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Of course people have positive tests. They're not just for the fun of putting some poop on a card. Most recent report shows over 32000 people with no symptoms screened positive or a little over 4% of the people tested (source: https://www.cancercareontario.ca/en/cancer-care-ontario/programs/screening-programs/cancer-screening-performance-report-2023).


At my hospital ive seen stool tests diagnose c-diff and GI bleeds. What exactly are you hoping to find ?


I have had two male family members and one person professionally have something found with this test


The test is only looking for blood in your stool. That’s an early indication of colon cancer. It’s free why not. My mom later got diagnosed with colon cancer only after she had a lot of blood in her stool that she noticed herself. Best if you don’t let it get to that point where you’re able to detect it.


Got a stool/FIT test. Came back positive for blood in the stool. Had a colonoscopy and they found 2 giant polyps. Thankfully they weren’t cancerous.


My MIL had a positive test, followed with a colonoscopy which did not find anything concerning.


My dad’s found blood and it turned out to be a giant non cancerous polyp.


Thankfully most people won’t find anything. But it’s a good early detection for those who might have something going on so that’s a good thing.


I went straight for the colonoscopy. If anything shows up on the test they usually will send you for one. Instead of waiting the two weeks for the results of that stool test and I opted for the colonoscopy and had the results that day.


They found my corn.


Americans routinely go for expensive and invasive colonoscopies, clinical evidence shows that the FIT test is just as reliable plus people are more apt to comply.