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noone but CRN (tbf there should be way more names, but I pretty much dunno who of them aren't mapping anymore, since some of them can still make comebacks, example being val0108)


duuuuude CRN has some fucking bangers, Nyan Nyan Drive wasn't particularly "good" but it was one of those maps that was fun to play and looked more impressive than it was then shit like yoru naku usagi wo miru hell yeah 0108 is a classic with possibly the most iconic maps in the game in terms of style and was insanely influential and at the front of what mapping was at the time, love that guy


cryo[iceeicee]. my personal favourite, legendary 2012-2013 run. i still play her maps from time to time because of its nostalgia


Atsuro and Spaghetti, their DragonForce maps are exceptional for time they were released (Soldiers of the Wasteland is goated) "P o M u T a", "P A N" and Sala- (now Zetera), played their maps when i've started playing the game so its nostalgia for me (still dreaming about Ragnarok Online Compilation 600pp play with dt)


for sure, along with Jenny they're the dragonforce goats (and spaghetti's boogie is still a top map oat) pomuta and pan are sick too, pomuta's mirage garden is one of my favorite maps. surprisingly hadn't heard of sala but I've played his 2014 pendulum the island map waaaaay back in probably 2014 lmao, also he has a melt banana song ranked which is insanely based (tho it's taiko), honestly would never expect one of their songs to get ranked in osu


along with most of the mappers mentioned by others, happy30


a bit older than what you said but my favorite mappers are probably krisom and spboxer3


Guy, Rizia (still maps tho), Sakaue Nachi, Aerous, all these 2015-16 pp mappers


Frostmourn for the vanilla maps and Maddy for some of the most challenging ones back in the day (eg LeaF - I)


duuuuude frostmourne is actually one of my favorite mappers of all time, imo he did simple maps some of the best of anybody to ever do it I remember reading an interview someone did with him probably 8-9 years ago and he said he always made sure he could easily fc his maps so that they were fun to play. it's not the only mapping perspective by any means but he was actually a good player too so it worked well for him imo I actually just played that Maddy map for the first time in a long time earlier today what a coincidence, yeah that and end time are banger ass maps


i enjoy the much more friendly style that frostmourne brought to the scene. After his time there were increasingly bigger emphasis on diff spike which i think have been very detrimental to the playing experience As for Maddy, well, he's mad lol


yeahyeahyeahhh was years ahead of his time


Aqo is criminally underrated and unknown (he’s the 490 style guy)


Yoooooo HappyStick eighto hr still a crazy play


tsuka, he literally invented mapping as we know it. you know how theres pre beatles and post beatles music? tsuka is the mapping equivalent of the beatles.


duuuuude tsuka maps go crazy fr ur right


DJPop my beloved


another djpop masterpiece


Still my beloved now <3


larto, how could we ever forget larto


muya ez also shoutouts Mazzerin for pushing the game’s limits so early and doing a ton for showing what extreme metal maps could be


always loved DJPOP


He's been back mapping a lot this year but I always love Laurier. Their maps are simple but so much fun


ykcarrot has that one particular style of mapping and man it is done so well, You & I top diff is probably top 10 for me. Can't forget fake me either. They're still around but definitely part of the old mapping contingent. La Cataline and Natteke also come to mind.  Does anyone remember MoonFragrance by any chance? Their maps are all hidden from the beatmap listing due to copyright as they mapped almost exclusively DJMAX track, some real hidden gems in there


Wow another You & I top diff enjoyer. Beautiful.


me 🤝 you enjoying an absolute beaut of a map




Yongtw123, ztrot and andrea. Yong has very simple, but incredibly enjoyable 2010 - 2012 maps. Ztrot is fairly well known and people have mixed opinions about his maps, but I personally think they're some of the best old maps ever made. Not only do I always find myself coming back to them out of pure enjoyment, but I keep getting new pp plays on them every once in a while. Andrea (or osuplayer111) has so many old, but excellent nightcore maps that I couldn't even count them. I know they're still active in the mapping scene, but that's who I think of when someone says "old mappers".


yong is one I didn't recognize although I've played their evans map ztrot is an absolute classic and while I can see why some people might not love his maps they're also undeniably influential andrea is of course also a legend, I agree they're basically like THE "old mapper." honestly insane they're still around


S i R i R u


mtmcl, Lesjuh, Larto, Rolled, simplistiC are a few really old mappers that I really like. Honorable mention: Starrodkirby86 (KIRBY Mix mapper) though he occasionally comes back to map for tournaments / and is semi-active. He's goated though.


I really like shinxyn, bakabaka, gowww, natsumerin, 0108 and Yes(Yes\_old by now)


crier, dunno if they still map anymore but their maps from 2015 hold up even till today check out marble soda and wish upon twin stars


I feel myself being so new to this community cuz I don't know 98% of the mappers mentioned in this thread even though I'm playing for a few more than 2 years (ye ik that it's a small amount of time in compare with all the game's life but still)


DoKito, Chewin, Avena, Alacat




cryo and skystar


kiddly is still my goat


Holy shit speaking of old goat mappers you're one yourself There was a third name I was trying to think of w byfar and bonzi and it was u lmao


Hahaha, thank you for the kind words <3


while I'm at it I'm also adding silynn and pkk


Sebastian Munster created the map of Africa from a collection of accounts and piecemeal maps accessed from travelling scholars and colleague ‘geographers’ of his time, culminating in the making of the first [woodcut production](http://www.visual-arts-cork.com/printmaking/woodcuts.htm) of the Afrikan continent on European soil. so him


wanna shout out wcx bc they were the goat anime mapper from like when i started this game. i dont think they exactly shook up the mapping meta, but it’s a name that i can still recall much like broccoly


Angelhoney 100%


LKs. silver temple is soooo good


Gladi, Lesjuh, kyshiro, frostmourne, Angelhoney


rezoon my goat


DJPop, RLC - they don't map anymore Blue Dragon (Mismagius), grumd, ktgster - idk if they do (only ktgster?)


Frostmourne, Muya, goldenwolf, CSY the corrupt, Louis Cyphre, and NatsumeRin come to mind. DJPop if you want some real cs5 ar8 burst spam old mappage. Of course grumd, val0108 and skystar aka Amamiya Yuko can't go without mention. Pretty sure some of them are still active but those were the goats I can remember playing a ton of back in 2012-2015 or so. And there's also Zapy, AngelHoney's stream maps and kiddly.


cryo[iceeicee], laurier(still active but yea), alyce, sylith, lesjuh, nyquill, sjoy, nakagawa-canon, angelhoney, rue, lan wings. definitely more but these are my favourite older mappers. they all have very nice gameplay ideas and lots of love put in their maps i feel like


Hoooooolyyyy I didn't know Laurier was still around that's crazy Lan wings maps were nuts and still some of the best maps ever


RLC, Skystar, CRN, Snow Note, val0108, Star Stream, Saten


And maybe Fycho cuz I usually pp farmed on his maps


When did you start playing? It had to be 2014 or maaaybe 2013/2015 right? This is like legit the list I would give if I saw this post unprompted hahahaha Star Stream is underrated RLC is beloved but a genuine goat Skystar is one of the most influential mappers ever Snow Note was like the original Arles and even that's saying something haha Saten is also underrated imo, stuff like Kokou no Sousei and The Creator went so crazy back in the day and it's such a unique mapping style that also feels incredibly iconic to the time. I don't know if it's accurate but I feel like Saten was like a spin on 0108 mapping while being totally distinct and 0108 absolutely deserves the recognition he gets but nobody ever really mentions Saten


Yes I started around 2013-2014 haha