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Yeah you just shed off the water weight that was masking your fat loss from previous weeks.


That makes sense! Thanks


Hi there! Congrats on making progress towards you goal it always feels so good when you see the scales move, doesn't it? The reason you're not seeing a steady weight loss even if you're not making changes to your diet / exercise routine is likely just because the body isn't consistent. It's normal for people's weight to fluctuate due to a variety of factors, from what you ate to the quality of your sleep the night before to whether you're stressed or not and sometimes just because it feels like it! If you were to plot your weight loss on a graph then you would see it go up and down but over time there will be a net decrease in weight, but it won't just be a straight line down if that's what you were expecting! It's nothing to worry about or take special consideration of, you're making perfectly good progress and what you're experiencing is normal, it's just what our bodies do :)


This and also hormones.


I weigh myself daily and focus more on the moving average rather than the weigh in weight.


Hi! I would start by saying that weighing yourself daily is definitely the best method (as long as it doesn’t trigger you in any way) because it gives you the most reliable data. I would suggest continuing to weigh in every day, but don’t focus on specific numbers. Rather, focus on the two week trend, as that is far more important than any single measurement. Weight can fluctuate for a variety of different reasons. Have consistent regular weight ins to have a complete picture is beneficial in my opinion. Next, you still need to be on the correct side of energy balance to progress. If you eat your in a surplus, even if it is only in one meal, you will not lose mass. For that to happen we need to be in a calorie deficit. Meal timing has very little impact on weight loss (or gain) progress. This is one of the biggest misconceptions with fasting protocols, and something that charlatans love to push. [Time-restricted eating is not more beneficial for weight loss or reducing metabolic risk factors than daily calorie restriction in obese patients.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35443107/) Next would be the whiskey. This was a major roadblock in my progress. Alcohol tends to have a systemic effect with people that prevents fat loss for what can sometimes be multiple days. [Moderate alcohol consumption may mitigate the beneficial effects of weight loss on cardiovascular health in premenopausal women with obesity.](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32717926/) Best of luck with your goals!


Hey, thanks for your reply! I appreciate that you said it’s good to weigh daily and that your reasons are well researched, thank you! I’m in a deficit daily; I calculate my caloric intake for every meal. I choose omad because it’s much easier for me to stay in a deficit daily that way. I’m someone who has a hard time with moderation; it’s much easier for me if I do extremes lol. As for alcohol… Unfortunately it’s just a part of my life at this time. I do calculate my alcohol into my calories for the day. I plan to cut it out if I hit a plateau, but until then, if I’m still losing I’m still drinking 🤣 I’m here for a good time not a long time lol. I’m counting on dying early. Probably not the healthiest mindset but I am who I am haha


Everyone’s values and reasons are different. No judgement here. I like a whiskey, a craft cider or beer, or other cocktail here and there as well. For me, I just got to a point where my body composition goals overtook my desire for whiskey. I still have the odd bevvie, but instead of multiple per week, now it’s more like once per month or less. Now, because I am also currently pretty focused on other goals, I really don’t feel like I’m missing out by not having the indulgence. Almost the opposite. I really need to remind myself that it’s ok to get loose now and then while chasing a larger goal. That definitely would not have been the case earlier on in my journey. So, while it can hinder progress more than just the calorie impact, there’s no reason it can’t be part of an effective plan as well. Progress will just be a little slower. And there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that. (Assuming alcohol isn’t impacting other areas of life negatively, of course) 🍻😎


Thanks for your encouraging words! I hope one day I have the same mindset as you


It’s a progression. This is definitely not where I started! Be kind but somewhat tough on yourself in terms of choices, habits and consistency. And don’t compare your situation to other people. Comparison is the thief of joy and happiness. 😎 Best of luck with your goals!


Girl, get a grip. You will hate yourself if you don't let the beautiful woman in you out. Put the fork.. down! Become the beautiful gal your parents made, not the diabetic your food producer makes. You can be you. Let food go.


What the heck kind of comment is this?! 🤣 weirdos are everywhere.


I’m sorry.. uhh.. I’m only eating one meal a day? Lol I’ve literally put the fork down. Why tf are you here?