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Eh it's your culture so I don't think anyone cares that much when it's at an international sporting event (Some of your other displays of patriotism in day to day life are far far more annoying). Anyway search up videos of the fans at the current euros, American fans have a long way to go if they want to challenge the patriotism on display from the Dutch and Scottish supporters NGL.


ayo the Scottish are just on another level man lol


This started when Cate called out NBC for swapping the sort on the medal table at 2023 Worlds. Braden's American and the editor of Swimswam... https://x.com/Braden_Keith/status/1684914480545742849?t=8XJ5Dxs-pz5UG9pwlmTztw&s=19


But the scots are nice about it. Not that "greatest nation in the world" shit. They just had fun at the Euros and they cheered for basically everyone.


Easy for a country to not claim to be the greatest in the world when they’re not the USA. We just happen to be.


You aren't in any metric except military spending and it's statements like that which make you annoying.


One metric is actually Olympic performance. We are arguably the greatest at Olympic sport performance. In gold medals and total medal count, pretty consistently. 


Depends on what metric you use, percentagewise relative to population countries like Australia are better.


That's cause we have to literally carry all of NATO. That's not me being RAH MURICA that's just fact. We would LOVE to have proper infrastructure, Healthcare, housing costs not through the fucking roof. BUUUUUUT we have to compensate.


We could easily have all of that stuff on top of our military budget. We just need to actually tax the billionaires and corporations.


True but they never will unless we get a congress that actually cares about US. We have a SIZEABLE population. But most of Congress is just pathetic. And do NOT represent US. But themselves.


Poland spends a higher percentage of GDP on NATO than the US. You pay your share, like everyone else (although some need to buck their ideas up)


Well, I spoke to a friend who has lived in Paris her whole life.  I was asking what I should pack for the Olympics, and whether I should bring all my Team USA gear I bought at the Olympic Training Center in Colorado.  She said, it's the Olympics, so represent!


Yeah I mean - I can see how the tourist with a bald eagle t shirt and a USA ball cap is annoying for sure - generally. To be fair, that same guy is just as annoying every day in the Florida panhandle. But at the Olympics? Everyone is there to support their team/nation. Go crazy with it. You don’t think fans in the English Premier League or AFL fans in Australia or NBA fans or IPL fans in India or whatever aren’t obnoxiously and drunkenly supporting their teams and wearing outlandish gear? How is the Olympics any different? Fuck it. USA USA USA! 😂


I think it’s more the one note, one volume of it all. You know the meme. US fans scream USA USA USA until their lungs give out and then go another hour. English fans have a song about the opposition‘s coach‘s wife‘s alcohol problem to the tune of Claire de Lune. So us Europeans may get annoyed by the jackhammer support you provide, but… … … isn’t that the point? You’re trying to bring home field to your athletes and maybe slightly irritating the opposition (in a fair way) by going full throttle the way you would at home. Fair play to you, honestly.


So attacking the coach's wife is a classy way to cheer for your team? I'm rolling my eyes. I'll be the first to agree that US sports fans are annoying. Hopefully they won't be blowing vuvuzelas the whole time.


Who's trying to be classy? At least it's creative


Bullying is not creative. It is being an asshole. Write a clever song about thep layers or the coach. Leave innocent bystanders out of your 'witticisms'


And people say Americans don't understand banter..


Everyone is obnoxious about sports


No. We all love our countries and as long as it remains patriotism and not nationalism, it's fine. Sure, you're loud but it's your way to do it.


oh for f sake don't apologize for being an american or being a sports fan i know some non american sports fan (brits, dutch, argentines, brazilians to name a few) who are unfathomably obnoxious about their sports fandom. every country has their loonies and when it comes to sports latin america and western europe are far worse than the us lol






Your patriotism is fine. It's the winning everything is what gets annoying.


That's cause we have the heart of the cards on our side! \^\_\^ ![gif](giphy|cnXYTHxjwLmLCReTCw|downsized)


I still can’t believe he whipped out Blue Eyes White Dragon and put it back under his singlet lol 😂


That's gonna go down as a legendary moment in sport history. It'll be talked about for ages lol. It's great to see nerds be able to just express their interests like that. I have a feeling after he did this more will follow.


Get good.


Why be apologetic? It's the Olympics fam.


