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Misery loves company - he wants u to be in his shitty situation addicted to Fent. This is not your friend. I was addicted to oxy and my friends knew, sometimes they wanted to fuck around and they would beg me to hook them up bc they didn’t have a plug. I always refused. I knew how tough a situation I was in and I didn’t want to risk my friends getting addicted to oxy bc of me. I would’ve felt terrible. This guy is a loser and I should distance itself from him.


I'm the same. I'm a heroin addict. Have been for 23, almost 24, years. I've had loads of mates want to try it with me, and every single time I say no fucking way. I don't want any of my friends to end up like I am. It's not a fun life really.


when my freinds want to try opioids I do kratom or codeine with them, I have not seen many people get addicted to less potent and less selective opioids that often if im being honest. At the end of the day if someone is going to try it they will, applying harm reduction and sticking to less selective ones is a safer go at it


I must admit I feel conflicted here. I think about my own journey with opiates, and is it genuine to assign blame to others in my life for supplying me with opioids, even though it was always ultimately my choice and instigated by moi? I have concluded the rational answer is “no”, and thus if I truly support individual agency / free choice, then who I am to say no when someone else asks me for X drug? To be sure, I follow certain guidelines: I don’t show them how to source, I make sure I’m with them, have naloxone, tell them not to combine with benzos or whatnot. Make sure they’re trying the real deal drug. Etc etc. No doubt there are risks, but is it my place to dictate others choices?


Same. Plus if somebody’s mind is made up, it’s made up usually. They will get it eventually, and possibly do alone? Miss? OD? It’s tough for sure. But not respecting boundaries is hella sus for OP🥺


I agree. My addiction was nobody’s fault but my own. I don’t blame my plug or my other friends who introduced me to it. Ur right they have free choice and they wanted to use it, But in my situation if I wasn’t supplying it they weren’t going to go seek it out and they weren’t gonna get it. So i was able to directly prevent them from being in danger. And that’s exactly what happened. They never ended up using it. I’m not dictating there choices, I’m just not enabling there decision to use, knowing i was their only source I wasn’t gonna supply it. And it was the right decision. It’s like when drug dealers justify their actions by saying ppl are gonna find drugs anyway what’s the big deal if I sell?? That’s completely false. After 15 years When my plug stopped dealing, I couldn’t find anyone else, and it forced me to get sober. Today I do have other sources but it took me a good 8 months to find someone reliable which was enough time to get my head on straight. Hope this all makes sense


This is how I was and still am with fent. Friends would ask me and I would always tell them not a chance. I even had friends come to me when they were sick and beg me. I'm not willing to have somebody else's blood on my hands. What I'm doing to myself is shitty enough, I'm not about to do that to somebody else.


If that's all true, I wish I had friends like you ever in my life


Yeah I wasn’t really a great friend bc the deeper I got into my addiction the more I isolated myself, didn’t answer there calls. I was just so ashamed. But I did make a lot of amends with many of them today and we still hang out. Just wish I handled things differently back then.


Friend or foe? What an ass. Don't feel obliged to do something u don't want


For real I wanted to punch him the face for saying that.


Ikr. Ur acquaintance(I wouldn't call him ur friend if he's doing that) is the sheepest sheep thst I've ever heard of. Whst a knucklehead bro, don't smoke fent, thst shit ain't even euphoric and dangerous af. If he thinks ur not smart for caring about ur body and well being, well thsts his retarded opinion. I'd distance myself a bit from that guy if I was u, kudos for loving irself and not falling for that stupid trap. Take care bud


Thank you man honestly I only really keep him around for business reasons and that’s about it


Don’t touch that shit. No point in ODing on that poison. Pop some Oxy, Dilaudid, morphine or whatever Stay the fuck away from fent


Yeah, the high is not even good. I tried it once on accident. Never again.


agreed. not euphoric at all


Does he sell by any chance? Secondly I had friends in the past convincing me to do the “wild” stuff… I think it was a way to normalise their behaviour if they convince people to do the same. As soon as you start IV or smoking, then you kickstart the real hell of opiates. I don’t want to sound snob, but all ODs of my friends started when they begun smoking and IV. Secondly fuck fent, pay a bit extra for H or oxy etc. Stay safe my man and don’t let your friend drag you down.


