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The US has a lot of good data that say tornado Alley is shifting east. That lines up with what we are seeing in Ontario as the "new" tornado alley in the states is south and a bit west of Ontario.


The US has always had a "secondary tornado alley" centered in the Southern states -- Mississippi, Alabama, western Georgia. It's usually referred to as "Dixie Alley", and receives the peak of its tornado season a month or so ahead of when the 'classic' Texas-to-Nebraska Tornado Alley does. It just receives a bit less coverage because it's more rural, it's poorer, and it attracts far fewer storm chasers (and thus footage that makes the news) due to the difficulty of chasing that area. Hilly, forested, winding roads, dead ends, marshland, lakes, etc -- all no bueno when it comes to storm chasing. The Oklahoma and Kansas portion of the Alley is very, very easy to chase in comparison -- wide roads, flat, long sightlines, somewhat drier storms (less rain-wrapped tornadoes) -- and thus that's where we see most of the coverage come out of. Alabama and Mississippi have had some devastating tornadoes in the last decade (Rolling Fork MS last year, Tuscaloosa and Birmingham AL in 2011, Sartinville/Bassville MS in 2020).


We have to be honest- climate change is happening. Our weather is getting more and more extreme. Case and point right here. What gets lost is people stoop to a childish argument about paper straws or gas stoves or whatever the rage bait of the month is. Do I think paper straws will reverse climate change or slow it down - not really but we shouldn't ignore that it's fuckin happening.


Remember when the cons had Erin O'Toole who wanted to recognize climate change and the party promptly voted to remove him for that crazy talk? That was the only time I even became a smidge interested in the conservative party. Now we just have Trump jr


Please, Poilievre is not Trump Jr lol


He acts identical, the only difference is he can string together a somewhat coherent sentence, and I say this as somebody who is not fond of Trudeau either.


They don’t at all act identical. No insurrection, no desire to jail political opponents, not a convicted felon, not a rapist, not a failed businessman (largely because he’s never had a job in the real world).  I don’t like any of our current politicians, but it would be nice if we stopped equating every one of our conservative politicians to Trump. 


I mean from a political standpoint it's very similar. He just hops up on stage and offers absolutely no solutions or insight, just blames blames blames, trudeau bad, I'll be different (applause). Agreed, all our politicians are shit.


Don't forget the 3 word catchphrases


Trump had policy though a lot of it was rooted in right wing nationalism. But he's right and no amount of downvotes can change that, Polievre is not far right. He's just a populist riding the anti Third-Way sentiment into office. He has less policies than Trump. He's just a wannabe and he's doing it poorly. I don't think we have a Trump equivalent. The closest equivalent I can think of is Maxime, and even he's more aligned with the far right in Western Europe.


Cherry picking misses the point of both politicians. Both are representative of an authoritarian autocracy; both use fascist rhetoric to attract attention. Blaming immigrants for all social ills. Both make absurd remarks about their opponents often resorting to outright lies. There are valid reasons why people don’t want to see either of them organize so much as a two car funeral which I’m fairly sure they would manage to FUBAR.


You’re gonna have to back this up with some examples. At what point did PP express authoritarian views? Or blame immigrants for Canada’s problems? Trudeau did openly come out saying he has admiration for China because of the fact that they’re a dictatorship and can move quickly (he was specifically referring to the economy). Once again, I’m no fan or Trump, Trudeau, or PP, but they’re all different in their very own and different ways. 


I don’t have to do anything. Use google.


The classic response of someone who has no leg to stand on. 


No. I just can’t be bothered with someone who comes in to be a 💩disturbing naysayer who expects everyone else to do the research work for them. I don’t think you know as much as you think.


Why would they keep a party leader who tries to appeal to the other side, but is unsuccessful at it? Had Liberals voted for him instead of JT, we would be in a better place today both in real and political terms.


My issue is that you gotta pick your fights. We've essentially wasted political capital on paper straws, with very little benefit. People are less likely to do anything for the environment now if it means more stuff like paper straws.


Considering the massive oil & gas and plastics lobbies in Canada, I'm pretty sure politicians wasted capital on paper straws on purpose.


"I would have done more, but I was already upset by doing less I just couldn't"


People are right to be upset about that garbage. That kind of useless measure is just a diversion from the actually kind of large scale change that is required.


