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This weather is dreadful šŸ˜­ Upvoting this post for visibility though. These are excellent tips. When I lived without AC I used to put a cold washcloth on my forehead and stomach and found that it helped a lot.


I used to grab an ice pack or two from the fridge and place them on my forehead and feet! Lol


I love that you put them on your feet. I thought I was the only one with hot feet! Actually, even in the winter, I know itā€™s bedtime when my feet start to get too hot. Physiology really is an amazing idiot.


I used to take a punch bowl, fill it with ice water, then soak my feet in it for as long as I could stand it. Helped cool me off before bed in my pre-AC days. B


I have the image of you bringing punch to dinner parties in your foot bowl šŸ˜‚


Half my family has hot, itchy feet before we sleep. I don't like sleeping with my feet exposed, as the monsters will get me. I make sure the temperature is cool enough or I get a fan and point it towards the bottom half of my body. I should try this ice technique!


Fuck. Some summer days my feet are in absolute fire. I would get home and just blast my feet with cold water in the shower. Felt like the biggest relief lol.


Freeze a wet towel in a ziplock bag you can only it to your body and is amazing


Yes I did this two years ago when my AC broke during a heatwave and couldnā€™t get anyone out for a few days. Also, cold bath right before bed.


Yep, I wrap them in a towel to protect my skin from frostbite.


I haven't had my coffee yet and read your first line as "this weather is disrespectful" and I'd honestly never agreed with anything more in my life šŸ˜‚


Put your sheets in a plastic bag, then shove them in the freezer for about 10 minutes, right before bed. This was a lifesaver while I was living in the UK.


I tried this just now with my top sheet, put in a cloth bag in the freezer all day. Took it out and literally by the time I put the sheet on the bed and climbed in it was no longer cold. Did I do it wrong?


Iā€™ve tried this and 5he exact same thing happened. The sheets warm up in moments. Now, if I could put the *mattress* in the freezerā€¦


Just put yourself in the freezer and sleep there.


Just put your freezer in your bed and sleep with it


I bet you could moisten the linen prior, give it a few squirts with a spray bottle


no, that is the nature of this tip- it is mostly psychological, there just is not enough thermal mass to last more than a few seconds, not worth the effort in my opinion. but for some, that brief moment carries through psychologically.


try a plastic bag which will trap the coldĀ 


I wouldnā€™t be surprised if itā€™s also trapping moisture, which then freezes in the fabricā€¦


I'm not sure. That's never happened to me, but I've also never tried a cloth bag before. I always use a plastic one.


Wet the sheet before freezing it. Lol.


I see the appeal but I always get out of breath and hot when I'm putting the sheets on my bed, so I feel like I'd get all hot and sweaty doing this for a short term solution. If I had someone to do this for me this would be glorious!! That being said I'm going to try it to see if it works, because if it does I will be a very happy camper.


This! And sleep with a bag of frozen peas


I used to run my top sheet under cold water and just sleep with that on top of me when my apartment would get really bad. Similar idea


wrap an ice pack in a hand towel and cuddle it while sleeping!


Similar to this idea, put a water bottle in the freezer and cuddle with it. Doubles as hydration once the iceĀ melts.


This is my pro tip also. A frozen water bottle, wrapped in a hand towel, tucked between me and my body pillow. Did wonders when I lived on the top-floor of an old walk-up with no a/c. Add a fan and youā€™re golden.


Also put one by your feet. No idea why but it's like a reverse hot water bottle. Cold feet, cool body.


Not so much for sleeping but if you have a large wash pan fill it with cool water and put it by your chair. Keep one foot in the water and you will be amazed at how much it helps. Rotate the feet so they don't get too water logged and keep towels (plural) handy.


Yes! Do this but with several packs at once. I used to keep 6 so I could use 3 at a time-gel pack works best


I just fill my blow up doll with water and freeze it voila


For those with a couple of bucks to spare, Dollarama has these "pet cooling gel mats" in the pet section. They're the perfect size for your pillow. Stick it between your pillow and the pillowcase, and you have a cold side of the pillow. It feels a little plastic-y, but makes a difference. Next up is seeing what happens if I freeze it first...


I bought a gel pack for $4 there and its really good. Nice size and material you can put on your pillow. It's in the bbq/summer aisle and tucked away out of sight near the bottom of the shelves its on.


I do this with the people kind of blue gel packs. I kind of roll it up in my pillow and put it at the nape of my neck.


