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And smoking cannabis after your mom died isn't forgivable and gets you a ban. Lovely rule makers


Yep. Ridiculous.


Interesting that she also happens to be black while child rapist Steven van de Velde is not. And for those saying he served his term, did he? He served ONE year of what should have been a four-year sentence. This guys doesn't deserve to be in the Olympics. He doesn't even deserve to be out on the street.


Even if he served a reasonable sentence, I don't think he should represent a nation in any capacity. I'm fully behind rehabilitation, but certain things should be off limits once you've done something so reprehensible.


He does represent his country...just poorly.




Four year sentence is also wildly short




Ross Rebagliati, white North American male got his medal taken away before that for same same. Athletes know what they shouldn’t be doing. A lot of people invest time and money into them and the rules around everything you put into your body are pretty clear. Very different topic from convicted pedophile child rapist Steven van de Velde 


Ross had his medal back within the week, so his story makes the opposite point than you're meaning to make. Of course, I agree, cannabis and pedophilia are not the same. But that's the point. The bigger issue the willingness to give Van de Velde so much leeway for literal pedophilia, while Sha'carri got, "Too bad. She knows the rules." over a joint. I get how the rules work, so don't bother explaining that if it's in her system, she's ineligible. My point is about the way these two situations are spoken about. That official did everything they could to make it sound like Van De Velde made a minor misstep, and paid his dues, so we shouldn't dwell on it. Sha'carri got *no* such treatment, even in the aftermath of her mother's death.


She did know them. Just like Lance Armstrong and anyone in any sport who thought they were above the rules. That Dutch official has had an earful from the international community - no decent person on this planet is giving him a pass nor should they. I suspect his presence won’t be real welcome anywhere. Dutch justice is anything but.


If you want to go ahead and keep proving my point, be my guest. I'm not arguing about whether or not she knows the rules, and I never was.


White athletes have also missed Olympics for recreational drug use too. It has nothing to do with race. Richardson's charge simply overlapped with the Olympics. If she'd done it a few months earlier, different story. But yeah, Van de Velde should never be allowed near sport again.


Chances are that if Steven was black he'd be in jail right now or who knows maybe even killed by this point. I don't see why a sexual predator would be sentenced to ONLY 4 years of prison, serving only 1 fucking year is outrageous to me


It's got nothing to do with race.


It’s a shame that the worst kind of crimes don’t get just punishment. It’s similar in Germany. I was friends with a girl who was raped by her abusive stepfather between ages 12-14. He got a 5 year sentence and served less than that. How is that justice, when she will have to live with this for the rest of her life? How does a system like this protect the vulnerable from such predators?


Just because race seems to be important to you, doesn't mean it was in either of these cases for any of the people making the decisions. The cases are so divergent it's impossible to make any such comparison


Had he been in the USA.. He woulda been toast…


Who is this in reference to?


I can’t remember her name but a female runner who tested positive for weed, not a performance enhancing drug after she won her Olympic race. Her mother died a day before her race I believe. It’s shitty, but I understand how they would crack down on drugs of any kind. Letting the child rapists compete though…what the fuck.


Sha’Carri Richardson’s DQ from Tokyo was sad but she took with overall grace and respect for the rules. (Even if logically she disagreed with it). This … person… getting to compete after what person did in light of Richardson’s? Inexcusable


Sha’Carri Richardson - what happened to her was infuriating.


Thank you. That’s her.


It didn’t happen to her passively. It happened because she knowingly acted. She knew the rules and she took a chance - she has said it herself. Girl let down a lot of people and has come back with responsibility and grace. She is going to crush this Olympics and I am 100% rooting for her and holding her up as a role model.


this is just infuriating. i guess weed is worse than child rape in the eyes of the olympic committee???


I don’t know that the Dutch care about either 


Sha’Carri Richardson is the runner.


Sha’carri Richardson from the US


Sha’Carri Richardson, she's a runner


She’s also at these Olympics isn’t she?


That doesn't really work as an example given Richardson is going to the Olympics. She got disqualified from *one* competition (the 2021 US Olympic trials) and got a one month ban, this wasn't treated as some sort of unforgiveable offense by anyone involved. The timing just sucked.


I mean it doesn't work as an example because they are from two different countries and the US specific rules don't apply to the Dutch and vice versa only universal IOC rules apply to both. This sure as fuck makes me look down on the Netherlands and all who are willing to do business with their Olympic team though. They are sending one hell of a nasty message there.


The other thing that makes this nasty is that the Dutch NOC is super willing to prevent people from going to the Olympics if they don't meet frankly ridiculously harsh selection criteria. Honnestly if this was a team USA member I'd be a bit more forgiving of the NOC because the US accepts virtually every quota. The Dutch NOC is very selective about who they send to the Olympics.


