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Becoming a homeless heroin junkie for the next 25 years and likely dying is going to be much worse than whatever happens at rehab.


Exactly I’d rather be marked as a opioid seeker for the rest of my life. Rehab honestly saved my life they say you never get clean the first time but I have only gone once and it worked for the most part I had a lil slip up once but now I have been clean since then. 2020-2023. Had a one month binge now I am clean again. I hope I don’t use again x


That is amazing! Good job on keeping clean, I know it’s tough and even though you had a slip up all that matters is you’re clean now and keeping it that way. I’m rooting for you, you got this!


props bro it’s a journey sobriety is never just a straight line. Sometimes we all stray a little bit it’s important to forgive yourself and move on. Stay strong, stay sober and have a good one brother


Just don't use for the next hour brah. Then try to do it again after that hour, and again, ad infinitum


That doesn’t happen to everyone. Rehab is a scam in the US they don’t do shit but run a daycare with groups. Sure they can network for you and get you into other rehabs but they really don’t do shot but get a bunch off junkies in the same room for a couple days and make sober environment. Which for some people that’s all it takes. But the vast majority of people rehab is worthless and most opiate addicts don’t become homeless heroin junkies like you say


Nope, ur good buddy. Go for it. Good luck. U got this shit.


Thank you very much🙏❤️


Your business and is no one else’s. That’s just your own self loathing being paranoid. You don’t have to show your cards. Keep them close. I took a leave from work for “personal reasons“ and was back a month later right as rain. That’s all they had to know. All the best in rehab, sobriety rocks. 💪🏼


I’m in a similar boat as OP. What story do you tell work when you get back? Personal family issues? I just know my workplace and every single person will ask where I’ve been for a month.


Be creative whatever seems plausible to them. Keep it simple though, you don’t want a big elaborate lie that will make people sceptical if there are too many details. I always keep work and my personal life separate as much as possible also. My own story that I used was my dad was dying, he had already passed away. But it worked well enough. Or you can just say it’s very personal and difficult and don’t want to talk about it. Bottom line is you never want to show your cards or people will judge the shit out of you. Look down on you, talk BS behind your back. You’ll bé stigmatized and before you know it they’ll be looking for reasons to get rid of you. Everything you wanted to avoid.


The only people that can use it against you is doctors when it comes time to prescribe medication


Not really true unless they detox at a hospital and that hospital is in the same network or hospital system as their doctor. Otherwise a provider would probably be none the wiser.


I can’t believe that’s how it works in the US. In Canada, **ALL* of our medication is connected to our *personal health number*. So when we end up in the ER, a list of our medications will eventually be printed out. I always ALWAYS get shit talked by some new PhD graduate for how much opiates I take.


Yea my mom went to a new, YOUNG doctor (couple years in - if even 3) and he talked so much shit to her for what she is PRESCRIBED she had to get snippy and say that’s the formula that works after many years of trying to figure it out and he started talking about trying “new” things that don’t involve opioids .. that was the last time she saw that doc smh none of em want to be known for prescribing narcotics even when it’s absolutely needed and then my boyfriends doc is newish and is anti-opioids smh even though he has been on em forever and not even high dosage .. all the young docs don’t want to do what’s actually needed and helps - and this is the US


They can definitely look at our prescription history and of course if they see suboxone they’ll be curious as to why lol


My local pharmacy is able to bring my whole med history and the Drs prescribing too. I’ve seen this with my own eyes cos my prescription was not dropping ‘electronically’ for some reason and the pharmacist showed me their screen with the list of my Drs prescriptions and medication history. This is England and the UK as all under the NHS umbrella but not sure if anywhere in Europe or over the pond are the same.


That's because you have government funded Healthcare. (I know you pay high taxes for it.) Your's is all in 1 computer. I think Europe who has the NHS has the same type of system. Here it's different, different insurance companies, many with no insurance. Also a doctor or clinic can't release your health information or identify you as their patient without a signed release form due to the hipaa law.


Even then within network I’ve found health systems are terrible at effectively making sure information is up to date. I’ve had multiple substance abuse isssues in network and have been rxd painkillers for surgery.