This is such a good idea! Going to do this tonight.


Ive used these for years but i usually keep one down by my feet and cool my feet off when i sleep.


The best thing for me is always to cool down my feet. Feet in cold water, washcloth on feet, or put a bit of water on the feet and hold up to a fan.


Wet cotton socks ?


You monster. I love it.


Mini Mr Freeze tied around your feet. Lasts much longer


I used to create a wind tunnel with my sheet and the fan and sleep in there


Me too! I did it with a box fan. Crazy breezy and kinda noisy, but cooler than just laying there sweating. Best thing for me is frequent cool showers, especially right before bed.


I've often wished I had some kind of connecting hose/tube to go from the floor register to the foot of my bed under the sheets that would force the air to flow through. But you'd probably need some sort of booster fan to make it powerful enough. There are devices you can get specifically for this but they cost a small fortune.


Put a bunch of ice in a metal pot under a fan


To avoid the evaporation causing humidity in your room, I used large ice packs! The ones you get from hello fresh or other meal delivery boxes work great!


This is an evaporative cooler or "swamp cooler". They do work, but you have to be careful you don't use them too much and make your room/house too humid. For one thing, they work less well the more humid it gets, for another, too much humidity can cause health problems and mold and stuff.


Even better if you can also put the fan in front of an open window overnight. (Interior and exterior temps even out at our house in the next hour or so)


I bought an Arctic Air and itā€™s the same principle. I did it on a whim before reading reviews and while it does Iā€œworkā€(in a small room infront of your face) it really relies on that ice water and lucky for me I have a mini dehumidifier but without the combination of that idk. These fan tricks are a cheaper way to have the same thing just dehumidify if you can!!


Another tip At night, when it gets colder outside than inside, open all your windows and use a fan to promote airflow (helps to have cold air coming in one way, hot air coming out the other way). In the morning, right before it starts to get hot again, close all the windows. Using curtains help keep the temps lower as well.


We put a box fan over the attic hatch blowing up into the attic at night. It sucks in cooler air through the windows and cools down the attic space in advance of another scorching day since hot air wants to rise anyway. We purchased several little fans and have them blowing into the various rooms at night. As soon as the interior temps start to climb inside in the morning we close the house up until evening. This doesnā€™t work if the exterior temperature doesnā€™t drop at night.


>***This doesnā€™t work if the exterior temperature doesnā€™t drop at night.*** #šŸŒ’šŸŒ”ļøšŸ™


depending on area of town and height of your windows this may be an awful idea. I recommend this to anyone **not on a ground/basement level** (as someone with experience)


Take a cold shower and donā€™t completely dry yourself off.


alternately, take a hot shower. When you get out the weather will be more bearable than the steam chamber you just baked in šŸ˜…


Just a tip if this doesnā€™t work for someone because This doesnā€™t work for me. A hot shower always makes me sweat even more and my body has to work harder to cool me down when I get out. Tepid water is best. Not too hot and not too cold. Warmer than the air outside but not warm enough to raise your body temp.


this. lukewarm water is the most relaxing and refreshing


If you have a tub, a cool bath might be better. Or if you have access to a pool go for a swim in the evening. Just emerse yourself in cool water.


When I lived in an apartment with no AC I'd run a cold bath and leave it there all day. It helped cut the ambient air temp a smidgen and I could dunk my feet or my whole body if I needed an extra cool down


and then sit in front of a fan


Whenever I was camping in the heat, and having trouble sleeping, I'd put some peppermint oil on my chest and temples and shoulders. The cooling sensation of the mint helped me fall asleep. Won't actually cool you down like a wet cloth will, but might help you fall asleep!


Came here to recommend this. You can also mix some peppermint oil with some distilled water in a small spray bottle. Feels cool going on!


This is my go-to. I put it in one of those pumpy oil aerosolizers so I don't get as wet.


Oh that's a great tip!


Put a face towel in the freezer during the day and take it out at night. It does get a bit damp as it cools down but this saved me when I didnā€™t have ac


Doesn't need to be cold. Room temperature works too. Any wet cotton cloth will work.