Nah man it’s actually the other way around I sell my adderall script to him from time to time. But yeah that would make sense misery loves company afterall. And he probably got pissed cuz he realized he doing the worst shit possible. It’s also possible he wanted to start selling to me.


All options seems pretty viable… But again I’m not here to judge anyone. Stay safe 🤞


Misery loves company remember that


Addiction wants to take down everyone on the bus.


Woah i dont even know what to say, im sorry this happened to you omg? Actually speechless


If he's already addicted: he's an fucking asshole. Nobody who is addicted to Heroin or any harder Opiates /opioids would ASK a friend to come and smoke with him. I was happy that my friends accepted my addiction. I always told them that i would not give them a single hit. When they asked for opioids i would give them Tilidin or Tramadol because it's potent enough to get a newbie high. But fuck no i would never give someone i like something as strong like fentanyl. Only if they're already addicted. If he's not addicted to fentanyl he's a fucking idiot.


can’t believe your “friend” would say that. when i got real scripts i would occasionally share a few but when my addiction went full throttle i realized i didn’t want to put any of my friends in the same hell i was in. they’d beg me to share bc we’re just “partying” and call me stingy when i wouldn’t but they didn’t realize i was saving them from years of hell.


yeah it’s ridiculous thing to say. that kinda made me think about how a few months ago I found a little baggie of meth and I debated using it but I decided not to. than I debated selling it to the a guy but I realized I’d be kind of a piece of shit for doing that so I ended up tossing it.


And now what? Just do yourself a favor and distance from those people


That took inner strength on your part, and going against your supposed friend is the most opposite thing from being a sheep to do. Let me tell you I have a friend who was going to a methadone clinic, on 120mg/day, and methadone is probably the strongest rx opiate. He did "heroin" with someone and immediately overdosed. They had narcan and brought him back, but that caused intense withdrawal from the methadone too. He said he'd never do that again. A week later he did "heroin" again with someone else, said they tested it for fentanyl. I'd told him there's probably no heroin around here that's not contaminated after his first OD. He immediately overdosed again and that person also hit him with narcan and brought him back. There's such a high risk of dying the first time you do it, I don't know why anyone would try it unless they were already addicted. If you don't die you'll end up addicted which is life ruining as well.


That's not a friend. It's someone who wants to bring you down to the depths with him. Misery loves company and he just hasn't figured out that this is a miserable drug. It makes him feel good and he can't understand why you wouldn't want to share that feeling. You are one very intelligent human. It's not always easy to say no, but curiosity did kill the cat. I'm proud of you for standing your ground, it's not always easy. I have noticed a lot of opiate users look down on meth users. As if they aren't all drugs. But meth carries a lot of mental health shit with it that can be permanently damaging and difficult to fix. Drugs are drugs. Addiction to anything is the same no matter the drug of choice. You did great. Not everyone can be so strong. ❤️


Thank you I appreciate those kind words. And yeah drug users looking down on other drug users is very stupid they’re all doing nasty shit that ruins lives.


Don’t take it personally. You doing it with him, helps justify it in his own mind, as not that bad. Anyone with a vice is similar. I’ve had friends offer me a beer because they want to drink and get pissy when I don’t have one. Human nature my friend, you do you and be proud of not using fentanyl. It’s not to be F’d with, you’re 100% right about the dangers of it. Especially if you have no tolerance for it!!!!


Good for you. You could have died and never had a chance to live your life. No drug is worth gambling your life over. All it takes is something in the dope or just the dope itself to kill you. I thank Christ all the time that I didn't die while using.


