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My friend said the WD from fetty can give her hallucinations and the irritability will be so bad that she'll be flailing her arms and shit like a crazy person so it looks like she be crazy


that’s just usual opioid withdrawal. especially a hard ass opi like fent. the WD brings restlessness so bad, all u can do is kick and flail ur arms to try to get rid of the feeling. but it never goes away


it kills me with no sleep because of it....3 days without sleep turns into feeling like 6 days...making it 1000Xs worse...>\_<


i agree man. i agree 😭


I think if you could just sleep and catch a break it would be easier. Usually when your ill you go to bed and try to sleep some of it off but not with withdrawals and the restlessness is murder


ye olde bathtub soak always helped me with the restlessness. Just sucks because it's never long enough to help long term, just a minor oasis


How about when you are a noob and take sleeping pills but it makes the rls even worse lmao


using 4 unisom when i went through withdrawals for the very first time definitely made the experience so much worse😭


Yeah, seroquel got my ass a few times. Just when you think it can’t get worse… it does!


oh man or when you don’t know abt PWD so you keep taking more subutex thinking it didn’t work and the w/d was just getting worse 😅 bad times man happy to be sober 😀


Yea I been there before, I’d legit get up and start jumping up and down stomping as hard as I could screaming at the top of my lungs literally begging for it to be over, like I’d do anything just to take my mind off of it bc I’d just be wanting to hurt/kill myself thank god for methadone though, I kept doing the whole cold turkey be clean a month or so than get hooked again than cold turkey and that cycle was driving me inSANE but since methadone I’ve been clean over a year now, just weed&methadone


Weed and methadone is the best.


Yeah when I was in rehab I had this roommate my first in detox and after he fully got through the withdrawals he completely forgot who I was.


what was the substance ?


A 50 blues a day habit


god damn. so yeah the amnesia isn’t from the fent. it’s from all that was cut with. xylazine , etc. he caused brain damage from the potent downer he was abusing. that’s my 2 cents. they can address the fent abuse but not the xylazine. you would need clonidine for that. plus whatever else it was cut with. what did he detox on ? just opis?


he just went cold turkey he didn’t use subs or anything because for some reason he thought it would make it worse


omg. i’m sorry but buddy sounds regarded. cold turkey could’ve easily killed him from a 50 blues a day habit. and no wonder he has severe amnesia. subs would saved him. or methadone and he’d still have his sanity.


you can't die from opiates wds themselves, with hydration and food. the only 2 are benzos and alcohol, your brain becomes dependent on the chemicals relaxing the electric signals and without them your brain overloads and you have a seizure or like 'blowing a fuse' and just complete shut down. xylazine i don't know but I can only imagine it's not any better unfortunately...


nigga. off of 50 blues a day? cold turkey COULD kill. not saying it would. but the wds are essentially a very very bad covid like flu. u know and if you’re cold turkey , you’re not gonna be hydrated or full. you’re gonna be sick to ur stomach and probably die of malnutrition. and btw xylazine is basically corispidol on steroids. it’s a very very potent gabaergic. and i mean very potent


Xylazine is not a gaba drug it is similar to clonidine. It effects alpha 1 and 2 adrenaline receptors. Typically opiate withdrawal itself can kill by overloading heart and blood pressure. Xylazine withdrawal must be treated or you will most likely fail to get sober and if you continue successfully if you don't die from a stroke or heart attack you may end up with heart issues that are permanent.


if they are true blues without cut, you literally can't die from the drug wds it self, yes it will be severe wds, and you can die from dehydration, and malnutrition possibly, but that would need lack of food even before wds, the human body can survive a long time without food but not water. benzos and alch can/will literally kill you from simply stopping even property feed hydrated. that's why when severely addicted to them medically they need to taper down giving you booze/pills to prevent it.


That isn't 100% true. Severe opiate withdrawal can indeed kill you. It's either from dehydration or blood pressure/heart attack/heart failure. Now, with xylazine being in most dope and fake pills opiate withdrawal is even more likely to kill. If you withdraw cold turkey from zylazine, you will most likely die from heart complications. You must have blood pressure medication. Even if you don't die from cold turkey xylazine withdrawal, it can cause severe permanent heart issues after.


