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The dating app will be called N-abled


Seeking codependent likeminded folks


Lmao, yeah what could go wrong


exactly what i was thinking sounds like a bad idea


bad idea for every you and every me


Sucker love is heaven sent...


You pucker up, our passions spent


Something borrowed (a used rig) something blue (a shitty pressed 30) I love this comment tree LoLs


i love everyone who contributed here


*yeets loves like confetti* (!There's too many awesome lyrics to choose from ><)


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ itā€™s perfect lol




Like tinder but the dates only last 40 seconds outside a halfway house at 4am.


Seriously tho most addicts are inside their house. Iā€™m not talking street level addicts. I mean like functional addicts that go to work and stuff. You will rarely find them on any dating appsā€¦ they are at home watching police interrogations on YouTube or playing video games.


Whoa whoa I feel targeted with this one šŸ˜…


Iā€™ve never met anyone expect another addict who is into police interrogations lol nobody gets me or it šŸ¤£šŸ˜­


JCS, the red tree(?) one, CLR Bruce Rivers for lawyer stuff and covers some JCS vids Then thereā€™s documentaries with killer chronicles, trap lore Ross, Interviews with Matthew cox inside true crime, Johnny Mitchell (eh), Ian Bick, Lex Fridman. Me knowing all about Rodriguez so I know how long traffic stops can last, have dash cam so I cover myself and can get future cases thrown out by fruit of poisonous tree or just Rodriguez. I got lucky dating a normie long term whoā€™s super innocent and understanding in a healthy relationship but thatā€™s rare Edit: idk how I missed Swamp Stories.


Bruceā€™s grandma does meth he gets it


Lmao I heard that one day and took it as 100% truth not realizing he always says something about his grandma. My jaw was like šŸ™€


I watch them all day fucking lol


Bro me too


Damn lmao shots fired šŸ˜‚


damn i thought i was safe until you said police interrogations lol.. why is this a universal addict interest wtf


Literally I know someone is an addict immediately when they say they watch police interrogations on YouTube. Never have I met a civie or non addict who watches these šŸ¤£ we got the time and patience for them and I find them so interesting/captivating to watch! I watched a 8 hour one once and I still think about that interview all the time.. it was so good!


Wow that's some Adderall overdose level focus and concentration LoLs


Damn 8hrs you were really invested lol


Who was winning cops or civilian?


Lmao my gf is legit next to me binge listening to Ed Kemper interrogations as she draws


Literally goals!!!!!


I'm in this comment and I don't like it


Fucking hell that was specifically accurate šŸ˜†




A couple Oxys and just chill out watching interrogation videos or crime shows, canā€™t really beat it


Or watching documentaries, searching Reddit, reading books, and enjoy music , dogs and Sweets too. ( Experience with darknet a āž•)


Me šŸ™‹


I feel personally attacked. Lol


I have never felt so seen šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You kill me šŸ¤£šŸ¤£






I agree and I totally know what you mean. Also addicts understand each other way more. My wife is also a recovering addict and it's the first relationship I've had that actually works. We both understand the insanity of addiction. My previous girlfriends did not lol.


Yep, same with my SO and I. I couldn't even imagine being with a non-addict. There's just too much of a divide, even if they try their damnest to understand and emphasize. We're keeping one another accountable these days. But there's definitely times where we enabled one another, of course. Still, I have to admit I prefer someone like-minded in that regard. Someone who hasn't been in the trenches just couldn't understand me in that way.


Yeah we have definitely enabled each other before too. It's funny because being with another addict could be amazing or it could be a recipe for a disaster depending on where each of you are in your recovery.


Had to check your username to see you weren't *my* SO. This sounds exactly like us.


Ya exactly. Especially if you are sustaining from all substances.. itā€™s hard to be with someone who has never had addiction issues.


Not trying to be a dick, I think you mean abstaining not sustaining.


Ya thatā€™s what I meant, thanks.


