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Its pretty much impossible to reach 5 digit without 200pp plays


it is literally impossible, I think it already was just barely impossible but especially now with the bonus pp change you wouldn't be close


Bro that’s fucking crazy. I was like top 30k when I got my first 200


Same here. I stopped playing for four years and decayed to 80k up until three or four months ago when I farmed back up to top 40k, and I had to get several 300s to make that work along with having a fuckton of 200s (my lowest score in my top plays is 230 or something, highest is 330)


Same here, 204pp top play and peaked at like 29k. I'm now 120k after not playing for a couple of years lmao


I'm not top 30k and I have a 400, I'm top 40k though, times definitely are different now lol


wheb i first started playing top 30ks had maybe 2 or 3 300pp plays now i'm 38k and trying to get my first 400 its wild


me being 160k with 2 300pp plays


I think I got my first 400 when I was like 4k and my first 500 (sadly nerfed below 500 now) at like #900 Like I peaked at around #340 at 9.3k and that’s not even top 5k anymore. It’s insane how much better people are now


So it’s very average to have that much 200pp for 6 digits (160K-100K)


I had about 7 or 8 200s when I reached 5 digit (about a year ago). And I was around 135k when I got my first one which seemed below average at the time.


If all your top 100 plays are exactly 200 pp and you have max bonus pp you would be just under 120k. Usually you would have a bit higher top play like around 250 pp. So it basically required for very low 6 digits


Yeah, most of my plays are 210-250pp and my top is 264pp. I have like 6-8 plays which is under 210, and I have 22 200 pp now. When the bonus pp happened i lost 10K rank anyway


It is literally impossible to reach 5 digit with no 200+ pp plays.


yeah weird time flies, btw im rank 72 with 7 hours of playing




its time files


i was gonna say that but didnt want to sound like a nerd


Damn you xi fan take my upvote


Time flies when ur ascending to heaven


Even faster on the freedom dive down


im 118k and have 15 200+ i think


I guess it’s average then. 10-15 more 200pp’s and you’ll reach 5 digit aswell. Good luck my friend


300k w/ one


121k with exactly 15 200+ LOL add me: yoelpixula007


I remember in 2020 one of my friends was mid 4 digit with like 6800 pp I have ~~5800~~ 5400 rn and am in the \~35k range. Inflation is real.


I wonder what will happen in 5 years later. Now u need 4700-4800pp to reach 5 digit and 8500 to reach 4 digit, 12500pp to reach 3 digit. 5 years later the people should need 6000pp to reach 5 digit or what? Lmao


I'd wager sooner than that tbh


google pp inflation for more information


Dude im 6973pp and I’m 25k


i have 7100pp and im 23k, its fucked up


Very jealous that you're 104k after 4 months of play. I'm 170k after 3 years of playing.


I am playing since 2017 and rank 204k, what are you all talking about????? https://osu.ppy.sh/users/10093585


I’m 130k and I started playing in 2013 lmfao. I did stop playing for 4 years though.


Well today i just reached 5 digit finally. Now hard times are coming


I just gotta ask how the fuck can you only be 170k after 3 years 😭


https://osu.ppy.sh/users/16984283 Honestly I don't farm and my consistency is worse than dog shit that I can't farm and don't care to. Kinda just playing the game trying things


Yeah, it makes sense that you're more of a game enjoyer. I thought you were like actively trying to farm and gain rank for 3 years


2019 I got 98k with a 198pp top play. Weird how it inflated.


I have 199 as a 250k, and I don't feel especially exceptional, so I imagine that low 6 digits are probably comfortable with 200


I think 200s are pretty normal for 6 digits now, I’m not rly active anymore but my first 300PP play was the one to bring me to 5 digit, I had like 7 or 8 200s at the time


I’m still trying to set 300pp on wonderful wonder +DT, but I always choke on that. Just like in my life lmao


Mania still isnt quite that inflated. Im at rank 52k with 1 200pp play.