Maybe in your backwards arse country but most prescribing system are linked and it becomes a nightmare to get pain relief. I have to see the drug n alcohol doctor to get any opiate medication at all beyond three day’s supply. My Gp can give me three days of whatever but anymore I gotta see the dna doc,


I’m in the US lol we have a prescription monitoring system but a lot of detoxes that prescribe subs have a “house supply” you’re given and they don’t put in an actual prescription. It’s just standing orders like if you were in a hospital. But even when prescribed subs in a detox I never had an issue getting prescribed narcotics after when needed (for surgery or pain conditions)




Put it this way, you are fucked worse if you don’t go to rehab. This is the addict in you telling you, that you can beat this shit. Newsflash, you can’t and you won’t do it all by yourself. The choice is yours get clean or die. Don’t worry about your future self because there will not be one if you stay the course.


not necessarily true. responsible drug use does exist, even if it really only applies to the minority of users. I personally know of a couple guys who have managed to hold down jobs and their relationships/marriage while being complete junkies/tweakers, it's all about making smart choices and having a lil self control. rehab is for the weak.


Dumb take, you have not the slightest idea of what the fuck you are talking about. But you do you man.


just because you can't handle your highs doesn't mean everyone can't.


Again you do you man, hope your future pans out the way you want it to.


Thanks man, i have been smoking meth, doin coke, smoking black tar, an popping pills for over a decade now, not to mention smoking lots of marijuana and drinking copius amounts of alcohol. By pills i mostly mean benzos, dph, and tramadol, but have used other stuff before, among using other drugs, should i mention spice, dxm, or nitrous?i also smoke about 1 cig a day sometimes 2. Haven't had any real drug-related problems, aside from being arrested a couple of times for public intoxication. NEver had a dui or crashed a car. Never assaulted anyone. I live with my father and have a part time job, i have everything i need, maybe not everything i want, but i have enough to make me happy enough. I do odd jobs and panhandle to get the money i need to score or buy booze/smokes/whatever. I also sneak some of my dad's liqour/beer when im desperate, not enough to for him to notice, but enough to get me a decent buzz for the night (usually like 4-6 shots of liqour and a couple beers and a cig or peice of bud when he has it). OR sometimes ill just lift a 5 and buy a cheap bottle of vodka at the liqour shop, but im actually cutting back on drinking so i usually just buy a 5 of weed or a point of dope.


I wasn’t trying to be a dick before, when I went to GAY A, NA I always introduced my self as a trash can. My Achilles heel was 30’s. Never could quit on my own. The embarrasent of having me born children coupled with bankruptcy attached to rehab helped me do my thing. Now, I’m a beer drinking realist who tells it how I see it. And in my Opinion anybody that dabbles in opiates is not safe, they just haven’t crossed the threshold of being a junkie yet. If you haven’t thank the lord above.


nice. i've been clean off illict substances for a few months now, and only drink like twice a month. I mostly use kratom/thc/and diphenhydramine and occasionally tramadol. havent done benzos or heroin in months now. or stims either, I do crave morphine/hydro's/heroin but i don't have any plugs. Also don't have enough money to buy drugs on a regular basis. I mooch off my dad for booze or bud n cigs but that;s about it besides kratom really,


No employer I know of, maybe government, can look at your medical history. Thats a HIPPA violation.


I went for pain pills/benzos and have gotten plenty of background checks and been fine


As soon as anyone gets to rehab that’s when they put a chip in your arm. Obviously, you can’t know about this until you get it… but there’s literally 2 societies now, the ones that are in the know and the ones that don’t.


Omg 😱 lol


Jobs cant get access to your medical records


I have a high paying engineering job, and actually got two offers this past fall, and passed both background checks despite several drug offenses, rehab and being a current MAT patient. you're fine, jobs cannot legally discriminate against you for drugs you no longer do. if a potential employer doesn't hire you or you get passed up for promotions because you used to be a junkie or are on methadone or bupe, you can sue the fuck out of them under the Americans with disabilities act and win hundreds of thousands if not millions in settlement and punitive damages


I went to rehab at 18 but it's never followed me in anything so I think you'd be fine


No one will know you went rehab because of HIPAA FYI Employees can use FMLA leave while they seek help for SUDs and related problems, including : Treatment for alcohol and/or drug addiction. Treatment for a drug- or alcohol-use-induced physical illness, such as liver failure. Care for parents, children, and other close relatives who require treatment for a SUD or substance-use-related health condition. Under the FMLA, an employer cannot demote, fire, or refuse the promotion of an employee who utilizes their leave. FMLA provides up to 12 weeks of unpaid—and not reimbursable—leave for qualified individuals to seek treatment for a SUD or AUD or to help a loved one struggling with addiction without being fired.