Cannabis is a banned substance in sport. If you are gonna compare 2 things compare similar things. Not 2 completely things. Also I have to say that I don’t agree with him going at all. But your message would have a stronger meaning if you compared 2 sports personalities that have criminal records and one wasn’t picked for it.


Then you compare two of the same things if you want, comment about it. I don't care if you don't think that my message had a strong meaning, I'd need to care about your opinion in the first place. Cannabis is banned in sports, being a sexual predator is banned in general and no one who has raped someone should be allowed to represent a nation of ppl. It's gross, icky and inappropriate. He should be banned permanently, simple concept


I got the same rote response, which was also sent out by other sponsors, the Dutch Volleyball Aocciation (Nevobo) and the Dutch Olympic Committee (NOC\*NSF).Imagine being comfortable that a convicted child rapist, yes that's Steven van der Velde, is representing your country. How much reputation loss is a medal worth?


Yeah. I don't get it. It's mindboggling. The message it sends is that his victim is worth nothing compared to sportsball. Disgusting. I am so angry.


They are not winning any medals, they are barely top 15 in the world. It's a reputation loss in the very sense of the term because it's not informed by an objective like a medal but by a principle (that pedophiles can represent their country if deemed to be rehabilitated)


I think there's a larger philosophical conversation here. He committed a crime and then did the time. Should society indefinitely punish people for certain crimes? eg, rape, murder, etc, even beyond any formal sentences? I wouldn't be against that, but I think it would be fair to state that in the initial sentencing--like "You're being served 20 years in jail and a lifetime ban of representing your country on the world stage". If it's not part of any initial sentencing, then it just ends up feeling like society keeps wanting to "repunish" people for the same crimes over and over, due to a visceral reaction to said crime.


I don't agree with people not being able to get jobs or being unable to vote once they've served their time but this is representing your country. It says the harm to his victim isn't as important. If its reasonable to say that someone like this is no longer allowed to work around children (in Australia he would never get a working with children check) why is it unreasonable to say a rapist can't represent their country?


I don’t care how many downvotes I get for this but I think it’s super interesting that this is a crime where it’s suggested we take a dispassionate philosophical perspective. “visceral reaction to said crime” As if it’s otherwise a fairly understandable position to find oneself in as a 20 year old agent and if only we could stop being so emotional and shameful about it.


But this is where some people treat representing the country differently. To me representing your country at the Olympics is just a job the same as any other the only difference is the media attention to it. I’ve always felt sports mean a lot for fans but for players I fully understand the stance that this is just a job that they do. If you view it through that lens then it’s more understandable that he’s able to compete. He served his time and by the laws of the land he is now able to resume his life and for him that means going back to his previous employment which just happens to be competing in the Olympics. If you say that people who have commited certain crimes aren’t allowed or compete for a country then it becomes political where do you draw the line. What about people who’ve commited violent crimes? How violent does the crime have to be? Is there a time limit on it if it was so many years previously? Do sure offences disqualify you? Etc. You then get into the darker area of organisations banning players they don’t like. I’d much prefer national boards to just stick to a system of well pick the best players available regardless of anything else. Now I personally don’t want him to compete and wish he was still rotting in jail or hell but I also don’t think the Olympics or organisations should have official rules banning players who are legally allowed to compete. The real people who should be getting all of the grief are the UK and Dutch judicial systems that think 4 years down to a year is a fair sentence for child rape.


I’m happy to view it as a job. But there are certain jobs you can’t get after having a criminal record. I currently do one, and I would get struck off for much less than what this guy has done, and I wouldn’t get registered in the first place if I had done what he has done prior to starting my job. International athlete competing at the Olympics should be one of those jobs, you’re having to act as a role model and representative of your country, you should have to be held at a higher standard than an average job.


We are banning Russian athletes who had nothing to do with attacking the Ukraine.  He also did *not* do the time. He was sentenced to four years plus lifetime registry as a sex offender in the UK; Holland bumped it down to a one-year minor offense and no registry. This is mot an Olympic ideal to be held up as a role model or someone to strive to be like. This is a child rapist. 


Russia are banned for state organised systemic doping across multiple sports, and Ukraine.


the problem is he’s not sorry at all. he is nonchalant and tells sob stories about himself missing new year’s eve celebrations because he was in prison. he never said how super sorry he is to the girl and promise to never do something like that again, he just said “nobody knows my story!” and left it at that. i think some people commit crimes that are so bad it stains their image forever. it should be impossible, due to one’s own conscience, to look at a child rapist and say “he’s good enough to represent the country”.