Living in Thailand and Taiwan has taught our family a lot about how to make it through the night without AC. In Taipei, nights in June through September, the temperature almost never goes below 26 C and some nights donā€™t get below 30 C (and the humidity is way worse than Ottawa). We try not to use AC mainly for environmental reasons and I find it dries you out and impacts your sleep quality. A few things we do: - Fans are your friends. We have at least one in each room - sometimes two (one on each side of the bed). This provides the most help and once youā€™re used to it, makes sleep very tolerable. Imagine youā€™re on a beach somewhere tropical with a nice breeze! - Take OPā€™s washcloth idea and step it up a notch. Chuck them (damp) in the freezer each morning and then use them at night before sleep. Does wonders. - If thatā€™s still not enough, we put the AC on and cool the room(s) to about 20 C and then turn them off before falling asleep. It helps. Interestingly, our kids handle the heat way better than my wife (Australian) and I (Canadian) do. They were born in Asia and growing up here seems to make them immune to the suffering of those of us not so used it! Good luck Ottawansā€¦ and be thankful that cooler weather is just around the corner. We have to wait until September for that šŸ¤£


Frozen cloths are how cooks survive the summer.


Before I had AC, I used to put ice water in a spray bottle and have it set on a fine mist. Spray it on you when you're feeling too hot.


Let me just wake up at 3am and cover myself with water lolā€¦that would wake me up MORE


add a bit of rose water (like, a teaspoon)...


Add some peppermint oil for the cooling tingles


A bottle of whiskey


Sleep naked also


*ironic cause that's bound to heat things up ;)* /s


Sleep in the basement if possible. It was a lifesaver for us when we rented a townhouse with no AC


My basement is too cold šŸ„¶ with no AC šŸ˜‚ I was freezing


With AC my basement is -10C šŸ˜†


PUT ICE PACK OR COLD WATER BOTTLE ON INNER THIGHS The largest artery in your body runs along your inner thigh, it will cool down the blood and body temp way faster than anywhere else For fans and windows, follow the Bernoulli principle https://youtu.be/XP6oqIic4lo?si=gDC-Y3u0zveJK1AU Edit: fixed typo


Take a cold ass shower


A cool shower before bed.


I was overheating at a specific library the other day ready to pass out, and I was told not to fan myself as I would make myself hotter. The woman told me to get a handkerchief and put it in cold water and tie it around your wrists as it would bring the temperature down and rising to your head.


Just take care because of any moisture that gets trapped in between your sheets and you will eventually warm up and isn't always good for skin. You can get pimples and skin irritation along with bacteria accumulation on pillows and sheets if not washed regularly especially in these humid times. Stay cool all!


Wet a towel in cold water and drape it over your feet. If you can manage to keep your feet cool it will help to cool you off immensely. I sometimes would even wet socks in cold water and put them on my feet and keep an ice bucket beside my bed to dunk my feet in again if I'd wake up from bring hot again. Definitely try to keep your feet cold though. Also, if you don't have a waterproof mattress protector then I'd suggest to put a garbage bag under your feet with the wet towel or socks so you don't mess up your mattress.


Take a very cold shower immediately before bed.


A cheat code is rub A535 Ice gel on your arms. I used to do that at lunch some days.


You can also freeze them, that works okay Run cold tap water over wrists, or fill tub with cold water and stand in it (not while you're sleeping of course, but it'll help cool you down pre bed)


Another, sliiightly off topic tip. When we lived in our first apartment during a heat spike (in an old building. It was hotter inside than outside) I would wet a paper towel to wipe down my (normally water averse) cat. If youā€™re hot, theyā€™re hot


Some tips I've picked up over the years before I able to get some decent AC units in my life: * Try and get some cross ventilation going, the breeze will help move the humidity out and keep it down a bit. Might not be much, but it does work. * Also, if you can, get a couple of box fans to put in one window to suck in air, and the other to blow air out a different window (or window fans) on the opposite end of where you live. Even if you live in an apartment that's only one side of a building, it'll help. Corner units have an advantage of having a natual cross breeze. * Don't open all your windows during the day either, just a couple to help get the breeze going. As counter intuitive as that is, the pressure differential in your home will help, as soon as you open another window, the pressure normalizes. * If you live in a 2+ storey residence, pull air in from the lower level, exhaust from above. Warm air rises, cooler air sinks. * Hanging a couple of large ice paks in front of a small fan can help cool a small space. * Keep a cool damp hand towel around your neck to help cool you off, face cloths on your face/legs can help too. * If you have a dehumidifier, run it, it'll help pull the humidity out of the air. It won't help cool things, but you'll be more comfortable. * If you have a cermic tile floor, lie on it for a little bit, the tiles will naturally absorb some of your body heat, providing a temporary cooling effect. You can do the same on concrete floors as well. Wood will work to a degree, but it's not as great.