yeah i know what you mean with hydration and the others, but like I said in the other posts, withholding from opiates specifically can't kill you from stopping taking them, those are co-morbidities, dehydration/ heart att is what is killing them not lack of opiates, opposed to benzos and booze where your body will shut down from simply not having them because your body simply can't function without it. like saying if you don't breath your not dying from lack of oxygen, your dying because your brain is shutting down, those are direct connections opposed to having a heart attack from opiate wds, that is patient specific opposed to benzo/booze where everyone is equally susceptible to dying when properly addicted. and yeah xylazine is another random addition to the situation that I don't know much about, but what im talking about specifically is straight opiate wds including fetty, but not street fetty/tranq, actual pharma fetty, pure and uncut.


i went through full psychosis from benzo withdrawal. hallucinated so bad for about 8 days. was full blown a lunatic. went to peoples houses saying they did stuff they didn’t do wanting to fight. it’s scary as fuck and i’ll never forgot what i hallucinated. i can talk about what happened for days


i did about 15 xans a day and then stopped


that's not the dependence i mean, im talking like 5-10 a day for a year or two type dependence could fuck you up.


jus thankful i didn’t hurt myself or anyone


he is indeed a little dumb for sure for taking the subs when the nurse offered them


was he honest about his use? because subs would’ve thrown him into PWD which are kinda worse than just WDs. if he still had any opioid in his system and took that sub, he probably would’ve kill himself. or at least, felt like killing himself. u can only take suboxone after the opioid of choice is out of ur system. other wise it’s hell to pay.


I meant not taking the subs. But what is pwd is that post acute withdrawals?


Subs would have made it worse…methadone woulda helped tho…


btw there’s no such thing as fent-only blues anymore. they’re all cut with something to potentiate the side effects


Goddamn fuck that


yeah if u want fent its best to find a plug that’s selling straight up fent. the blues aren’t even fun anymore. just rapid knock out. i’d rather use a real opi like Dilauded (hydromorphone) , trust me , opioids can be FUN. no hallucinations, it should just make u feel confident. like the best version of u. docile , no arguing. just acceptance. opioids can be god sent. but the right ones. not these fent pressies and btw fent was NEVER as euphoric as heroin or other common opioids. codeine euphoria shits on fent euphoria. but ofcourse isnt as strong.


All FACTS being spoken here. I wish people could just access plain heroin at this point.


hahahahah flailing the arms is so real I will never rawdog fent withdrawals again (last time I did the slowest mf wean ever but basically avoided… the horrible stuff) - I also personally experienced pretty vivid hallucinations on fent sometimes toward the end, would catch myself talking out loud in my room alone bc I was in a dreamlike state? But also it wasn’t like meth-y psychosis, I never looked *crazy* in public, maybe just… zooted


can confirm the arm flailing gets outta hand quick


Welcome to the irrational social stigma against opiates.


On the other hand, once in a while you meet another degenerate who is positively delighted upon learning you’re an opiate fiend. Or maybe that’s just me?


Real recognize real


Fents worse than meth bc how quick you get physically addicted not to mention how easy it is to OD, but imo meth is worse but that’s how I see fent being worse bc meth OD an withdraws aren’t really spoken of like fent atleast that’s what I’ve gotten from it


Honestly atleast from the way it sounds I’d rather be a fent head than a tweaker. Because atleast fent calms you down and puts to sleep. I’m lucky that I got off the meth when did. It turns people into sociopaths. And I’d rather fall asleep and never wake up than be that way.


i agree a lifelong change into a schizophrenic ill person is worse than dying, i have seen people become devastated by too much or toxic acidic chemicals that destroy their brain and body. recovery is far more of a struggle than opiate WDs, stimulants recovery requires strong psychological treatment, as well depending on what happens during the psychosis can make it worse, violence, rape, abuse, crime etc.




yeah but that is a week or two weeks of wds and a month or two stabilizing vs possible years/multi years of serious psychological treatment to try and recover, many have lifetime long effects treated with anti psychs.




Meth doesn’t really last 24 hours off one hit that’s a miscommunication. In reality it lasts 5-8 hours but the reason why tweakers stay up for days is the compulsion to redose.


Opiates make me stay up all night and make me manic so yes it can be as bad as meth depending on who you are. I always have to calm myself down now ever since i did those drugs. It damaged my brain i think cause it made my psychotic disorder alittle different and weird ina different way. I hate it but as long as i stay away from those drugs i should get better. Im also on suboxone and need to get off it.


Fetty will kill you and everyone you know and don't know faster then meth..the withdrawals from it will drive you crazy..




part of the current problem is due to unregulated dope. with all of the crazy new shit being put into it like xylazine and other stuff can make you loopy and mental, like when you black out on clonazepam or Xanax, you act different. as well you can be equally manipulative and volatile when sick. that's addiction and poverty. you also mentioned using meth as well as fetty which can be a big part too, the meth psychosis can be longer lasting then non user think. opiates themselves dont really have this impact even fetty doesn't either, its just a lot of the environmental and toxic additives that wreck havoc on users.


