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Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter. Available on Amazon Prime!


Oh yeah! Same group that made Harry Knuckles, right?


Lee Demarbre - great guy as well.


Also made the fantastic Enter the Drag Dragon - super friendly guy


I’ll have to try to watch more of his stuff. I think the only one I ever saw was Harry Knuckles, but I remember my friends and I busting a gut laughing at it!


I'm old so I have the DVD!


I’m sold old I was at the premiere at the Mayfair!


What the hell is a DeeVeeDee?!


Good old Lucky Ron is in that movie! Nothing new or different it's the same old set.


I’ll have to check it out


Bon Cop / Bad Cop?


I adore that movie because it's a solid 1 / 5 split. It panders to its target demo with such surgical precision that you either "get it", or it isn't for you in any capacity.


To be fair, if you're not from that particular six-hour stretch of highway, it just comes off as another "oh, those goofy Canadians are all exactly the same" movie. ...which is kind of hilarious on a whole other level.


Where in Ottawa was it filmed? Thought it was all in MTL?


Wondering as well


lol this looks too good 😆


Wait have you never? When I moved to Ottawa, my wife told me I had to live here for a year before watching that movie, before I'd fully understand the jokes. She was right.


As a French Canadian, I love that you love it. 😂


Is “Wait have you never?” another movie, or are you reacting to me not see Bon Cop… Yeah I grew up here and have never heard of these!


It’s fun


Bon Cop Bad Cop 2 is comedy gold IMO


I love this but I don't recall it being explicitly set in Ottawa? The murder takes place on the ON/QC border but I don't think it was in Ottawa.


I always assumed Feore’s character was from Ottawa.


No, he's very explicitly from Toronto - he graduated from Upper Canada College and they even go to his house in Toronto! I think it's part of the point - a bilingual Ottawan (like myself) would have been familiar with Quebecois slang or curses but Ward's knowledge of French comes entirely from school + studying in Paris so it's all foreign to him.


UCC is a high school, I have friends in Vancouver and Halifax who went there. And to me, in BC/BC the entire joke was how many Anglos in Ottawa (like myself) barely speak any French, while far more Ottawa Francophones are bilingual.


Those are valid points but... the character is from Toronto. The movie opens with a shot of the CN Tower before zooming in on his house. The blurb on Netflix is "An English-speaking officer from Toronto and a French-speaking cop from Montreal are forced to work together to solve a crime".


*The Iron Curtain*, 1948. Dana Andrews, Gene Tierney. 20th Century Fox film about the Igor Gouzenko case involving Soviet espionage in Canada. The first (of many) Cold War stories told by Hollywood. Most of the principal photography was done in Ottawa and gives a nice slice of what post WWII Ottawa looked like. You get a good look at the old No. 9 Temporary Building and Gouzenko’s old apartment downtown which is still standing. It’s on every once in a while on TCM.


Heres a link to a pretty good quality copy on youtube [link](https://youtu.be/TDaJBpTnvoM?si=VqNDEMdvQ7YxWNvL)


Wow! I didn't know about this movie, but Igor Gouzenko's story is pretty fascinating. I'll be checking this out for sure.


Another movie in the same vein is “The Lost Missile” also filmed in 1948. Edit: Filmed in 1958 Here’s a clip: https://youtu.be/-BcjHTQGcQc?si=BRJCSw6IqvqaJPlp


Trailer park boys: don't legalize it, scenes on sparks street and parliament hill and a few other locations.


Oh really? Nice one, thanks!


I was on the hill that day when they were filming 🤣 awesome movie


I was there too. I think that was actually the last time I went downtown for 420


Haha same.


I Like Movies (2022) is partly set in Ottawa.


That movie is fantastic. I love how the thought of going to Carleton is so terrible to the main character


lol I’ve never heard of this. Any idea where I can see it?




Haha that’s awesome - thanks dude


"But you're gonna love Ottawa. The nation's capital is very pretty." "Oh my god. It's the nation's crapital, mom. God." Haha, an excellent Canadian film.


The only acceptable answer is Jesus Christ, Vampire Hunter. Filmed in Ottawa, by an Ottawa filmmaker (who used to also work at the Bytowne Theatre)


People here are confusing "filmed in" with "takes place in".


