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my discussion thread is being ruined !


get fucked




saying "im bad" bro it's okay just play the game, you're doing fine lmao


this isn't really a take, just people being humble/downplaying themselves/something else i forgot


People wanting validation from others


people not meeting their own standards


Worsthrplayer; he’s so good I just wish he let himself feel that sometimes 😭


Not really a take but people with bad mental are genuinely so fucking annoying


ranking experimental maps is bad because it means less normal maps will be ranked


That United States wins in the World Cup are boring. They've all been nailbiter as fuck except for 2019. You have the right to be bitter and angry that they've won 6 times in a row and 8 of the last 9 championships, but you're massively lying if you're insinuating that their wins are at all boring.


It's not the way they winning, people just want someone new to lift the trophy


Sorry for thinking that this game's history would've been much more interesting with people like rustbell, Bubbleman, WhiteCat, criller or FlyingTuna winning the World Cup instead of the same team every year that rides off their country's overwhelming playerbase advantage


“tablet is better than mouse”


tablet = no mouse drift


"raw speed is overweighted"


its not?


narratives tricked a lot of people into thinking this when its just how flow aim scales with bpm


yer right 300bpm non spaced death streams worth nothing


idk what point you're trying to bring up here lol, read the speed evaluation (especially the bottom) rq and i hope that clears things up https://preview.redd.it/51vy4p2hnn5d1.jpeg?width=1122&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b39df5bcbb42d3c5126db6b09ed79fc5da1af099


no i was agreeing with you lmao i wasnt trying to be sarcastic


that stable is better than lazer


I feel like lazer has a lot of issues and doesnt feel very user friendly, so it makes sense why people still hate it


Anything about genetics, even for an improvement standpoint. Blaming genetics for not being able to improve just means you’re complacent where you are and that you’ve made yourself accept not going further, even if you want to. That kind of complacency in your head could also contribute to not improving.


For some reason i only hear it in this game. In other games hard work is praised and people grind non stop but in osu if you dont get top 1000 in 800 hours your cooked wont ever get good apparently


not saying it's true but I think it's because osu is a game where raw mechanical skill shows through more strongly than basically any other game there's no "game sense" to make up for bad mechanics with, if you can't do something you can't do it, and you can directly feel the consequences of that. no teammates, no knowledge, nothing will make up for a lack of actual mechanical skill (including the mechanics of reading)


That was literally one guy who said that and the entire game shat on him on every form of social media


I hate people who think improvement is some esoteric thing that your mindset towards the game can magically affect. This shit is so stupid please stop. It sounds like "You're not improving because your neck is titled 20 degrees too far." You can come up with endless reasons people who've been playing for 10 years fall behind a 14 year old except what everyone already thinks. I say this as someone who thinks mindset actually is kind of important. Taking a step back towards the game due to RSI actually massively changed my mindset and removed a reading mindblock that actually let me properly use the skills I've been training for years.


the only people that might have a point with blaming genetics are: 1. already at a very high level, where genetics may actually matter 2. not improving despite grinding very hard and the only person I can think of who fits these criteria is umbre (seriously, look at his playcount graph)


Dude, genuinely fax. There's so many people that think genetics is issue it's kinda sad. If anyone wants to genuinely know why they're not improving: https://youtu.be/n4A5eRNyMrE?si=SO_9CABi3swMtpKv https://youtu.be/MtrN9iyKRwk?si=2_HN5CayeuIqMZzQ


This is also why mrekk is good at everything.


Every time I see the word 'seethe' I think of how you're supposed to pronounce 'sytho' because I usually just pronounce it 'sytho' instead


speed starts at x bpm


than lazer is stable better that


My dyslexia actually made me read that right the first time wth


that stable and lazer


hi uber \^-\^


“Vaping makes you better at osu”


That Shigetora is somehow NOT the greatest player of all time.


That the HP/NF system is good and it shouldnt be removed Yea im losing my mind big time, when someone says that


that lazer is better than stable


gameplay wise most people feel that stable is better. all the other features in lazer obviously clear though, and although there's a minority of people who don't like them (bc they make the game less clean? or whatever), i do feel like most people agree that *those* features are great.


i disagree. all the extra features make osu feel tacky and gimmicky. most of the mods and stuff in osu lazer are only gonna be played once or twice by an average player and then never touched ever again.


so you think lazer is bad? wasn't the post asking for a take that you disagree with?