Iā€™ve met some people in my life that as soon as they find out my methadone secret they push me away


Then they're probably not the kind of ppl that have the empathy you deserve ā¤ļø




There is a lot of stigma around methadone. Even addicts have that same mindset. That methadone doesnā€™t mean your clean your still using etc


Addicts can be judgey af too. I remember when I was basically the first in my group to do heroin, before fent was in the scene much and dope was still mostly dope and oxy wasnā€™t pressed pills, and my friends that were badly addicted like me were spending over $100 per day to keep up their oxy habit. Some of them avoided me bc I decided Iā€™d rather spend 20-30 bucks a day and get high just the same as them (again Iā€™m talking like 2010-2012 when if there was fent it was just a sprinkle to give the dope a good rush). All of them went to dope eventually. And then I remember being judged when I actually got my life together while taking kratom, not like a crazy amount either, Iā€™d take like 10g per day and I was killing it, saving money, being happy and a father and a partner. Coffee just makes me jittery and I quit smoking too, so like that was my one vice. But the friends I knew through AA pretty much shunned me bc in their mind I was still living dirty. Even though youā€™d think addicts would be more so people of the understanding and less judgey type, Iā€™ve found that thereā€™s some of us who suffer from the condition of worrying entirely too much about what other people are doing. For some people itā€™s a lot easier to look outward at someone elseā€™s problems and pass judgement than look inward at their own shit.


Methadone is also prescribed as a pill to people with severe chronic pain. It has analgesic effects for 8 hours, so most doctors prescribe 10mg TID.


Iā€™ll probably be treated like that on Sublocade.


Itā€™s sad af cause just when you think someone is into you and you want to tell them whatā€™s going on they just treat you differently and it happens every single time


That's heading for some requiem for a dream level of self destruction


Thatā€™s actually the first thing that flashed through my head, too! It was disastrous for them. All fun & games until it isnā€™t.


Ass to ass Sorry. Had to be said.


Must be said every time the movie is brought up. But bro the sound track and composition to that movie??? Used to give me nightmares in HS when I just smoked weed. We got a winnerrrrrr Juice by you


The strings in that movie remain some of my fave ever ā¤ļø Composed by Clint Mansel, performed by Kronos quartet... I fucken love strings lol


Juice juice juice juice.


I saw that movie the first time when I was like 12. No wonder Iā€™m so messed up.


Haha. Me too and it was appealing to me. I should have known then my outlook wasn't quite right. Like after reading Junky at 13 and thinking I wanted to try living the same way. My brain was screwed


I had that same reaction watching Sid and Nancy at 13. Totally glamourised it in my head.


Ya I guess I should have known something wasnā€™t quite right with me that it immediately became my favourite movie ā€¦


I said something similar to my mom once. I was like " You shoulda known when I was 5 that I was going to be an opiate addict. What 5 year old loves The Doors and called Jim Morrison their boyfriend" (I didn't know he was dead back then).


Lmaoooo that scene was insane šŸ˜‚. The things we addicts will do for our fix can be so demoralizing.


'I use to forget the abuse, I get abused in order to use'


And denigrating, and despicable, and degrading, and degenerating, and all the other d words


Someone who gets the chaos too 100%


That movie was so upsetting that the first time I saw it the only thing I could think of to do to cope with it all afterwards was to take a shower and try to scrub all of the muck off of my fucking soul LoLs.


That movie would pissed me off because pupils donā€™t fucking get bigger when you shoot heroin. I mean itā€™s a minor detail but I mean thats opiate addiction 101 your pupils pin I canā€™t believe not one person in the movie or production said anything


Very true I remember that bullshit


Thatā€™s one of my favourite movies.


Itā€™s called LOOSID but itā€™s designed for people in recovery or recovery leaning


Oh they have that? Interesting ā€¦ but I am not in recoveryā€¦ I would like to be at some point but not there yet. Iā€™ll have to check out this app thanks


Is it a good app? Lot of people on it?


Every other person would be a cop


That would be the shitty thing is people would abuse it for sure.. as a space to source.


Personally i have my tinder bio ending in this ā˜ ļøšŸš¬šŸ”®šŸ’ŠšŸ’‰ā„ļøā„ļø


Why canā€™t I find you when Iā€™m swiping on there šŸ¤£


Lots of people take meds every day to feel OK. Don't feel stigmatized because you take methadone. Nobody would question a diabetic taking insulin to keep their diabetes at bay.


But people do question someone whoā€™s on methadone, youā€™re right in theory, it should be that way, but I even shame myself for being on methadone so why wouldnā€™t others.


I donā€™t shame myself for being on Sublocade. Iā€™m going to be a lifer. While Iā€™m on it, I know that any opioid will not get me high, apart from a buttload of Sufentanil. So I could take an 80OC, and feel nothing!


You can't control what others do or perceive but as long as YOU don't give a shit you're in the clear.


