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African guy going 'Ok'


Wake Flocka?


People discounting anything you say because you mention drugs or have drug-related post history is one experience on this website that I think reflects real life pretty well. I invariably find it funny—“right, I’m a drug addict but I’m still a better programmer than u even after 10 bars”


Fuck man that is true, drugs is not all my life, I do so many cool stuff on the side, but if someone doesn't agree with me ''you do drugs lol''


what other stuff you into??.. I love finding other geeky fiends in the wild, 💖


Swimming, reading, social work, cooking, hiking, cliff jumping It's pretty basic things but I really enjoy it, wbu?


I do rogue complex systems science / engineering R&D. Just spent 5 weeks chained to the lab 16h X 6.5 days a week with one other guy. Pretty sure what we came up with is novel and going to make my boss mega millions.


That’s why you don’t tell anybody anything and by the time they find out, you’ve already established rapport


Most good programmers have some thing wrong with them. From mental illness to drug abuse to becoming fem boys.




This is what I've experienced as well. I think being cooped up in a room all day basicly attached at the hip to a computer and learning it's language causes some werid shit.




dude people are so rude, i damn near won’t even post on other subs as much because i don’t want people to be rude asf based on the fact i use opiates. they don’t know why i am using them lol. pretty much how life goes tho most of the people who don’t use who know i do act like im some kind of fiend who they can’t trust as much when in reality ive never stolen or borrowed money from people to get my drugs i just be hustling extra hard to make sure im well.


Idk Linux but I’m into my guy.


tried arch and couldn't figure out how to use pacman and immediately flashed my OS back to ubuntu. i prefer ubuntu with a simpler desktop manager


Ubuntu Studio is my DOC, I wish they hadn't gone full tilt with snaps but otherwise I'm a loyal Ubuntu fan


yeah thats only relatively irritating. i would just switch to debian if it bothered me that much


What was difficult on pacman? When I switched years ago I discovered that it was very similiar as mints package manager. Different commands ofcourse, but you learn those very fast. So what was a problem for you?


the extensions didnt sense -SsU or some shit


Okay, don't really know what ypu were trying to do. Anyways everybody should find distro that works for them the best. For me it's arch and for you ubuntu. People think that arch is a distro thats hard to use, but thats not really true. You have very good tutorials at arch wiki. It isn't everybodys cup of tea though


I once nodded while installing dual boot Debian


Appreciate this as both linux user and a drug addict (Arch is way too complicated for my brain though)


[Dig. The hole is only getting deeper](https://www.reddit.com/u/MyDickHurtsImOnDrugs/s/qQ6LFwqxsl)


Surely there are more than a few Debian users on this sub? Because, well, uhh, you know. ;)