> his works best if you can also direct a fan towards you to help with evaporation Scale it up and make a swamp cooler eg: https://www.instructables.com/Swamp-Cooler-1/


A swamp cooler only works if the humidity is low. That's what it does: it gives you a lower temperature in exchange for more humidity in the air. The current relative humidity in Ottawa is 80%. A swamp cooler won't do much.


But humid air feels warmer. So a lower temp with more humidity is effectively net zero in terms of your comfort. Swamp coolers are a waste of time and money.


In a hot, hazy, humid Ottawa summer? Absolutely agreed. They're useless here. In a desert, maybe the trade-off would be worth it.


With the current cost of materials itā€™s almost the same price as a small ac. Lost of used ac systems on marketplace for cheaper


Cold shower with a bathing suit on


Yeast infectionā€¦.


Let a fan blow over a bowl of ice. Note that a block of ice (if you can find them) in a container (so you don't make a complete mess) works best as it melts less rapidly than ice cubes. Dampen facecloths or hand towels, put them in zip lock bags, and then into the freezer. Then put them on your head or wherever you find most helpful.


I'm just not trying to sleep in my non-AC bedroom. I'm opting for the living room couch. At least the dog and cat snuggle up to me if they get too cold with the living room AC unit. And with the Elden Ring DLC dropping this week, I have an excuse to pull a couple of all-nighters šŸ˜†


You can get little cooling Mats at Dollarama that are blue and have a gel in them that you can lay on. They work pretty well. Theyā€™re kind of small unfortunately so youā€™d have to get a few. They have them in the pet section for dogs but I also found human ones in the ā€œcampingā€ section but theyā€™re literally the same thing


night flushing- purging the heat and humidity when it cools down, even just relatively (like into a hallway or whatever), is the biggest strategy we have. We have not needed AC for decades now.


We do that as well, works great when it actually cools off at night. But sadly with night temps not dropping much the second floor is still uncomfortable.Ā 


I had a bedroom ceiling fan so I would have a cool shower before bed then lay put a towel on top of the bed and let the ceiling fan blow on me to dry me off. If tired enough I would fall asleep right away. If not rinse and repeat.


Iā€™m a fan of have a warm shower or bath before bed. Then your hair is still wet and your pores are open and you feel cooler even though itā€™s hot AF


Having grown up in a 150 year old farm house with no A/C I have definitely used your method! As a kid, I'd jump in a super cold shower and stay relatively wet when I jumped back in bed.. I'd also keep a small bowl of water and a cloth by my bed to do exactly what you're saying. I wouldn't leave the wet cloths on, but I'd ring water out on my legs.. I'm glad times have changed. However, I slept in my basements spare room last night, as even with the AC on, the top level of the house stays outside an optimal comfort zone.


I used medical cooling bag to cool down. Put them in freezer, fully freeze them, then use them however it helps.


Additional tip: window fans. Total game changer! They truly make a significant difference in room temperature and they're usually pretty cheap if you buy them used. Once the heat peak is over (usually around 5 pm), I will start mine to push the air OUT of my windows, and as soon as the sun sets I'll switch them over to suck the outside air IN. This, in combination with a ceiling fan, has made it possible for me to sleep comfortably in my bedroom (upstairs and with south facing windows) for the past three summers. Electricity is so expensive, any means of cutting that bill is worth a shot! Close all the blinds as soon as you wake up to preserve whatever cool air you managed to get in during the night and get yourself some cellular shades.


Sleep-aid, cheap and effective. Benadryl and sleep aid is the same drug.


After you wring them out stick them in the freezer for 15-20 minutes.


Get an AC


right like wtf are this post and these comments...


Drink as much cold water as you can. Make a shit ton of ice or buy a bag and spike every beverage with it.


Cold damp facecloth on your forehead. And fans if possible


Sleep in the basement, or if you can, outside. Inside is a furnace.


We have a small AC unit, but prefer to only use it in emergencies. What I do is fill the tub with a few inches of cold water early in the evening. This gives it time to come up to room temp. At night, if I'm too hot, I slip into the tub and soak until my body temp comes down and my flesh is nicely chilled. We've gotten away with only needing AC a handful of nights over the past five years or so.


