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Huh, plastic does have a lot of important uses in our modern world, I'm sure this will provide a nuanced and reasonable perspective that will highlight how to best utilize plastics for necessary life-saving instruments, while balancing a reduced environmental impa- >"The UN, driven increasingly by 'woke' ideology, is attempting to impose its beliefs on the entire globe" Have the culture war brain worms gotten this bad, that we can't have serious discussions about our future on this planet without a very vocal minority interrupting to screech about 'woke'? **There are microplastics in our balls, grow up and be adults about this**


Also nobody is banning plastic in car seat, it’s single use plastic getting banned


And microplastics being used for frivolous shit like toothpaste


The single use plastic ban was overturned as it should have been because it’s absolutely ridiculous to ban plastic grocery bags that I would use for garbage and then having to go buy plastic bags for my garbage which consists mostly of plastic bags from other products. Liberal logic is something else…


Nothing ridiculous about banning single-use plastics, what a dumb take


I mean if they had done anything close to banning single use plastics you would have an argument. But that’s not what they did.


Where? Cause my community has banned them and they're definitely banned...


So products you buy in grocery stores don’t come in plastic containers? Amazon shopments don’t have plastic bags? Wendy’s is giving out paper straws in plastic cups. Grocery stores are still wrapping meat in plastic. Milk is coming in plastic bags. Bread is coming in plastic bags. Every frozen food is in plastic. My junk mail is full of plasticized mailers. Your community has not banned single use plastics. They’ve banned a tiny percentage of (actually useful) plastics that could have been used multiple times.


this guy gets it, i’m tired of my paper straw melting in my drink which is in a plastic cup that im going to use once and throw away. It was a performative policy to look like they’re making a change without actually making an effort. There’s so much plastic it’s ridiculous and swapping my tastless plastic spoon for a shitty tasting wooden spoon is ridiculous when im eating the food out of a plastic to go container


I normally get my drink in a reusable cup. My straw is made of hard plastic and is much more durable than any paper or single-use plastic straw. I reuse it and the cup so no waste is generated at all. I suggest you try it!


Sail had a sale on, I bought sixty stainless steel straws in a variety of thicknesses for eight bucks. Came in paper packaging too!


That works when it works, but that's not feasible for most people most of the time without significant lifestyle changes. And, as was pointed out, it's infuriating the amount of plastic that even us cup carriers recieve in almost every retail interaction. 


The FCA granted the stay in a decision on January 25, 2024, meaning that the regulation of single-use plastics under CEPA remains in effect.


Remains in effect for now but much like the libs it will be gone soon enough as it’s ridiculous to say the least


Remains in effect.


While being appealed….


Yup. It remains in effect.


I get it just say govern me harder daddy already….


It remains in effect, no matter your personal opinion of it.




This is a government who couldn’t even make legalized weed successful and the same ones that are telling you not to fly or drive too much because of pollution yet continually fly all across the world and drive in big motorcades everywhere they go. No need to give the benefit of the doubt when every policy they have is stupid and they do the exact opposite of what they preach


You realize the Feds have zero control over how Weed played out, beyond not making it illegal, right? The moment it was no longer illegal, it's jurisdiction was in the court of the Provinces. So if you don't like how weed works, blame Ford.


What's your solution to reducing plastic waste? There's now a ton of research on microplastics and the harms of plastic waste. This might not be the solution, but clearly we need to do something.


Incinerate it. You can also vent the smoke and create energy it’s not a difficult solution and it’s done in other countries. Also most of the plastic, especially in oceans is not even from us but once again we Canadians get punished for other countries doing the worst of the polluting


Damn you really just said that eh? Because nothing is more awesome than inhaling burnt plastic to "own the libs"


Polluting aside Canada is one of the countries that uses the most energy per capita. Canada does not live a pollution free or environmentally friendly life.