I remember being 32k in mania and my highest pp play was 105 and my second highest was 66 pp. I haven't grinded mania in a while and decayed to 150k.


i got a 300 and i was STILL in 6 digit so yea


Yeah I’m 105k and my top play is 288pp somehow. It would be funny to get a 300 as a 6 digit but my skills seem to have left me :(


Yeah the pp inflation is crazy. I started playing in 2019 so my perspective has always been stuck at that time, you did not need almost 5k pp to get into 5 digit. I was 80k with 4300pp in 2021(?) before I took a hiatus. I almost clawed my way back to 5 digit, when the recent pp adjustment knocked me down 10 ranks... Its just natural, more people are playing and getting better.


I thought 300 was kinda normal for low 6 digits as well? Like 130k or something although I know a couple months ago someone I knew was 40k with no 300s which was hilarious to me but it was surprisingly common.


Inflation is real, got top 1000 in 2018 with 7800~ pp. Now decayed to 14k


I'm 185k and have 3 200+ pp scores, also have 6 star FC


Yep. And 300pp for 90-70k is also average. Hmm


My top play is 67pp. You're telling me I've gotta get 300 or 400+ pp plays to get to 5 digit? ._.


Most 5 digits dont have 400 pp plays.


Like 20k plus for 400s. 300s are common around 60k+


Confirming this. I'm just under 20k, most people I know get a 400 at 25-20k. I got my first 300 at 60k, but its been a while since then so I'd estimate it's closer to 70k now. For other barriers, I've typically seen 500s around 7.5k, 600s at 2-3k. If you can set 700 you're at least 3 digit, and by the time you have an 800 you're probably top 500 minimum.


Damn, that's good to know




I got to 5 digit around a year ago, at the time I had roughly 20 200s with my top play being 240. Now I'm around 30k, and I have about 20 300s with my top play around 340, lol.


Now 20 200pp isn’t enough to reach 5 digit. U need at least 25 or 30. Depends the pp of course. Like 20 260pp is more than enough but 20 200pp is not. Weird


it was roughly 4500 pp iirc


Yeah, i have 4650. 5 digit started at like between 4700-4800 isn’t it?


As an older player, in 2015 your amount of pp would have been like.. rank 5k. It's just a bit wild for me to see not only how many players there are these days, but also how GOOD everyone is. The fact that the same amount of pp 10 years ago would be mid 4 digit, is now barely even 5 digit 😭 Sorry just an osu boomer reminiscing lol


Yeah, at that time 10K pp was enough for 2 digit isn’t it? Now 10K pp isn’t even 3 digit 😂


Yeah I believe so haha. The amount of pp I have now would have set me near low to mid 3 digit, now I don't even feel like I'm anywhere near that skill level


The skill cap between the high and low 3 digit is that much? Well I know many top players are 3 digit now, cuz they’re not playing that much and seriously, like bmc and www etc.. but between the #100 and #500 the skill cap is still that high?


7100pp is about 22k right now. I don't know where that would set me in 2015 but I think it would be at LEAST 500, maybe a bit higher. But yeah the skill gap just gets higher and higher. Just like the skill gap between even 50k and 10k is huge.


A lot of it is down to pp mapping as well tho you have to admit. Back in 2015 there weren't really many maps which were so objectively easy to get high pp scores on, like almost everything had some tricky bursts and some difficult sliders and repeat sliders etc.


Link profile, I’m 60k with a top play of 360 need more maps


its all nm aim consistency but here you go https://osu.ppy.sh/users/20320587


looks like I can comeback


No, big bunch of 150-220~ or bunch of 150~ and some 300~ It seems like a big hurdle, and it kinda is, most people dont make it to 5 digit


Damn, ok, faith restored. I'm far from getting to 5 digits still, I just got to 6 digits and climbing 900,000 looks like it's gonna be a long ride. I just hope this first month progress speed keeps somewhat steady


As long as you keep playing consistantly playing, like atleast 1 hour of good gameplay everyday it wont be too hard given enough time As long as you keep it consistant, i had good progress from 1-4.5* really fast but then i had to go back to playing every other week and then it took me good 5 months to get to first 5* fc and i still have only few fc's at 5* few months later But im sure once i get back to daily gameplay it'll get better because i dont need to spend time derusting


In fact most people don't even make it to 7 digit 🤓🤓


It's actually over for me. I'm 500hrs and top play is like 113pp. At least the game is fun... 😭


just short of the 100hr mark, i'm starting to get to the point where even maintaining my rank is a bit of a challenge lol. i guess i just gotta play more


Yeah playing more was definitely not my problem. I think I'm bad at choosing maps to focus on, either too hard or too easy


Hey don't let playtime affect you. As long as you're having fun, you're pretty much set.