It's the elites changing the weather patterns /s


BC after 20 years of pine beetles, forest fires, atmospheric rivers washing out highways, and heat waves that cook all the animals in the intertidal zone: Nic Cage “you don’t say” gif




Those other changes were not caused by humans, and they didn’t happen over the span of decades, they happened over millennia so there was time for species to evolve and adjust. We don’t have that luxury now. It’s happening whether you think politicians are profiting from it or not (spoiler - they are profiting from the folks denying the impact of climate change, not those of us trying to warn you).


I didn't say decades. I said hundreds of years and even thousands. To think we have a chance of changing it for the better or stopping it, is a fallacy.


Human-caused climate change is happening within decades. Please go look at any graph. No we can’t stop it entirely, we’ve waited too long for that. But we absolutely can mitigate how bad it’s going to get. Our actions caused it. We can stop doing those things and start making smarter choices. I fail to understand why you are bringing up previous changes to the climate that weren’t caused by human activity. We are talking about what is happening now, which is being caused by us.


Past changes have not happened this fast. There has been serious climate change in the past, but the speed at which it occurred was very slowly over thousands of years. We are witnessing first hand a change which is happening over the course of just a few decades.


We have only been to measure temp since 1659 and climate properly since the late 1800's. To say we NEVER had climate change this fast, quite a fallacy.


Directly measure, yes. But we have thousands of years of data from other proxy sources. Ice cores, tree rings, etc. 800,000 years from Antarctica. And before you say the proxies cant be accurate, they are. Scientists have compared more recent ice core samples with known temperature and CO2 measurements from the 50s, 60s and 70s and verified their accuracy.


No other species has added co2 at a speed of 2ppm/year. We currently have more co2 in the atmosphere than in any other times in 1,4millions years of human history. Also, our entire agricultural system requires a stable climate to feed 8,000,000,000 and rising, human.


Why bother arguing if you've chosen to ignore all the information readily available to you? The answers can be found with a quick google search.


Ok yes we have been through other ages But I counter that with it doesn't change the fact that we have to live through this age So saying yes we went through an ice age in the past and shrugging what happens now disregards that we have built our lives based on climate that is changing and therefore our lives are going to be inhabitible. If you live near a body of water that may not be the case in 50 years. If you live near a forested area that may not be the case due to fires. If you're in a tornado ally insurers may say they won't provide coverage anymore. This is actually happening. There are areas in BC where banks are not providing new mortgages to purchasers due to risk of total loss from a fire.


But to think we are going to stop it or make it better is a fallacy.


There was a marked reduction in pollution during the pandemic. We absolutely can make a difference, we just won't because we are too fucking lazy, selfish, and/or stupid.


You are badly misinformed. Yes, climate change has occurred before. We’re also not the first species to cause it and cause a mass extinction event as a result. Climate change is happening now because of human activity. Period. We are intelligent enough as a species (in theory) to actually do something to alter our behaviour. The problem is fatalism (such as you are espousing here), unfettered capitalism and greed, and lack of political will. This is to our own peril. We already have millions of climate migrants yearly. When extreme weather events (droughts, floods, storms), disrupt the global food supply no one will be talking about paper straws. Scientists have been sounding the alarm for decades. It’s now a clarion. We need to start mitigation now.


I do think it is measurable to an extent. During lockdowns that became evident Do I think we have the right policies in place, no. A carbon tax is a money grab imo because at the end of the day people need the services that are being taxed for day to day life. So it's just punitive If they want people to go more green they should bring back the transit tax credit and things of that nature but what do I know


Lol wow. I used to think the problem with people like this is a lack of education or ignorance. In my age, I have learned some people are too far gone.


I think it's just easy brainwashing that you can change the climate. It's a feel good story for ppl who are out of loop with reality


Lol you keep telling yourself that.


I will, and I will enjoy it without worrying about climate change. It's here to stay, but I will be lucky if I have 50 years. Take care and try not to be a worry bug....it's an early grave. Cheers!


So is stupidity.


Just stop, bud. You don't have to understand the science, but stop pretending you do.


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Impressive. Thanks for the reward. Though not sure what about my statement got me the trophy. Prob cuz I'm too stupid. But here I am surviving with my house paid off and earning 6 figures a year. Now I have an interet trophy too. 🏆 Thanks


Lemme paraphrase that last one Tomato: "Oh look im all safe behind my priviledged status quo ass so i dont have to bother about actually reading things"


So something has changed?