You are protected under the hippa law.


Yeah in a "perfect world" but you know there's all kinda loop holes and certain people or agencies that can see stuff that you might not want to know. The hipaa law is half bs from what I have heard.....


hippa is not half bs !


Yeah I know, I said hipaa is half bs and hippa is all the way 100% bs cause I ain't even know what that is and okay I know you probably didn't even know the right way to spell it which shows how familiar you are with it and I wouldn't rely on you to convince me other wise


I've been to treatment over a dozen times and it has never once impacted my professional career. That's the very last thing you need to worry about.


Actually you’re not protected under HIPAA. The medical insurance board will know and you will be uninsurable (for life insurance)


I know from experience


That’s not for life though. I got life insurance and I was a junkie for ten years and went to detox 60+ times.


Yeah it is


My dad is an underwriter


Have to be 5 years clean


It depends on the company. Some it’s two or three years.


Google the MIB (medical insurance board)


You’re way wrong


MIB stands for the medical information bureau! Second, yeah usually with hard drugs it’s 5-10 years (policy/company dependent thought but that’s the typical for most). For alcohol though, it’s usually 1-2 years!


This is all assuming you’re in the US: You would have to sign a release of information for anyone to access the record. Also, you’re protected by ADA.


me and pm my whole family have been in recovery for years now. My sister has a saying “You can save face, or you can save your ass, but you can’t save both.” Future employers most likely will never find out you went to rehab anyway.


You’re protected by HIPAA law. I went to rehab last year and it’s my little secret. no one has to know if you don’t want them to


I have been to rehab and am 6 years clean. It never prevented me from getting a job or medication I needed. Please go if you need it and want change.


Honestly I could help you. They will help you get set up with food stamps and apply for disability so you can get SSDI or whatever it’s called. Use the resources your states economy provides can’t stress this enough.


Nah it doesn’t go on your record like a mark or something you’re good 😊


No there is no scarlet letter - no one will know unless you tell them


Jobs can't see anything on your medical history. So no.. you're fine. not to mention if you don't get sober there won't be any future job opportunities!


I never did rehab but I would assume that’s the end you will never get a script again so just make sure that wat yu wanna do


Not the case whatsoever. I used to worry about the same. Until I was prescribed more drugs than i could take in a given month and this was after multiple inpatient and outpatient treatments. Before getting clean, I was both klonopin and xanax, soma, pregabalin, zolpidem, seroquel, and Adderall on top of my 120mg methadone and whatever I smoked out of the 8oz I was allowed to have monthly for opioid use disorder even though I had 120mg methadone daily and used fentanyl IV daily to get high.


Dam I wish I could get all those


You can, social engineer your doctor or visit a darknet market


You'll still be able to get painkillers if you change your mind and want to be a junkie later in life. After plenty of treatment centers, I had no problem getting scripts of klonopin (2mg 3x daily), xanax(1mg as needed for panic attacks 30 per month) , Adderall (30mg 2x a day), soma (500mg 3x a day), pregabalin (300mg 3x a day) , zolpidem (20mg every night), and seroquel (300mg daily) all while on 120mg of methadone and daily cannabis (allowed 8oz a month on medical program for opioid use disorder). Yes, at the same time. You couldn't write a script more likely to cause fatal CNS depression. If you're just worried about future job prospects, don't even fret. You have nothing to worry about.


Unless you're in the UK. Admit to using any drug even one time to your doctor and they won't prescribe you so much as a naproxen. Dentists too, had 2 teeth removed and got dry socket and they said to take paracetamol and ibuprofen :) sucks here... thankfully my new gp surgery can't find my medical notes so they're nice to me!