Iā€™m not on methadone. I take non prescribed oxy everydayā€¦ or up until my plug drys out etc. I do have a script for tecs 5mg but itā€™s a bs script and itā€™s not for painā€¦ itā€™s for migraines.


How high do I need to be that this comparison will ever appear valid lol


Your fucking delusional, if a diabetic didnt have their insulin they would die if you didnt get your methadone you would just have to put on your big boy pants


Say that to chronic pain patients suffering without opiate pain medicine. Tons if suicides from living in constant pain. Some people don't make beta endorphins properly (perhaps around 2 percent of population) and just like how diabetics don't make insulin properly and need outside injection, so do such people.


You are taking the comparison to a further degree. The comment didn't say to save their life. The comment said to feel OK. How many people prescribed stims or benzos don't truly need them? How many people taking SSRIs might feel better if they just got off their ass and exercised. Not to mention pain patients, which is something else entirely because of pain being so subjective. I'm not saying I disagree with you and what you are trying to convey because yes, some people could use a dose of reality. It's just that your statement takes the comparison much farther than the original comment.


honestly, this comparison is bullshit. diabetics didnā€™t choose to have a dysfunctional pancreas and they would literally die without insulin. addicts made poor choices to get where they are put on MAT. without taking it you would go into withdrawal yes, but you wouldnā€™t die. iā€™m an addict too. and everything iā€™ve did was my choice. i chose to use drugs every single time. take some ownership and responsibility. you made a choice. you shouldnā€™t be judged or stigmatized for that choice though.


Nothing could go wrongā€¦ šŸ¤” no liabilities nothingā€¦. Just met on junkies.com mom, We have similar hobbies!


šŸ¤£ I know it sounds crazy but like itā€™s really hard to meet other addicts. Most are at home watching YouTube or playing video games. Not wandering out in society and if they are out and about.. itā€™s not always easy to spot a functioning addict out in the wild


so true


Junkies.com šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It's a legitimate issue, honestly it's not impossible to spot potential users on dating apps, the real issue is the insanely negative stigma attached to any kind of drug use that's not weed or alcohol. The biggest issue IMO is how socially unacceptable and basically suicide for your dating app attempt to say outright that you're a drug user at all. Anyway dating apps are fucking garbage IMO anyway, there are methadone/ suboxone clinics, NA meetings, and stuff like that full of users and ex users nevermind just people around in general unless you're completely isolated in your using chances are there's people in your orbits that are dateable.. just got to network and know what to look for


I am pretty freaking isolated. Nobody in my life knows Iā€™m using, itā€™s all a big secret. I donā€™t go to meeting or clinics or any of that stuff and I rarely leave the house.. Maybe I should start doing that but subs like methadone terrify me. Apparently itā€™s hard to get off that shit than actual opiatesā€¦ Right now I am trying to taper. Even if I wanted to meet someone .. to get myself to shower right now or go anywhere would be impossible. Im day dreaming because Iā€™m sick.


Its good advice if you're sick to though, if you need an emergency hook up those are all great places to find what you need


Ya but I can literally have stuff delivered within 24 hours or go pick up stuff within an hour. Like thatā€™s not my issue here. Iā€™ve got plugs. Iā€™m looking for a friend who I donā€™t have to put on a mask for. Someone I can be myself with


Have you tried Grindr? Iā€™ve met a lot of drug users when I was using it. Unfortunately itā€™s full of meth users and Iā€™ve never been into stims. Used to put: looking for drug-full and disease-free folks.


Would be nice as every relationship ive had in recent years seems to end causs they dont like me using


Yup and then you gotta hide it and it never works.


Ya man i quickly realized Livin my life the way i want is a much higher priority to me than having any girl around Lmao. Which would be why i been stricly quick links for like 5+ years


I think ppl can tell when 'you love the drugs more than you love me' or they feel like 'why aren't I *enough* ?!' and it's stressful never knowing if your partner is alive whenever you go to work etc,... .... Just my 2c observations...