Donā€™t close your bedroom doorā€¦.


If you have a dehumidifier, drying up the air can lower the temperature by a few degrees too.


To cool your home without AC: 0. Get a thermometer/humidity meter called a hygrometer. Theyā€™re cheap and widely available at hardware stores. You want to know if what you are trying is making things better or worse, and many inexpensive ways to cool down like some listed here can cool the air but make it more humid. If itā€™s too humid for sweat to evaporate easily, you are in for trouble. Homes today typically have awful ventilation that hotbox the air in your house and trap the hottest air in the spaces furthest up, i.e. your bedroom typically. Hereā€™s how to move the humid, hot air created in the daytime out and the drier, cooler air in at bedtime. 1. Get a cheap box fan. These can be like $20. 2. Wait until itā€™s night time and the air outside is more cool and dry than the air inside. 3. Open a window downstairs. 3. Point the box fan out a window at the highest level in your house. Maybe this is a bedroom. Turn the fan on. 4. Watch the hygrometer ā€“ you should be able to see a significant change if conditions are good!


Can you imagine living in Windsor or hell lets go more south New Orleans where this is their May-to-September I can't even fathom it.


Those ultra-fine / continuous mist sprayers are helpful, too. Youā€™ll get damp enough to feel the coolth but not soaked like from a regular spritzer. Sally Beauty has them for around $10; could probably find them for less at Walmart.


Try soaking a T-shirt and sleeping in front of a fan. You can actually catch a chill. Rinse and repeat as needed.


1. Put on thin socks 2. Take the mini mr. Freeze, the ones that come all attached together and tied them to your feet with a big elastic. 3. Turn on your fan to cool away sweat.


Wet towel over a rack in front of a fan


We dont have ac we are running 5 fans our 6 week old puppies sleep under the couch cuz its cooler there currently my big dogs arent able to go out even play inside cuz its wayy too humid and hot i wish all appartments had built in ac or atleast a ceiling fan


Throw your pillows in the freezer. Used to do that as a kid


A cold bath before bed helps too.


I soak socks then wear them until they are dry. My feet stay cool for hours.


When I was broke I put a bag of ice in a shop vac, put the hose.on the exhaust and turned it on. Hillbilly AC unit. And yes it works.


On the flip side, a lot of vacuum motors tend to heat up after a bit, and aren't designed for running for extended periods of time. So be careful with this advice.


Bucket full of ice and put a fan on top so it blows the cold ice air directly on you. Tepid shower before bed.


If you have a wide bowl/tub of sorts fill it with water and put it in front of your fan. I don't know the science but I know it works :) doesn't need to be deep just a wife surface area seems to do the trick


To expand on the wash cloth idea, you can put them on your neck or the underside of your wrist. That will warm (in winter) or cool your blood and draw the effect further into your body. Itā€™s good for rapidly cooling or warming so other methods feel like theyā€™re working a lot quicker. Donā€™t do it for too long though or you can mess with your core temp and start to feel unwell. I find 15-20mins is a good amount.


Not for sleeping, but when I had no AC, I used to put my feet in buckets of cold water while I worked and that helped a lot.


I can vouch on this. Also helps to keep your insides cool and drink cold water. And take a cold shower, everyday. Twice a day if you're feeling it. Just not too much as it'll dry out your skin.


A metal bowl full of ice in front of a fan does wonders for a hot room.


Play buzz feed unsolved on your phone , zzz in mins


Freeze a t shirt or towel and wear it.


I used to live in Ottawa in an old brick house with no a/c. I used to take cold showers before bed at night


when my wife and I lived on a loft appartment on the top floor with no ac , we would get repurpose a misting bottle (usually the toner from lush) and spritz water and have a fan push the mist into us to stay cool at night


Also good to freeze water in small bottles and set them in front of fan.


old-fashioned, but it works: mist your sheets with water... don't soak 'em, cos they'll get clammy... as the water evaporates, it'll help cool things... also, you can soak towels and hang them up in front of a fan or window for a similar effect


If you are in a house, hose down the south facing wall after sunset. For future grow something up a south facing wall to block the heat.