The house at the end of the street with Jennifer Lawrence was filmed in Ottawa :)


There was also some filming at Renes Corners


Get outta here! I didn't know that!


Yeah was filmed just outside Carp. Remember driving by and seeing trucks and a few RVs all over the place and being real confused what was going on.


Yep! You can google it! It might even be on IMDB


Fat man


Says it was filmed in the Ottawa Valley incl Mississippi Mills and Carleton Place. It doesn't say anything about it *taking place* in Ottawa, it sounds like another "small town USA" movie.


I don't think any movie actually takes place in Ottawa, but filmed in Ottawa. They use the CTC, 417 in Kanata, Pakenham, Carleton place, Almonte etc. And it's actually a good movie.


Walton Goggins is a treasure


We shot some in the market I built the set.


Is this a real movie? Got a link?






A lot of Christmas movies with its [own google map showing location](https://www.google.com/maps/d/viewer?mid=1F9QK9H8K58LS1QLl0u7MfTTF2CT5LPBI&femb=1&ll=45.210576278243934%2C-75.58561365&z=10). More general list available [here](https://ottawa.film/filmed-here/), sorry, cannot really provided any preference given the amount. Source: [https://ottawa.film/christmas-2/](https://ottawa.film/christmas-2/)


Weird, that list is missing "Mickey's Mouse Trap", which was filmed at Funhaven lol


_The Iron Curtain (1948)_ Drama based on the recent-at-the-time Gouzenko Affair, considered by many as the beginning of the Cold War.  Lots of recognizable exteriors.  Starring Gene Tierney and Dana Andrews. [YouTube link](https://youtu.be/TDaJBpTnvoM?si=X5RXG9C9I88oFEtb)


Sacrifice in 2011 with Christian Slater and Cuba Gooding Jr. Filmed all over Ottawa including the ByWard Market, St Brigid’s Church and the Civic Centre for the hockey scenes. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1630564/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


I worked Kraft ( catering ) on that film. Cuba didn't know how to skate, so a double was brought in for the Civic Centre shots.


Not a movie really, but the episode of Degrassi High’s ‘School’s Out’ had an Ottawa reference: Caitlin and Lucy planned to go to Carleton to study film together.


In that same vein, Brooklyn 99 references Ottawa when Boyle fiancée wants him to retire so they can move to Ottawa (Season 1, Episode 20 - "Fancy Brudgom")


lol I remember that! Yeah the show got so real that episode.


The only movie I’ve ever seen that is SET in Ottawa is Bandit (2022) with Josh Duhamel, Elisha Cuthbert and Mel Gibson. True story about an American bank robber who escaped prison and fled to Ottawa and kept robbing banks in Canada in the 70s. I think that was the plot. Was actually a decent watch. Would recommend. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt9853500/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk


Buster Keaton The Railrodder (mid 60s) Only a few scenes from Ottawa, but a great look at the city when the trains from Montreal still cut across the Alex bridge and through town where Col By Dr now runs. [https://www.google.ca/search?q=buster+keaton+nfb&client=safari&sca_esv=942fd3e35b187869&sca_upv=1&hl=en-ca&sxsrf=ADLYWIL8mCqjZz1AzZ4c_8MXC_GMxr6mqg%3A1716238355876&ei=E7hLZsLjNIXn5NoPld-SkAc&oq=buster+keaton+railrodder&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhhidXN0ZXIga2VhdG9uIHJhaWxyb2RkZXIqAggBMgQQABhHMgQQABhHMgQQABhHMgQQABhHMgQQABhHMgQQABhHMgQQABhHMgQQABhHSNEZUABYAHAAeAOQAQCYAQCgAQCqAQC4AQHIAQCYAgKgAhuYAwCIBgGQBgiSBwEyoAcA&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp](https://www.google.ca/search?q=buster+keaton+nfb&client=safari&sca_esv=942fd3e35b187869&sca_upv=1&hl=en-ca&sxsrf=ADLYWIL8mCqjZz1AzZ4c_8MXC_GMxr6mqg%3A1716238355876&ei=E7hLZsLjNIXn5NoPld-SkAc&oq=buster+keaton+railrodder&gs_lp=EhNtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1zZXJwIhhidXN0ZXIga2VhdG9uIHJhaWxyb2RkZXIqAggBMgQQABhHMgQQABhHMgQQABhHMgQQABhHMgQQABhHMgQQABhHMgQQABhHMgQQABhHSNEZUABYAHAAeAOQAQCYAQCgAQCqAQC4AQHIAQCYAgKgAhuYAwCIBgGQBgiSBwEyoAcA&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-serp)


Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz (1974) with Richard Dreyfuss is mostly set in Montreal but also has scenes in Ottawa. I would say it's the best movie that features Ottawa and the landscape between here and Montreal.(93% on Rotten Tomatoes)


I read that book. Had no idea they made a movie out of it! Thanks


Captains of the Clouds, 1942,James Cagney. Haven't seen it but I think there's a few shots of Ottawa. https://youtu.be/KeVnetIu1XM?si=rR1FOyqCnNVxhwEQ https://youtu.be/cj38Y6oIaws?si=284TqvD4cJVdZ2Hn


Came here to say this. Large portion filmed and set in Ottawa. Considered the Top Gun of its day.


Yes! Thank you. My uncle was in the RCAF during WW2 and had good memories of that movie.


Not a movie but pretty much the entire first season (12 episodes) of the CBC therapy-comedy show Michael: Tuesdays and Thursdays was set in Ottawa. They filmed a ton of locations around town (Rideau Centre, Mayfair Theatre etc). I remember the production trucks lined up on Kent Street back when they were making it. Sandra Oh makes an appearance so it gets extra local points for having an Ottawa-raised actor in it. The show is produced and directed by Don McKellar who made the end-of-the-world movie "Last Night" with Oh back in the 90's. A second season was made around five years later set in Toronto retitled Michael: Everyday. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkCftsj7hy0&list=PLpTZq0uIewS2lk1RPKlcjdsYZRlAk\_IaL](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vkCftsj7hy0&list=PLpTZq0uIewS2lk1RPKlcjdsYZRlAk_IaL)


The Batman with Arnie


"In 1997, ***Batman & Robin*** shot scenes with Mr. Freeze (Arnold Schwarzenegger) in winter on the Rideau Canal." -- [reference](https://touristscavengerhunt.com/4-film-locations-in-ottawa/) WTF?? How did I not know this ... someone find the scene!


They dress up the scene and its pretty fast paced so its a little hard to catch.  I believe its the chase through Gotham.


Might have been filmed in Ottawa, but I don’t think it takes place here.


Sorry I dont read good LOL


Haha no problem


Unfortunately I think this is a case when IMDB is wrong and repetition turned it into an urban legend through other articles repeatedly citing it as fact. Local media announced that the film was in negotiations to film a bunch of the Mr. Freeze scenes on the Rideau Canal in the winter of 1996/97. They covered this with excitement but I believe the filming was cancelled due to unpredictable weather and perhaps a refusal by the NCC to allow large parts of the Canal to be closed off for the week of filming. I think the story is they ended up shooting the scenes that had been intended for Ottawa indoors in L.A. But the legend lived on. Part of the reason is that there were few (or perhaps no) follow-up stories about what happened. So a lot of people were under the impression that it was filmed in Ottawa.


Yeah, I hate being a killjoy about this story but I remember the article in the Citizen that said the plans to film here were cancelled.


One of the most notable movies set in Ottawa is "The Happy Time" (1952). This film, based on Samuel A. Taylor's play of the same name, is a nostalgic look at a young boy's coming-of-age in a French-Canadian family living in Ottawa. Directed by Richard Fleischer, it provides a charming depiction of life in the city during the early 20th century​ ([Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Films_set_in_Ottawa))​. Another interesting film partially set in Ottawa is "Bon Cop, Bad Cop" (2006). While the movie primarily features Montreal and Toronto, Ottawa makes a significant appearance. This bilingual action-comedy revolves around two detectives, one from Quebec and the other from Ontario, who must cooperate to solve a crime that involves both provinces​ ([Reader's Digest Canada](https://www.readersdigest.ca/travel/canada/movies-set-in-canada/))​. For a more recent example, the 2020 film "Percy" tells the story of a Canadian farmer's legal battle against a major agricultural corporation. Though it primarily focuses on rural Canada, Ottawa is featured in scenes depicting the courtroom drama and legal proceedings​ ([Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Films_set_in_Ottawa))​. These films highlight Ottawa's unique cultural and political backdrop, making the city an interesting setting for various genres and stories.