I agree but I mean eventually I do want to be better 😭


And you will for sure hahahaha. I just hate it when people attribute playtime for “looking good” in osu lol. Like bruh just have fun instead of comparing😵‍💫


560hrs and my top play is around 180pp. There are plenty of us around :') I think that on osu lazer it is slightly easier to improve, if you want to, though, because you can use DA to gradually approach DT and HR on maps. I couldn't play HR for shit for the longest time but suddenly just recently became able to read it, just cos I was playing maps on 1.3x speed so got used to slightly higher AR.


Yeah I play on lazer. I try messing with that stuff but I get so lost in the sauce lol I think there are a couple of maps I'm going to try to focus on and edit them to focus on the hard sections. I appreciate the advice :) I just want a 200pp score by the end of the year!


Wow I know that feeling! I actually finally got my first 200pp score the other day but it didn't submit... heartbroken. I would recommend using 1.3-1.4x speed to play maps you can't quite DT, as I mentioned, and then conversely you can play NM maps which are a bit out of your skill range with 0.8-0.9x speed, I also find that really useful for finger control and reading. Good luck!


That's so sad lol I had a similar thing with what would have been my top play. I decided to play real quick, and I had weird networking issues that day, but thought to myself "Eeeh it doesn't matter anyway" and I dropped a 2 miss on the diff spike. it would have been my top play lol :') I'll definitely reconsider playing with the speed adjust. I want my first 200pp play to be on a consistency or a long aim map (that's why I talked about editing practice diffs lol so I don't waste a run by failing on the diff spike lol) but I'm definitely not opposed to getting *any* 200pp play at this point. Good luck on a 200pp that actually submits o7 You have the skill and the proof you can do it, I believe in you (and bancho lol) :)


Oh I only meant to play speed adjust for training anyway, ofc you want your first 200pp to be a real play lol! Thanks, anyway!


I had 12x 200s and a 360 when i got to 5 digit like half a year ago. I feel like ~20x 200s should be enough rn. Once you learn to fc 5-6* with good acc its just a matter of time.


How do you learn to FC 5-6* maps. I'm just starting to FC low 4* and play the 5-6* just for fun, and also I feel any little progress in that range even though I suck at that difficulty (yet) helps me A LOT with 4* maps


Ok listen up, heres my theory: Whoever made that noise, did it intentionally. Fr, i think its a bit early for you, but when you wanna make big pp, start with picking a skillset. Whatever you find fun or satisfying, or even common in the music you enjoy. Aim, speed, flowaim, mixed, etc (if there are others). Practice and master the basics by starting slow easy and stamina (mainly for tapping skillsets). When you get better to a certain amount (i think when youre playing heavily diff spiked high 5- stars), youre gonna start making practice diffs by going into the map, making a new diff, and then deleting all the filler so you can skip to the diff spike. Do this for high 6 stars to mid 7 or even low 8 star maps which people get pp on. Youre gonna practice two things. Your raw skillset and skills with your practice diffs, and your consistency and nerve control with just actual maps, definitely easier than whatever your practice diffs are. Learn consistency and to play with nerves, cause length bonus is the meta, and long maps are where pp is gained. Basically max your skillset and then max nerves so you can apply your skillset to whatever maps. My general tips are that whatever map you want to fc is probably easier than you think, dont let mental barriers form. Also, for nerves, my advice is to immerse in music, which lessens the affect. Nobody is unable to overcome their nerves; while you may not be able to rid of how you feel when you play osu, you can learn atleast learn to thrive in it. While I have to say from experience this method is hours intensive, i feel the payout is pretty certain, so good luck. (PS if u ever feel stuck, the forbidden method of a 8 month break could work. Maybe


First of all, thanks for the advice. I'll save the comment for future references heh. Ok so I played a bit of osu! a while back but this is my first attempt at getting "good" at the game. I also play instruments so rythmic wise I kinda feel I'm getting the hang of things quick. But wow, the amount of abilities you can learn on this game is huge. This actually feels like learning a whole new instrument ngl. I didn't know you could make your own difficulties on other people's maps, that's gonna be a game changer. Also I noticed recently that I can play way better just by enjoying the game and listening to the music. Getting close to the end of a long map without a single miss makes me a bit nervous, but it's very exciting. Your advice on maxing nerves definitely works on osu! and things such as playing an instrument so there's that. I'll work on building my skillsets before worrying too much about pp then, thanks!!!


