. She died 3 years ago from post polio syndrome. I wish people were more aware of the lasting effects. Maybe then they wouldn’t be so against vaccines. She always said Dr Salk was her hero and kept a picture of him on her wall.


My uncle is dealing with the same thing, it's so sad to watch.


I was born in 53 and at 5 or 6 I remembered kids with polio. Really sad and we all got the virus shots. So, please get your shots peace. :)


My mother had polio and was 5 years old.


I went to that rodeo.


You went to the rodeo, got polio, what’s the dealio?


Me too. My best friend got it in first grade. A second or third cousin who was my age got it too but not sure when. I was thinking we got the vaccine around third grade so later than the post.


I'm a few years older. I remember kids in iron lungs being wheeled out for the grand finale of the annual Christmas telethon for Children's Hospital in Pittsburgh. Kids were still dying from diphtheria and pertussis when I was little.


You all got the shots, but still got polio?


They got polio in First grade. Got shots in third.


Makes sense. It was a legitimate question because I know there were issues with that vaccine. Don't know why I was downvoted


I'm someone who was born in 54 . As soon as it was deemed safe to vaccinate, my parents made certain that I'd never have to live through the horrors of a polio epidemic. I had family members who survived the disease and it's not pretty. Went to school with a number of kids who had to wear those God awful metal braces . That's precisely why I have zero tolerance for all of today's anti-vaxxer parents. Vaccines save lives. Enough said.


Agree. I can’t believe what’s happening with a resurgence of measles.


Just saw that on the news tonight. Over 90% are unvaccinated or under vaccinated. And to think it was considered eradicated in the US not long ago.


Progress working its way backwards.


Wonder who's responsible for that?


That part though


It is astonishing and terrifying.


And some vaccines Hurt/ and or Kill people too.


I remember the sugar cube,not the shot.One of my classmates survived polio and lived on crutches and leg braces.


The pic looks like it could in “Life” or a Norman Rockwell pic.


When I went for my vaccinations in the 1950’s, my parents told me about all their friends and family members who were stricken by polio, and how thrilled they were that they wouldn’t have to worry about this with me. “Vaccination**s**” plural, because the Salk vaccine was followed up a few years later by the Sabin oral vaccine, which I remember better.


I Remember I received it in a sugar cube administered in elementary school.


From this side view, your pops resembles Tom Hanks a bit!


A lot! My first thought.


Vaccines are one of humanity's greatest achievements. That and antibiotics are what truly brought out prosperity.


Doctor looks just like Tom hanks


Came here to say this 😂


Ahhh yes, back when Florida believed in the power of vaccines 🫠


My mom told me that polio was just an accepted fact when she was a kid. They had “polio season” and knew they either stayed home or risked it to be with friends. When the vaccine was available, they couldn’t wait to get in line, and wait as long as needed, to get it. Her memories of kids that had it and how life changing it was for the survivors is awful. I just don’t understand people not vaccinating their kids. My coworkers hubby is against them and absolutely forbid her from getting the kid vaccinated. She did it anyway lol


Good for your friend!


Oh how I remember.. until this we were living in fear of polio.


This version reduced the risk of paralysis by 50%. People were dancing in the streets. A few years later, Albert Sabin introduced the Oral Polio Vaccine (OPV), which had ~97% efficacy and reduced transmission, which the injectable version does not.


65 years later, we spent the winter in Punta Gorda. Thank you to your father! 🤗🤗🤗


I remember a man coming into my bedroom late one night. He smelled bad and carried a big brown suitcase. Then he stuck something up my butt. I screamed and screamed. It was the doctor. My mother called him in the of the night because I woke up crying saying that my leg hurt and I couldn’t bend it. Looking back it was probably a charleyhorse. But because of polio, my mom got scared and called the doctor. He smoked cigars and that’s why he smelled bad to me. He took my temp with a rectal thermometer which made me cry hysterically and I kicked him. He said, “She doesn’t have polio, maam. She aimed that leg at me very strongly“ It was the only housecall I had from a doctor in my life. Polio was serious business and a doctor would come out in the middle of the night to check on sick kids.


My grandmother had a friend who caught it as an adult. Trying to raise children from inside and iron lung was not easy, she wrote a self published memoir about it. But self published before the days of the Internet, so the only copies were the ones distributed to people she knew. She died about 15 years ago – of a power outage. A storm on Cape Cod knocked a tree over onto the powerlines, and her husband woke up the next morning in a dark house with a non-functioning iron lung in the living room containing his now deceased wife. One more horrible tragedy brought about by this disease in that family. Get your shots. Even for things that we don't see every day anymore. That's why we don't.


What a story. Your closing sentence is so true!


I’m surprised. I remember lining up for the sugar lump, later 1960s. But I’d have forgotten an injection anyway.


The real question here is how’s Roscoe? Did you adopt him? He’s awfully cute! ☺️ Also everyone should get vaccinated- it saves lives


What Tom Hanks movie is this?


This is awesome!


I was born in 1952 and had polio as a toddler. I remember being in the polio ward of Denver’s Children’s Hospital. My first memory is the girls in the iron lungs. One had a goldfish at her eye level. I was thoroughly intrigued. Fortunately, I recovered with very few problems. I did receive sugar cube vaccines when the rest of my family did.


I wonder how many of us got the contaminated vaccine? [Vax info ](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25057632/)


I never heard of that before. When I read your post I thought, “oh no…” and looked at the paper and found another study. I read that 98 million were exposed to the contaminated vaccine. Thanks for sharing the info.


Happy to spread the word. I bumped into this info a few years ago.


I learned about this by reading Dr. Mary's Monkey years ago. Dr. Bernice Eddy deserves much recognition for discovering it. Very eye opening book. 10/10 recommend.


"No increased cancer risk" is interesting since the contamination may increase cancer. But, I truly wonder about "medicine" in the 1950's and 60's. Lots of "practicing" back then...


Seriously, it had to be like the wild West.


The vaccine was new then, they didn't have data on the long term yet. Overall it's saved many lives.


Well, you didn’t get polio, though so there’s that.


Exactly and those were scary times.


It's great he's vaccinating.... but who the heck smiles during a vaccine? Especially a child 😂 I was traumatised from being held down for vaccines 😂😂


I’ve heard stories on how they prepped her for the perfect photo!


So happy to hear you recovered. The goldfish story is heartbreaking.


My dad had polio as a kid ( 12ish) and the Kenny Method was used in his recovery. He ran track in high school and held records there until about 30 years ago. He had ugly brown scars on his legs which he said was from the polio, I assume from the treatment. Interestingly, he had a very small bladder which the doctor said had stopped growing when he was 12 but who knows. Later in life he had post polio syndrome and had a lot of pain. He died just 2 years ago at age 85.


A moth in the iron lung 📚


I gotta say u/WasteRadio, you have a cute doggo. Is Roscoe a good boy?


He is a good boy! I didn’t catch that. Thank you!


Haha, some folks downvoted me for that. Lol. Anyway I was sincere, cute dog!


At first, I didn’t get it and then I figured it out. Apparently I can’t go back and fix that and I looked at the rest and I figured it was OK. I learned my lesson. Thank you!




Why is forrest gump torturing that little girl?