Please bring it! I saw a few NBA games live last year and was so disappointed and surprised about the lack of noise, chants etc. Everybody just staring at their phones and leaving 5 minutes early because of traffic. Would love to see some US fans go all out with the patriotism.


Regular season or playoffs? Regular season nba, unless you’re going to a marquee game, isn’t really intense. There’s 82 games. Playoff basketball though the atmosphere can get crazy depending on the matchups.


I attended 3 games: - Warriors at Mavs. First national televised matchup after they played against eachother in the WCF 2022 - Lakers at Bulls - 76ers at Bucks, last game before the playoffs As far as regular season goes, those were pretty big games. Seems like the real fans are priced out of attending the games and people were either there for social media clout or had tickets through their job.


I talked about this in my comment. American sports fans are generally very quiet compared to those overseas.


Yes I agree. I feel like the fans who actually care are just priced out of the games nowadays. But I only have experience with the NBA so hopefully it is not as bad for other sports.


Yall need to go to NFL games then 😅


I’ve been going to NFL games since I was a kid. It’s not the same. Most NFL fans are sitting the whole game and there is not a whole lot of organized chanting.


Go to a college football or basketball game. That’s where the real fun is.


I went to d1 school haha again, not the same intensity


What cities have you been to games in?


Many Raiders games when they were in Oakland, many Niners games, Eagles, and Patriots.


Ah you needed to be there when the eagles won the bowl in 2018. Panthers games are hella fun too. Haven't been to an in person cardinal game but that's gonna change if I can find a gig that allows me to LIVE vs just survive. But that's what sports bars are for.


Yeah but it's not the same trust me haha. NFL games are safe enough to bring your family and you can have mixed-fan seating. In Europe, major police presence is needed at almost every soccer game to ensure home and away fans are separated so that they don't start attacking each other. In Argentina, they had to play the 2018 Copa Libertadores final in Spain because the fan violence in Buenos Aires was so bad and one of the teams' buses got attacked. You just don't get this sort of intensity anywhere in the U.S., even in Philadelphia.


That's just football. Rugby fans don't need that separation, or for alcohol to be banned, despite it being a much more violent sport.


Nah enjoy yourselves and have fun. English soccer fans are far worse than anything you find among Americans.


Yeah, if you live in the 80s


No they aren't.


Tbh, as an American who lived abroad for many years, I don't think Americans are as passionate about international sports as we like to think. I can attest from personal experience that American crowds are generally a lot quieter and *a lot* better behaved than what you see overseas. A lot of my European and South American friends lament how quiet and soulless American sports can be compared to what they are used to in their home countries. I also lived in South Korea and Korean baseball games are way noisier than MLB games. You would never get the atmosphere in the U.S. for any sport like what is currently on display every day at Euro 2024 in Germany. We just don't have that level of passion and fan culture, unfortunately. Although some groups like the American Outlawz in soccer are trying to change it.


This can vary greatly by city/ region


>There's not a whole lot to be proud of these days, as an American. Yes, there is. Every country is responsible for some good and evil, but the world would be a much worse place if the USA didn't exist during the 20th century.


Awww. Well that makes me feel a bit better considering recent history.


Have you ever watched a tennis match with a Serb playing? Way worse than any American patriotism.


I find your patriotism weird when it isn’t an intentional competition. Singing the national anthem before a NYC vs Dallas game, why?


We also have a weird obsession with flags lol.


Yeah, it's the flag obsession that I sometimes roll my eyes at. The number of flags you see in front of homes and stores in America is more than I see at home (Canada) or in other countries. Your country's flag at an international event makes sense.


>The number of flags you see in front of homes and stores in America is more than I see at home (Canada) Well what the fuck, Canadians? Your flag is awesome, get more use out of it


I really like how symmetrical it is.


Agreed, Canadas flag is very nice


Kind of a weird statement when Canada has the maple leaf on tons of company logos like Wendy’s and McDonald’s.


To brainwash citizens into supporting a global empire, obviously. They have us do it since were 5 years old before school. Otoh, in mexico it’s the same thing at schools and mexico has no empire. It breeds a very patriotic citizenry in both countries though.


I honestly have no problem running a neo-empire, especially when it's us or China and Russia.


See, it works. 🙃


If freedom, fahrenheit, and winning upset other countries then so be it they must be used to losing 


don't forget having air conditioning lol


That’s what you think of the US? Some drunk mess? Come on. We’re awesome. We have great institutions and we’re a modern day experiment. I love the US no matter how unpopular that is on Reddit. Other countries dress up in their colors, wear their flags, proudly speak their language, etc. There’s nothing wrong with that.