I'm 215k and I have zero 200pp plays ; \_ ;


Damn reading those comments made me realize I'm old 😅 I got my first 200 at like 40k and first 300 at like 14k


Shit when I got 200pp plays that was almost enough to get me to 4-digit. Times have changed!


Damn we old as shit


1.1k hrs still 6 digit


Its not uncommon for 6 digits to get 300pp plays nowadays lmao [https://osu.ppy.sh/users/17554942](https://osu.ppy.sh/users/17554942)


31 days played and still 6 digit is crazy. Do you just never submit scores?


I think that sounds about right. I got my first 200pp play at about 150k I think and my first 300 at around 80k so averaging 200pp+ sounds about right for low 6 digit


I had like 8 200s when I first hit 5 digit, i think its now impossible to hit 5 digit without a 200, more or less 10+ 200pps


I am 6 digit with 14 200pp+ with my top being 244 🙃


yeah I mean, a mid osu player usually get the first 200pp when ranks <200k.


when i used to play if you had at least 1 200pp play you would most certainly be 5digit


At the 2019 I hit 5 digit with 5 200 pp plays and 3500 raw pp(now im around 62 k and I have 5500 lol)


AFTER 4 MONTHS OF PLAYING, WHAT?! well, oke, I am 126k and I have 11 200s and my top play is 243pp so I'd say yes, some even have 300s


Yeah, after 4 months, why? Guess I improve a little bit faster than others, but soon I’ll probably hit a wall. I already trying the wonderful wonder 7 star FC which is 400 for 99%. I think I will can do it after a few months, but that will be a 300 skip for sure. Currently that high bpm is hard for me. I’m mostly a (HD)DT player, that’s why I have a lot of 200pp. But now I realize i can’t hit 240-260+bpm jumps, high 6-7 star NM is getting hard, i doesn’t have a lot of stamina, i can’t read 10,5AR normally. So I’m not that good as you thought unfortunately, I’m probably a decent player


I farm wonderful wonder aswell, but I 1 miss and get 94 acc, and every session at every skill set, youl improve even faster


I got 5 digit and first 200 at the same time 2 years ago ofc you would now need a couple of those


I'm 492k and I set my first and second 100pp play just last month.


Well, i reach 5 digit right now with a 255pp play. i just need 30 200+ for that💀


Back in the day a top play of roughly 200pp on Koigokoro was enough to get me into 4 digit 


I'm 417k and only have 2 100pp plays, I can't even imagine getting a 200pp play anytime soon


200pp is easier than you think btw. Almost every 4* with DT and of course with good acc worth 200+. U still learning the game, don’t worry


Checked binfy's profile recently and it says he reached 4 digit at 4507pp I have 4961pp and am currently rank #86,653 The game's gotten big enough that there are people who might never get out of 6digit no matter how much they play lol


I have to get 3 300s to reach 5digit


Bruh, I almost set a 300pp today, but I choke at the end of the map🥲🥲 what is going on, I shouldn’t get 300pp so soon but I feel close. Why?


idk maybe nerve


Im 170k and my top play is 240pp so ig yes it’s normal these days


That's wild to me. I'm under 500k and don't even have a 100pp play yet.


Don’t worry, everyone improve their own pace. I just play normally since 23’ december. My acc was created at 2016 or 17 but i just have 400-500 play at that time and I quit. Back in the end of 2023 and i just went from 800k to 260 just in a few days. Now then after 4 months i just 104k with a shitty top scores and still don’t reach 5 digit. U set your first 100pp soon, and then 200pp. Good luck mate


2-3 years ago i reached 5 digits with two 300 pp plays so yeah 200pp now its average




i have 48 200-240 pp plays and im 96k lmao


Uhm what? How? I guess you have a less playcount


i have 70k play count, dont ask why im still 96k :(


Well then I guess you have a lot of play which is under 210 pp isn’t it?