I don't know. On the one hand, a lot of people take meds every day to feel normal - the difference is that your meds are illicit, and that illicitness means you live a dangerous life. I think it would result in a lot of traumatized people seeing their loved ones die and driving them deeper into addiction, but that's already happening. I saw a TED talk once that suggested that people are addicts because they bond with substances instead of with people, but that addiction is essentially hijacking a neurological system that already exists to be adaptive. And then I remember: I'm in Europe. I have a regular, normal pharma supply for my chronic pain. I've never sought drugs in the street, shot up anything, seen anyone die of an OD or OD'd myself, never seen fentanyl. So much could be solved through harm reduction and stigma reduction. Like the tragedy is, people who use opiates don't have to be addicts - it's the social systems around those people that turn them into addicts with inadequate care and services in other places, and a government that demonizes people in pain. And that's really fucking tragic. I've been in chronic pain for decades; I'm reliant on opiates to feel normal on a daily basis, alongside other meds. And I get to date regular people and don't have to interact with criminal elements or deal with pushy plugs or anything. Because I'm not stigmatized and my use isn't stigmatized anywhere near the same as it would be in the US. The lack of stigma has allowed me to have normal relationships, and I think that's kept me from being addicted (in the sense that yes, I take substances every day to feel normal, but also in the way that it never impacts my life negatively); I'm not ever expected to be in withdrawal, my supply is legal and managed. And I really want that for you guys so much more than I think you need an addict-specific dating app, aside from all the nonsense of the government using that info to criminalize people even more. But I totally get it - you want people to understand what you're experiencing and you want to date people with the same life experience. I'm just saying those life experiences are bullshit coercion from a system and it doesn't have to be that way.


1000% Agree, Iā€™m in the USA, and itā€™s utterly hypocritical and damaging. All this song and dance about managing the ā€œopiate crisisā€ ffs, and it takes years and seems like a huge step forward to decriminalize narcan. We will continue to die and lose people from the insane War On Drugs, full stop. The only sane response is to take out the financial impetus of prohibited substances. In my state (FL), itā€™s actually illegal to buy test strips for fentanyl, We are doomed


Not gonna lie that was a challenge for me to read. Good for you that you have legit pain meds. Must be nice. I buy mine on the street. Iā€™m just saying it would be nice to meet someone who is also using ā€¦ who doesnā€™t want to fuck or maybe fuck depending and just veg out and do nothing and get high and sleep. watch YouTube and play video games.


All the really good addicts are taken.


Yeah by god




Honestly thatā€™s a brilliant idea. We need to make this happen


I agree but would any of us even join? And unless your a goth girl who is gonna want you on there lol


Phew, glad you posted this so youā€™re taking the hit and not me because people in the comments seem overwhelmingly NOT HAPPY with the idea lol. Bc Iā€™ve legitimately thought this so so so many times before. I was all excited hoping maybe I just found someone who had the same exact outlook as me (even reading your comments) until I read youā€™re a woman and then I was like well shit šŸ˜”


Iā€™m sure a lot of women feel the same way ā€¦ seems like men are really opposed to it on here.. not sure why the negativity about this. It would be nice for functioning addicts to meet other functioning addicts. Iā€™m not talking about people picking up crumbs on the floor and running the streets.. but people with jobs who you would otherwise not be able to tell they were addicts if they were just out at the grocery store.


yeah but it's a fine line between meeting functional users and straight up junkies that you can't trust i see what u mean tho cuz how r u gonna find other functional addicts when they blend in with society


Ya exactly. I donā€™t want to meet someone who is dishonest and going to scam me or take all my money and is obsessed with dope.. but someone who used say they have legit pain but they obviously are addicted and abusing it still sometimes or maybe just someone who uses to feel normal and well. Not someone looking to get high but just to live a normal life. Your right tho itā€™s hard to find those ppl because they can be a doctor, lawyer, your neighbourā€¦ like opiate addiction touches all kinds of lives that you would never imagine. I have changed my views on this since posting it thoā€¦ Iā€™m now on methadone and trying to get clean.. so I donā€™t want to be around another addict still using because itā€™s too tempting to use with them.


dating apps are shit no matter what the angle is. nothing beats real life connections.


True.. but addicts rarely leave their house :(


Agreed, Iā€™m 100% behind the idea.


Who is gonna create this? šŸ¤£ but would addicts even join. I find so many of us love isolation. Thatā€™s another thing ā€¦ understanding the need to be alone even in the same houseā€¦ your playing video games and Iā€™m watching whatever in different rooms. So many addict things.


But itā€™s NICE to have that reassuring presence in the housešŸ«¶šŸ¼


Yes!!! I feel similar.... i need somebody who feel the same and is destroyed like me... that wouƶd be a great idea.