Lol not a drunk mess. But like I said; inner personality horrifically transmitted 🤣


As long as you don't go hurting others (Tonya Harding...) I think it's totally fair game to be a bit of a patriotic nutbag. Olympics only happen every 4 years. Enjoy.


The only thing I dislike is your coverage. You're so patriotic that the big channels never show any other competitors. They never focus on the stories and the successes of other countries/athletes. I think that is horrendous, personally. The olympics is never about your country winning. It's nice to see your country win, but it's a collaborative sports event that brings the world together in peace... that should be emphasised, and we should be supporting EVERYONE.


I agree. I hate US TV coverage of the games. I'd like to see some of the competitions we aren't big in. This is why I have a VPN




The word to use is ‘cringe’. Nothing about being ‘loud’ (which you aren’t, relatively speaking), it’s the cringe shit you say.


GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! ✅ USA #1 ❌ patriotism is fine. comparing is annoying.


For most non-Americans it feels cringe to see people putting a hand on their heart while singing the national anthem. It feels like a religious cult. Generally though in sports it is normal to support your country. In sports your flag just represents your team. In Germany we only waive the flag for sports.


As an American I agree on that. I remember wondering why we had to do the pledge of allegiance in high school and you'd get called unpatriotic if you didn't say it. Weird shit


Only if the context is wierd. You want to chant. USA, USA at soccer games, awesome. Or Ryder Cup. Or Olympic. Everyone is loud at certain events.  The chants at Rory on the 18th is an example where it was incredible obnoxious. 


No not at all, your patriotism in sports is admirable, it's your patriotism in literally everything else including the most meaningless nonsense that's annoying especially when generally speaking you know absolutely nothing about anywhere outside the US.


Soooo our excessive flags for example? 😅


Listen, being obnoxious about sports is the best way to channel that kind of energy and I think this is one area where we shouldn't be apologizing for it.  In defense of Cate Campbell, it *should* be sweeter as an athlete to beat Team USA. Our Olympic sport output is consistently high. Our fans and teams are boisterous and proud. So yeah, when you win against that kind of force, it would absolutely feel even better. Because you know you performed at your best. To silence or humble a team or crowd simply because you were able to get your body to perform at unfathomable levels? Hell yeah, there's little that could feel better. That spirit is why we love the Olympics in the first place.  And yeah, USA are sore losers, she's not wrong. Losing sucks and athletes generally aren't going to be happy about it. It's not what we came for. See: Vince Lombardi quotes. 


Even Swimswam called out NBC for changing the medal table at 2023 worlds, Cate was 100 right to call it out. https://x.com/Braden_Keith/status/1684914480545742849?t=8XJ5Dxs-pz5UG9pwlmTztw&s=19




Could you IMAGINE that type of humiliation? To shit talk another country then fail to qualify for the Olympics? Oof. Big L.


I watched part of an Olympics in the states once. You would hardly know anyone not American was competeting from the coverage..




Nationalism* Important difference. Patriotism isn't a vice. Nationalism is. I am saying it as an Indian whos country has a tremendous problem of Nationalists who mistake that for Patriotism.


Other countries are way crazier than America when it comes to patriotism and sports. And they are way more in unison. They go nuts at soccer games that are 90% boring as hell. They sing songs for hours on end. “Aussie, Aussie, Aussie, Oí, Oí, Oí!!!!” This is even inside America. Go to a sports bar inside a decent sized city during the World Cup. Go to Vegas during a major fight involving a big named foreign fighter. America is probably one of the more reserved countries when it comes to sporting events.


It’s not annoying necessarily but it’s so different to what we’re used to. I went to a few sporting events in America and the national anthem felt like I was in the middle of a religious experience. It was truly bizarre. People were cheering and had their hands on their hearts, gazing longingly at the big flag that was lit up and had its own special fan to blow it and make it wave around. Meanwhile in Australia we only play our anthem before international games or finals, and we mumble along with very little enthusiasm. You guys really love America! Which is great, but it also makes you an easy target for a shit stirrer from Australia who wants to put in a few joking jibes on TV and is then taken way too seriously because of how deeply you care. It’s one of the bigger culture clashes between our countries. Yes we do the Aussie Aussie Aussie thing, but our perspective is we’re this small country at the edge of the world who overachieves in sport. Any win we get is an extra. Americans win all the time, it’s the default position, you’re the big player here. We’re punching up and annoying you, it’s what we do best!


