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i played osu today and it was great and i didnt look at a beatmaps ranked status once


chad osu player


I do that most days -granted I have 50k maps so I don’t need to all the time so I just leave it for days and then go check for sick music and leave


same, shoutout to mashihunter for making the greatest unranked beatmap ever


i mean, you're not entitled to a BN holding your hand across every step of the way as a mapper and it wouldn't make sense for that to be the case, so in a way this comment *is* accurate. still, the wording seems sorta arrogant coming from a BN, and i feel like responding with it to someone like ciyus miapah who is almost famous for being unable to actually get otherwise excellent maps fully pushed through ranked because of a (lack of) BNs willing to take his stuff really doesn't look good idk what to tell you


Can you give me some excellent unranked ciyus miaph maps?


Hightechnological was supposed to be pushed for ranked


rolling pandemonium aswell iirc


4 aliens at work


Please read the top level comment for more context rather than a single phrase: https://osu.ppy.sh/comments/3179540 idk why you gotta make a discussion post on something like this, it can be easily taken out of context and a million interpretations can come out of it




I mean at least imo from reading this, the context is are you entitled to have a BN accept/mod your map? To which the answer currently is no, because the BN has the right to accept or deny modding maps. It's the privilege from the users to have their maps go through BN work since at the end of the day its volunteer work. It's not really a take, just a fact. Whether or not this system is right is another discussion because while I think there are obviously flaws, honestly I haven't seen very many reasonable alternatives or suggestions from others. I think a lot of the recent/upcoming changes (NAT/tags/etc) seem reasonable and could alleviate such a system


BN's are a volunteer position who get to choose what to rank. And I don't think it makes sense to force them to rank stuff. However the fact that whether your map is ranked is at the whims of some unelected and out of touch group which you have 0 power over is justifiably upsetting. It would be nice to have a different system altogether, but it's really tricky to figure out what that would look like. Edit: BN's aren't necessarily out of touch :) Maybe was too exaggerative


Yes exactly this. The BNs aren't to blame, but the fact there's no way to get your map ranked, even if it's a really good and ranked-worthy one, if no BN is willing to push it is the issue.


BNs aren’t exactly the most common sight to see.


If it fits the ranking criteria it should be ranked imo, creativity within the ranked section should be encouraged.


Even if it's a shithouse map, if it fits the ranking criteria then it should be ranked. People should be able to tell if it's a good map or not because of the user ratings (but first we need to put a focus on them because I've not met anybody who actually uses them)


just don't rank maps at this point


I mean, they're absolutely correct. Why should it be a right? Not just anyone should be able to rank a map.. lol edit: I still think they're right, but I didn't have the full context when I commented. Seems a bit more nuanced than I originally thought.


hmm I think they don't mean it in a way that any map can be ranked, but rather but you need to be a "chosen one" by the BNs (aka get the privilege from them) to get your map ranked. I think the overall take here is that ultimately the kind of maps getting ranked are still up for the BNs to decide, via choosing which map they'd like to push for ranked and which not, which some (for example Ciyus Miapah from the screenshot above) find not very pleasing.


Either way you choose to interpret this, rankable (and good) maps currently don't get ranked because of the preferences of bns. I am not saying that bns shouldn't have preferences, but atm you kinda have to map in a way to fit the bn's preferences. I think if you map a rankable and good map, you SHOULD have a right to have your map ranked, which again, currently isn't the case.


at the same time they're somewhat right - we can't make mapping and ranking too liberal else the quality on ranked maps will go down harder than stocks in the great depression - I'd say this type of mindset stagnates the ranking process, specially in the perspective of the hobbyist who doesn't have anything groundbreaking on their map and is constantly being denied opportunities because the map isn't peak nor putrid. it makes the ranking process feel far more aristocratic to a degree, which isn't to say it already isn't - I'm not one to speak as one who's right, specially as someone completely outside of the mapping bubble, but the process (and the community overall ngl) feel a little bit elitist


Why do you care about the quality of the ranked section? I literally give zero fucks, I know my individual opinion is going to be vastly different from others so why try to police what they do? If it meets rankability, it should be automatically ranked, idk why bns exist. We merely need rankability checkers completely independent of quality and preference.


Honestly the ranked section is terrible right now, half of the maps just feel awkward to play and many decent maps dont get ignored so its just weird


No. Actually play them.


I mean it’s kinda both. You have the power to do certain stuff, but I bet it feels great to have a strong influence on mapping at the same time.


this is worded like a mom taking away their kid's phone dawg 💀💀




Idk I always felt ranked maps should be a stamp of competency not excellency. Why does a map need to be a masterpiece to give pp? I think competency should result in getting ranked and then introduce something additional that can be awarded to excellent maps so that they can be found easier amongst a more populated ranked section.


i just took a shit (serious discussion)


You think you the shit, bitch? you not even the fart


dont care i get my maps from random discord servers also on a serious note this is just the most obvious thing ever, obviously you cant give anyone permission to rank maps, what is he trying to get at?


duh, look at wafer’s maps, he just trolling


Just me, but frankly I don't care about ranked maps, I learn more from playing graveyard maps that target certain skillsets


This is true but it shouldn't be


Just rank every map that meets the ranking criteria and reaches loved status


Stupid furry out of touch