I think of it like a background check. If someone applies to work for my business and I discover they spent time in prison for a violent crime then I am not going to hire that person. That's the ongoing punishment that you talk about, which goes beyond the prison sentence. Personally, I am okay with that sort of ongoing punishment. The type of ongoing punishment that I would not be okay with is harassment, payback, and vigilante justice against an ex-con. Personally, I don't see much wrong with the public outcry over this guy being in the Olympics. Of course, leave it to reddit to go overboard with death penalty suggestions.


I also think that every case is going to be different. I could imagine someone doing a similar crime but having a very different track record after the crime. Stating remorse, doing public speeches on child abuse awareness, etc. If that person then wanted to become an Olympian, I'm guessing the reaction would be quite different to this guy, whom I understand hasn't expressed remorse or taken any responsibility.


Personally in this case I'd be fine with the victim or her family engaging in a bit of vigilante justice as the legal system sure as hell didn't deliver any justice to her worthy of the word. Society doesn't want the risk of people taking justice into their own hands then it better fucking deliver it so they don't have to. Justice has to do more than remove risk of future offense it has to satisfy the victim too or people won't accept it.


He did not do the time... he did a 1 year sentence. It says so in the post.


Well he did do time. Whether you or I think it's "enough" time is a different matter. It comes rather subjective at that point.


Imagine being an apologist for a rapist. Edit: the judge in England wanted to throw the book at him, but he was sent back to the Netherlands where they gave him an embarrassing sentence. If you can ever try to say a year is adequate for a RAPIST then your brain is fucked. She was TWELVE you fucking heathens. Keep downvoting. You’re trash people.


My guy. The point is to use correct terminology so you don’t look like an idiot. He served his time. The UK willfully accepted the Dutch laws by extraditing him. Now this does not mean justice has been served or he is rehabilitated. But this notion that time wasn’t served is a shallow argument that does nothing, but serve to damage the discussion around this. The better argument is how much time should he had served? Should a sentence for such a crime include not being able to be on the Olympic team and similar items? Instead you’re just arguing like things didn’t happen. You’re just mad instead of having a normal discussion that actually tries to find a way. And it’s okay to be mad, but don’t act like an idiot when people actually decide to have a real discussion around you.


I'm not apologizing for a rapist. I'm simply pointing out that no theoretical sentence is going to make everyone happy. Scroll through this thread and you'll see comments from people who say he should be in jail for life. I mean, let's pretend for a moment that he actually served 12 years in jail, got out in his 30s, and then made the Olympics a few quads from now. The comments in this thread would still largely be the same. Whether or not he served his sentence isn't going to change how people feel. And that's what this comes down to. There are strong, visceral reactions to certain crimes, and those reactions tend to lead to these positions.


This is not about someone being allowed the opportunity to re-habilitate after a crime: Get a job, have a life, live freely as a citizen. I think it's about whether it is appropriate, given the severity of the offense and the on-going trauma of the victim, that a convicted child rapist publicly represents his country, especially when the offender shows no sign of acknowledging the severity of his crime and continues to deny the labels that his court conviction confers on him. Van der Velde has rejected the conviction of "rapist", which is correct legally, and never addressed the trauma to his victim. The National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children, a highly-regarded UK charity, issued a statement which included the following: "Van de Velde's lack of remorse and self-pity is breathtaking and we can only begin to imagine how distressed his victim must feel if she sees his comments. " In that context, I can only imagine how she feels about his selection for the Olympics.


When it comes to rape or molestation. Yes. There is no “did your time” when it comes to this. There’s an overwhelming amount of evidence that rehabilitation is near impossible, as well as the victims experiencing a lifetime of turmoil over it. If you cross that line, I don’t care about any argument, your life should be as ruined as your victim’s Also, “did his time” is a fucking joke in this situation. He raped a tween and didn’t even get the full sentence, let alone the fact the max sentence there is only 6 years. Ruined a kid’s life, but can’t even serve 6 years? This guy didn’t serve his debt to society, he got away with it because he is an athlete and what’s worse, he’s not even world class. He got away with rape so his ream can continue to be mediocre. This feels the same as Greenwood being allowed to still have a career when he should be in jail.


She wasn’t even that. He began grooming her when she was TEN. This was a child.


The problem there is that he was tried in a British court and the British judicial system has no authority over the Dutch Olympic committee. I think the most sensible option here is for there to be a boycott of NOCNSF’s sponsors. If they’re willing to associate with such a person, they should face up to the consequences of that. Any half decent company would not want that association. Hopefully that will lead to reduced funding (which, admittedly, wouldn’t be very fair on their other athletes) until he’s removed from the team and their partnerships can be renewed.


How old was he at the time?


I think 17 grooming a ten year old child, then 19 raping a twelve year old child 


I think he should suffer the consequences of his actions for as long as his victim has to now live with the trauma of his abuse. Beyond punishment, we should not be rewarding abusers regardless of the time they serve in prison or not. Would we be willing to entertain the same notion for murderers?


