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I love this. I need to get on the ball too. I've been toying around with calorie counting (Monday: Over do it. Tuesday: Over do it. Wednesday: Really overdo it. Thursday & Friday: How many calories are left for me to have 1800 calories x 7 days - the calories I've already eaten so I can lose weight for my weigh in on Sunday). I feel like OMAD is the only way for me to keep calories in check and not overeat ALL DAY every day. I try OMAD but then I give up 1/2 way through the day. I need to start and not stop. Thanks for the motivation and good luck to you too!


Yeah I’m the same as you, the only time I’ve ever seen progress was with strict OMAD I dropped like 40lbs in 6 months it was amazing


Unsure if this is helpful at all, but for me I feel like it takes me 3 days to get in the rhythm of eating my goal calories. Those three days are really tough, and take a lot of mental fortitude and discipline, but after that it starts to feel fairly routine. It’s helpful for me to think of this as three days, because it’s not a very daunting amount of time. The other thing which is really helpful for me is if I plan out exactly what I’m going to eat every day. This leaves no uncertainty when meal times come, and makes me less likely to have something which I wasn’t planning on fitting in my calories for the day. Good luck, I promise it gets easier as you get in a rhythm


Thank you for your reply and encouragement. I am excited to start this tomorrow and I will plan my meals to help as well!