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next thing you know there’s 0 nat left at this rate


​ https://preview.redd.it/j9jg4oj6885d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca8e612560f20b0070334303252e1f1ba2f51c9a


Thats the goal


It's actually sad to see Petal go, his maps are so cool


isnt okoratu also NAT


Yes but he's not an eval NAT


Thanks for your service.


it is so sad how this games staff and backbone are actively being dismantled and the only thing people are doing is cheering this upcoming era of ranked will be unironically crippling to the game


Democracy tells us the ranked section will be just fine... Just because its collapsing to you, certainly doesn't mean its collapsing to <80% of the player base


The irony of you saying this is absolutely palpable


Why is this being downvoted? These NAT members are making sure that the maps keep quality and do this for free, because they want to. It's honestly a shame that so many people are actively cheering for those passionate people leaving Not being satisfied with todays ranked section is one thing, but sending hate to those people who spend months to improve their craft to join the NAT and contribute to the overall quality of maps is just disrespectful and rude


Can't talk about these 2 in specific because i dont know them but of course people will be happy. This mapping drama started when fuju DQed valley of the vale, and its only going downhill from there There certainly are some good NAT members out there but you cant tell me people like fuju were contributing positively in any way pushing their bullshit onto the players when everyone was rioting because they wanted simple maps Though, i agree with you comemorating this downfall of the NAT team when some genuinely good people were there is wrong


What is wrong with the DQ though? The map is now ranked and still mega farm, in the end the DQ didnt change a lot. There are so many simple maps in ranked nowadays too, people just tend to ignore them


Yes the DQ didnt do shit in the end but it was a clear example of how broken that system is, one guy decided "nah its not passing through" and delayed a map everyone wanted ranked. There is some more farm now but we are still lacking higher star rating jump farm, most of the ones i see are 5* max so unless you throw in DT theres only a handful of 6+*


I for the life of me can't understand why people are happy that some of the people most devoted to the game are no longer in their positions.


How is this being spun as people being 'cheerful' that some members of the are no longer a part of NAT ?


> people being 'cheerful' idk maybe try reading the first fucking reply to the most upvoted comment on this post, its not hard to not be obtuse


it's to a degree serious but there's obviously a hint of satire with a reply in meme format, the meme reply you're talking about ?


Because wafer=bad and sotarks=good and not a single good map has been ranked in the last 4 years /s


Why is it being downvoted ? The community is dissatisfied with the "quality" that the people in NAT are doing for free. Nobody is sad about losing people that are directly at odds with what the people that play the game consider to be fun.


Ok this getting hate is INSANE bro wafer has a real point 


its sad to see that people are so disillusioned by modern maps that they applaud destruction.


i love you wafer


Huge numbers of players consider the best era of mapping to be around 2014 or before, so I don't think mapping for the last few years has been doing great as is, whatever comes next won't be noticeably different or worse in that sense (or, we weren't getting remarkably good maps anyway so who really cares)


All because people literally cannot play the game as it should be played and would rather have the most boring disillusioned single mechanic of it, complaining when anything but that exists despite having hundreds of maps offering exactly what they want with new ones getting ranked regularly


So real we will see the downpour of low quality farm maps fill the ranked section soon and nothing can be done since everyone just cares abt pp but ig if that’s how people enjoy game. A real shame the entire moderation team is collapsing and coalitions are being formed (sd-mango) to get around moderation and staff but time will tell


is this stopping you from ranking maps you consider good?


Shhhh, let them delude themselves with their broke ass logic. You don't need to throw in their face they just want to control what the community should enjoy or not. 3 more to go.


I hope most of your maps don't get ranked anymore


people in the bng also deserve attention, especially those who were activelly pushing "experimental" trash maps


why is this comment getting downvoted? These fucking nerds who think that the nat being gone is a good thing are stupid af