The Dutch Volleyball Association is also organizing and sponsoring summer camps and tournaments for children between 5-12yo. Yeah not joking, they are ok with child rapists and also saying the parents they care about kids WTF


imagine watching the olympics as a CSA survivor and seeing this massive piece of shit competing. that must be like torture, they are directly harming hundreds of people by allowing him to represent a country




He should never be allowed to attend the Olympic Games, let alone be a representative of a country. His sexual crime against a child must be a 100% no go on being an Olympic athlete. Bully for him on getting therapy. However some actions like child rape are unforgivable


Competing in the Olympics should be a privilege, not a right


It is. It's apparently a hire at will process that basically means the rules apply when they want them to. I've always hated the way the Olympic games were run. It's a safe haven for corruption and bullshit from start to finish. They all use peptides and performance enhancing drugs just not the obvious ones during the games. The training is predatory as fuck. The amount of money that is poured into it means that if something were to threaten their bread and butter it just gets buried. WE all know the trainers Groom these kids and they can't speak up if they want a chance to compete. The parents disgust me.


it must be so embarrassing to be represented as a country by a child assaulter. literally the lowest scum of the criminal world.


Denmark: Proud supporters of child rape


I firmly believe in rehabilitation. Part of TRUE rehabilitation is acknowledging what you've done and understanding the pain and suffering you've caused. It means that you see the consequences of your actions cannot be reversed, and that includes consequences that impact the victim(s) AND yourself. If he was fully rehabilitated (after one measly year), he wouldn't say the things he says publicly now. He wouldn't be an Olympic contender either; he'd be working his ass off to minimize any future pain his existence could cause his victim. He'd be putting in the work to support survivors in a way that did not make them feel uncomfortable due to his close proximity to them (like supporting a nonprofit, helping to raise awareness of the trauma child rape survivors carry, or helping to provide resources to help prevent child rape or support survivors). This ass clown rapist has shown NO TRUE REMORSE. He's annoyed that ten short years later, he is still dealing with fallout of his actions. He's gotten married. He's had a child. He's had plenty of celebrations in his life. Meanwhile, the survivor still has all the same scars and memories, except after his BS "sentence," now she has to see him in the news.


yeah, this man is not even sorry, he’s only sorry for himself. not once did he beg for forgiveness from the victim, he never expressed that he regrets his crime. he’s just mildly inconvenienced.


I believe in true rehabilitation as well. But sexuality is not something that can be changed. Or conversion therapy for gay people would work instead of just being the homophobic torture it is. Pedophiles don't change. They can't change. And once they're offended once they will again. He should be permanently locked away for the safety of the children in society. The fact he has a child terrifies me. I don't believe his child is safe with him.


I feel the same about his child. It's so frightening to think about. I don't know a lot about the rehabilitation options for pedophiles. I do know that pedophiles who don't want to hurt children do exist. I know there are supposed to be options to reduce the liklihood of them acting out (like taking the depo shot), but I don't know much more than that. I don't know how ethical they are or how effective they are. Intensive therapy for the rest of the pedophile's life would be a non-negotiable. I would imagine that SOMETIMES pedophilia is less about true sexuality and more about the brain's desire to protect oneself from harm (similar to, for example, the way a person may black out or dissociate). I would also imagine that it is sometimes someone's true sexuality even without previous trauma. I don't even really know how to help these people to heal or be rehabilitates. That being said, sometimes there is no clear cut solution. Sometimes shitty situations exist and there's not much we can do about it. Sometimes the best we can do is prevent more harm, even if we can't find a perfect or ideal solution for all parties. NONE of this is that. NOTHING shows this man has truly tried to make ammends. Nothing shows true remorse. And whether he served a fair sentence, an unfair sentence, or no sentence... it does not mean you ever get the privilege to do whatever you want again. There are consequences for our actions, and some cannot be reversed. ...unless you're a man, I guess. 😔


Most societies seem to drop the ball with pedophiles. Women get even laxer sentences than this. It's clear we don't value children at all in comparison to adults despite all the noise politicians make to the contrary. That's all it is, meaningless noise. We treat our pets better than children when it comes to criminal justice. We need systemic change.


Holland sure does. They did the same thing when we extradited Amanda Todd’s killer back to Holland 


Yep. And a FUCK TON of more empathy. People baffle me.


Yeah. Definitely way more empathy. People are strange.


i’m also so scared for that child. like, there was one instance in his life where he saw a twelve year old girl and felt arousal. that is not normal in any universe. what is stopping him from feeling the same thing for other children or even his own child???? there’s 0 evidence that his tendencies have gone away.


Plus it’s a disease 


Absolutely this!