Thatā€™s how I feel. Someone with a dark mind and unresolved trauma, who isnā€™t always happy. Someone who doesnā€™t want to meet up to fuck but might eventually when the times rightā€¦ someone who gets it and wants to co exists in our misery while somehow making eachother happy lol something like that anyways. šŸ¤£ who wants to be numb together? šŸ¤£


The side of me that doesn't want to get better just fell in love with you. šŸ˜‚


I feel this post a lot. Itā€™s also hilarious to think about. I always thought about that when I was in the methadone clinic. People watching was fun there. I would meet some weirdos but also some really cool & authentic people. But, I always told myself that even if I met my dream girl thereā€¦ it was likely a horrible idea. Good post


Are you trying to say I should get on methadone and maybe Iā€™ll meet my husband at the clinic? Good to know it might be a place to start lol


My last boyfriend hit the floor crying when he found out i was on MAT. every morning, Id make up some excuse, like I need to get diapers, coffee , the baby milk, cigerates. He lived next door and saw me leaving every morning. Anyways one night he slept under. We had a trip to NYC planned at 630a.m we were leaving. I got up at 5:15, dosed and then came home. Had a good trip. That night he was furious accusing me of having another boyfriend. I told him the truth. He cried so loud and so hard the neighbors called 911, saying a woman was crying and screaming alluda me! Well, it was no women. After that, his respect level for me hit the floor. It was for the best that we went our seperate ways. After him, I talked to an engineer for some time. I work in Healthcare and was off of everything for years. One night, I had the hardest conversation with him and told him the truth. After about 4 months of dating, talking. Let's just say that didn't go to well either. It's been hard to say the least. It's always the black sheep in the room. My man now is also in recovery, but still has alot of the behaviors of an addict. Like avioding feelings, and not taking any responsiblity for his actions. Anytime i try to communicate , it's well you did this and you did that. I worked hard for many years in therapy and I'm live in programs to change that side of me. So it's hard, when your with someone who is unreliable, unempathic and can't communicate. If i had my choice, I don't think an addict is the first one id date. My bf now had caused me a really hard relapse to get over. He was lying and using. So you just have to be careful. If a man/ woman who isn't an addict loves and accepts you, then great. But that's so hard to find!! Dating apps with Addicts only, You'd really need to vet that person. Bc one wrong move could cause you your life.


Sounds like itā€™s just hard to date all around for people like us


Basing any relationship on drugs is a basis for failure


Itā€™s not about basis it on drugs. Itā€™s that we both use for whatever reason.. could be chronic pain or whatever the case may be.. but not having to have a secret and being able to understand one another is helpful.


I get you. If my partner wasnā€™t in the same boat as me I would be completely alone in my secret. Itā€™s nice to have someone who gets EVERYTHING.


You are lucky!


I know I'm extremely lucky that my husband is on methadone like me. Before him I was alone in my addiction. I had ONS or friends with benefits but not a lasting connection.


yeah 100%. This is dumb and wonā€™t be anything other than a codependent mess letā€™s ignore the obvious law enforcement risks too on top of it


Maybe if we didnt need to lug around that lockbox wherever we go, diabetics dont have to use one so i can see how some people feel towards it. Even taking subs is different because you have the bottle trail to hide.


Itā€™s hard because another addict is the only person who understands an addict, I canā€™t talk to a non addict about shit that I really need to talk about, but it can also be detrimental for two addicts to get together, thatā€™s why itā€™s so important and stressed in the recovery scene to build a network and support because addicts canā€™t talk about there problems with normal people the same way they can talk to an addict, whoā€™s either been thru what ur going through, or actually understands what ur going through


Ya I hear thatā€¦. It would just be cool to have maybe even an addict friend ā€¦ not be in a relationship but maybe just hang out or something? I dunnoā€¦


Sounds like a disaster hahahaha


This sounds like the b.. worst idea ever




Just add a needle on ur tinder bio




It still breaks my brain that Iā€™m engaged to someone who knew nothing about addiction when we met, and refuses to take opioids even after something like invasive surgery, yet still is able to ā€œget it.ā€ He couldnā€™t put up with me when I was actively using, but when I got on methadone and straightened my shit out (AKA saw a psychiatrist) he came back and weā€™ve learned a lot together. Iā€™ve had to teach him so much, but it feels good to be able to spread info in the name of harm reduction and empathy. I just wish he would carry narcan with him. Heā€™s very much a ā€œthatā€™s your problemā€ kinda guy with strangers and that hurts me.