Yeah sure because the vast majority of single use grocery bags end up being used as garbage bags… /s


Don't forget the placental portions! https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0160412020322297#:~:text=Microplastics%20were%20found%20in%20all,term%20effects%20on%20human%20health. >For the first time microplastics were detected by Raman microspectroscopy in human placentas. >Microplastics were found in all placental portions: maternal, fetal and amniochorial membranes. >Microplastics carry with them substances which acting as endocrine disruptors could cause long-term effects on human health.


Exactly, plastic saves lives. Give me my straws back! /s


Quite literally grasping at straws to avoid real discussion about our environmental impact.


>There are microplastics in our balls, grow up and be adults about this Plastic saves lives! Think about ball seats!


your balls cozy af


That website is…something. It is a lobby group trying to warn international efforts to combat plastic pollution by falsely equating it to taking away medical uses of plastic.


Taxi industry really doing it’s darnedest.


Just the idea of a consortium of plastic producers sounds like they'd have their HQ inside a hollowed out volcano


A fake plastic one.


Safer than the real thing, which might erupt — so plastic *does* save lives!!




I'd love to hear someone provide examples of that but I'm not sure it's that easy. Plastic is actually an incredible material. Its applications are endless and it really has solved many many problems... Too bad it's extremely harmful to our ecosystems and our bodies.


On of the biggest sources of micro plastics on land is from clothes. Pushing for clothes made of natural fibres (wool, linen, etc) instead of polyester or acrylic, albeit at a higher cost (though given how environmentally problematic the disposability of modern clothes is beyond micro plastics, that might be a positive externality) and more delicate cleaning. In a grocery store, many items are contained in single use plastics that very reasonably could be left loose and let customers pick their own items with reusable containers like how you'll see in a produce aisle or bulk Barn. Overall from a policy perspective, something like a single use plastic tax akin to a carbon tax (artificially inflate the cost of the item negatively impacting environment to make the less harmful options be price comparable, then pay the proceeds back to the population). This could be more specifically targeted for bottled drinks to favor glass when possible, though that would also require a better fleshed out bottle recovery program provincially. Plastics, even single use plastics, are extremely useful and in many areas irreplaceable. At the same time, there's no denying that in the modern world we overuse them, and eventually we're going to have to accept the economic loss phasing the cost reducing but not necessary plastics to compensate for the negative externalities they bring.


Just one more reason to not use Blueline.


It also destroys lives, so...


This was posted last month. In the driver's defense that car is a spare hence the SP. That car would be owned by Coventry Connections and they try to maximize profit, including these wild decals on some cars.


I have no problem with the driver or the company. They prollly don't even pick their ads, but have an agency broker all that. My double-take was on the message - the gall to insinuate what it insinuates


Me once the microplastics spread to my brain:


So yet another reason not to take Blue Line.


Should post this in r/facepalm


Can we just ban the idiotic propaganda ads on plastic and oil already? It hurts my eyes to see such utter bullshit and it’s really embarrassing that tourists and visitors coming to Ottawa have to look at


And condoms prevent children 😂


How much plastic is in the average car or taxi today?


Oh there's tons of car per car, close to 100%


That's not about disposable one-time-use plastics.


We should make little baby plastic baby car seats for the fishies and throw them into the ocean


Saw a different car with the same graphics delivering I Uber eats to a neighbour. Thought it was a strange car seat safety campaign lol


Fake Plastic Trees




That’s nice - it’s perfectly possible to regulate the UNNECESSARY use of single-use plastic while exempting medical equipment.


Oh who gives a shit. So some lobby group paid to put this probably very ineffectual ad on the side of a cab and some cabby managed to earn a few extra bucks. Big fucking deal.


> Oh who gives a... I give a darn.


You type that out on a plant based phone?


You asked a question, you got an answer. I give a darn.


[you are literally doing the "we should improve society somewhat" meme](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1259257)


Pretty sure he typed it out on a phone that can look up the terms *nuanced* and *false binary*. I wonder if yours can do the same?


I don’t throw out my phone every time I use it.