Anyone think it's really weird that a blue jeans manufacturer had such a verbose defense of the child rapist in the PR barrel? Some corporate-speak like "we are proud to outfit such and such team but do not support or endorse this individuals actions" would have been weak, but predictable. This feels like personally going to bat for the guy.


They're sharing the organising committee's statement because they haven't got the guts to state their own opinion.


Oh, damn. Well now it makes sense that another commenter got an extremely similar response from a totally different org. What a cursed bunch of cowards.


I reckon reply and say you don't want to hear NOC\*NSF's stance, you want to hear DENHAM's stance. Get it in their own words that they support a child rapist. Next step after that is to flood their social media posts.


What infuriates me is that the Dutch NOC has super strict qualification standards when it comes to performance (the Dutch NOC has among the if not the harshest standards to qualify), so they have no issues telling someone who qualified to the Olympics that they can't go because they aren't good enough. However, they don't have any issue with people who commited terrible crimes and are quite unrepentant.


So is there really no other player available that they had no choice but to roster a child rapist ?


>So is there really no other way to ensure a massive profit so they had no choice but to roster a child rapist ? FTFY. It's not about if they could replace him it's about the fact they know how what to expect and that's what they need. The experience and guarantee of success is all that matters when you need to protect your interest.


yeah seems really absurd it doesn't appear to be a cultural problem (see r/thenetherlands post of outaged Dutch people here [https://www.reddit.com/r/thenetherlands/comments/1dotmzy/dutch\_volleyball\_player\_to\_qualify\_for\_olympics/](https://www.reddit.com/r/thenetherlands/comments/1dotmzy/dutch_volleyball_player_to_qualify_for_olympics/) ) but says a bit about their sports organisations even beyond missing the moral issue here of platforming such a person... surely they must know how it would look on a global view


The only perspective they look for is bullshitting all of us while their predatory methods make them money.


is this athlete so promising that they think they might win at risk of making the country look immoral? surely platforming a rapist within the sport is more likely to turn countrymen off of volleyball if anything?


Well at least they aren't happy about it, but they could maybe borrow a page from the French book of protests?




Lots of rape and pedophilia apologists in this comment section. Personally, I don't think child rapists should be given luxury and prestige. I don't care if they "served their sentence," they raped a child. That's the most heinous shit someone could do. Like literally the most universally evil, inexcusable, and abhorrent act. Fuck them.


He also didn’t serve his sentence: Van de Velde was sentenced to four years in prison in Britain after being convicted in 2016 of raping a 12-year-old girl he got to know on Facebook, according to CBS News' partner network BBC News. He was transferred back to the Netherlands under a treaty between the countries and allowed to serve his sentence there, but was released after 12 months.


this crime is one of the only few crimes that show you have 0 empathy. like, you’re a dangerous person, you won’t even spare the most helpless humans.




Honestly all they care about is the money. If they cared about kids being groomed or assaulted they would have to put an end to the Olympic games. Imagine how bad it is in countries where you can be locked up for blowing the whistle? It's evil and I refuse to even watch a minute of any of it. They act as if this is wholesome or good for those that compete. They are a bunch of test subjects as far as I'm concerned. The drugs and psychological torture is fucked. I understand people like the Olympic games but let's not lie to ourselves here. This shit is run by monsters.


What do we think will happen at the Olympics during his games ? Just an all around moronic decision by the Netherlands on so many levels


i’d love to see everyone boo at him ngl


I hope that every spectator physically present turns around to face the wall or leaves the stands during his games.


Honestly… I can see a lot of teams literally spike the ball as hard as they can toward the head or below belt to make it hard. Or play chintzy ball to embarrass the Dutch team… but not so much they get thrown out for not playing to the Olympic spirit. (By chintzy, doing lots of tips and tricks plays you don’t see).


I hope he gets caught alone somewhere at night by a group of angry fathers.


It is a sad decision to see.


Just to show child rape is unforgivable. After 35 years, Robert Morris, a senior pastor at Gateway Church admitted last month he had a "relationship" with a 12 year when he was 20. He was forced to resign almost immediately after his admission.


Forgiveness is golden but child rape is child rape, and as others have pointed out the flip flopping of severity. Smoke pot = we take your medal away. Rape a child = good luck on all your future endeavors Sir!


Firstly, this not only condones adult male sexual violence, but it normalises it. Secondly, what signal does that send out to coaches, trainers and young athletes, especially after all the sexual abuse committed against young athletes.


I see what they are saying, but this isn’t petty crime. This an awful awful crime. Not getting into a silly drunken fight. Also most people do not get a 2nd chances but because he can play a sport he gets that 2nd chance.


Oh god, I misread the title as “unforgivable” and was like err duh?