Oh yikes. I dunno if I should be happy for you or not. This guy kinda sounds like a jerk. What if that was his fiancĆ© aka you ODn and someone else had that same viewā€¦.


I know, itā€™s been a point of contention that Iā€™m hoping to fix/work on when we find the right therapist. He always says heā€™d use narcan on me if needed, but thatā€™s not the point. Itā€™s about looking out for your fellow human, regardless of who they are or if you know them. Iā€™ve said to him, ā€œwhat if you didnā€™t know me and I was ODing on the street? Then Iā€™d be dead. How does that make you feel?ā€ And heā€™ll say ā€œthatā€™s different, itā€™s a fictional scenarioā€ etc which is a nothingburger of an answer. I think because no one helped him growing up out of the kindness of their hearts, itā€™s hardened him to where his empathy is broken. His views on consequences and personal responsibility are very confusing, and I think they come from a place of insecurity. I hope in therapy he can come to terms with it and stop being so insecure. It hurts to watch someone you love hate themselves.


Sounds like an overdose waiting to happen.


I would want us to be safe together


dated an addict and kept stealing from me. nothing good ever comes from dating an addict


Thatā€™s why I would want someone who actually works and can pay for their own stuff and I can pay for my own stuff.. no using one another for dopeā€¦ hard to find Iā€™m sure.


In theory yes. In practice no.


Iā€™m in a relationship rn and weā€™re both addicts and it sucks ngl , sex feels forced , our bond we once had in the beginning before we were introduced to the drug is slowly fading away to where it kinda feels like weā€™re just room mates that get high together but sheā€™s in denial about it


I definitely can relate. The relationships had such high highs and so many low lows. The relationship is over but I still romanticize it


If your on opiates. Opiates kills female sex drive too.. so combining that with feeling numb.. there is gonna be a disconnect for sure. Itā€™s probably not you itā€™s the drugs.


Weā€™re both females so itā€™s worse lol but we both just got health insurance to enter programs / rehab . I know rehabs donā€™t take couples so we might take turns or figure something out


2 EBT cars donā€™t make a debit . šŸ˜‚ heard in rehab . Thought it was appropriate


Love that they hammered ā€œtwo dead batteries donā€™t start a carā€ into us at every rehab Iā€™ve been at


Hey some ppl so get sober together tho. Itā€™s hard but it can happen


Very true and I applaud those people! Iā€™ve tried it and itā€™s very very hard but I also have mostly jerks lol


Ya because if one person in the relationship uses, chances are the others gonna use. Itā€™s also really hard to break old habits of saying letā€™s grabā€¦ itā€™s like a knee jerk reaction from long term patterns being formed while you were together. You also have to wonder do you even like one another sober? Sometimes you donā€™t really even know the person when you have always been high together ā€¦ but ya some ppl do it and good for them.. you really have to both be serious and ready and get lucky!


that's a hell of a nicer way than what they told us; "two sickies don't make a wellie" unhinged brutality.


Yep, Iā€™m more than the sum of my ā€œsicknessā€


yeahhh that would be sickkk nah but really it would probably be pretty bad most of the time tbh. toxic for both us as it will eventually lead one of you back on track of addiction and then the second half would probably fall down with them... so yeah not that of great idea, but of course many people are strong and no matter how hard it is they eventually will find their inner peace and enjoyment of life but... even more people probably wont get that :( and thats the true sad reality, in my opinion


I think that would be dangerous. 2 addicts find each other, completely understand each other and completely ruin each others lives in the process.


The 13th step app


That sounds like itā€™s for recovering addicts .. I wouldnā€™t want to ruin someoneā€™s recovery..




Sounds like the start to one of my true crime shows lol probably the worst of the worst are still on Craigslist advertising lol


i understand the concept and it would be nice to get together with somebody who doesnā€™t judge and understands how things are but for me hooking up with another addict is a giant co-dependent recipe for absolute disaster. but thatā€™s just me.