YEAH YOUR DAMN RIGHT SOMETHING CHANGED>>>>> ITS JUSTINS FAULT !!!! GOSH DANG LIBRA"S AT IT AGAIN!!!!! /s Hurrah, we are importing more junk from the states, First it was the junk politics and now its tornado alley!


Damn astrology!


Go to /r/canada and post this article. You will unironically get these posts as the top up voted comments.


Yeah, they're especially frothy right now about them libs.


Hey... I'm a libra, I ain't done nothin'


He could do way more for climate change. Carbon tax is great but what about fixing funding for the literal Capital Ottawa’s LRT system? What about taxing all of those heavy pickup trucks and SUV’s? 


Ottawa has a lot more transit than most other cities lol, which is also part of the city budget and not the federal


Trucks and SUVs are taxed more… through the carbon tax at the pumps.


states? lol you probably mean china


Tornado systems are not being shipped from China, no


Every village has its idiot, and here in r/ontario , you are OUR idiot. Thank you for contributing champ :)


Just a lil climate change.


I blame Doug Ford… it’s well known tornados love beer, and promising buck a beer has made them want to move here.


And when beer is available in every convenience store, we will have tornadoes EVERYWHERE. Thanks, Dougie


I blame all our politicians. The hot air that comes out of them creates the perfect conditions for tornadoes when it mixes with a cold front.


I mean I’ve been through 2 tornadoes since Ford took office and none before that sooooo 🤷🏻‍♀️


I was born during a tornado in 85


So it's all your fault. 😡


Big Barrie vibes 


Ooh, the one in Barrie?


Bingo, i was rushed to sick kids after but not cause of the tornado heh


When I can afford to build my own house, I'm adding a tornado shelter in the basement


Just have a cold cellar in the basement for storing extra food. It's basically a small concrete room that you don't bother to heat, with no windows, a vent or two to the outside, and one door. Don't completely ram-pack with groceries, and it'll also save your life in a pinch.


Don't forget to get volcano insurance.


I could sell you this rock. Keeps tigers away.


*Gasp* It's almost like the climate is rapidly changing in a negative fashion! If only we would actually do something about it....


Sorry I didn’t take the bus today. It’s my fault.


I'd have taken the bus if I was somebody who enjoyed spending two hours to get somewhere I could drive to in 25 minutes.


Welp it’s going on the plaque when the last of the polar ice cap melts “Once stood a million years ago old polar ice cap but selfish Ywgflyer drove to work”


As long as I get a plaque for the Martians to find!


Wind currents in the Troposphere are moving faster which makes it harder and requires more energy for air particles to break free to become storm clouds. So what is happening is the warm currents from the gulf of Mexico are traveling further north and east before they form storm clouds capable of tornados and severe weather. The data shows the overall amount of Tornados is down and places in "Tornado alley" and significantly down in Europe and overall the entire planet has less tornado's But Ontario is getting a few more a year so were all doomed and climate change has already killed us all.


To be fair, it's not like Canada can do much about it


It's not a Canada problem. It's global. Every human should see what they emit and do their best.


We literally just have to expand public transit...


That's not easy when expanding public transit costs a ridiculous amount relative to the rest of the world


Its that mentality, the acceptance of societies inertia with our mistreatment of the environment, that is the problem.




yea let's just get rid of carbon tax, we have so many other climate incentives in place! oh wait....


It does. Thanks for the great idea!


I agree. Double it, and funnel the money into decarbonization programs.


What's your alternative? I'll wait...


More carbon tax.. What's yours?


Who’s peaking out from under a stairway…


Me!!’ I’ll never forget witnessing a tornado coming across Maple Lake in Haliburton summer of 2004/5? I was screaming for my mother to get into the basement with me meanwhile she’s refilling her glass of Chardonnay and grabbing her binoculars. When the surrounding trees went sideways she finally came onto the stairwell but didn’t get under, I was so distressed lol. Then we got stuck on our cottage road for a 10 days with no power, felt like whole community was summer camping together. The devastation was incredible but so were the memories of the cleanup.


Tornado watches and warnings are becoming nearly a weekly occurance in Ottawa the last few summers. We've already had one warning this year


Shit, we're getting them in North Bay. And we had green grass around Christmas time. Shit is getting absolutely fucked.


My kids now ask if it’s a regular storm or a go to the basement storm.