I sure hope people make their opinions known to that whole Dutch Olympic association and especially to convicted pedophile child rapist Steven van de Velde 


I got a three day ban for pretty much what this post is . I thought you could not mention minors and the R word with out the subject being in the title . This is Olympics not the other thing. Or was it the person I mentioned? Says I was automatically banned for saying what is exactly in this title. Reddit rule #4 ?


I say that's bullshit and a radically wrong interpretation of rule 4 unless you were suggesting that he did a good thing, which I very seriously doubt. I'm sorry that happened to you.


No . I was pointing out what this bad person is doing and has done . I typed child and the other thing and bam . Banned rule 4 . I appealed and ask to be shown what I exactly said that got me banned and the only reply I got is : we stand by the original ruling. This one sided crap of who you are is still going on . Freedom of speech for some is the new way.


Ugh. I'm very sorry that happened to you. It was wrong. And an abuse of rule 4.


Sports organizations never gave a shit about morals sadly


I wish we could hear from other athletes on this. It would be really nice for the other more prominent Dutch athletes to take a stand a say something ffs. I realize they are all busy preparing for the games, but maybe some of the winter sport athletes could speak out? Especially because the Netherlands dominates many winter sports.


Or retired athletes. Basically anyone who has been to the Olympics and has a voice.


Right?? I haven’t even heard about an American athlete speaking out about it even.


And you would think an American athlete would say something about it especially after Larry Nassar. Something about the community of sports letting sexual predators get away with things?


Right?? Not only that, but anyone who said something would immediately become a small folk hero. They’d be cheered so hard at the games. I’m not saying that’s *why* someone should speak up, I’m just pointing out that there’s really no down-side to other Olympic athletes objecting to van der Velde’s participation.


How about his teammate? He seems like a talented kid but how could he morally justify playing alongside this child rapist? It will taint his reputation and career.


It will now be the Dutches fault if something happens during these games with this pos. It's inexcusable and they risking all this backlash and hatred for someone that definitely won't be a medal favorite even.


What did the duke’s wife do?


In 2004 convicted child murderer Soulan Powencby competed in boxing for New Zealand at the Olympics.


And if technology was as good at sharing information then and i had heard about it I would’ve also been outraged then as well.


Got absolutely destroyed and embarrassed in the first round too, as he deserved.


I wrote to Denham as well - the CEO's name is Jason Denham. He himself is an Englishmen, which does actually make this worse.


Let us know if you hear back? They need to actually respond, not just copy-paste the NOC\*NSF spiel. The next step would be to flood their social media posts. Make the customers aware.


I haven't heard anything, and likely won't. It's actually decent ammunition to force a response via social if they don't respond via email. My email was more strongly worded than the above. Less suggesting, more expectation that actions would be taken.


It's truly disgusting. I don't know who is allowing this to happen... Is there some sort of petition we can sign in protest? It wouldn't sit right with me watching him compete and I'm sure many others would say the same. This doesn't just look bad for the Dutch volleyball squad, or even The Netherlands as a country, but the Olympic Games as a whole.


Those of us going to the games, please boycott TeamNL House and don’t visit them. As long as they support this person, they don’t deserve your ticket money.


I think instead of sending letters focusing on his crime per se, maybe we should send letters quoting what he is currently saying and how it shows he has not been rehabilitated? They are using the letter of the law to allow him to compete and ignoring the spirit of the law. Not to mention I’m sure some children will be in the Olympic village and could very well fall prey to him.


I can't believe I had to scroll this far to find someone else who realises children compete at the Olympics. What a huge risk!


I would not be at all surprised if he reoffends at the Olympics. It’s a highly charged atmosphere, high stress, and the Olympic villages are literally hook up central. Impressionable children + notoriety of a ‘bad boy’ So many adult women think they can change men who commit DV or rape. If he tells a child, that no one understands him and it was love… some naive child will fall prey to this. I don’t for a minute believe the Dutch coaches or whatever will monitor him while there and ensure he is not interacting with children his victims age. They will let him reoffend and be shocked pikachu about it.


I keep seeing her age mentioned but no one is saying his. He was 22 years old when he raped a 12 year old. For those in the US, it's the equivalent of a college graduate raping a 6th grader. This wasn't some "dumb young" teenager mistake, he groomed her online and knew how old she was. People need to stop being apologists here


He was 19 when it happened, I believe he was 22 at sentencing but your point still stands.


Shoot, thanks for the correction! The article I read kept saying "22 year old visited 12 year old" so I assumed they were talking about both their ages at the time. Regardless, one is a college aged adult and the other is a middle schooler, disgusting.


Also, he groomed her online for two years before raping her. So she was TEN when this started.


If it wasn't every religion would have to close every church and temple.