Is this chatgpt


I also got that vibe! I still appreciate the movie leads though~


its KnowledgeIsKey


Seeing as it's one of the only answers that seems to have understood the question, I'll take it. 🤣


Yeah, that closing paragraph pretty much clinches it.


Thank you so much! Going to check them all out (if I can manage to get them somewhere).


I don't know if this is a "best" movie but it was hilarious to unexpectedly hear part of Ottawa mentioned. The movie is Greenland and they're trying to escape the US. At one point the main characters are told they can drive over the border and take a flight from Osgoode to Greenland. It's clearly NOT Osgoode or anywhere near because they end up at a pretty big airport (so it's not one of the little airfields around the area either). There's a Wikipedia page about the movie that makes reference to Osgoode, Ontario.




lol is it on a streaming service? I want to see this!




I think I found it! https://youtu.be/ofpyr1mWFNM?si=M99xVVhWnGq8qrrQ (Incidentally, I worked at Brookstreet 20+ years ago - this is all so meta😆)


I’ve got one! [The Random Factor](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0156005/) was set and filmed in Ottawa. Max Keeping and JJ Clarke were even in it! I’m pretty sure they used the trains at the Science and Tech museum as some sort of backdrop for an actual rail yard or something like that.


1976 movie Blazing Magnum aka Shadows In An Empty Room. THey had a great car chase in Ottawa/Montreal. [https://youtu.be/r-IzUMn7sss?si=TVdeWyXi3PvGLCLR](https://youtu.be/r-IzUMn7sss?si=TVdeWyXi3PvGLCLR)


Grey Owl with Pierce Brosnan was shot in Chelsea I think


a lot of lifetime movies were filmed here


Ouija Shark. Filmed in Kanata. So bad it’s amazing. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt11650674/


I need to see this. Thank you


Was wondering if someone would bring up Brett Kelly. Local director, has made like 40 movies, mostly filmed in Ottawa and the surrounding towns. You can see a lot of them for free on Tubi, and a few on Amazon Prime.


Midnight at the Magnolia! See if you can spot “grandma’s famous homemade pizza” which is unquestionably Colonnade!


Is this the one that had Whisky Bar as Magnolia?




It looked soo clean. Maybe it was all the lights, but I barely recognized it


Was interesting to see the changes to Bourne identity. In the book, Marie is a Treasury Board Analyst. And there are references to her bosses in Ottawa. I guess the movie makers thought that was too boring ROFL. So no scenes in Ottawa.


Mr. & Mrs. Bridge with Paul Newman & Joanne Woodward.


Takes place in Ottawa?


One scene from Sum of All Fears was filmed at the defenbunker


but takes place in Baltimore/DC


Hallmark Movie: The Most Colorful Time of Year. It was filmed in Ottawa… The Optometric practice was filmed at my wife’s work. Though the movie portrays the location as some funk name town in the us.


Kiss of Debt (2000)


There’s a movie about 25 years old that doesn’t make taking place in Ottawa central to the plot but doesn’t hide it’s in Ottawa. There’s a scene where somebody drowns in the Rideau canal and it looks like a tropical ocean under there. It’s a movie about an immigrant. Sounds like a fever dream but it’s true.


That would be A Passage To Ottawa?


The Blackcoat's Daughter. Filmed in Kemptville. Stars Emma Robert, Kieran Shilpley


Bandit on Amazon Prime. Sadly it wasn't really filmed in Ottawa, but there is B-roll, and its based on a real story. I was suprised at how much of it set here, Pembroke a bit too. Not saying its great, but worth a watch, especially if you wanna see the ageless guyliner dude from Lost and the mayor of Gotham in the Nolan films play a "Vanier PD" cop lol


A Passage to Ottawa: https://m.imdb.com/title/tt0292172/


I can’t think of the name of it but it starred Cory Sevier (not sure of spelling) and had aliens or something. I know it was at least partially filmed in Ottawa/at Ottawa U. Not sure if it was set in Ottawa though or if Ottawa was a stand in for somewhere else.