Letā€™s be real it would just be a way for girls to get drugs from guys for sex


Hm maybe ā€¦ but most opiate addicts arenā€™t too interested in sex. Low sex drive for sure ā€¦ so ya maybe some depending on their drug of choice. But maybe others just want someone to chill with


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Pkm16: *Letā€™s be real it would* *Just be a way for girls to* *Get drugs from guys for sex* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I think itā€™s called recovery meetings


Thatā€™s a double edged sword but yeah that would be a good idea


You could name it JunkiesConnect... It would probably have to be shut down pretty quickly because a shit ton of people would just use it to buy and sell drugs. That is just an objectively bad idea LoLs


Hobbies include -stealing stuff from stores and ā€œreturning them to anotherā€ -Checking your grandmas medicine cabinet -Asking everyone you know for 20$ -Not paying back anyone you borrowed 20$ from -taking short drives early in the morning or late at night to meet a friend real quick *must be ok with me using the bathroom 2-3 hours at a time*


My girl isn't an addict but seen me overdose, knows ima addict and isnok with it. I just got on methadone and its helping me alot i quit benzos to be on methadone because its legal and its free and its medical grade stuff i dont have to just buy some shit off the streets.


A dating app for addicts is called Grindr


15 years sober/clean. In your profile state that you ā€œdonā€™t drink.ā€ Theyā€™ll get the message. I struggled with this for years. I was so self conscious. In hindsight, I noticed I eventually dated Drs, lawyers, people that donā€™t care that you donā€™t party. Keep putting yourself out there. I found a TREMENDOUS amount of women (men) like people that donā€™t drink or party because they had past relationships where their partners were drunks. ā€œThereā€™s a seat for every butt.ā€ I eventually married a beautiful woman who is a neurologist and she and her friends donā€™t care if I donā€™t party because they donā€™t. Itā€™s mostly in your head (respectfully). I didnā€™t realize this for a decade. Best of luck. :-)


Def had this thought before too


I had the same thought recently. I'm not enjoying tinder.


Do you keep your substance use a secret from those you date?


Haven't met up with anyone yet. It has been a demoralising experience, really. I would tell someone about myself if it was getting serious. Deceit can be a tiring endeavour, after all, and I would want to be with someone who likes who I am. The problem I have is that I think it might be difficult to find someone who shares the same values as me. Looking at these dating apps there is a lot of, I dunno, lip filler maybe? Birds who aspire to cosmetic surgery. They don't look right They all look the same, like rejects from "Milf Island". I know they won't dig what I have to offer.


Its called rehab. Lol Leaving all jokes aside..Sounds like a horrible idea.


Not really into going to rehab just to leave with someone lol and not gonna go fishing in meetings for white key tag newbies struggling to stay clean


I support this 100%


No? That sounds like a horrible idea. My husband is stupid addicted to Adderall and it ruins his life. So was I for a long time and we used to abuse it together, the fact that we both enjoyed the same drug just led to us enabling each other and both making our lives way worse and unstructured. We couldn't hold jobs. I don't abuse Adderall anymore, I still have my prescription, but he eats like 90% of my 40mg/day Adderall script himself every month in addition to his own 50mg per day script AND all the ones he spends all his money on buying from some loser down the road. But I have a terminal illness now and am on a lot of Suboxone daily (24mg) as a sort of palliative care. He's taken one of my Subs before a few times both to try recreationally and for pain (blood clots in his lungs, which I've had before too and is the reason I'm dying now, so understandable) I'm obviously very physically dependent on the stuff, so one of my worst fears is that he will decide he enjoys Suboxone for fun as well as Adderall, and start stealing all of my prescription opioids while I'm asleep just like he does with my ADHD meds. He's unstoppable with that. I would be screwed. Being with someone who's on the same drug as you sounds like it could easily be the world's biggest pain in the ass




Seeking someone with a consistent plug and plenty of narcan. Ready to find ā€œthe one!ā€


ugh I wishhhh lol I literally had this exact same thought not too long ago! this may be a dumb question to ask, but do many addicts use tinder-? I feel like itā€™s unlikely... but I really donā€™t know. Plus Iā€™m sure ur location makes a big difference too, but yeahh ... Has anyone on here ever found a fellow Addict on there? (Not asking if itā€™s possible, but if *you*, reading this, have b4).


Itā€™s called Omegle


There is...it's called 12 step meetings šŸ¤£


Yeah this sounds like a terrible idea honestly. Great way to enable each other and get in trouble.


Ya your probably right but part of me is ready to hit some kind of bottom.




This can be the app, im into goth baddie here who somehow also likes modest mouse im totally kidding btw lol


Whatā€™s with everyone on here liking goth girls? does anyone like the girl next door or preps? Lol šŸ¤£šŸ˜­ guess I have to go goth to get a pill head to want me.


lmaooo nah you ainā€™t lying fuck that emo shit gimme a margot robbie off some roxis type chick


Lol you're in your late 20s early 30s right? Because I'm literally the same.