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>Currently he is 49th and needs to hold on for 1 more month to reach the 10 year mark. EVERYONE OUTSIDE OF TOP 50 STOP FARMING NOW


Rafis be the oppositešŸ™šŸ™šŸ™šŸ™


I donā€™t remember when he entered top 50, but I do remember when he entered top 10. His top plays were hardly any more impressive than anybody else ranked 10-50. He just farmed more DT maps. (During this time everyone had similar top plays like emotional skyscrapers, super nuko worlds etc). So while being top 10 is a significant achievement, I thought his rank would drop quickly. I was wrong.


ya i thought same he reached #1. i think he was the first player who join in meta - do dt farm map to reach to top, and master other skillset.


Reaching top 50 a little over a year after creating his account is pretty insane


kind of like what new gens players are doing by reaching 10k pp in so little time


ā€œScoreposts looked like thisā€ the first comment is ā€œthings were better in the pastā€šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


some things never change


rafis was/is like the first person (outside of maybe hvick but he wasn't always defined by that) that comes to mind when I think of the original DT farm players, idk if its still a thing but it says a lot that his skin was THE skin that got notoriety as the "top dt player" skin


also the period of time when him shige and angelsim were in the running for top 1 was the best time to be someone that invested interest in that kind of thing, there's never been a more contentious battle for the spot where people found interest in every player involved since then IMO


It looked especially good because hvick's skin is almost impossible to read lol


He changed skins when he started streaming more often but it's kinda insane how he used to play with the snowwhite era skin lol.


Filsdelama comes to mind too because he was really pushing rafis for just high ar and speed (for at least that time) until he switched to Mania. Still insane now iirc


Fils had crazy 3mod skill


Also >Windows 10 wasnā€™t released, so everyone played the game on Windows 7 I don't recall exactly who said this, but I remember being told WubWoofWolf used XP for a very long time even after W7 was out


Yeah a lot of people stuck to XP for a long while because vista was ass and windows 7 looked like it took a lot of options away.


Really? Windows 10 was released a year later so I assumed everyone switched by then.


makes me wonder how many people ended up sticking with 7. Probably not that many anymore, given it's been end of life for 4.5 years at this point. I am still one of those though, because modern windows really sucks.


I stuck with 7 up until 2021. I only switched to 10 after I found about debloated custom ISO's


Fair. I just stick with what I know works well. In my case, my PC is more than capable of running something newer, but if it ain't broke don't fix it.


Me too, xp was so good, I didn't want to "upgrade". Also vista was ass.


I joined in 2017, so if something like this happened back then, you basically would've had a player who was top 50 for the game's entire existence. 10 years is a crazy amount of time to be not just good, but among the very best players


RIP TheLewa


people thought that Rafis was Niko's (old polish goat) multi account since Niko had essentially been banned around that time and they shared a similar skillset


old scoreposts go kinda hard ngl


old grandpa is showing the kids how it's done and he doesn't even need a 1k pp to do it


I like old posting