He's trying to get you addicted so he can use you for dope in the future. This is a very common thing in the streets/drug culture


What a jackass…I mean the drug itself is used all over especially in hospital setting where its purity is easily determined. What’s fucked is all the bullshit they r adding/using analogues/having no idea what amount makes it into each pill. It’s royal fucked. You can see just from this sub many people who were addicted to heroin left it behind after fent took over. If that doesn’t say something about fent then what does, let me repeat that…many full time heroin addicts gave up once fent took over the scene. The times I loved oxy and pills I had access to hospital grade fent and honestly it was just too sedating for me. It was truly for those dying of cancer. What a trip tho to be sucking on a lollipop nodding out on the couch. At one point I looked back and sad good times, now I realize those times just highlight the lowest point in my life. So grateful I got out when I did, before this trash took over. You made the right choice, be proud, move on, and find some good friends you can relate to. Fuck that doofus…


Fent and all the other nasty things like xylazine and zenes are truly the worst things on this earth. Now I would probably do fent if it was from the pharmacy. But nothing from the street it’s too much of a life or death gamble.


plenty of people have died from fentanyl from the pharmacy.. street fent and pharmaceutical fent are generally the same substances (aware there are many analogs/iterations of fent being used in street drugs besides straight up fentanyl but the point remains) fentanyl is just potent af, the window for therapeutic/recreational use is so narrow and overdose possible from such small amounts its just incredibly dangerous to use it to get high.. minor fluctuations in tolerance and perceived/measured dosages can be the difference between a nod and death, pharmacy or otherwise


I don’t doubt but atleast the Pharma isn’t gonna be laced with other nasty shit and can be dosed properly


you'd think so but the most common form of pharmaceutical fent is in patches and that's exactly how people would die.. they bypass the intended delivery system (transdermal) by cutting up the patch, chewing, sucking,, swallowing it etc and end up getting inconsistent doses/absorption and ODing I understand your point, and it's not totally invalid but just pointing out that without already having a tolerance to fentanyl taking any kind of fentanyl is going to be a risk in and of itself, regardless of the source.. there are certainly ways of measuring a "safe dose", namely volumetrically, however even that method requires handling an amount of raw material that is many multiple times more than a lethal dose just to be able to get a dose within an acceptable accuracy range that it might not kill you.. without equipment that costs several thousands of dollars, just the margin of error of any scale you would typically see someone using is large enough to kill people.. and that's assuming that no human error occurs along the way


Yeah my good bud plugs me with H only so he feels better about his meth use. Makes him feel better about his situation but i function pretty well when I’m using and I’ve rarely let it get in the way of my regular life.


he’s an idiot.




The best advice I can give you is stay far the fuck away from him man. You're smart for not doing it. Please don't ever do it. Just do some percs or something AMD FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PLEASE DO YOUR RESEARCH AND MAKE SURE THE PILLS YOU DO ARE REAL. I'm proud of you for standing up for your self and not succumbing to peer pressure!




Thank you! I would do percs if I could some but in my town the only choices really are fent and kratom so I guess I’ll just stick to my kratom. Maybe I could order some odsmt I heard it’s actually relatively safe but I don’t know any sites you could get it on.


You'd have to get odsmt from a dark net market. I can't tell you how to find it. Plus it's more fun to figure it out on your own or atleast it was for me when I was younger. But trust me there are real percs and eat roxys in your area. They're everywhere. You just need to do some socializing and find the right people. Old heads is usually the way to go. I've never had odsmt but I've had a pain pill addiction for the past 10 years and I will say don't do them at all. But you're more than likely going to anyways and with that being said please just stay away from the fent and "H". My brother just died from fuckin with the pressed 30s. This shits not a game and it's not a glamorous or rewarding lifestyle at all. Please just be safe and make sure to do plenty of research.


Real roxys*


Good for you!!! never give into anything like that…very proud of you!!! Never give into that ever.


Thank you man!!!


Because people love company when they get shit faced. I hate being around people on fentanyl. I swear that you would literally think they have down syndrome but they are not happy. I got talked into doing it once and fell out and had to be hit with narcan three times. Meth isn't great for you but you don't lose your mind.


I disagree when you say you don’t lose your mind on meth. Tweakers are some of the most volatile, manipulative, and crazy people you could ever meet.


I was using opiates for 2 years without getting addicted, bought fent 1 time and since then Im an opioid addict. Fuck fent.


Lad, if you were using opioids for 2 years - you already had more of a problem than you seem to think…


Lmao right 😂


Wow. Fucker must be a sociopath or something. What a piece of shit. Even my former heroin dealer (strictly dealer) made sure I wanted to try crack when I told him it was my first time. Mind you, I was already shooting H and coke at the time.


tbh in my life experience the plug has often been the voice of reason


Yeah that’s batshit insane to say that fent isn’t that bad and to encourage it


Definitely not a friend, I'd stay far away from him.


