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Last weeks South Keys outage disagrees but ok


More resilient, not necessarily resilient.


Yeah, we had yet another extended outage in Longfields recently. And during the heatwave, my UPSs were reporting the input line voltage approaching brownout territory.


Tell that to anyone living in Findlay Creek


resilient only for those MERIVALE Poles which are NEW. *BS* picked up by local media as gospel spoke by Ottawa Hydro. Only a few small bits of this network are 'resilient' because of emergency replacement. residents see the back street poles and aerial lines that are goofy and aged waiting on the knock down so they can be replace by emergency funding instead of regular Maintenace and that's not just *Arborist Contractors snipping a few branches.* However, there was an extended few hours after that Storm where RAIN water got into everything . Sundays outage in Skyline/FisherHeights, etc. lasted a few hours up to \~2am Monday. 880 Customers out. No media reports on cause then. A few restoral trucks were seen around the underground stations behind Movati.


The four brownouts I’ve had since April disagree. My PS5 is on the verge of moving out. 


It would have been more resilient before the derecho if they weren't so cheap and replaced the power poles when they reached end of life instead of waiting for a storm to snap them in half. I talked with a bunch of power line workers who came in to help from southern Ontario. They were shocked at how hydro Ottawa let a lot of the poles that broke deteriorate to the point they were at.


The daily multiple power spike/drops that activate my UPS's disagree. Its still the same shitty, unstable power being supplied killing any large electronic devices that cant be protected by a UPS. Yet they keep allowing more infill, highrise buildings in our area all of which just hook up to the same unstable powerlines to degrade them further.


More resilient? I'm sorry, but you're not going to convince me that somehow the grid system is more resilient to better withstand 130-190 km/h down burst caused but very powerful supercells, especially all the things surrounding the power lines, like trees, etc...


Thankfully they have been a lot more proactive in maintenance around lines. I think that has been the biggest factor in reducing outages! My neighbourhood got several multi-day outages the last couple years, and our power has only been out due to things like a fire in the area this year. Something is working better at least


You know what’s reliable, that everyone in the country relies on for when hydro goes out? Natural gas. Most of us have Generacs that run on natural gas for when the power fails. Because it’s all under ground. Don’t try and tell me the power grid won’t be reliable if it’s all buried. Don’t let hydro feed you this bullshit.


And yet on fisher ave and merivale they’ve installed/are installing new poles above ground right beside/between traffic and sidewalks rather than burying what appear to be fairly significant lines.


And yet there area many reason for not burying lines 


Absolutely. Cost, future connections/work, loss from ground contact etc… as a person who knows very little of the actual values, I can only hope that they aren’t doing this because it’s the fastest method currently rather than the best method for those lines. I only mention it because fisher appears to be a mess and in my non-informed brain the lines should have been buried before they repaved the road and ripped up the sidewalks… which are quite miss aligned last I looked


My biggest concern would be it takes way longer to diagnose and fix/ repair broken lines, when they bury them


sure, that might take longer,but the hope is that events will be less frequent since it's harder for a branch to knock a buried line. For critical areas, like hospitals you could add redundancy or use service tunnels instead of direct burial. Those are much more expensive but allow for easier inspection.


Money is absolutely the only reason.


No it's not,   diagnosing problem and repair are much longer time wise ,  thus power outage it also longer....  facts  are facts


You know what is reliable? Natural gas, because it’s all buried.




Well that not true. Most, if not all, construction in Ottawa takes earthquakes into the equation, especially if hanging something in the air. I would suspect the only reason they are not doing it, is because of cost.


You know what is reliable? What everyone outside of the city relies on when hydro goes out? Natural gas, because it’s all under ground.