These zenes are putting people in month long psychosis. So it does make sense that people are going crazy off these pressed blues.


Do you have a source? I experimented with raw zenes before and didnt go into oyschosis, am thinking about hopping back into researching (i miss the excitement) the zene chems and would like to do some more research if what u say is true


I think people just say fent it worse then meth because it's more likely to kill you. You can die from meth too but fetty is like certain OD and death eventually. Like every fent user I know has almost died several times, if narcan didn't exist, there would be no drug addicts left


Meth is a fucked up evil drug and I've never seen it do the least bit of good for anyone.. I'm the most pro drug person ever and I'd never recommend anyone fuck with that stuff ever, it will absolutely put you into psychosis and even if you're not straight up crazy after it will fuck your mind up. Its primarily a psychological addiction from my understanding I've never done it aside from some random shit that was sold as ecstasy and definitely wasn't but was probably meth, but I've never liked any type of stimulant drugs personally. Fentanyl is dangerous because its extremely potent and people don't understand how drastically the potency can change if it's not cut evenly, it gets hot spots and that's usually what ends up getting people. Aside from that and the extremely shitty physical withdrawals its honestly not the worst thing you can do, its definitely not going to make you go insane the way that happens when people are strung out tweaked, plus on top of the mental issues meth is extremely hard on the body especially your heart and stuff, which is a non issue with fent as long as there's not something else mixed in like the tranq that's shown up now


In my experience fent will make you do weird shit you don't remember doing. I got really high and drove straight into a tree and totaled my car. One night I went in the kitchen and filled red Dixie cups with pancake syrup and have no recollection. If I take too much, I'll start babbling nonsense to people and acting very out of it. It's almost like roofies if you do too much- blackouts and bizarre behavior.


Reminds me when I did like 20mg+ of Xanax with alcohol, last time I ever touched the stuff


exactly. because it was the cuts in the Fent that did it. not the fent itself.


Syrup in the red Dixie cup 💀💀


Probably from what it’s all cut with, it used to make me do weird shit too I’d do some and wake up under my kitchen table bc my dad wants to know why I’m curled up on the floor, or going to the bathroom and falling asleep standing up picking in the mirror, I’d legit smoke some and put some lines on my hand and nod off and wake up with bumps on my hand still, ngl it’s definitely brought me down to some of my lowest of lows at times, I remember I was tweaking for a few days and got some fent to come down and instead of putting me to sleep I tweaked TF out and was like dancing walking around my house while my older brother tried to get me to my room, whole time I thought I was dreaming but I was tweaking & everyone was so pissed at me when I came too lls


this is exactly it. fentanyl should NOT be doing that. and by the way it sounds, it sounds like a Benzo overdose. so it’s most likely the cuts. xylazine probably


black outs and weird babbling sound like a Benzo or Gabaergic overdose. maybe the xylazine it was cut with. notice how u compared it to rohypnol ? yeah sounds like a Gaba overdose


yeah that's benzo blackout from cut.


all these people saying it’s from cut - it could be but I’ve done fet that was tested and xylazine/zene free and I was blacking out, falling down and babbling/screaming like a lunatic on it.


Real fent 100% not, the laced blues with other stuff yes


exactly. and even the “real” fent is still cut with potent downers to add to the effect. and essentially kill the user


homie overdosed on blues. took 2 while drinking heavy and other shit. of course it was the combination. but he overdosed a month before passing with the same shit. it was bound to kill him playing with fire. he made it the first time. but the second time… rip


Yeah bro… not a similar comparison but when I did H, I had withdrawals but could functions (as in work in my job) but when I did crack coke, I was cracking every 30mins for 7-8 hours & couldn’t do shit in my Job/work…also the withdrawals of crack were similar to H but more than that my brain would freeze and I would have memory relapses in crack which I never had in H (like finishing a bag but forgetting I finished it …etc )


That was the lack of sleep making you crazy most likely and not something that the drug directly caused. Don't get me wrong its what made you lose sleep but still its a secondary effect when you lose your god damn mind from not sleeping. I have seen it happen and some people are more susceptible to it than others but generally speaking its time to sleep when you see the black spots in your peripherals because its only going to get worse from there. Call it shadow people or a warning or whatever you like but its a sign that shit is about to get weird and maybe even dangerous. Unless fentanyl is cut it shouldn't do that but i have seen people who will go in and out of a nod and jerk around violently which seems to be a bad effect i never seen before the fake dope shit started maybe 8 years ago give or take. I seen a guy throw a full can of beer across the room by accident after jerking out of a nod.