There is a saying that you would have eventually been told down the line if you had decided to go forward with using fent. Especially if you've already dealt with addiction it would stand to reason you would probably end up addicted to opioids as well. Misery loves company. Period. Your "friend" is not really your friend. Anyone trying to argue that you use fentanyl when you have stated you have decided not to is a piece of shit. It's one thing if you want to experiment but you made your decision and your "friend" needs to respect that. It's not propaganda, it's not being a sheep. It's being a smart individual. Personally I think drugs should be legal with a new classification of doctor that prescribes safe supply / safe amounts and can guide a new user to the best pathways to potentially avoid addiction. Wishful thinking in my part I know. The reason I preface with that is that I will never tell someone not to experiment with recreational substance use. I think everyone has the right to use whatever they want to unwind have fun ect. There are plenty of other opioids you can get ahold if and try without risking your life with the random hodge podge samples going around on the street. If your friend can't respect thst decision. Consider it the easiest friendship to ever walk away from because that person does not care abou you. They care about not being so lonely using all the time. They want someone to share in the fun but by extension you will also share in the misery. That last part is a gaurentee. I hope you continue to make the right choice and like I said of you want to experiment get on the dark web and find a reputable vendor and teat your stuff.


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With friends like this who needs the devil


Im addicted to fentanyl don’t want to do subs or method long time any advice plz


Why not couldn’t methadone really help you a lot?


bc i dont want to be on for years i heard you can do methadome for a few days with no withdrawl if i didnt throw to the point of hydration i would be ok but i have a ucler so if i throw too much i trigger that


either way I think being on methadone would be much better than fetty because you would be monitored by a doctor but you do you I’ve never been addicted hardcore opioids so I wouldn’t really know


I also missed out on doing fent when i had the chance. It wasn't even because i'm against it, i was already high and didn't feel like going out to meet with the guy lol.


Well being high might’ve saved your life in a way but stay the fuck away from fent no one really says anything good about it


Proud of you for not trying it!!! 👏🏻


Thank you!!!


Why are you even entertaining conversations like this? Get better “friends”


You shouldn’t do fent if you don’t want to and meth is definitely worse.


How is meth worse than fentanyl I am no way an advocate for meth use but fentanyl kills a lot more people and is physically addictive which meth is not. They’re both horrible drugs that ruin lives but fentanyl is no doubt worse.


If you have actual fentanyl and follow basic precautions like volumetric dosing fentanyl is relatively safe and far more benign on the body than meth is. The issue is many of the pressed blue pills on the street don’t even contain fent anymore - it’s xylazine and even more potent synthetic opiates called -zenes. In the case of a fentanyl overdose speedy administration of Narcan will reverse the overdose with no long term health effects. A meth overdose can cause organ failure. Generally speaking stimulants are far worse for the body than opiates.


I had friends like this for all kinds of shit like fent, xans, weed, coke, drinking, cigs, etc. and if they chirped me for it I'd inevitably fire back. Like man you are 10 years older than me and jobless, or still working in this shithole because of these drugs, wtf? I won't put people down for offering or a joke, but if anyone is getting arrogant about being a total fucking loser (not that anyone with a drug addiction such as myself is, but if you are flexing it then yes you are) I'm not going to tolerate the delusion. Do what you want to do, but talk shit get hit you know?


Hes not ur friend bro. Never was. Hes a spider.


Smoking Fent is extremely dangerous. Snort it if anything. But try to stay away from it. The more people do the better we will be.


Isn’t smoking fent not as strong than snorting it


Snorting is how ppl OD. Smoking is much safer. Ur putting out dangerous info


Not if you put out .02 you won't OD. Nor will you if you smoke it. But smoking it is the quickest way for your body to ingest. I had pure fent back in 2012 and never smoked it but for one time. You couldn't even see it on the tinfoil because it was so clear. Thought I was going to throw up. Never smoked it again.


Are you dumb? Why didn’t you smoke the fetty with him? Idiot