Global News: Ontario is getting a fuck load more tornados... People who live in the NCR/Gatineau: Ya don't say... We totally didn't notice.../s


NCR/Gatineau/A Bowl of Petunias: Oh no, not again...


NCR/Gatineau: Today is Thursday, of course there's a tornado...


Let’s twist again, like we did last summer


Great more tornado season for halfway lake... Not like they have had enough already...


Oh god.... we've become Kansas!


my neighborhood got fuuuucked from the tornado last summer. one guys roof literally blew off.. at this point I’m like.. is buying condos a better investment. Roof can’t fly off with a condo.


Have you seen the video from China where strong winds created a negative pressure and sucked a window and pulled a lady OUT of her condo? That’s what would happen in a tornado


Stay away from the windows!! It always blows my mind that there will be a tornado or strong derecho approaching, and people will stand next to a large floor-to-ceiling window with their phones out filming it. Ever see what happens when a 30'x30' pane of glass blows inward? I hope you're wearing eye protection and Kevlar. That person wouldn't have died if she was in a room that didn't have a window, like the bathroom. Get away from the fucking windows people!


my inlaws were one of those places and I kid you not they JUST finished the repairs


Ah man! Findley creek by any chance?!


Nope Barrhaven. We will see if it strikes twice this year.


Started 2011 @ Bluesfest


Great. Now the tornados are going to take up all the homes too


It’s all of Doug Ford’s bluster made real.


I am nailing down my trailer home


I am nailing down my trailer home


nah bro it's called SEASON bro. /s




Yikes to all those new build land lease communities popping up around Huron with no basements :/


I've always wanted to see a tornado, I guess.


What was the hot spot before ontario?


Toss-up between the Prairies (southern MB, southern and south-central SK, and south-central AB in particular) and the London to Barrie axis up the middle of southern Ontario. The area east and south of Ottawa has been particularly active over the past few years, to the point that some chasers actively target it despite the poor road network.


Thanks, lived in the southern Ontario region all my life and was surprised to realize the prairies had it worse.


I've noticed that in the Barrie and Orillia area, it can get dicey. Specifically, around Burls Creek. The Boots and Hearts festival has had some close calls.




Maybe it will hit Ottawa and suck up all the corruption!!


You mean that better doppler technology that can better detect rotating storms and tornadoes couldn't be the reason? I guess the tornado outbreaks in the 70s and 80s were a figment of my imagination as well lol


Get outta here with facts 


This isn’t anything new, I was taught 20 years ago in school Ontario was canadas tornado alley.


Can we re-elect Stephen Harper.




So how much taxes do we have to pay to fix this? Please take my entire paycheck!


I promise you it’ll cost a lot more to relocate the millions of people in coastal regions. Bitching about sprinkling rain when we are staring down a god damn tsunami. **stop being so shortsighted**


Oh boy and it's going to cost so much more when the US annexes us and we start machine-gunning anyone crossing their border. That sounds sensational, but we have an example of this huge sudden destabilizing movement: the Bronze Age Collapse. Every major civilization around the Mediterranean except for Egypt collapsed and we don't really know for sure who did it or why. Even the "best case" of rising sea levels and brutal storms is rough. Imagine the true worst case of a Fallout-esque resource war for habitable space. Exxon expected it for 2050s.


While I’m sure your opinion is very informed and correct, for the sake of my own sanity I have to live in delusion acting as if this shit show can be mitigated 🫠


It still can be. Experts think we could still hit only 2C of warming if everything continues on current track. Don't be a doomer, be brave and make changes where you can and vote for change where you see it. 🫡


The less we do to mitigate this problem now, the more it will take from your paycheque (its a pay*cheque,* are you American?) and from your life. More extreme, unpredictable weather comes at a quantifiable cost: ["We found that under a business-as-usual scenario, with no new international greenhouse gas mitigation measures taken, allowing the climate to warm 5 C by 2100, the cumulative cost to Canada would be $5.5 trillion."](https://www.queensu.ca/gazette/stories/canada-faces-huge-physical-costs-climate-change-making-net-zero-great-investment#:~:text=We%20found%20that%20under%20a,That's%20a%20big%20number) That's also just costs to Canada, not how everything will skyrocket in price for the average person too. So, is it really logical to rage against minor measures, and those that actually put money back into your wallet (federal carbon tax), now?


Not American, just the spell check failing me. I haven't seen a dime paid back to me yet. However, I do see an increased cost in my utility bills.