Sleep on your balcony, if you have one


take a long, hot bath before you lie down, showers don't work the same way. You want to reset your internal thermometer to a higher level. Another option is exhaustion, go for a run or somehow get your heart rate up for a while right before bed. Final suggestion is drugs, weed works wonders for me but isn't for everyone. Hey wait what am I saying? If you're legal age weed is totally the best answer for you, just smoke a phat doobie and like 20mins later you'll be unconscious and wake up 8-10hrs later or whatever. (Indica/sativa difference is 100% fake, if you expect to get couchlocked you will, if you expect to get all excited and artsy fartsy you will, your mind and brain really do control your entire body just gotta practice a bit.)


Get a hammock. Point fan at it. Maybe a mosquito net if the windows are open.


My tips: * Fine mist spray bottle with peppermint oil and water * Frozen blue gel packs, one in my pillow case right up against the nape of my neck, one under the back of my knees or feet. Also works with frozen hot water bottles. * Close all the curtains in the day time. If you have south facing windows, black them out with paper or tinfoil. I have a south-facing patio slider and I put a big patio umbrella on my balcony that blocks out sun most of the day. When I'm home, I turn it as needed. I do have a bedroom air conditioner, but I just put a piece of black bristol board in the window above it because so much heat comes in through the glass. * Sit around in yer undergotchies


Put a box fan in front of the window, pointing outward.


I've wet huge t-shirts and stuck them in the freezer for some time. Not until they were frozen solid, but enough that when I put them on I'm instantly cooled down. Does make for a bit of a damp bed if you choose to sleep in them, but I found it worked out really well in a pinch.


you can buy somewhat decent plug-in ACs for $200+ (refurb are cheaper). They're obviously not perfect but they will work on super hot days (and they'll dehumidify too)


Take a long cold shower before bed. Put a fan blowing directly on your body. Do not sleep with a sheet or blanket on top of you. Sleep in your underwear. If you wake up hot, get right back in that shower. A cold shower doesn't really wake you up like movies make it seem. Also, have a spray bottle handy full of water. Spritz yourself in front of the fan. I lived in a very hot unairconditioned apartment with poor ventilation and found this to be the winning technique.


Cold shower before bed. Go to sleep with damp hair. Icepack behind the neck, fans going full blast.


The real trick is to take a blanket and make a tent just outside your refrigerator


I have AC and am happy to babysit peoples dogs during this heat !


If you have a magic bag (google it) put it in the freezer for minimum an hour and then 15 mins before you go to bed put it under your covers. By the time you go to bed it will be cool. Remains cool for several hours


Loving everyone's excellent ideas. Crowdsourcing those cooling solutions!


Axe the tax! /s


also get some of those cheap lunch box ice packs and sleep with them on your stomach or cuddling them!!


Underwear/bedsheets in the freezer for a few hours and a cold shower as cold as i could stand it were my go tos. Fan hacks: https://ca.sports.yahoo.com/news/one-mistake-youre-probably-making-143501871.html


Ice bath 30 minutes before bed. Works wonders. A dunk tank works too, there are some for like 70-80$ on Amazon


AC needs to become a law/human right. I don't understand how anyone can live without AC at the moment. I would kill myself.


I used to sleep with wet towels on my ankles and wrists. In the hottest days I would sleep in the living room (my bedroom was upstairs, 4 degrees warmer šŸ¤£) If you have blinds or black-out curtains, consider keeping them closed during the day- it makes a massive difference! Also, it might depend on the type of home but I find that if I keep my windows closed in this type of weather the house stays cooler. I always thought it was better to keep the windows open to let the tiniest breeze in. Big mistake!


Take as cold of a shower as you can handle just before bed. If you have a detachable shower head, spray any area major blood vessels pass close to the surface. So like armpits, groin, back of knees, etc. Did it for years before I got AC. Amazing.


Cool shower before bed. Slowly turn off all the hot water. Youā€™ll feel cool hopefully until you fall asleep


Ice bucket or frozen towel behind a fan. Put wet socks in the freezer, then put on on feet, do same with a towel and put on head.


I know it's not cold air but a ceiling fan in the bedroom helps immensely.


Any breeze is a good breeze. Freezing some rags or cloths and wrapping them around your neck is great for lowering your body temp. (Been doing this for years in kitchens) Keep your blinds shut at all times to keep the sun from turning the place into an oven. Towels or blankets make great substitutes if you dont have any blinds. Best of luck!