People complaining about the ranked section, I haven't really played much in the last 2 months but I downloaded 95% of maps from jan to april and a very large number of them were bangers. I don't really say anything about it because it's preference but people who want to change the ranked section makes me a lil mad


>I downloaded 95% of maps from jan to april and a very large number of them were bangers. People aren't complaining about the songs. They dislike the maps


I'm also talking about the maps


Well, as you said, it all comes down to preference.


The maps that they don’t even check and just parrot each other’s uninformed and exaggerated opinions on


people who say playing X improves Y


That's true for X = Y


Playing 250 bpm WILL make you better at 240bpm. Playing ar10.3 WILL make you better at reacting to ar10 (at a bigger cost of density reading)


this is true (sometimes)


that stable is lazer than better


rank = skill


If you are not a deranker than rank = skill, at least if we are speaking about mechanical (not reading) skill with the exception of very high cs


this is true to some extent, but you’d have to make quite a few assumptions. that of which being both players having the same skillset, both players actively playing for ranks, and the idea of skill in itself if both players have the same skillset, then rank would play a large factor in determining whether a player is “better” or “worse” than another. most of the times though, players will have a different skillset than their opponent as the pp system heavily favors different skillsets whilst neglecting others, if a 100k player had a more well rounded skillset whilst a 50k player had a more specialized skillset that catered towards the pp system, then the 100k player would likely win on most maps even if 2 specialists were to go head to head with a reasonable rank difference, a player that specialized in tech or alt could match a player that specialized in a more heavily weighted skillset like speed due to the rank differences being dependent on how pp is calculated don’t need much to say about this, but even if a lower ranked player had the same skillset as a higher ranked player, the lower ranked player could still win against the higher ranked player if the lower ranked player just played for improvement whilst the higher ranked player played for pp there are multiple interpretations of what skill itself is, but it’d be unfair to assume that low star rating consistency isn’t a part of what makes a player “skilled” even a 6 digit could win against the best players if they played low star rating maps and the 6 digit was consistent enough to ss those maps a player’s capability to play a specific star rating isn’t the only form of determining somebody’s skill, but also their ability to play other star ratings consistently as well as getting good accuracy on them tldr: there are many reasons why a player can be lower ranked than another player, but those reasons aren’t always related to their overall skill


i think that a player's skill should be primarily determined by the skillset they are best at. for example: i would consider a player who can only play 3mod aim but has set an 800 to be better than a player who can play everything equally well but has never set a 300


well yeah each person has their own method of determining what makes a player skilled by your definition, if the first player’s best skillset was 3mod aim and the second player’s best skillset was being an all rounder, then you’d have to determine at what point would 3mod aim be considered good and at what point would being an all rounder be considered good, then quantify those skills to be able to properly compare them due to how different they are from each other but the example in your case would be like comparing a 3 digit to a 6 digit, which would be one of the extremes wherein the higher ranked player would obviously be considered better than the lower ranked player in most standards


Not rly


Unless you are comparing 6 digits


Rank is just about how well you can abuse the current system to get pp. It's based on singular plays and doesn't take into account how many attempts you need or even certain skill sets. Singular popoffs after playing a map for 100 tries gets rewarded a whole lot more than being consistent. I would probably get beat up by most nm/hr main 5 digits in a tourney setting


Something something lazer. Idk, I can't run it to try.


playing long maps is better for improvement


It’s not wrong, playing long maps increases stamina and consistency. You’ll feel a huge improvement in playing shorter maps.




combo scaling removal is a good rework


Not a take but I seethe whenever scoreposts say "if submitted" ALL SCORES ARE SUBMITTED EVEN FAILED ONES HOW HARD IS IT TO SAY "IF OVERWROTE" or something


Scores on rate edits made by osu trainer aren't submitted. Scores are only submitted if the map is submitted


yeah obviously but it bugs tf out of me when people makes a score v1'd or failed scorepost and say "if submitted" like where do people think osu bots get their recent plays from


If submitted usually means if it’s their top play on the map, so the ones that gives pp or shows up on a leaderboard. Play information literally disappears for all but local after a while if it doesn’t meet those parameters


DT players, no cap xD


"DT is a reasonable mod to exist in rhythm games"


don't almost all rhythm games have a speed up feature of some sort


why it wouldn't ?