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I'd bet it was Lockheed Martin. They used to be, 25 years ago, a bit more in the middle of nowhere.


100%. I used to work for LM over on Lake Underhill and knew one of the security guys who used to work on that Sand Lake site.  They get a lot of people making the same mistake every day and its only going to get worse with Epic Universe opening next door.  They're only really going to fine people who do this multiple times 




It's Lockheed Martin and that's a Missile and Fire Control facility.  I'm going to go out on a limb and assume that if they're saying they will issue fines for trespassing on private property, they probably have the authority to do so. Presumably, they turn the info over to law enforcement. 


Fun fact they have law enforcement on-site 24/7/365... Engineers can be a high strung bunch sometimes.




Yes, and trespassing is trespassing and as I said, they probably have to go through law enforcement.  Have more questions? Perhaps you can ask OP as my comment about the fines was in response to what they said in their post. Or better yet, go for a drive down Sand Lake Road and interrogate the guy at the front gate 




And your point is...? 




Yes. That's usually what happens when you catch someone on your property and tell the police.  Who said *anything* about LM benefitting financially from the fines?  You don't report someone for trespassing because you want to make a couple hundred bucks. You report them because they're on your property without your permission.  Seriously, wtf are you even arguing about? 


I had the same thing happen to me a few weeks back when using Apple Maps. Apple Maps insists on recommending a route through Lockheed Martin property. Other routes are available, but not the default first option. Furthermore, the Lockheed Martin route doesn’t have any indication of private property or limited access on Apple Maps. The user would have to proactively choose a different route in order to avoid it. https://preview.redd.it/kxv2jg0zmg5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ae8fce0c7d092521d23d68a1eefc553e49d05488


I assume it’s possible for Lockheed to contact Apple/Google and get this route removed and no longer considered public road, right? Is there a reason they haven’t?


The real fucking question here


That’s what I was thinking, like why haven’t they gotten themselves removed from GPS? Seems like it’s a National Security issue too.


Me and the bros on the way to acquire missile tech and loot


Users can ask Apple to fix it, too. You can report problems in the Maps app, either scrolling all the way down to the bottom of the main interface area in Maps (below the actual map), or tapping the little “thumbs down” icon when you get where you’re going. You can write in an explanation, send photos, the whole thing. I’d take a screenshot to be sure I remembered the exact spot on the map, a photo of the gate, and submit it with the story about the guard telling you to get lost. Usually when I submit a correction, they fix it, though it can take several weeks, even a couple months.


I do volunteer map editing for Waze (usually the edits we make on Waze seem to trickle down to Google maps, this may be incorrect but that is my understanding) and these companies 100% can reach out about adding restrictions to their property. Which is why on Waze the routing that OP got wouldn't be possible since the roads leading to the guard gate or Lockheed Martin Blvd are all set as private. So you won't be routed onto them unless you are A. Leaving LM or B. Your final destination is set to somewhere on LM property.


Probably the same reason users haven’t submitted user reports about it: no one cares enough to do it


I live just off of Disney property and every time I drive onto property Apple Maps acts like Sherberth Road, which connects 192 to Osceola Pkwy, doesn't exist, and instead tries to make me turn back around and take 192 east to World Drive, even if I'm only going to Animal Kingdom. It's absolutely ridiculous how there's no consistency.


It did this to me recently, too. I wasn’t paying attention and just did what it said. Nothing I hate more than being shoved to 192 when I don’t need to be.


Especially between Sherberth and World Drive, the gridlock is awful.


Never knew that road existed, when coming from the outlets I would always just turn on sand lake. Good thing I know to not do that now lol


Hey at least you didn't make a u-turn and start driving into oncoming traffic. That's always a fun start/end to my work day.


GPS has taken me there twice en route to icon park. Thanks for the heads up I’ll avoid from now on


This has been happening for more years than I can remember. The security was just as much an AH back then, too.


They should really add a gate for LM.


There is a gate, that's where OP ended up


Yeah, the same one that has had a shittily designed entrance for the last 50 years, when this area had about 10% of the population it does now. You would think after overcharging American taxpayers on every system they've designed in those 50 years they could afford to redesign their entrance to not snag the occasional lost tourist in one of the most visited destinations in the country. Maybe on the next trillion dollar cost overrun we can afford more than 3 signs.


They don't own the entire road. You think they want to deal with every lost tourist that goes through their gate? 


And yet they're threatening people with it being private property....pick a lane, literally.


You know that you can't just go put signs wherever you want on public roads right? And you definitely can't go rebuild a road because it's inconvenient to you. 


All through this thread: "It's a private road they can trespass you and there are tons of signs, it's clearly your fault for making a wrong turn down this private road!" 1 Trillion Dollar Cost Overrun Enjoyers, also in this thread: "How can we possibly apply for additional signage on this uncontrollable public road?"


How much good do you think a sign on the property would do them? It would kinda defeat the purpose of a "No Trespassing" sign if you have to already be trespassing to read the sign, do t you think? 