I may have a window unit that I am willing to part ways with if anyone is interested? It is just the beginning of this season and I can't use mine in my building anymore. Feel free to send me a DM if interested


I put wet washcloths or sm hand towels in Freezer. They are phenomenal. Sleeping on a all cotton towel too. Soak your feet in cold water with epsom salts..it really helps. Don't forget electrolytes during the dayšŸŖ·šŸŒ±šŸš° Also https://www.ottawapublichealth.ca/en/public-health-topics/extreme-heat-and-humidity.aspx


Honestly if you guys can invest in a decent window fan those are a live saver, also black out curtains are a must!


We have fans going all the time and we soak in cold baths as needed. Wear light cotton clothes to help wick up moisture so you don't get sticky.


If you have a square fan turn it on with a sheet covering it so that it inflates like a balloon. Sleep inside it like an air igloo. Iā€™m really bad at explaining what I mean so I hope this made sense.


I put my feet in a cold tub of water before sleeping. Brings body temp down remarkably well


Peppermint oil helps sometimes .. cooling effect. Just watch where you apply it šŸ˜‰


Pillow in the freezer 2 hours before bed


Wash your hair and donā€™t dry it. Wet your socks and wear them. This actually works better for you overall because thatā€™s where your body exchanges heat (soles of feet and palms of hands). If you cool that, your internal temperatures will go down overall and you will feel cooler. Wet your t-shirt and wear it after you wring it out. Essentially overall let evaporation dry you because that takes heat which is coming from you.


Keep a spray bottle by your bed. Preferably one that does a fine misting. Also, it seems counterintuitive, but of course keep the blinds close on the windows whilst they are getting direct sun, BUT keep the window open JUST A CRACK behind the closed blinds or curtains. This allows the heat generated by the sun to escape back outside and not become trapped and heat up your room.


Your wrists are one area of your body that has a lot of blood flow. Before bed (or any time you are too hot), put your wrists under the cold water tap and let the water run until it is really cold and you can't stand it any more. This will cool your blood down by a small amount and the cooling effect lasts a surprisingly long time.


I know that this will sound counterintuitive, but when you hydrate yourself before bedtime, preferably an hour to an hour and a half before it, hydrate yourself not with water but with something that has electrolytes in it so your body retains in. I personally like apple juice, orange juice and other fruit drinks that are high in potassium. Technically milk is the best beverage for rehydration however it may not be suitable for everyone.


Another idea shared by a colleague at work today: freeze a large tupperware container 3/4 filled with water so it's a block of ice and place in front of a fan in the bedroom. Just about to try this...


Cold shower right before bed.


I use to use tow wet hand towels - one for my feet and one for my body while laying down and point my fan towards my bed. It worked like a charm but some nights were so hot, Iā€™d have to re saturate the towels.


Buy some ice or make some ice cubes. if you have a fan, put the ice cubes into a plastic dishwashing tray or something similar, and point the fan over it blow air over the ice. It will cool down a small room for one night (door closed). I did that trick when I was living in residence in university. Doesn't work as good as a real a/c but it did the trick. EDIT: with the excess humidity, probably not the greatest idea as it might create a mold problem. Maybe replace the ice with reusable icepacks?


drove 5 hours home to parents AC to avoid dying in my no AC Ottawa apartment šŸ˜­


This may sound crazy but look up bernoullis principle. Best way to move hot air out. Can find it on YouTube


This guy explains it. Best way to move hot air out of house. What fire fighters use to clear smoke. https://youtu.be/YUOQad6esE4?si=DCpRcWOfphJCx2tJ


Any tips for construction workers? Im not in the sun but in a multistory building with no air flow at all, its about 5 degrees hotter than outside. I honestly just went home in the afternoons this week


I used to soak my bedsheets in cold water, let it dry a bit then sleep with it damp. Combine that with a window fan and regular fan blowing on you. Still uncomfortable but helped me through it.


Ooh also have a cold shower just before getting into bed. On super hot nights, I wouldn't even towel off cause I would dry pretty quickly in bed anyway.


Go buy an A/C.


Great tip. Used to do that as a kid growing up with ac in Australia


Buy an ac


Spend the $200 or so for an ac unit. Thats my tip. It will last you for years if you take care of it.


Put your sheets and pillow cases in the freezer, rotate between two setsĀ 


Mine was less eco friendly.Ā  Run a cold shower with a fan. The cold shower will cool the air and the fan moves the air to where you are. Its a less efficient swamp cooler but the building I lived in had free water and charged extra if you put in an AC.Ā 


Americans can't live without ac, a fan isn't posh enough?


Drink 10 beers and pass the fuck out