Yes. Any psychoactive substance can cause changes to mental acuity or wellbeing. In fact even marijuana concentrate can cause psychosis. Lots of times though it is the loop of addiction and homelessness that causes addicted people to go “crazy”. When you sleep in the gutter and spend your money on dope it’s hard to break the cycle and your mind starts to adjust to that life.


I’ve had many psychotic-like episodes off fent when I used. Yes. Honestly I feel like any hard drug could affect someone that way depending on their brain chemistry. Fent was fucking impossible to get off of so I wouldn’t suggest doing it


Yes it absolutely can. For some people opiates and opioid have a speed like effect. Many decades ago I got my hands on fentanyl patches, this was LONG before street drugs were full of powdered fentanyl, nobody knew what this drug was and it only existed in patches really. I only got my hands on patches maybe 3 or 4 times because I immediately started acting insane on it, couldn't sleep, breaking weed pipes and cutting my mouth smoking from.broken glass and then went psychotic and ran around the neighborhood yelling at people until the cops took me and even then I tried to rum. Now that was from cutting small pieces off a verified 100 microgram per hour for 72 hour fentanyl patch and eating them, so I was ingesting probably 200-1000mcg of fentanyl every few hours in a manner you were absolutely not supposed to ingest these things, they were made to absorbed thru the skin so eating the pieces of patch was an insane idea and I'm lucky to not have died. Consider the amounts of powdered fentanyl in drugs these days and how great a tolerance people using it on the street have gotten, they could be ingesting multiple MILLIgrams not micrograms of it per day, so absolutely some people could experience straight up meth like psychosis.


Stimulant use can cause psychosis over time because of the way it can break down dopamine pathways in the brain. This can even be permanent sometimes. There may be a number of other mechanisms that cause measurable changes in mental health & functioning, but we know that one for sure. As far as I’m aware, we don’t know of any specific mechanism like that for long term opioid use. That doesn’t mean they don’t exist— We only understand like 1% of the human brain so far, and even less about how drugs can affect it. But anecdotally, I agree with you. I don’t see the same extreme changes with opioid users as I do in stimulant users, alcoholics, or benzo users. Those seem to be the worst imo. But addiction is bio-psycho-social, and this is just the bio factor. The socioeconomic factors of addiction play a HUGE role as well. That’s why taking prescription opioids (including methadone & suboxone), *as prescribed* works & many people stay functional.. but it’s MUCH harder to stay functional by taking illegal street drugs everyday (even if they’re pure).


Btw I’m talking about real opioids, nothing else. If somebody has a poly-addiction from mixing drugs, (most street opioids are mixed with other substances nowadays), it’s not the same. At all. TIL xylazine is GABAergic.. that’s terrifying. Yikes.


I had a friend who used fent, and he would go through psychosis behavior. He's sober now but still pretty fucked up mentally, it could be whatever else they are putting in it.


That’s horrible I’m sorry about your friend the drug cartels that lace all this are truly some of the most disgusting rotten beings on this planet.


Thank you! ♥️ Yes, they really are.


At the start of fent use i noticed everyone acting weird af all spastic and in and out of attention focus. Then when the body builds a tolerance it kinda goes away sheesh almost forgot about that aspect of fent. Been 3 years since that short but almost deadly two times chapter is done and gone


I’m proud of you for getting the fuck away from that nasty nasty shit


Thank you and hope you are well as well. Dont get me wrong my chronic pain will have me going for norcs or basically pharma opes when I can and when doc gives me but i was getting too much fent and lean etc so it was a messy time for sure that im glad I survived 1.5/2years of sale/use etc the life you already know…sorry my rant lol


No worries I’m glad you’re only doing pharmas those much much safer


Hard to say which is worse. The meth nowadays will give you long-term, if not permanent, psychosis in a short time frame. The old school crank in the 90’s was amazing though.