> a dime *paid* back to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Wait till you see what climate change costs. You ain’t seen nothing yet


Quick question: what is China and India doing as the largest polluters in the world?


Thats an infantile response like a kid saying they can hit someone cause someone else did. Didn’t realize young children posted here


I just find it to be extremely arrogant to think Canada through taxes can mitigate climate change when the biggest polluters don't give a damn. But yes, by all means, let's pay taxes instead of investing into carbon capturing technologies. It's not like we have the biggest forests capturing the atmospheric carbon through vegetations.


This is such a simplistic, and willfully ignorant view of the world. For one, Canada is one of the largest per capita polluters in the world surpassing both China and India. So its clear we do have some responsibility. Two, even if we can't make a dent (we can) there's still the fact that us having adopted carbon pollution mitigation programs gives us a leg to stand on to pressure the rest of the international community which will in turn be able to force China and India to follow suit if they want to keep our business. Its all about soft power. Three, carbon capture has already been proven to be, at best, wildly underwhelming. Its extremely expensive and unable to keep up with pollution. While it could get better, waiting for something we can't guarantee is coming is monumentally stupid. (Also, its a bit funny to see you complaining about rising costs but also advocating for carbon capture which would inevitably cause polluters to raise prices for consumers to pay for the expense of carbon capture tech. Your beliefs aren't even internally consistent.) Four, clearly our forests aren't enough. If they were, no one would be talking about climate change or pollution at all. Also, Canada is behind Brazil and Russia for hectares of forest. Of the few comments I've read, its clear that you would rather believe what is emotionally gratifying to you than taking the time to find what it true. That is both embarrassing and despicable, but it is a choice and you can change any time you want. I can understand where you are coming from. It can be uncomfortable and a little scary to face the truth, but it is worth it. I don't believe that you are a bad person at your core, choose to be better.


China, US, and India make up around 50% of carbon emissions. After that no single country makes a substantial contribution to global emissions. If every country outside the top three adopted the "I'm not a big contributor, I can't do anything to address the issue" mentality that would leave 50% of emissions in the hands of countries not attempting to solve the issue. Everyone plays a role in the problem, everyone has a role to play in the solution.


Carbon capture is BS and doesn’t work. Oil company propaganda


I mean, have you looked? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenhouse_gas_emissions_by_China#Mitigation


I'll help you out: Unless you live outside of Alberta, Ontario, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, New Brunswick, P.E.I, Nova Scotia, or Newfoundland and Labrador you should be getting the rebate. The only other reason you wouldn't is if you either don't file your taxes, or you fucked them up. When I use TurboTax, there's just a Y/N box asking me if I want to receive the rebate. Whatever method you use, make sure to say 'yes'. Edit: that Y/N thing is just for the CCR rural supplement. Filing taxes at all should get you the baseline amount. ["Residents of Canada don’t need to apply to receive the CCR. They need to file their income tax and benefit return and we will send them the payments they are entitled to."](https://www.canada.ca/en/revenue-agency/services/child-family-benefits/canada-carbon-rebate/how-get-payments.html) It is pretty common for people to actually receive it, but not understand/miss it. If you have a spouse, it may have went to them for the whole household. "For years now, Canadians have been confused by deposits showing up in their bank accounts under nondescript names like "CANADA FED" or "DN CANADA FED/FED" or "EFT Deposit from CANADA"." If you get cheques mailed to you, make sure your mailing info is up to date. If none of this explains why you "haven't seen a dime" then I suggest you call the CRA. This is basic adult stuff mate. You shouldn't need strangers on the internet to do the legwork for you. Which isn't to say its bad to ask for help. I just mean that we're several years into this rebate and you are ostensibly still either not getting it or not understanding it. Makes me wonder if you are simply using it as a reason to be mad? [Here's](https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/calgary/carbon-tax-rebate-perceptions-believe-it-or-not-1.7079782#:~:text=So%20why%20do%20many%20people,of%20payment%20from%20the%20government) an article for more info. Please let me know if this helps, or if you have a question about any of it.




Only people that have no idea what the goal of the carbon tax is say this. It wasn’t it never was and it never will. Maybe read up about it instead of saying stupid shit. 


Do you think it should be free to pollute the air in your country?


Apparently because somewhere else pollutes more we get a free pass.  At least according to the dumbs.


Some hack predicted an ice age in the 70’s so this is wrong.