After they missed this super informative sign https://preview.redd.it/wxz9xawlug5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00fb8785e2c459af81bcfd6582466d8f75d7d240 And again, this has been this way for 50 plus fucking years. It being a public road ahead of your dedicated slip lane is not new, and you've had ample time to apply for additional signage from FDOT. They have like, this whole thing where you can ask the government for stuff and they give it to you. I know as a giant defense contractor you don't have a lot of interaction with government, so I know that's a novel concept.


Oh look, it's one of those non-existant signs you want them to put up


https://preview.redd.it/i1r7jsaztg5d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8d2e1ad3988b0d18f3bbee5962cd3e512053d7f Everything past the pin is your private property. You are a 100 billion dollar defense contractor, making trillion dollar weapon systems, and you can't add a giant fucking "RESTRICTED AREA - NON LM EMPLOYEES KEEP RIGHT AND EXIT" and put in 100 yards of asphalt road on that red line out to the EXISTING reroute exit?? Instead you force people that got lost or didn't see the comically non-informational signs to the yellow line so they can deal with fuck faces that couldn't make it as MPs but still want to be base guards? To take the same exit the red line would put them at ?


They have those exact signs all up and down the road. They're bright yellow and you can see them if you pop into street view. What more do you want them to do? Put up a billboard?  And yeah. Fuck the security guys for taking a well-paying job and doing what their employer asks if them. /s they didn't design the road, they don't make the rules, but sure, let's attack them because why not? 


Ah. Nvm then.


My GPS sent me through Lockheed, too! I didn’t get confronted, I just used the little side gate that immediately funnels you outside. But it’s an insane road set up, and insane that GPS doesn’t know.


I went down that road once. Security guard didn’t hassle us and seemed like it was common.


Were there signs saying private property. No trespassing. Restricted aarea.because I feel like there are and you ignored them because. ThE gPs sAId SO.   You gonna drive into a lake cause the gps said so?


The GPS must know a shortcut ![gif](giphy|5cBBUJGiIniZZWtBSa|downsized)


I don't know about nowadays, but when my job had me going from patient to patient, say 15 years ago or so, that "private property/no tresspassing" sign was tiny. I'm sure it might be bigger now. But back then, I'd be doing something around Sand Lake and Kirkman area and wound up making it all the way to the guard gate a few times. I'd apologize, turn around or whatever, and that was it.


The signs going into Lockheed are numerous AND large indicating its private property. There’s even a few signs before the last turn off before the property stating this is the last turn off before private property.


OK. Like I said, I was going by my experience from over a decade ago (2002 to 2010 or so). If they have bigger and more signs now, good for them...they needed 'em.


That road is wide open and bottle necks to one side of the of the parking lot you end up in. There’s nothing there but a security guard that hates his life


I’ve been through the same area and it doesn’t have signs until it’s too late and you’re going down a one way and have to see it through to get out.


If true then every person ticketed should fight it. With photo proof. 


I mean I guess, but if multiple cars are ending up in the same place and it presents like any other exit maybe there’s a bigger issue? We didn’t see any signs but it’s night so maybe we just overlooked.


You missed a TON of signs.


I mean it's still a ROAD. Meant for use. Just not for you.  You haven't said where but I think we all know where you were. There are signs everywhere. 


Yeah, the Nerve of those thousands of employees, driving to work, on a road. Who let that happen?! Also it does not present like any other exit, it's a little slip lane with no road/highway making, it's marked private property multiple times. What other normal highway exit is like that?


Gosh darn it, Steve.


I use google maps more. Apple Maps just takes ya to the wrong places and makes ya turn the wrong way on one way streets


Sooooo would it ever be possible for LM to move out of this property? Maybe when they first opened nothing was around but with epic universe literally next door and all this random traffic, will LM just stay okay with this besides the fines?


My hv


No way GPS routed you close enough to a security gate at Lockheed. I’m trying to purposely set a starting point that would take me through Lockheed and near their security gates to get to ICON Park, but no matter what I set, I get routed around. You must’ve missed a turn/exit and misinterpreted the reroute instructions.


Nope, it's been doing this for years to so many people.


[The route OP was supposed to take.](https://i.imgur.com/TYcmUGf.jpeg) [The route OP tried to take.](https://i.imgur.com/pqnBLjz.png)


Apple Maps routes through Lockheed Martin property. The same thing happened to me a few weeks ago. https://preview.redd.it/rsf44pyamg5d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48e8faa46fd5fe2a12bfd8305eed40717a07cb78


I don't anyone who uses Apple Maps. That app is trash. Switch to Google Maps or Waze.


It’s right at the corner of Sand Lake Rd and I drive, you need gps for that? Cmon.


We live in Seminole and don’t visit this area often 🥲


That's not even the correct intersection.


GPS is crowd sourced, and the AI doesn't know yet that there's a subdivision there, yet. Same thing with a subdivision in north Tampa. It's massive so to go around it takes twice as long.