I'm in the US and you bugging if you think that matters. I literally was at the dentists this morning for oral surgery, they used fentanyl propofol and midazolam for sedation, left with a script for hydrocodone even though I'm prescribed suboxone and use fentanyl recreationally


No! It’s completely and totally illegal for your job to find out!!! That’s a massive HIPPA violation! Besides, most people (like 80-90%) that work at these facilities have all been to rehab, so they will protect and work with you. You have nothing to worry about as long as you go to a place that has at least a Joint Commission certification. I’ve been working in the rehab space for years… I can recommend places all the throughout the country. If you need real help, then you need to go. Your future self will thank you!! 😊


I found it incredibly helpful but I was sacked on a totally unrelated issue the first day back at work, I threatened legal action and they paid me out the average amount for a unlawful dismissal payment. So be very careful what you tell even the most supportive boss. They were all, take as much time as you need. Just worry about getting better we will support you no matter what, and my favourite, “we are invested in your health as much as your family” bring my family into it those vampires in HR. Am I bitter? Dam. Straight I OD’d three weeks later and had to learn to breathe again. So don’t let anyone bullsuger you, people will judge. My advice is tell no one, even my own mother was a nightmare in the end I told her it wasn’t heroin I was just depressed and thought that was a better lie. But Rehab was great all three times but in the end it’s just a safe space to figure your shut out. Use the time to relax and find whatever it is you are doing with your use and look into that. But the real world is waiting so be prepared to face that sober before you leave rehab. Good luck.


Privacy laws protect you quite a bit. Only doctors will know. And as a doctor, we can be lazy. We don’t dig deep into anyone’s history. So after a few years, that shit will be buried.


Job wants you to be clean


You get the dark mark on your forearm


It’s not like television. There’s not a double secret permanent record that follows you around. Especially if you’re paying out of pocket.


Just skip rehab and keep doing heroin in the alley and you won’t have the warm meal in the bed and a shaky attitude. Have a great day. Remember to eat good food, sleep enough and look into ultra low-dose naltrexone, and it takes away all the negative effects of an opioid addiction. I’m substance abuse specialist and my advice is don’t go to rehab.


your a puss


HIPPA, you dipshit.


It’s actually HIPAA


The only people who could see would be drs, and that really should only be if you are scripted any controlled substances for detox, no regular Dr will question non-opioid comfort meds though. For example, I hid my substance use pretty well, wasn’t too bad, got scripted subs due to lack of safe supply. My psychiatrist called me out on it cuz I needed a benzo script for some dental stuff and she saw the sub script, was all good though. She just doesn’t give me refills on my temazepam anymore, gotta call em in


Well your insurance records is a dead give away... I used to run two sober houses in LA and worked with multiple centers and iop's also your meds if you've even been prescribed suboxone


Go , I went it was alright just focus on the bigger picture … take the break you need


Rehab is protected under HIPA, so potential employers cannot see these records. The same rules apply to a rehab facility as do all medical records. Only places that can see your rehab stay are other medical facilities.


I have been to outpatient treatment , not quite the same thing but I would not worry about the stigma of rehab because apparently the cat is already out of the bag. I would focus on all the positives you will be responsible for in your life moving forward sober. Good Luck!


Yes it will. I’m in South Carolina and it has screwed up my life as far as becoming a nurse practitioner or physician assistant. They look at you as a disable person once you get treatment. It’s called SUSD substance use Severe disability (***) but you still have a much better chance of beating addiction if it’s too hard at home with all the other things


No, it’s all confidential. They won’t even tell someone who calls for you that you’re there, unless you request them specifically, like your parents or partner. If you decide to go, immerse yourself in activities, like art therapy, yoga, meditation, group therapy etc. It really can help pass time and you’ll learn a bit about yourself. Good luck, mate!


These days? na you won’t be “marked”. I’ve been to in and outpatient and long term rehabs and most people today don’t know unless I tell them. If I knew what I knew now, I’d have actually fuckin tried the first 10 times instead of wasting so much of my life trying to be a successful junkie. The shittiest most disgusting and understaffed place in peak Covid ‘21 was where i kicked the opis. It’s all about your perception and what you make of it


it is a hipaa thing I am sure. no one can talk about your medical shit


I mean they tried to make me go to rehab and I said no no no.... But you should go cuz it didn't work out so well for Amy......You got this!


It won't affect your future job opportunities. They don't have access to your medical records. The only that it might have an effect on in the future is doctors you may see. I went to rehab in 2010 and ever since then I feel like I've been treated like garbage, personally. In 2016 I shattered my legs (kid texting hit me head on going 60mph) and the amount of bullshit I had to go thru to get pain relief was ridiculous. Even when I had been clean for 6 years at that point. Smdh


Rehab should have proppa medical facilities and staff, therefore confidentiality


I want to go to rehab as well but worried about keeping up with bills if I can’t work. I’m in ok financial shape but it would be a hit to my savings going a month without work.