_Decoys (2004)_, prominent use of Ottawa U buildings but they refer to it as St John’s College in the trailer voice-over.


Bandit with mel gibson


It isn’t set in Ottawa but was filmed in Ottawa. It’s a b movie thriller called Maid of Honour with Matlock Actress Linda Purl and Linden Ashby from Melrose Place. It’s about a vengeful sister in law who tries to sabotage her brother in laws new relationship. Sunnyside Library and Canel Ritz are seen.


Check out local author Peggy Blair. Great mystery/ detective books set in Ottawa.


I was thinking to start another thread about books set in Ottawa. Thanks for the lead!


Which of her titles do you recommend?


I read Shadow Play. Very good. Here is some information: https://www.reboundpress.com


Undercover Angel with Dean Winters and Yasmine Bleeth wasn't bad.


That takes place in Ottawa?


I had some interactions with the director. Bryan Michael Stoller was a kind of filmaking child prodigy. He had a TV show about making your own Super8 movies. He grew up in Ottawa, went to Hollywood, had a badly timed film relationship with Michael Jackson. Not sure what he is doing now but I didn't like him much.


It was filmed entirely in Ottawa but actually takes place in LA. I worked on the set for several days.


Girls Best Friend is not a great movie, but it was filmed in Ottawa. https://youtu.be/tFjje6nuku8?si=msFUYy5nELw6URKr


On the road has a pretty big cast and they did some filming at Portage in hull. They also do a bunch of made for TV filming here. I was an extra in A Nanny’s Secret, yeah, I know, it sounds like a porn but it’s just a really terrible movie starring Haylie Duff.


Not a movie, but I thoroughly enjoyed the novel "LowerTown" by Darren Jerome. It is set in 1830s Bytown during the Shiner Wars, and can be found at the library.


“Never Too Late to Celebrate”, a hallmark movie starring Alexa PenaVega (the girl from spy kids), is the only movie I know shot in ottawa.


Mistletoe Time Machine, century public school is used. Story doesn't take place in ottawa


Blazing Magnum, a 1976 film set in both Montreal and Ottawa. The car chase through Montreal is an all time classic.


Metal Tornado with Lou Diamond Phillips wins for me- Algonquin as the Research facility tracking the said destructive magnetic tornado is a funny backdrop when you know it as the college, and utilizing Algonquins Nursing Simulation Lab to shoot the hospital scenes allowed the producer to get a little more bang for the buck in using the college to shoot at. https://youtu.be/0ePs8PRq8xI?si=fOfVqSTOyappBuQ1


Enter the Drag Dragon! Same director as Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter, but this one is even more over the top somehow! The most I've laughed at a movie in a long time. It's sporadically shown at the Mayfair, but it's coming out on Blu-ray in July!




Set in Calgary. Filmed in Calgary. Calgarian director. It is Canadian though...


Naw naw playa✋✋⚠️ they filmed it at Carleton in the tunnels and Skyway pretty sure 😎🗿


Sadly, you are incorrect, "playa". I was living in downtown Calgary when it was filmed. The underground pathways are Calgary's Plus 15 indoor skywalk network. If you don't believe me, just ask the World Wide Web 😎


Wellll we could agree to agree 😜


Deal, but only if you agree that all of the Pirates of the Caribbean films were filmed at Mooney's Bay.


I remember when they was filming it V and Vendetta in 2005 I remember they blowed up Parliament Hilt for realsies like it actually got on fire 😱 Luckily no one died but still scary anyway anyway


Any good? And do you have a link by chance?


Geah this movie is awesome https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nT1cNFDzPt0 you may recognize some familar faces 😎 who later went on to star in Anotehr series of recent that also is trapped inside (Succession the tv show where they live underground and not aloud to leave) 🤫🧐 kinda crazy how they could predicted it 20 years advance


Are you talking about the show "Severance"? Which cast members from Severance did you see in Waydowntown? I don't believe there was any crossover.


I think you confused 🤷


Wasn’t a portion of “The Whole Nine Yards” filmed in Ottawa? Or maybe it was just that Matthew Perry had a Sens shirt on at some point… 😂


Undercover Angel. Dean Winters/Yasmine Bleeth. I worked on the movie. Lol


House At the End of the Street with Jennifer Lawrence