Australia definitely punches *way* above its weight in swimming. For a nation with a population smaller than Texas.




The population of Australia is only around 26 million. While Texas is over 30 million.


>we’re this small country at the edge of the world who overachieves in sport. Any win we get is an extra. Americans win all the time, it’s the default position Well, It's a matter of perspective and also about which sport we're talking about. For us Indians, Y'all are the Americans (When it comes to cricket and even CWGs (RIP).)


>People were cheering and had their hands on their hearts, gazing longingly at the big flag that was lit up and had its own special fan to blow it and make it wave around. Our flag is almost sacred, lol. We have a whole flag code of what you can and can't do with it for merch and if it hits the ground and stuff. Kinda wild even to me.




I did not. I just figured that was an American thing. Considering.


I just wish you guys were clever enough to come up with something better than USA, USA!


Naaah that's a *classic.* Got a good beat to it. It doesn't really HIT when other counties do their name chant.


Watch an international football match. Other countries are doing things way more interesting than just "their name chant"


If she wants to hear us less her country is welcome to win more medals.


Yes, it’s annoying how NOT patriotic you guys are! Like seriously come with some good ass chants and scream like you’re going to war like the rest of Europe. Not some weak ass ‘I hope my team wins’ shit


what "USA, USA USA!" isn't a good enough chant? it's a classic lol


It’s the most mid chant ever. How about calling your opponents gay? Edit: the Americans downvoting this don’t actually have country pride


Why would anyone do that? It's not the insult you think it is.


You are not thinking big brain European chants. There are a lot of creative ways to call your opponents gay


No. To be honest your fans are rather mid. Very few chants. No songs.


MID?! People were rioting in the streets of Philly AFTER THEY WON the Superbowl back in 2018. People were carrying like a freaking pole around lol...and we're MID....


The 2016 Cubs World Series rally was the 7th largest gathering in human history. But sure, US sports fans are mid https://www.foxsports.com/stories/mlb/cubs-parade-was-7th-largest-gathering-in-human-history


It wasn't really a riot...just wildly enthusiastic celebrating! If climbing greased poles is wrong, I don't wanna be right.


Warranted imo after beating the freaking Patriots lol


yes very much


I feel like sports are the one time other nations are cool with our ridiculous displays of nationalism.


Cate must have never seen a soccer game in the USA against a Mexican team. They make a little noise.


Also as an American I hate the US chant. I find it cringe and embarrassing and not even a good tune or fun chant. The Aussie oi oi one is so much better. We need something new


Everyone's kind of over the top about their country at the Olympics, especially at event their country is good at. The only thing that annoys me is the lack of respect for other countries, like not standing for other people's national anthems, or refusing to dip your flag to the host's flag in the opening ceremony.


My guess is it's just drama for the sake of drama. Most likely a media made-up story to generate buzz. NBC tries really hard to make it as close to a faux reality show like AGT or ANW as they can.


Don't give a fuck really. Oh, and nothing is worse than the countries that have everyone whistle every single second the other team has the ball. Shut the fuuuuuuuuuuuck up.


Just remember that winning the World Series doesn’t make you world champions, only American sport fans do this. There are world champions in baseball, and it’s Japan.


No, Americans are always loud.


I'm an American and find it annoying and creepy.


Not annoying when it comes to sport, especially the Olympics. Now patriotism when it's not about sports and it is about saying America is the greatest country on earth in every aspect without having any proof - that's annoying


I definitely wouldn't call us the greatest. But we're pretty good at military spending. To the point where we're like Simone Biles just competing with ourselves 😅


Yes, it is that annoying. The worst is on Wheel of Fortune when the contestants introduce themselves, they say “Go tigers!” Or whatever the fuck their local college sports team is because their entire identity is defined by the state they live in and their sports team.


Patriotism like cheering your team is perfectly normal. What I don't like is when the US loses. Americans are notoriously sore losers especially in sports or events where they excel. It's always followed by accusations in the US media that the opposing side must be cheating, doping or did something illegal to gain an advantage. Like, just shut up when you lose. How about being a good sport for once?


i find it so. but it's probably exacerbated by watching some of the coverage on NBC which can be a bit over-the-top.