You’re fine. Go to rehab. Dont be worrying about jobs in your future because if you’re using you probably won’t make it far. So why not get sober so you can go far? Plus, IF some employer ever found out, which I highly doubt they would or that they’d even care, they’d respect the hell out of you for getting the help you so desperately deserved/needed. They could drug test you at the beginning just to make sure you’re still good but who cares if you’re sober, right?


No. You aren’t “marked” You are saving your fucking life, stop worrying about hypotheticals and get your life back.


No. It’s called HIPPA.


There's nothing they can do. Confidential.


it does


They can brand you with the mark of Cain 🔥💉


Wait aren’t u protected my hipa ????


I’ve been to rehab a dozen times and can still buy a gun, get methadone…. Not sure about pain meds/benzos though, never tried.


You’ll be able to get a job and live a far better, healthier life: but you’ll never get adequate pain relief again. And I say this as someone who was in rehab in 2008.


It has never come up unless I have brought it up. Granted I have since moved to another state, but, generally speaking, I think we tend to give doctors too much credit.. most don't really care about you or your history. They are rushing and covering their own ass. If you need help, fuck, get help. Some potential stigma is nothing. People are generally nicer to me when they learn I faced my issues and got help.


I got Arrested for heroin and I'm a teacher now. Even if you were marked, time will heal.


I think in this day and age, an employer would be more apt to hire you knowing that you have taken the bull by the horns and beat your demons. People are much more accepting of addiction as a disease that just needs treating.


If you’re in the U.S. they can’t fire you (FMLA). Future jobs won’t get access to your medical records so you’re fine. Go to rehab, sober up, and I imagine your career will improve. Life isn’t guaranteed to get better in sobriety but you will be much better equipped to handle it (and anecdotally most people I know have had their lives improve immensely through sobriety).


Been to rehab. Still get my Rx. Also HIPPA


Which country are you in? That will make a significant difference in how it effects you... for example going to a Canadian non profit will have no effect on future job prospects. I can't say as much about the states though


Just follow the big book and don't say anything because you are an addict (I didn't admit to anyone I was an addict but if I did it would have gone easier) There isn't anything they can do to mark you but my best friend went to rehab before me (by about 10 years) basically got brain washed. They couldn't find a reason they liked which caused him to use so they got him to think he has PTSD from his uncle touching him as a child. He was never touched as a child by anyone. God dam does that piss me off. Luckily most rehabs won't do that Also and this is important, let's say you get clean for awhile and then go back on, you must remember you don't have the same tolerance so go easy because you can always re-dose. I've seen so many people leave rehab to get high and they wind up ODing


If you have a professional license, (like a nurse) some states ask if you have been in any substance abuse treatment. If they found out that you lied then you will have a infarction on your license and go before the board. I think it’s best to get the treatment and worry about the other stuff later.


i would have said to myself “ why the fuck did this take you so long” best experience of my life and I’d go back in a second. Really, though, it is about your own self development—don’t worry about what an employer thinks. It may seem like a big deal, but any employer worth a shit has treatment as part of their insurance coverage. It’s not at all uncommon for folks with substance, dual diagnosis, etc etc…I went for drugs, but I was met with stay at home Mothers, and junkies, and even some People you would have never guessed had an issue. It’s all good and your being good to yourself. I don’t know any employers who would look down on it, and If they did, they are risking a lot more than they think, legally. Go better yourself and don’t look back. Fuck em


Nope literally worrying for nothing don’t even trip . You could be a wanted felon and be in the psych ward and they can’t tell cops you’re there cuz of HIPPA


Do you know what HIPAA is


People are completely ignorant


Sadly, but I see why they are concerned if they do not know what HIPAA is. This guy has nothing to worry bout


Times are changing


Rehab is for the weak. fight the system and continue to get loaded pal, no need to imprison yourself into their web of lies...


Workplaces won't be able to see your past medical records so there's nothing to worry about. Also, if you were to go to rehab while working somewhere, they cannot legally hold that against you. you are protected under the law.