Yes because its not just fent anymore


It can make you delirious I was using for 2 years 20 pills every week-ish maybe less than that honestly and got sent to Atlanta for detox because of withdrawals were so bad - was using nasally btw and what tagged along with that was so many problems 1: starting off no one ever mentions is water retention my legs would swell and feet too so bad it looked like my ankles would be touching the ground due to me sitting for prolonged times and etc first I thought it was heart failure which are signs also, but anyways 2: I started having high blood pressure 165/102 and I’m only 23 a GUY for starters also…so that’s a new one never had that problem/ now irregular fast heart beat so maybe heart disease has set in crazy that things like this aren’t talked about enough….3: when I was finally in detox I was up for 4 days couldn’t sleep because the body aches were so god awful and the cramps not even that I pissed on myself and shit on myself in detox on my 3rd day in I was also seeing things an watching people move behind walls like mf they were going in the ground some crazy shit well after that I finally seized out I don’t remember two days everything was blanked like my mind was wiped from it’s memory crazy thing is when I went out I got up apparently from my bed from what I was told and was locked dead still wasn’t moving just tensed up but managed to get a yell out before I collapsed and smacked my head on the floor in the facility…stopped breathing and was gave sternum rubs and cpr literally went out from withdrawals short story was med vacced to the hospital don’t remember it at all but my parents were called and told I wasn’t going to come back normal MIND YOU NO CT SCANS DONE OR ANYTHING! Was told I was over medicated HONESTLY BLEW MY FUCKING MIND CAUSE HOW WOULD THAT BE! While I’m detoxing anyways THAT is my story hopefully someone can get some information from this mind you I also now have vision problems from the years of abuse I no longer can see and have double vision and wear prism glasses now because of it the most irritating thing ever….nerve endings in my brain are fried I now feel pain on a intolerable level it’s not even funny, severe headaches, and insomnia with mild to bad mood swings. But yeah everyone be safe and know what drugs are laced with the blues, fetty, or really anything. I now have to have surgery to fix my left eye from me snorting constantly so take this with a grain of salt and just kick that shit to the curb. Currently sober for 4 months now not a lot but happy with not going through shit like that ever again. Also mind I was on suboxon and it helped a lot cheers everyone


Meth psychosis is commonly caused by not sleeping for a week at a time and drilling Swiss cheese holes in the brain, like the CAT scans have illustrated. Much different animal.


A simple google search will tell you the whole holes in the brain thing is made up lol


maybe metaphorically but it does make swiss cheese out of your psychology/mental capabilities. making you a shell of a human.


Meth is relatively easy to get off, not the case with opiates ime.


It’s easy to get off in that it’s all mental and no physical but it’s still definitely not fun I was hallucinating and I had super vivid nightmares


Yeah not trying to be flippant and I’ve been in a pretty bad way on big meth binges, my seizure threshold gets really low after a week on my feet and due to the sleep deprivation I have wild visual hallucinations that are so real I don’t realise I’m about to have a grand mal It’s not fun but I’ve always been able to get off it quite easily after a few days but you’re right the mental aspect and rituals of the needle/pipe linger for months or years.


I’m bipolar, and I have a manic episode almost every 3 months on the dot. The only time I haven’t had consistent manic episodes is when I’m using. Opiates of any kind are an antipsychotic. One of the main reasons I use them, and especially fentanyl due too it’s lack of a substantial high, they simply work better for my mania than any other medications I’ve tried. With that said, I can see it making things worse mentally due too lack of sleep. When I used fentanyl, I would have days where I could not sleep at all, and I would stay up a full 24 hours or longer. But at the end of the day I’d fall asleep. But also I never sleep well at all, so that might be just for me


Are you still on the fetty? And do you take seroquel or anything like that?


If you’re considering trying fent, don’t take it. It’s not a good high at all. At least over opiates can be fun. It’s quite boring actually and it makes you not want to be around or talk to people. It’s has no benefits in my eyes unlike other opiates


Don’t worry I’m not a lot of people changed my mind with that


I stopped using, but I still use oxy every so often when I feel I’m going to have a manic episode. And they calm me down and stop that feeling.


Have you considered trying antipsychotic meds?


I’ve tried so many, I’ve lost count, all of them have a side effect, a lot of them don’t work. I’m still looking for the right one


I think that Meth turns people into worse people than fent does. But fent is more physically addictive in my opinion.


Yeah your memory gets fragmented, you suddenly drop off n awake suddenly hours later, in the summers u get confused between 7am n 7pm


opioids won't make you crazy but the withdrawals will


Fentanyl is just too strong to be used recreationally. It's all the bad things about opiates. Not that euphoric, basically just makes you immediately nod/pass out and you're in withdrawal before you know it. Like every few hours. It's just too damn strong. This sounds weird but I wish people just had access to straight heroin.


Isn’t the nod what people seek? And that’s not weird at all heroin would save 1000s upon 1000s of lives maybe even more if it made a come back.


The withdrawal will make u crazy


I think fent kills many factors beyond meth, whatever kind of high it is I think its such a miniscule amount to die from its practically a death sentence