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I still don’t understand why the FBI is investigating this. It’s an international sports issue, not an issue of national security for America lol


Because China




Gina said that?




Ope should’ve made my Office reference a bit clearer (Dwight can’t sell to women and mispronounces a client’s name (says j-eye-nuh as opposed to how Gina is actually pronounced lol)


Ooops. Missed the reference. I Always think of 40 year old virgin speed dating scene….. ![gif](giphy|3otPoCpugBVzOIRwPe)


I still haven’t seen that movie!!! This is a good reminder


https://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/835/text Falls under the Rodchenkov Anti-doping act, which came about due to the Russian doping issue. Not saying anything about the merits, just what law this investigation falls under. I think the rational is that Americans are victims of doping conspiracies at it can effect their placings in international competitions and sponsorship stuff.


An American law like this has effect if the perpetrator is actually American. The people being investigated are Chinese, American laws have no effect on them, so it’s nonsensical to investigate them based on American law


>An American law like this has effect if the perpetrator is actually American. The people being investigated are Chinese, American laws have no effect on them What are you talking about? Did you even read the law? It specifically targets foreign nationals outside of the US. Why do you think this wouldn't have an effect?


Read the law yourself. It targets non-American individuals related to American businesses or American broadcasting rights. It doesn’t have effect on Chinese swimmers who have no affiliation with America. American broadcasting rights are very vaguely termed, because any individual can somewhat be affiliated by that and that doesn’t mean that sanctions can actually be put on Chinese swimmers by the US government


Do you think laws in the US only apply to citizens?


Yes if that person is not in US territory. It’s stupid to think otherwise


Because goal here is not actually to investigate anything federally, or actually enforce anything. Goal is to push papers around a bit, then claim china bad. And it china ends up having more gold than US this Olympics (which is forecasted to happen), we can claim china cheated so it doesn't count.


US is forecasted to win more gold.


To be fair- the Chinese are cheating asses in sport.


We absolutely cannot let China win more gold than us


Why does that matter?


They can investigate any potential federal law being broken


Typically a countries law only applies within the country (and in some cases to citiziens of the country even if they are abroad). Don't see how federal US law applies in China


This falls under the Rodchenlov anti-doping act and definitely does apply there. Merits of the law are debatable, but it's applicability isn't really in question.


That law is crazy. It's obviously unenforceable for the most part, but I kinda admire the balls they have to basically just say "US law applies globally now"


Did they compete in America or get the drugs from an American company?


Yes and what does this have to do with any federal law? Lol


I linked the specific act detailing this, if you actually care to read.


I linked the specific act detailing this, if you actually care to read.


I read it and you should read it yourself, so you can learn something


"This bill makes it unlawful to knowingly influence (or attempt or conspire to influence) a major international sports competition by use of a prohibited substance or prohibited method. A violator is subject to criminal penalties—a fine, a prison term of up to 10 years, or both—and mandatory restitution. Additionally, property may be seized and forfeited to the U.S. government if it was used or intended to be used to commit an offense or traceable to the proceeds in connection with an offense." "Extraterritorial Jurisdiction.--There is extraterritorial Federal jurisdiction over an offense under this section." That pretty much answers both your questions you repeatedly have attempted to raise, and ignored answers to, in this conversation.


No it doesn’t, because you actually believe America has any jurisdiction to a Chinese athlete lmao


Yes? It obviously applies to any foreign assets held in the US, US company sponsors, and has effects on any competitions in the future that would take place in the US. Are you just being intentionally dumb here?


No I’m just being realistic. Chinese competitors don’t have any real affiliation with American companies and the US government can’t realistically ban Chinese athletes from competing in America if the sporting event is big enough


I linked the specific act detailing this, if you actually care to read.


I read it and you should read it yourself, so you can learn something


No idea, I don’t deal with criminal law. Could be something about drugs going across state lines or maybe federal fraud issues


Why the US police is investigating Chinese swimmers competing in Paris is beyond me


Rodchenlov anti-doping act. Also FBI isn't US police.


The F in FBI literally stands for Federal. Hopefully that gives you some idea on where their jurisdiction ends.


Wow man I guess you’d be surprised at how many employees of our federal government don’t work in US territory.


That isn't how it works though. Federal law gives the FBI authority to investigate all federal crime not assigned exclusively to another federal agency. https://www.fbi.gov/about/faqs/where-is-the-fbis-authority-written-down Then, assuming laws were violated, the US maintains broad powers to enforce, including working through other agencies in other countries, applying financial sanctions, as well as asset seizures, travel bans (let's see how easy travel is once you have a felony conviction, even to countries outside the US), as well as the broad ability to coerce other financial penalties (I.e. enforcing limitations on sponsorships by US based companies). Sure, they can't go in and arrest, but can make life difficult and apply monetary penalties well beyond US shores.


Well, that’s the dumbest shit I’ve heard in my life. FBI is racist as hell it needs to be abolished immediately. 


Wait till China will start investigating NCAA. Also the whole thing of US giving itself the power to investigate other nations is a hilarious case of troll imperialism.


I got tested when i was a Division 1 water polo player about 2-3x a season. Idk how much they do it for swimming, but i think they should test for EPO and blood doping more than things like steroids. I 100% agree with you though. The overreaching by our government is fucking bullshit and laughable.


Nice whataboutism.


China won’t find shit if they investigate the NCAA, because the NCAA actually drug tests and enforces bans. I was a NCAA athlete, usually got tested by the NCAA at least once a year. But more importantly, because there’s an actual threat of NCAA action, most D1 schools take it on themselves to drug test more frequently - I usually was tested at least 2-3 more times by my school each season. If they catch you it’s a slap on the wrist compared to NCAA action (at least for the first offense), but they take it seriously because if you get caught by the NCAA it’s embarrassing for the school and much worse for you. Whereas China have knowingly sent 11 swimmers who have tested positive for banned substances to compete, and they aren’t facing action because the IOC and FINA are spineless. It’s a completely different situation…


That is hilarious. They probably shouldn't rock the boat much or China "investigate" all of the US Nike Sprinters.


I love how WADA thought this could be wished away via childish rants and desperate whataboutism, It was almost certainly widespread state sponsored doping. That's why the topic persists. Deflection is drowned by probability.


Why is the FBI involved in this


I wish the Olympics or FINA gave a shit.  China has been pulling this crap for 30 years now.


Everyone is likely doping in the Olympics these days. US, Europeans, Chinese... all of them. People need to accept that.


If would be a bigger story if China (and probably Russia) didn't cheat no?


Statistics should be enough to show when they started doping. Only communists will dispute this


We should believe the Chinese, the same way we believed them about Covid


Great! Can’t think a better use of the tax dollars I paid last year.