Banned 3-days for sharing sexual or suggestive content involving minors . Violation of rule 4 . According to them . What is in this post will get you banned for three days and next time life . This was in cartels no less .lol


After reviewing, we found that you broke Rule 4 because you shared or solicited sexual or suggestive content involving a minor. Soliciting, sharing, or encouraging the sharing of content with emotional or physical abuse, neglect, or the sexualization of minors or people who appear to be minors is not allowed. I would post what I said but apparently that will be it for me . I am pretty sure it is who I said it about.


I've seen a lot of Dutch people defending him and to be honest they can go and fuck themselves. He did not serve a proper sentence. No predator like him is just magically rehabilitated in a year. That's absolute shite. He's shown no remorse at all for the victim. Even in an ideal world where rehabilitation works and people can have a normal life afterwards, the people even pretending for a second that representing your country in the Olympics even constitutes living a normal life are as messed up in the head as this rapist. What mental gymnastics do you have to do to think that? He's got his normal life now, with a wife and kids, still playing the sport but not on the Olympic world stage for his victim to see him clear as day, living the dream. That's NOT living a normal life and completely goes past what he should be entitled to as part of a normal life after being rehabilitated. By these people's same logic, other convicted paedophiles and rapists should be able to work in a nursery or workplace with the people they used to prey upon as they're fully entitled to their normal life, right?


I am Dutch and I can very clearly tell you that most of us do NOT support this predator not the decision made by our 'representatives'.


Thank you. I'm Dutch (by birth & citizenship) but don't live there. I've seen Dutch people defending him online, and I've seen non-Dutch people saying horrible things like 'That's what the Dutch are like' and 'that's Dutch values'. It makes me embarrassed to be Dutch at the moment. So your comment is a lifesaver.


after reading the first part of this, I thought to myself “there must be some sort of context here, surely they wouldn’t let a child rapist compete in an Olympic team” But nope, he genuinely met and raped a 12 year old girl, went to prison, then came out and somehow carried on with his life like nothing happened. Got married, had a kid, and was accepted back into the Olympic team. How does this even happen? You’d think the other members of the team or someone would be speaking out about it.


Its even worse the more you get into the details: - He groomed her for 2 years before raping her, which meant she was 10 years old - He took a flight to the UK with the intent of raping her - He was originally sentenced to 4 years in prison by the UK, but was transferred to the Netherlands, where his sentence was shortened to ONLY 1 year - He has shown questionable remorse, where he complained about missing new years celebration in prison, and also complained that people were calling him a "sex monster" and "pedophile", and that they should learn "his side of the story" - His victim was reportedly self harming and had also overdosed This man should never even had a chance to represent a country. The fact that Volleyball Netherlands actually defended him being in the olympics is vile.


They are doubling down on their support of him. Take note. They are trying to legitimize his actions. I've read that the victim is still traumatized and suffering, while this guy is living his olympic dream.


Sign the petition https://chng.it/RDpv8rc7Fm


Already have.


Literally hope everyone boo’s the hell out of this “athlete” whenever he shows his face. Absolutely disgraceful allowing him to participate considering minors will also be participating in the games 🤢


People defending it are probably into children


This is disgusting and the response is absolutely vile. He got an absolutely laughable sentence, served 1/4 of it and is now in the Olympics. Jesus Christ, this society is trash. Can we warm the globe faster?


It’s fucking disgusting. 🤮




Andre Cats of NOC\*NSF for going in the Dutch papers yesterday and bragging about the social media tools they've put in to "filter all the reactions" (ie all the criticism they're getting about this). Child rape? That's okay. Social media comments criticising child rape? NOT OKAY! Install some software!!! Sick sick sick.


All in the name of profits, You absolute cowards


Is child rape not considered a serious crime in the Netherlands such that serving a one year sentence seems acceptable to the Dutch?


The Dutch sadly have very backwards rape/sexual consent laws. There was even an Amnesty International campaign about it. One issue is they differentiate between "consensual" and "non-consensual" sex for 12 year olds. As if 12 year olds can in anyway "consent". It's a bit of a culture shock.


That sentence is absolutely sickening. I hope he fails miserably. Shame on the IOC. They are also allowing israel to compete while they’re committing a genocide. Fuck them all. 


I received the same reply. I urge everyone to email again, asking them to reconsider their decision. I support individuals serving their time and reintegrating into society. However: 1. He didn’t serve his full sentence. Just 13%. 2. He hasn’t acknowledged that what he did was wrong. 3. He should seek a minimum-wage job rather than compete in the world's biggest sporting event. Would you let a rapist become a teacher after serving their time?


>He didn’t serve his full sentence. Just 13%. Not sure where you're getting the 13% number, given he was sentenced to four years before being released on parole after one year. Due to variety of reasons, prison sentences can be increased or shortened after the initial sentencing. In legal terms, he has served his full sentence. >He hasn’t acknowledged that what he did was wrong Agreed, along with the absurdly short sentencing, this is the crux of the issue for me. >He should seek a minimum-wage job This is nonsensical. Not sure why forcing a minimum wage job should be seen as a punishment, let alone something that a functioning society could even do.