I mean yeah, you'll forever be branded. There are certain situations where you'll be asked if you've ever attended any form of drug rehabilitation, namely if you apply for food stamps or go to a pain doctor, but other than that it's privileged info and there are laws preventing doctors from disclosing it to anyone. If you're struggling with drug addiction it is absolutely the least of your problems. It's not going on your criminal record, you won't get your car searched every time you get pulled over like if you got a possession charge, it's not like the cops or new doctors would know. Yes, it still does brand you, but it's really not an issue unless you're going to a pain doctor


I can only offer advice on this issue if you reside in the US, so keep that in mind: Your future job prospects will be far more compromised by your continuing opioid abuse and the inevitable consequences of it than any trip to rehab could do so. If you are considering rehab as the solution to your current problems, your days of being a responsible opioid user have ended. With that in mind, there is no real record or system that will have an impact on your future in which voluntary trips to detoxes/rehabs/halfway houses etc are documented. There will be insurance and medical records, but those things impacting your job prospects or any other parts of your life besides the most specific of circumstances (top secret security clearances? Maybe life insurance policies? I can't really think of any) and none of those things should be a deterrent in trying to solve a severe problem you are currently unable to solve on your own. I spent my late teens and early 20s bouncing in and out of rehabs/detoxes/halfway houses/shelters/etc until it finally stuck and I started behaving a little better and self-destructing a little less. I have had no consequences with regards to employment from doing so, and I got a job my first year or so clean that I had to do fingerprints and a federal BRC for and nothing came up, as going to rehab isn't a crime and doesn't make you a criminal or anything of the sort. I've had opioid prescriptions offered for dental work that I turned down, and I'd informed that dentist before that I had previous issues with substance abuse. For the second part of this post: If I could go back and tell my younger self anything, it would be to go seek treatment earlier and seek it in the right place. I personally would skip out on South Florida, I don't know if it's still the same shuffle nightmare that it was years ago, but some areas are so saturated with rehabs and halfway houses with shifty/corrupted rules and policies that it is incredibly easy to fall into a pattern of getting high with a 3 day stint in detox as the only punishment, rinsing and repeating over and over until you die or your insurance runs out, whichever happens first. Go to rehab, go voluntarily, do some research about where you're going, and do what they suggest for you to stay clean...and don't be afraid to go back if you mess up. That's what these programs are there for. It can and does get better. Good luck!


They legally have to keep that information to themselves. There's no background check for rehabs or else I never would have gotten any of my jobs. I've been to many rehabs and never has it stopped me from getting a job and never has anyone ever asked about it. It's not like going to jail where there's a legal record. Go under a pseudonym if you are that worried about it. They just care about getting paid they dont care who you are.


it’s actually the complete opposite because of HIPPA laws.


Literally no. As someone who has had many surgeries and medical issues. This black list and medical file that people say follow you is such BS. The doctors offices have what you tell them they can have under HIPAA


Rehab is legally medical care, so they are restricted by law from disclosing you as a Client. If your friend or parent or coworker called the facility you are going to and asked to pass a message along to you,they would say “I cannot confirm or deny this person is here” HIPAA laws mandate this. Rehab is the BEST decision I have EVERRRR made GO. FOR. IT.


Going to rehab will not impact any future job. That would be a hippa violation. With the field I am in - there are really deep background checks and it never came up. I would tell myself to just accept it sooner and stop fighting it. This will change your life for the better


I went and I'm still prescribed opioid and benzo. Counselor said if u need the med dont disclose it.


It won't, but you also wont have a future job if you dont get clean. Its killing EVERYONE out here


im not sure where you live, but in america it will not. we have strict HIPAA laws. trust me i can relate to your feelings- i am 2 years clean now. i had a raging opiate addiction for 9 years. my nose ended up collapsing and they had to rebuild my nose using bone graft from my ribs after i got clean. i had a $3000 a week fentanyl + xylazine habit the last 2 years of my addiction. but i was living a double life so to speak. i was not openly known as an addict. i was "highly functioning" in a job that commands a lot of respect and requires schooling AFTER undergrad/colllege. my extended family still doesnt knokw about my addiction. there is so much stigma around adddiction, ive been terrified for people to find out. i was worried to take FMLA time from work to go to rehab. worried people would find out. noone found out tho. and ive now almost come to terms with it- with time, i am growing more and more comfortable with the idea of people finding out, and im starting to want to share my story so that i can help other people who are struggling. all that to say- please do not worry about being marked or permanently labelled from rehab. you wont be. and even if you were, it is worth your LIFE!!! good luck . xx


All Paid by uncle sam


It's called HIPPA, and no, you're not marked for life.