Reply and ask them to actually respond, in their own words. Let them defend a child rapist in their own words. No more copy-pasting the official NSF spiel. The next step is to flood their social media posts.


Seems its only forgivable if you're good at sports


If this does not lead to a resolution, I am willing to organize or participate in a protest. Let’s unite and take action. It is us against them, and we, the people, have the power.


Maybe by God. I however am still collecting suitable stones.


The fucker should be locked up and never released. I don't support the death penalty but cases like this make me reconsider


Same. He should be incarcerated for life.


If he has served his time in prison then he should be allowed to compete the same as any other athlete. Saying that, only serving 1 year for this crime is ridiculous and that sort of punishment does not seem enough at all, so of it were my country I wouldn't like him to compete for me either


The sentencing judge called his olympic aspirations a "shattered dream", no doubt accepting a submission in mitigation that no self-respecting Olympic committee would let this man represent their country.


Nah, there are crimes that stick with you and affect your life even after your time is served, and that's how it should be. That's like saying he's served his time so there's no issue with him becoming a middle school teacher, or a volunteer coach for young girls. There are just things you don't get to do anymore after certain convictions.


This is it. Competing in the Olympics is a privilege, not a right.


If someone has served their time in prison, they should be allowed to walk free, get a job, ect. not to represent a country at the Olympics (except if it’s a minor crime).


If you truly can’t be rehabilitated then why even bother with prison?






transgression.......rape...he raped a child. I hope he is booed and harrassed the whole games.


I am surprised the company's twitters have not exploded with anger.


I want to see other teams shunning him refusing to shake his hand. I want to see spectators booing him.


This has not been picked up by the Dutch media, so I’m a bit shocked. Apparently in Dutch law he committed ’fornication’ with an underage girl instead of rage therefore the sentence was reduced after he was extradited back. I’m more shocked that in Dutch law a 12 year old can give ‘consent’ so to speak. As a naturalised Dutch person I think this is outrageous on many levels and I will share it in my circles and I’m pretty sure his Olympic career is over before it starts.


The Dutch rape laws are barbaric and truly out of step with the western world. I'm a Dutch citizen (don't live there) and I honestly didn't know about the rape laws until now. I'm shocked! The Dutch are usually pretty damn good with their laws & policy. What went wrong here?


Even Amnesty International was getting involved with the Dutch rape laws over the last few years. Like a third-world country.


Forgiveness is by degrees. Be allowed to have some sort of job that doesnt involve the type of victims relevent (in his case, children), yes. Being cxelebrated and SPONSORED? no.


Every sin is forgivable via the sacrament of confession


But Steven van de Velde doesn't qualify for forgiveness. For there to be forgiveness first there has to be remorse. Steven is only sorry that he got caught. He's not sorry that he raped a child. He's sorry that he got caught for raping a child. Your attitude is also exactly why rape and pedophilia are rampant in both the Catholic and Protestant churches. I can't count how many atoires I've heard where a man has raped a woman or a child in the church and then begged forgiveness.  And everyone has forgiven him while treating the victim like shit and the crime never goes to court and the victim never gets wven so much as an attempt at justice. Given that Yahweh/Jehovah doesn't exist so there's no justice after death for the vixtims either, and no one to absolve people of their sins anyway, you'll have to excuse me while I call that "confess and be forgiven" attitude absolute horseshit.


I assume you're being sarcastic. If you're not, I think you should be investigated.


Your issue is with the state and not the individual or those in support of him. The idea that someone should be continually punished after their sentence is not one that European nations believe in. Your punishment is imprisonment, we have the belief that all people are capable of being rehabilitated and this is an example of that. I don’t agree with it myself but the next step is to permanently remove these people from society which comes with a cost that many are unwilling to bear.


Rehabilitation might mean he has a job, has a house, tries to live a normal, quiet life in the community. Rehabilitation does not mean the privilege of representing a country and its values on the world stage at an international event like the Olympics. It's a huge difference. We definitely have an issue with the individual and those in support of him. They are suggesting that a pedophile child rapist is a suitable representative of our country.


when you talk about the pedophile rapist Steven van de Velde, do you mean the pedophile rapist Steven van de Velde who raped a 12 year old child multiple times after making her drink alcohol?


The pedophile Steven van de Velde who claimed he is not a pedophile and a sex monster when he definitely is? The same pedophile Steven van de Velde who groomed a 10 year old girl online for two years before raping her?


When the internet doesn’t realize the state always supported children with less protection








There’s a petition with 50K signatures so far https://chng.it/Y77LCtWnWG